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Its wrong to tell a Police Officer that your tax dollars pay their salary!

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posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 01:22 AM
technically, when you tell a cop that your tax dollars pay his salary, its a fallacy; your statement is incorrect! His salary is technically paid using fiat money that is printed by the Federal Reserve, created out of thin air.

what then do your taxes pay, you ask?

Your tax money is used to pay off the interest for the money that the Federal Reserve printed, in addition to paying back the loan! Yes, the money that they print is LOANED to the US Government! Incidently, President John F Kennedy attempted to do away with this system and started making the US government print money by executive order, thus bypassing the FED, which is ultimately why the Federal Reserve bankers had him killed!

By printing more fiat money, the market is inflated with more money, which means that a single dollar that happens to be held in the hands of a common consumer becomes less rare, and therefore worth less. The consumer may not see that suddenly everyone else happens to have more of these dollars, everyone except him/her, especially those that are getting it right from the government (which is getting it loaned directly from the FED) and those other groups that receive loans from the FED (new zealand? per bernanke).
What the consumer does eventually see are the prices of goods and services increasing. The government ofcourse calls THIS inflation, the inflation of prices, as if its a natural process that the government is not responsible for having created. But, prices do not rise on their own. Vendors raise the prices on the goods and services that they sell because they see that suddenly these people that receive money from the FED seem to have more money and therefore are willing to pay more to fight over the goods and services that they provide. And, thus the prices in an economy gradually raise in a trickle down fashion. (hey Reaganomics was partially correct afterall lol. Well, the 'trickle down' part anyway)

But, what inflation truly is is a hidden tax. Its almost a hidden magical tax (perhaps more of a magicians disappearing trick), because the consumer sees the dollar in his hand and doesnt realize that not only is it worth less than it was worth yesterday (or whenever it was that the FED last created a whole lot of money out of thin air), but that the value that it decreased was the exact value that was gained by the Federal Reserve bankers from this process. So, not only does the consumer pay income tax, sales tax and property tax to the Federal Reserve bankers, he/she also pays this hidden magical tax as well, the amount of which now adays turns out to be more than the other taxes all put together, in the case of most people.

And, this means that, even though the cops salary may be paid today in fiat cash, the money isn't actually paid for until the loan for it is paid back to the Federal Reserve bankers, by the tax payers, with interest, which may be perhaps 40 years later, and at an amount that is an order of magnitude greater than the cops original salary. Its impossible to accurately calculate this value due to the non-transparency of the Federal Reserve system. No one even knows how much interest they charge at any given time, nor their pay schedule, nor where the money goes that they loan and to what institutions! All we do know is that the IRS is their personal collection agency and the CIA/ATF/FBI is their personal army.

So, remember, kids, that it will be more accurate to tell the kindly cop that may happen to be harassing you that it is your grandchilds tax dollars that will have paid his current salary!

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 01:33 AM
so where does the money come from to pay cops?

Why does every increase in the local first-responders on my city get justified by a tax increase?

Here's how you test this. Stop paying your local taxes (and don't buy anything locally which might contribute sales tax) and convince your neighbors to do the same.

Do this for a few years and then call 911.

let us know what happens

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by stoneysauce

What a clever title to get people to enter this thread and read the important message you offer. I surely like the way you think. Job well done! Now, let's hope your clever title attracts enough attention to get the message out and discussed. It is also, irrelevant that tax dollars, fiat or otherwise, pay a police officer's salary. A police officer is a law enforcement officer outside of the duly elected Sheriff's department and a part of an administrative agency that does not hold nearly as much jurisdiction as does the Sheriff. Rather than rant about tax dollars to a rouge police officer who is most likely acting without proper jurisdiction, and as such acting under color of law and merely impersonating a police officer, simulating legal process, it would be more prudent to simply, and respectfully, challenge the jurisdiction.

Of course, that will bring with it, its own problems, and the fool for a police officer may be under the impression that he or she has the authority to bully you when you challenge their jurisdiction, but if you stand your ground, and demand the Sheriff be called in, all the while respectfully demanding that officer prove on record they have the jurisdiction to abrogate and derogate your rights, that officer will loose. Unless the thug kills you, but why would any free person cower from such a thug?

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by stoneysauce

You are EXACTLY correct as to why we pay taxes...

it is to pay the interest down on the dollars that the FED loans the US treasury

the IRS is the private "police" force that the FED uses to make sure you are giving your perceived wealth to the FED

and to Kennedy...the order was Executive Order 11110...which is still in place

just never enacted into a law...but still in place

I believe Reagan put forth some kind of amendment to E.O. 11110, but did not invalidate it

maybe some of the more legalese savvy of us can figure out where we actually stand on this E.O., and the FED

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by daddymax

When asking what We the People can do to reign in these thugs, such as the FED, you are closer to the point when you address the thuggery of the I.R.S.

In understanding legalese, it would be best to understand the Internal Revenue Code and know that this code has a very specific definition for "taxpayer", which is not at all like the common usage of the word and how it is defined in dictionaries. In the I.R.C. "taxpayer" is defined as one who is subject to the income tax laws, and/or liable for a tax.

