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Being pushed down whilst trying to project

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posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:15 PM
I've been trying for a while to astral project. After a few months, I thought I had managed it, last night. However, as I felt myself floating skywards, I felt a sharp pressure come crashing down on my head, like a hand pushing my spirit back into my body.

Does anybody know what could be happening?

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by smits017

Maybe you are not ready and that was your guardian angel stopping you.

If you are not fully armed there is much danger in astral projection.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:20 PM
I don't think its anything pushing you down, .... it's just You, trying to disconnect.

Most people tend to get stuck at points.... like chest and neck especialy, everyone explains it differently, if its in your neck you might feel like someones choking you, if its your chest you might feel like your having a heart attack.

don't panic, ... just give in to it. as scary as it may seem.

Most spirits will not try to push you back, ... they can't contain you, .... if anything they would try to pull you out.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:21 PM
Thanks for the advice, those of you who have posted.

So you think the trouble in projecting is down to me getting stuck somehow?

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by smits017

that would be my guess, .. ive been having obe's about ten years, .... and I still get stuck on my upperchest/neck area. I just think it's the last area to disconnect. it is a strange sensation to have parts of your body inbetween states, .... usually very unpleasant.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:28 PM
Yeah Ive experienced it many times before even before I knew about astral projection. Even though its scary as hell theres nothing that can go wrong. like the other poster said just relax and let go. After the scariness comes the fun part.

Unfortunately I cant seem to initiate it on my own, It just happens randomly, if anybody can give some advice on how to inititiate it out of your own accord, some advice would really be appreiciated.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:28 PM
I had what I thought was a dream in the late 70's and I was wandering around my house - I saw the clock and it was 2:30AM, I could see things with sparkling clarity and started to look at the newspaper on the diningroom table.. It was so clear and I could read the text easily even though I need glasses to read, but I didn't have them on then, that's when I started to become aware tthat I shouldn't be there because I knew I was dreaming it or so I thought, at that point I panicked and felt a super fear plus adrenaline rush, then just before floating fast becak to my room I thought I heard someone trying to say don't be afraid, but that made me even more afraid and I returned to my body quickly then sat bolt upright after that.. After waking up I saw it was 2:37AM on my alarm clock, then went downstairs and saw the same newspaper on the table exactly as I saw it when I was in that dream, or projection...
This bothered me for a long time and for a year or so in any dream that would wake up in and feel it was the astral type situation, I would have that same super fear with adrenaline and wake up before it could progress.. I have also woke up and had something hold me down so I couldn't go anywhere and with a lot of effort, could wake up from it...
It hasn't happened for 20 years or so now...
I think to astral project is wrong for me and am glad it stopped..
Maybe someone feels this is also "wrong" for you too

I have never told anyone about this until now..

Glad you posted this


posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by antideceit

Please dont give up, I was in your very situation. At some stage i was afraid to fall asleep and actually slept with a bible

But after reading a book by Lobsang Rampa in which he states that there is nothing to fear but fear itself, it happened that very same night, same pressure same intense fear, I relaxed and tried to stay calm and was suddenly thrust out of my body. Once you are out it is a really awesome experience. Just a note, whenever you get too afraid or too excited you are immediately sucked back into your body. This usually happens on the first time since it is really exciting.

A few other myths about astral projection is that while you are out of you r body somebody can posses it. BS totally wrong.
Also the silver strand that connect ur body to your soul cant be broken.

So please dont give up, you will be missing out on some amazing experiences. And remember there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by antideceit

Had you tried to project before that happened?

I agree that it can be wrong for some people.

I would strongly advise against astral projection and the use of ouija boards.

I think that both things invite overpowering evil.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by learningtofly
reply to post by antideceit

Had you tried to project before that happened?

I agree that it can be wrong for some people.

I would strongly advise against astral projection and the use of ouija boards.

I think that both things invite overpowering evil.

I had tried to project myself before this, but this is the closest I had got. I know I can do it, I just can't push past that last barrier. I feel myself come free, and then an invisible force pushes me in before I notice any change.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:49 PM
I now think astral projection is wrong too.

I've had it happen naturally and there was no fear involved.
I see it was a blessing to get just a taste of what is to come.
But I sense that purposefully trying to astrally project is kind of like theft.
I think it's stealing something that is meant for people who overcome death.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by demoncleaner

I can't seem to do it any more, but before when it "tried" to happen a lot I would become aware very fast that it wasn't a dream and then get that instant adrenaline,heart rate increase until it became almost painful, I always feel that same tired asleep feeling, so doing anything takes a lot of effort. I have tried to relax and lose the fear factor, but it doesn't matter, heart rate goes through the roof and must force myself to wake up to escape the whole situation.

edit: I never tried to do it before that, and never actually tried to do it at all, just happened. And once aware when the process started I always felt I was being observed, and so I didn't want to do it because of that.'
I could even sense that it was disappointing to the observers, at least that was a feeling I would get.. pretty strange!

[edit on 5-2-2010 by antideceit]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:03 AM
Right, I'm gonna try to do it a night when I am feeling relaxed, and i'll let you guys know how it goes. Thanks for the support!

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:22 AM
Try going down not up.

Or try just standing up and walking out of your body.

