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It's official: A Corporation is running for Congress!

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+43 more 
posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 04:49 PM

It's official: A Corporation is running for Congress!


Following the recent Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC that allows unlimited corporate funding of federal political campaigns, Murray Hill, Inc. of Maryland today announced it was filing to run as a political candidate - - for U.S. Congress. Thanks to an enlightened majority on the Supreme Court, corporations themselves now have all the same Constitutional rights the Founding Fathers intended for human beings. That's why Murray Hill Inc. is taking progressive democracy's next step by running for US Congress. This is a vision of the future we can all be proud of. Murray Hill Inc. is believed to be America's first “corporate person” to exercise the United States Constitutional right to run for federal public office. And as a corporation, Murray Hill, Inc. is self-funding. As Murray Hill, Inc. says of our American democracy, "We bought it. We paid for it*. And we're going to keep it."

Until now, corporations only influenced politics with high-paid lobbyists and backroom deals. But today, thanks to an enlightened supreme court, corporations now have all the rights the founding fathers meant for us. It was their dream to build the best democracy money can buy. That's why Murray Hill Incorporated is taking democracy's next step — running for Congress. Join us and build a vision for the future we can all be proud of. Vote Murray Hill Incorporated for Congress! Vote Murray Hill Incorporated for Congress!

Supreme Court Ruling Spurs Corporation Run for Congress First Test of “Corporate Personhood” In Politics

“Until now,” Murray Hill Inc. said in a statement, “corporate interests had to rely on campaign contributions and influence peddling to achieve their goals in Washington. But thanks to an enlightened Supreme Court, now we can eliminate the middle-man and run for office ourselves.” Murray Hill Inc. is believed to be the first “corporate person” to exercise its constitutional right to run for office. As Supreme Court observer Lyle Denniston wrote in his SCOTUSblog, “If anything, the decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission conferred new dignity on corporate “persons,” treating them — under the First Amendment free-speech clause — as the equal of human beings.”

Well there you go!!!

Why have politicians who can be bought? Let's just cut out the middle man and let corporations hold political offices themselves!!!!

This is real and it's being tried to prove a point. Since a corporation has Constitutional rights of regular human beings, then in theory they can run for office....we'll see how this goes. My hopes is that people will see how ridiculous this is and STRIP CORPORATIONS OF PERSONHOOD.

Care about Democracy? Then you should care about the Supreme court ruling!

I can see it now....not that this doesn't happen already for the most part......but...

Corporations AWARDING THEMSELVES MASSIVE CONTRACTS WITH THE GOVERNMENT, trashing what is left of our terrible trade laws, doing whatever the hell they want to meet their own status quo.

It sounds beautiful doesn't it. Why only be 80 percent corrupt right? Let's make it a full 100 percent corrupt and quit voting altogether because soon it will no longer matter when corporations run almost all the news media to keep the masses misinformed.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by David9176]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:16 PM

I have to laugh, this is like a joke.

My only hope is that people can fight fire with fire...I mean...not every corporation is evil. Maybe a good one will run for office that people can get behind.

Even still tho, this seems like an open door to corruption and epic bureaucracy.
On the other hand, maybe it's true, if corporations are buying politicians anyways, maybe it is better to cut out the middle man things become a little more transparent, no?

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:18 PM
Hmmmm....I was joking about this to my girlfriend the other know President FORD, Congressman McDonald's and all that. It almost seems surreal.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by liquidsmoke206

I have to laugh, this is like a joke.

My only hope is that people can fight fire with fire...I mean...not every corporation is evil. Maybe a good one will run for office that people can get behind.

Perhaps Senator Trojan is your person then.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

On the other hand, maybe it's true, if corporations are buying politicians anyways, maybe it is better to cut out the middle man things become a little more transparent, no?

It'll be great. They can dress up as NASCAR drivers with all of their sponsors on their suits.

I simply can't wait till Citgo.....OWNED BY HUGO CHAVEZ.......runs for political office!!!!!!!

Can't wait!! God Bless the USA!!!!!

