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Last man on Moon says Buzz Aldrin went to Mars

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posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 10:03 PM
It's been said that for every one space shuttle mission, there are about 3 to 5 covert deep space missions; and to think that we landed on the Moon over 40 years ago and have gone no further is naive to say the least. But now that the elite know that there is more than just rocks on these planets, it's no longer our business. And then maybe ask yourself, of all the Hubble Deep Field pictures taken'... that being over a million and only about 10% released to the public, where is the one close up of the far side of the Moon with Earth behind it; and where are the close ups of the nine known planets in our solar system? Hubble can take a close up of galaxies millions of light years from Earth, but getting a true close up of anything in our solar system is impossible. Obama cuts off NASA and asks congess for 8. something billion for Nuke Weapons programs. Let's not advance our civilization and go like the dinosaurs. This planet Earth is sure to overpopulate one day if we survive and where do we fit everyone... how do we sustain 10 billion people? We must move on and out to save our species and have a place to go in case of a disaster here on Earth. Finally, how about the amount of jobs Obama could create for the advancement of our civilization when incorporating 8. something billion into the space program. Therefore, ultimately, I feel that Buzz and Obama have their priorities mixed up. And if Buzz would rather put money into space weapons technology as opposed to deep space programs, well he definately knows a lot more than we do and that is... the aliens they are aware of may indeed be hostile. We were to build a space station on the Moon, yet we spend 4 times the amount building one in orbit... why? And why Gene said Mars may be anyone's guess doesn't matter much to me... what sealed NASA's fate for me was the pictures taken' directly from their website that clearly showed smugged buildings on the lunar surface; and although they won't answer that question... I'd love to hear their answer! And don't forget the 3 mile wide tether incident... it was a three mile wide pulsating ice partical and my name is King Tut

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 10:04 PM
if you believe that col aldrin undertook a " secret mission to mars " - care to tell us when ? and for how long ?

simple stuff really - if he was on mars - he wasnt here
so identifying his period of absence for such a mamoth trip should be easy - correct ?

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by fieryjaguarpaw

Well Fist off he didn't say...
Buzz Aldrin went to Mars

Second... I think he meant to say the "Moon"
I chalk it up to old age and he was a bit excited.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by the_grand_pooh-bah

you right. You know the too old thing was really just a joke to start with, did not mean for it to turn into a pissing contest. I too am excited about the private aspect of it. I think we are about to make some great strides, Remember Obama said he wont settle for not being #1

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Malcram

You just have to watch the video, I guess. It's (obviously) the context he's saying it in. I mean, I CAN see how it could get misconstrued, but only to someone with a limited knowledge of Astronomical History.

And that's no offense to the OP.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by LunarLooney2010
It's been said that for every one space shuttle mission, there are about 3 to 5 covert deep space missions; and to think that we landed on the Moon over 40 years ago and have gone no further is naive to say the least. But now that the elite know that there is more than just rocks on these planets, it's no longer our business. And then maybe ask yourself, of all the Hubble Deep Field pictures taken'... that being over a million and only about 10% released to the public, where is the one close up of the far side of the Moon with Earth behind it; and where are the close ups of the nine known planets in our solar system? Hubble can take a close up of galaxies millions of light years from Earth, but getting a true close up of anything in our solar system is impossible. Obama cuts off NASA and asks congess for 8. something billion for Nuke Weapons programs. Let's not advance our civilization and go like the dinosaurs. This planet Earth is sure to overpopulate one day if we survive and where do we fit everyone... how do we sustain 10 billion people? We must move on and out to save our species and have a place to go in case of a disaster here on Earth. Finally, how about the amount of jobs Obama could create for the advancement of our civilization when incorporating 8. something billion into the space program. Therefore, ultimately, I feel that Buzz and Obama have their priorities mixed up. And if Buzz would rather put money into space weapons technology as opposed to deep space programs, well he definately knows a lot more than we do and that is... the aliens they are aware of may indeed be hostile. We were to build a space station on the Moon, yet we spend 4 times the amount building one in orbit... why? And why Gene said Mars may be anyone's guess doesn't matter much to me... what sealed NASA's fate for me was the pictures taken' directly from their website that clearly showed smugged buildings on the lunar surface; and although they won't answer that question... I'd love to hear their answer! And don't forget the 3 mile wide tether incident... it was a three mile wide pulsating ice partical and my name is King Tut

Hubble doesn't work that way, it would be extremely low resolution

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

And if we can get to Mars and back over a weekend... then it would be impossible to prove anything and so your theory is as good as any... we'll probably never know.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by hippomchippo

Maybe the case, however, a bit strange not to get close-ups of our neighborhood and just go deep space?