Are you one who has been made liable for a tax under the I.R.C.? Are you? Have you read Title 26 of that Code? As tautological as that Code can be, it is really pretty simple in its language, and what is really simple to understand about it, is that no one understands it! To prove this, I urge you to check out a thread in this site called: "Ask a Tax Lawyer about the Tax Law" and see for yourself, just how much that lawyer actually understands about the tax law.


While the O.P. is not by any stretch of the imagination an idiot, and is a very intelligent and even likable fellow, read his own answers to the questions asked of him and see for yourself if he actually understands the law. It should be clear that while he believes he does, he can only become evasive and defensive when confronted with pertinent answers about Title 26 of the I.R.C. If a very intelligent lawyer who clearly speaks legalese can not understand the nature of the Code, then why should any of us be expected to understand it?

If people of average intelligence, who have done their due diligence in reading the law and done what they can to understand it, but can't, how can they be held liable for this law? It doesn't take an ability to understand legalese in order to understand that if a law can't be understood by a person of average intelligence or better, who has done all due diligence in understanding that law, then they can not be held liable for that law.

It is not in understanding this, that we will fix the problem, it is in mustering up the courage to act upon this understanding and readily accept the risk and threats by thugs in order to defeat them. When We the People finally begin to refuse to pay taxes that we can't possibly be liable for, then those thugs will have to listen and get the hell out of the way, so we can get back to the business of self government.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 02:56 AM
End the fed.

Money based on nothing, is nothing.

The people that print nothing, therefore are nothing.

We give them the power, barter as much as possible. Buy local, quit using credit and you will also remove their power.

End the fed.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 03:04 AM
interesting point of view

but basically this is about the federal reserve, not the police, in a way the situation would apply to everything in the budget not just the cops

bottom line, in the budget, is the money used to fund police work

our taxes that we pay, goes towards those funds

our taxes pay their salaries

the situation with the federal reserve is a whole other topic

a VERY valid topic, but another topic nonetheless

but i do like your point about everything that happens now is paid for by the kids, its just like we are now paying for things our grandparents did

its not exactly a new situation unfortunately

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Good form J.P.Z.

You know, you and I have made similar points as the ones in your post. I have turned quite a few away, annoyed the ones that won't leave, and tried to inform the few that actually listen to me. The point being...stop paying!

Stop paying for insurance(s) until the rates are acceptable. The insurance companies WILL change their pricing scheme rather than go bankrupt. If 3% stop paying because they claim the price is too high...the rest of the policy holders get a price increase. If 30% or more do it, the price will have to be the insurance company. Causing new customers, and generated revenues from being the insurance company with the lowest cost for the same coverage. Other companies now compete. Initiated by not paying.

Same thing with public transportation. Stop using commercial airports, bus lines, railways, etc. Whether it be ticket prices, body scanners, non-smoking flights, etc., the respective commercial entities will have to comply with the demands of their customers...or go out of business. Again, what if travel dropped by 25% in the airlines because people started using chartered flight, and independent pilots instead of A.A. because of the body scanners. Initially the prices will increase on the remaining 75%, until sales plummet due to increased pricing. This will cause the further loss due to lack of flights, due to lack of commercial pilots, because they won't fly for free, and will most likely go independent, or change careers. I am certain of the outcome.

Why do I point this out?

If I/WE, whoever can tell folks that if WE stop paying the IRS...they will have to succumb to our demands. Our stipulations for paying them. If it is a clear and direct statute of what a taxpayer be it. Maybe it would also be a clear and concise definition of taxable income, or what income actually is. Define as well my status as an individual, an entity, or a corporation, and only have 1 uniform set of these definitions.

Of course this would be in an effort to clarify the role of the IRS and the FED, in order to keep them in a position like their current one(s).

I personally find the FED, and therefore the IRS unconstitutional, and believe we need to audit, reconcile, and remove the FED. Subsequently this would remove the current IRS. I believe this was the spirit Executive Order 11110 was written in.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by Dramey
interesting point of view

but basically this is about the federal reserve, not the police, in a way the situation would apply to everything in the budget not just the cops

bottom line, in the budget, is the money used to fund police work

our taxes that we pay, goes towards those funds

our taxes pay their salaries

the situation with the federal reserve is a whole other topic

a VERY valid topic, but another topic nonetheless

but i do like your point about everything that happens now is paid for by the kids, its just like we are now paying for things our grandparents did

its not exactly a new situation unfortunately

I respectfully disagree that our tax dollars are an entirely different topic than the Federal Reserve that has created the fiat money situation and by doing so, so devalued the dollar that those tax dollars pay for less than they would based upon a solid currency backed by wealth. Because the dollar is devalued, the government then justifies raising taxes in order to gain access to more devalued dollars in order to pay for the thugs they hire to abrogate and derogate the rights of the people.