+4 more 
posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:26 PM
This may well be funny to some people,but not for me. The SCOTUS screwed the pooch on this ruling. Elections can now be bought outright,legally,with full support of the Supreme Court.
If people don't wake up soon,and see what's happening to this country. They'll awake to find themselves in a country where debtors prisons are back in vogue,and not supporting the corporation is a treasonist act.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by daddyroo45

Believe me, I don't think this is funny at all. I couldn't believe the decision when I heard about it.

We have got to fix's going to be extremely difficult to do. The next elections will most likely be a sham. We could lose the few good politicians we have left.

It was a terrible attack against individual liberty and our Constitution.

I've also got to admit...watching this video is surreal.

To think we'd see the day that this could even be possible...let alone LEGAL.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by David9176]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by daddyroo45
If people don't wake up soon,and see what's happening to this country. They'll awake to find themselves in a country where debtors prisons are back in vogue,and not supporting the corporation is a treasonist act.

Not to be the party pooper or the advocate but I wonder if they just aren't releasing the kracken and wondering just how far it has to go before they do. Maybe they really are trying and scratching their heads, wondering how far they can go, wonder just what it'll take to get the population at large to even wince.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:38 PM
had to know something like this was coming, lol.

have to say i'm surprised at the complacency of the american people regarding the scotus decision. many even applaud it because they seem to be only looking at the 'face-value' decision and not the bigger picture and implications.

am i missing something here?

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by David9176

Wonderful. Corporate freedom at its best. Vote for your favourite corporation. I mean who could refuse the opportunity to decide which way their representation can be delt with.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Not to be the party pooper or the advocate but I wonder if they just aren't releasing the kracken and wondering just how far it has to go before they do. Maybe they really are trying and scratching their heads, wondering how far they can go, wonder just what it'll take to get the population at large to even wince.

That's what they are trying to do. They are hoping people will take notice and realize how ridiculous the supreme court decision was. They will ride it out all the way if they can. I actually heard the "human representative" , which is what he called himself, for this company in a radio interview. This is to prove a I stated...we'll see how far this goes. Hopefully it will get loads of media attention and people will get outraged....but then again....the media is corporately owned. I bet other corporations are drooling to see if this could be successful.

I hope people find out about this!! It may take a Constitutional amendment to fix it...and that is extremely difficult to do.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by David9176]

[edit on 29-1-2010 by David9176]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by David9176

I was speaking beyond the antics of Murray Hill, Inc. and wondering if in fact some in the government actually have such an agenda. They feel that can't do wake anyone up by being nice but instead must do it by being jerks. It's an idea that occurred to me but probably not a popular one though.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:55 PM
I just want to know how they will physically occupy their House seat. They do not have a physical body. And who will make the votes, they are not physical people.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Misoir

They will appoint someone as their "human representative." That way a face can be put to the personhood of the corporation.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:02 PM
Good Ol' America! Where would the world be without it?


posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:33 PM
Is that even legal? This is highly questionable.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:35 PM
I have said it quite often, but now more true than ever..

CSA - Corporate States of America

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:38 PM
This is disgusting.
I am forwarding this information to my local news outlets and to my representatives.

This has got to stop immediately.
And you had better believe that any capitalistic pig of a CEO in ANY major corporation is wringing his hands at the prospect of this going through.

The implications of this are truly horrifying.
And I don't think that anyone is going to be able to get an ammendment on the table without some SERIOUS backlash happening first.

We need to get moving, and quick.
This information needs to get out.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by SuperSlovak

I'm not a legal scholar or anything, but yeah, I think this was made legal only last week by the Supreme Court.

This is fascism, people. Make no mistake.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:49 PM
We might as well be voting for the sponsors instead of the candidates. This is such a joke they have to overrule this decision.

The decision was 5-4.
The 5 supreme court justices that voted YES should be impeached from their posts and indicted for treason.

John G. Roberts - Appointed by W. Bush
Samuel Alito - Appointed by W. Bush
Clarence Thomas - Appointed by H.W. Bush
Anthony Kennedy - Appointed by Reagan
Antonin Scalia - Appointed by Reagan

Complete and utter travesty, something needs to be done and soon.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by tooo many pills]

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