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by impaired

He says that Aldrin wants to go back to Mars. It doesn't take a rocket scientist (hah!) to realize that when he refers to Aldrin, he means humanity in a collective manner.

That's what I'm saying. Cernan is talking about humans going back to Mars.

[edit on 2-2-2010 by fieryjaguarpaw]

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
Its a 5 year trip to Mars

Dont you think someone wouldve noticed if Buzz Aldrin had been away for at least 10 years?

Edit- Or maybe that was one year? Cant remember

We have had Tesla teleportation technology since the early '50s.


posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by LunarLooney2010
to think that we landed on the Moon over 40 years ago and have gone no further is naive to say the least.

We have gone further with unmanned missions, or were you talking about manned missions? If so then to think we have sent a man further than the moon sounds like the more naive belief to me.

Regarding the video in the OP, that link doesn't work for me, anybody got a better link to the video? I'd like to hear what was said. We have been to Mars, even if Buzz didn't go there personally.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by fieryjaguarpaw

Clearly out of context and by the way your title is not factual. He at no point says "Buzz Aldrin went to Mars" and yet the thread title says that he did.

Don't take this wrong, but misleading titles is one of the tricks used by less than honest media and opinion authors.

It's clear that wishful thinking has influenced what you think you heard.

Better watch out or Aldrin will punch you in the nose.
I would not be surprised if he looks in here now and then, Buzz? Did you go to Mars? Just kidding, sort of.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Thanks !

I'll have a good time reading it.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 11:45 PM
It s reasonable to assume that what was meant was sending another Mars mission. But that was scrapped as well as the moon mission. So politically it doesn t make sense for Gene to say that. If what was meant was sending another unmanned mars probe, then its not been that clear that that was in jeopardy really. So the statement about Buzz wanting to get back to Mars makes no sense at all to me in any context.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Meh. I think the title is fine. It's not a direct quote, but it is the gist of what he said and the point of the thread. I know some of you guys like to nit-pick things like this and that's fine, but if I had been more clear then the title of the thread would be the same as the OP. I'm sure there's some sort of charecter limit on thread titles.

What do you mean "clearly out of context"? I gave you the context in the OP. They were talking about Manned missions to the Moon being canceled and how Aldrin thinks it's good that the manned missions to the Moon have been canceld and then Cernan said "Buzz does want to go back to Mars".

The video is the entire interview.

This is something I hear a lot with political pundits and spin artists. People say "It's been taken out of context" when they don't want to accept something. It's a way to cast doubt on something and dismiss it. Well this has not been taken out of context. I gave you the context and if you don't belive me then you can watch the entire interview (also provided) and see it in all it contextual glory.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:14 AM
I wonder if the Apollo 20 really happened.

link to Apollo 20 alien

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by Common Good

The second time he mentions Mars, he says "...go back to the moon, and on to Mars"

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:46 AM
i recently made a thread called 9/10/2001

talking about the 2.3 trillion the government cant account for

supposedly that number equals what we waste every year

over a decade, that number has accumulated to over 20 trillion dollars

i wonder what the price tag on a mars mission would be

im pretty sure 20 trill would cover it

i wouldnt be shocked one bit if that was something that was going on

theres an awful lot of money going unrepresented for, im sure a mars trip was a very good possibility

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Its a 5 year trip to Mars
Dont you think someone would've noticed if Buzz Aldrin had been away for at least 10 years?

Who said that NASA sent manned missions to Mars in spaceships??? Read about Philadelfia (sorry if the spell is incorrect) experiment, Rainbow project and Montauk project. US navy + John Von Neumann + Nikola Tesla were working with interdimensional vortex, time travel and teleportation since the '50s. According to Al Bielek, a retired navy engineer and physicist and former member of Von Neumann's work group, in the '70s the US military sent many black ops teams into dimensional vortex. He alleges that there's an ancient device within one building of Martian Cydonia, assembled to manage a gate between Earth and Mars and US navy had been using it.

Before you say Al Bielek is a weirdo, READ about these projects and get some info about him.

Al Bielek - Engineer of Montauk Project

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:13 AM
as far as the video goes it seems the man has its wits about him, and it doesnt seem like it was a misspeak so its definitely a very interesting interview to say the least

i honestly think more credibility should be given to former astronauts who come out and talk about stuff like this

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