By attempting to compartmentalize and separate that which can't be separated you are encouraging others to agree that we can only fix the problem of gray by ignoring it, and only deal with what is black and white. Of course, gray is a mixture of black and white, so in a sense, we must deal with the black and white of it, but when that black and white is mixed to become gray, then we must deal with the complication of gray matter, and do what we can to separate the black and the white of it. Not so that we can compartmentalize it, and pretend that one doesn't have anything to do with the other, on the contrary, we must understand that by first dealing with the criminality of the FED, we will be in a better position to deal with the criminality of rank and file administrative agents.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Originally posted by Dramey
interesting point of view

but basically this is about the federal reserve, not the police, in a way the situation would apply to everything in the budget not just the cops

bottom line, in the budget, is the money used to fund police work

our taxes that we pay, goes towards those funds

our taxes pay their salaries

the situation with the federal reserve is a whole other topic

a VERY valid topic, but another topic nonetheless

but i do like your point about everything that happens now is paid for by the kids, its just like we are now paying for things our grandparents did

its not exactly a new situation unfortunately

I respectfully disagree that our tax dollars are an entirely different topic than the Federal Reserve that has created the fiat money situation and by doing so, so devalued the dollar that those tax dollars pay for less than they would based upon a solid currency backed by wealth. Because the dollar is devalued, the government then justifies raising taxes in order to gain access to more devalued dollars in order to pay for the thugs they hire to abrogate and derogate the rights of the people.

By attempting to compartmentalize and separate that which can't be separated you are encouraging others to agree that we can only fix the problem of gray by ignoring it, and only deal with what is black and white. Of course, gray is a mixture of black and white, so in a sense, we must deal with the black and white of it, but when that black and white is mixed to become gray, then we must deal with the complication of gray matter, and do what we can to separate the black and the white of it. Not so that we can compartmentalize it, and pretend that one doesn't have anything to do with the other, on the contrary, we must understand that by first dealing with the criminality of the FED, we will be in a better position to deal with the criminality of rank and file administrative agents.

starred. very well said, i fully agree we live in grey areas and those have to be addressed, i hope the thread gains the attention it deserves

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by stoneysauce
technically, when you tell a cop that your tax dollars pay his salary, its a fallacy

Um, it varies by city, county and state.

Generally speaking, in a big city like New York, the hotel tax pays the police. So, it's tourists and foreigners who pay the police.

In a little whitebread podunk town like I live in, we pay the police directly through Public Service Taxes... This covers everything from garbage disposal to fire control to road maintenance.

So, technically, you can get away with "I pay your salary!" but only in certain regions and under certain circumstances. It's a real thing, you just can't use it everywhere.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by Dramey

I as well, Dramey, which is why I think the title was worded the way it was, to gain the necessary attention this thread deserves. It is somewhat misleading, but wholly on that dreaded gray like way.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Your point is well taken that a rogue police officer may not reflect the policies of local government, but unfortunately we seem to have a rogue government at the federal level whose trickle down policies, via training by CIA trained DHS, who where themselves trained by Gestapo thanks to the PaperClip influence. We have a rogue government. The police are only holding on to their legitimacy by being nice to their neighbors while exploring the violent toys to use against their neighbors that the DHS is providing them with tax dollars, or rather their FED created money.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by m khan
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Your point is well taken that a rogue police officer may not reflect the policies of local government, but unfortunately we seem to have a rogue government at the federal level whose trickle down policies, via training by CIA trained DHS, who where themselves trained by Gestapo thanks to the PaperClip influence. We have a rogue government. The police are only holding on to their legitimacy by being nice to their neighbors while exploring the violent toys to use against their neighbors that the DHS is providing them with tax dollars, or rather their FED created money.

Yep. It keeps getting grayer and grayer, doesn't it?

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

Is it really nothing though? people place value on say a $10 can trade that for goods or services just the same as you could with gold or silver. And yes i read the creature form jekyll island a few years ago but the fact is that our currency is worth something as people place value in it hence you can walk into a shop and trade that currency for goods. The problem is inflation and interest rates in regards to the federal reserve.

[edit on 4-2-2010 by Solomons]

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 04:42 AM

Canada's Police Officers are NOT paid by the US Federal Reserve.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by aristocrat2

Canada's Police Officers are NOT paid by the US Federal Reserve.

Maybe not, but aren't they a bunch of Dudley Do-Rights? It seems to me that Mounted Police are just by nature going to be friendlier, because I tell ya what, if I was mounted at this moment, I would be a lot friendlier to...of course, if I was mounted at this moment, I don't suppose I'd by typing a reply in this thread. (sigh)

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

all good points, but the reality is unless everyone does it (most are to afraid - and rightfully so) there is not hope to end it. individually we fall!!! there is no way to fight a system corrupt with NOTHING (they make sure of that).

the system is rigged in there favor, and that's hard to do when you have no means financially to do so.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:47 AM
my friend, who is an officer has a simple rebuttal for people who like to say "I pay your salary."

He says, and I quote, "I have been meaning to talk to you about a raise."

He says it shuts them up real quick.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 09:13 AM
Actually this is clever because people think it is about law enforcement but it is really about the FED, but still the law enforcement people are getting subsidized into making us into a POLICE STATE by the people who really run the FED, so they are really paying their salaries, with American taxpayer or national dept money, so you are wrong really, we really are paying their salaries not to mention the inflation that the Fed money makes which is a hidden tax. If you are paying for anything you are a taxpayer because inflation is a tax.

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