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Russia draws back veil of secrecy with peek at future fighter

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:51 PM

Russia draws back veil of secrecy with peek at future fighter

Russia carried out on Friday the first flight test of its fifth-generation fighter and revealed some details of its concept and design.

Russia has been developing its newest fighter since the 1990s. The current prototype was designed by the Sukhoi design bureau to compete with the U.S. F-22 Raptor, so far the world's only fifth-generation fighter, and the F-35 Lightning II.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:51 PM

According to Sukhoi designers, the new fighter will feature advanced avionics, powerful vectored thrust engines, high-precision weaponry and stealth technology.

"The use of composite materials and advanced technologies, improved aerodynamics, and reduced engine heat signature minimizes its radio-frequency, optical and infrared visibility. All these features significantly boost the combat effectiveness of the plane," the Sukhoi maker said in a statement.

The aircraft is also expected to have a high cost-performance ratio and could become a new key item in Russia's arms exports in the future.

A spokesperson for the company earlier said the prototype showed "superb performance" during its maiden flight.

"It has met all our expectations during the maiden flight," said Olga Kayukova.

The Sukhoi company will continue flight tests of the fifth-generation fighter for several years, but Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Friday that the first batch of Russian fifth-generation fighters will go into service in 2013.

"The first Russian fifth-generation fighters will be put into service with the Air Force in 2013, and large-scale procurements will start in 2015," Putin said.

Here is a video of the fighter

Pretty impressive! Would this rival the current US Fighter? Can't say but sometime ago there was News Russia promised to boost it's agressive capabilities in view of USA defense shield.

Also interesting to note is India's role in it from related source

India, which has a long history of defense relations with Moscow, remains Russia's sole partner in the project.

India's Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) was reported to be seeking a 25% share in design and development in the project. It has also sought to modify Sukhoi's single-seat prototype into the twin-seat fighter India's Air Force wants.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 01:21 PM
You were 20minutes late, as another member already covered the story right before you did hehe.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by muzzleflash]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 01:31 PM
Say what you like about Russia but man they make some beautifull airplans

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 01:37 PM
damn that looks like a nice bird that sukhoi has built, and the Sukhoi Su-30 MKI
was considered a better platform than the eurofighter.
I would be worried when all the non-aligned countries start to get the export model.
though im sure they will have reliability issues, the russians have never managed to cope with that problem.

Interesting that the russians will be phasing these in for service in 2013, id want to keep my air superiority and make my move in 2012! had to get it in

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 03:19 PM
Its still using an old engine though.

"It's a humbug," said independent military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer. "It's just a prototype lacking new engines and a new radar. It takes new materials to build a fifth-generation fighter, and Russia lacks them."

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Its still using an old engine though.

"It's a humbug," said independent military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer. "It's just a prototype lacking new engines and a new radar. It takes new materials to build a fifth-generation fighter, and Russia lacks them."

It is a first prototype, and is far from the final production version. New engines on par with 5th generation aircraft technology are already in advanced development stages and should be fitted on the production version aircraft. Perhaps even this prototype will later switch to the new engines. The current engines are still very advanced and considered 4++ generation. Same goes for the radar - the new system is in development. This prototype airframe will be used to test fly dynamics, stealth, and perhaps weapons systems, at least not for the first few years.

So it is not a humbug, nor does the statement that Russia lacks means and materials to build a fifth generation fighter hold true. Pavel Felgenhauer is far from the definitive expert, and his opinions are widely disputed among other military analysts.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by maloy]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:20 PM
I bet india is keen to get a few of these. They probably helped to fund the project.

It looks very similiar to an F-22. Doesnt the US government hold a patent on this tech, lol. India and Russia have some damn fine engineers. It doesnt surprise me Sukhoi made this a joint effort.

I have been amazed at the fighters Sukhoi is turning out. Their flanker series is impressive....or maybe I just like playing HAWX too much,

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by NightoftheComet
I bet india is keen to get a few of these. They probably helped to fund the project.

Yes India did participate in development, at least initially, and will likely have its own derivitive version ready in several years. However the Indian version will be slightly different because of different demands presented by the Indian Armed forces. For one thing it will likely have a crew of two instead of one.

Originally posted by NightoftheComet
It looks very similiar to an F-22. Doesnt the US government hold a patent on this tech, lol.

Actually it has some significant differences compared with the F-22, and can hardly be called derivitive. The spacing between the engines and the wing design are the easily noticeable ones. If anything it looks more like the YF-23. It also has design elements similar to Sukhoi's previous fighter Su-35.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 10:14 AM
id say its a flattened flanker first of all.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Its still using an old engine though.

"It's a humbug," said independent military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer. "It's just a prototype lacking new engines and a new radar. It takes new materials to build a fifth-generation fighter, and Russia lacks them."

Russia does not lack the materials. What they lack is the money.
If anyone is going to come out with a fighter comparable to the F22, it's the Russians.

This is the first all new fighter produced by Russia since the fall of the USSR.

It's pretty amusing though seeing all the anti-Russian trolls slamming this new jet as this or that or inferior or crap, or a copy of this or that, or a modified this or that.

They just cant stand it that their precious now has a challenger.
They thought they had everyone convinced, including them selves, that Russia was gone for good. Then the Russians remind them whose still a major player.

I can only imagine thing's will get even more comical when more details about this jet are released, and when it gets it's new, more powerful engines.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 12:46 AM
Please post in the ongoing discussion located here:

Russian 5th Generation Stealth Fighter PAK-FA has flown.


Thank you



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