Better yet dont "try" at all. If you reach deep meditation you will float off elsewhere anyway once your experienced at that youll learn to control the destination to some extent.

If your trying your ego isnt clear.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 05:45 AM
ive never heard about astral projection how is it done??

I would strongly advise against astral projection and the use of ouija boards.

I think that both things invite overpowering evil.

can you explain why you say this, im not lookin for a fight lol just curious

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 06:45 AM
Right, I went to bed last night, and lay there trying to get to sleep. I finally felt like I was about to go, and then I heard this kind of buzzing/humming noise, it's hard to describe.

I lifted my head up, and my actions felt slow, as if I were travelling through water. This time, I wasn't pushed back down again!

I turned, and the mere shock of seeing my head sent me skyrocketing back into my body again. So, yeah, it kinda worked.

Any tips on prolonging astral projections in the future?

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 06:52 AM
You just really have to let go. Its hard to explain. The more you try to force it the harder it will be for you to maintain. When it happens go with it and dont be dissapointed if it doesnt last long while your starting to learn.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by smits017

One of my uncles used to astral project all the time. He told me that he could do it quite easily and my aunt once told me one night that she went to cuddle into him while he was meditating and she felt a terrible sense of nausea and then an instant sensation falling through the bed, through the very floor when she did so.

She was adamant that the sensation had been real and very disorientating but the weirdest thing is my uncle used to just laugh like a loon and bounce off the walls when he left this body. He told me that he had never been interested in learning anything and just wanted to have a laugh and bounce around like a ball for sheer entertainment (his words).

However one night he left his body and was suddenly forced violently back into his body. He said the feeling was that he was being reprimanded by a vastly intelligent, annoyed and yet an utterly dispassionate force that he could not see but rather sense and since that night he was never able to astral project again. It was as if the “right” to project had been taken from him for his lack of respect for the astral world.

He said that when it happened that his entertainment ceased instantly and he had felt a horrible and weighty sense of fear, terror, and utter intimidation like a fear paralysed mouse under the gaze of a very irritated cat.

Several years later his only son died a tragic death and the trauma of the loss made my uncle so ill with chronic fatigue syndrome he was bedridden for so many years he developed serious heart problems and these days he is very close to death. He believes this was all because of his “astral fun and games” and that his life since has been punishment for his transgressions.

I do not know about that and I would hope such a thing is not possible but my uncle is absolutely certain something ripped a hole through his life that night and he has been destroyed by attracting very negative energies.

For my part I believe I could project if I wished but I am more concerned with a different type of deep meditation that does not involve projection so I do not try though I do intend to at some point

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:56 PM
Your bodies baseline failsafes activated itself due to you not exiting evenly.

I live on a 3rd Floor and everytime I project I go through my floor and land upright in my building's entrance hall and go right through the door there.

It sounds like you are experiencing from a type of anxiety or panic. Try controlling your breathing and let nothing frighten, scare you or divert your attention away from the task at hand. The first couple of times it will freak you out but trust that with time it will become normal.

Usually if something startles the body like a sudden noise, something falling on or near the person, if the person is touched mid projection, even in cases where the air and smells aound the person changes will force the person to stop the projection cold and force the person to awaken.

If you are a novice or newbie to this lovely art please I must implore that you project only with and experienced projector who knows what to monitor and knows how to bring you back.

When someone astral projects they must return within a minimum of 3 hours out as at hour 4 - 5 the begining stages of rigor mortis begins. Once rigor starts it may not be reversable and is only stoppable. Atrophy is another worry as your body must have some sort of liquid running inside of it to enable it to maintain it's figure and shape as when you project out you flatten a little bit. If you flatten when you project then it's mandatory to return to your body for a period of 15 minutes just to jump start anything down and to enable and fluids inside the body to move around freely as if they stop somewhere and aren't allowed to get to where they need to they will begin to breakdown. this is for vitamins, nutrients and all medicinals need it be scrip or otc. Those that don't lay in one spot when they sleep have a less risk of developing atrophy while they sleep.

Atrophy is where you limb becomes "one with" or is stuck to the item it is resting on. Yes, one does run the risk of rigor motris due to inactivity the body will begin to decompose internally by hour 6 of inactivity. Rigor mortis is the irreversable stifining of joints which means your body is being "killed while it's alive" a kin to being boiled while alive as the body needs liquids running through it's veins so that it remains liquified as remember the human body is in fact 72% water and the rest are solids and other liquids. This balance must be maintained. The body responds to drying out the same way a car does, forget to put oil in your car and it won't run as everything would rust up. rigor is the people version of rusting.

Stage out slowly, 50 feet from body to say 100 feet from body to 500 feet to body then slowly out further. So that you can get used to the incremental change in both distance and time. Leave a tv or radio on in your room while you sleep. Use that signal to lock in on so that is then decleared as "Home Base" and you can setup all of your protocols to recognize that as home and making it send you there is a problem were to arise.

Exit and rentre slowly as this will make sre you don't drown on your own saliva or mucus or have a sudden shock to your system which in worst cases may result in either some permanent injury to the neurological aspect of the body or even death.

Project safely and happy travels my friend. I hope to see you soon.

[edit on 5-2-2010 by TheImmaculateD1]

[edit on 5-2-2010 by TheImmaculateD1]


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