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Where`s UFO Disclosure now?

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:03 AM
Im just posting this regarding the current position of the disclosure. So are they any current followers of David Wilcock or Dr Steven Greer?

I can safely say that any remaining followers of these 2 nuggets are beyond any help from anyone. I basically followed these for a short while, thank god!! but i cant understand how they can get away with it.
They are both pretty convincing by what they say and how they say it and making everything they say sound more plausable. Everything they do say, we all already know or have seen it before somewhere. Everything they do say they know, that we dont, always seems to be what they either cant prove or they cant say due to either secrecy or it`ll put someone at risk.
Its people like these that make any plausable person look just as crazy or foolish. Dr Steven Greer said that there was a G8 country willing to back him and that he gave Obama 6 months

Basically i wanted your opinions on the whereabouts of disclosure, your views on these 2 tatties and possibly, other people wanting disclosure who dont talk crap? Any plausable realistic people who are genuinely trying to get disclosure i meant

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:11 AM
Disclosure will always happen tomorrow
There will never be an end to folks believing and posting all about the next disclosure deadline...even thought they always come and go w/o incident.

It's almost like the people who are so sure of disclosure are desperate for something...some answer...some purpose to life...some sort of enlightenment...kind of like they are seeking religion.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:16 AM
200 files are set to be made public by 2012. The files are correspondence from the public sent to government officials, such as the MoD and Margaret Thatcher. The MoD released the files under the Freedom of Information Act due to requests from researchers. These files include, but are not limited to, UFOs over Liverpool and the Waterloo Bridge in London. This is in Britain though

Mind u that America is the last country that has no disclosure at all about aliens or ufos

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:17 AM
It'll come when it's planned's the "great delusion" that will enslave the minds of many.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:32 AM
Disclosure will come eventually; whether it be tomorrow, next month, next year, or in 500 years, we will be in contact with ET's. Unless the world erupts in chaos, we are going to continue to scientifically advance at an exponential rate, until our technology is going to make us capable of interstellar travel and exploration.

As for disclosure in the sense of the government telling all their secrets; I highly doubt this is going to happen in the sense we wish it to. A lot of countries have already released a lot of their UFO files- the US being one of the only ones who haven't done so.

I have a feeling disclosure is only going to happen when TPTB are stripped from their power, if it ever happens. That, or in the form of some false flag alien invasion, although I think this would be extremely hard to pull off, because people aren't as narrow-minded and trusting of their governments as they used to be a few decades ago.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:34 AM
Probably when ever we actually make contact. Assuming they have made contact based on boring government files that show nothing, and crack pots who claim to have worked with aliens is a great way to get your hopes up. They may or may not exists, if they do it's obvious they don't want anything to do with you.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:48 AM
Very understandable. You had expectations, amongst so many others which were obviously not met. So you do not believe? I feel you are just bitter and dissappointed, because it hasn't happened as quick or how you'd have wished. Don't understand why everybody just waiting around for disclosure? I think it's because everybody feels they are gonna come and give us technology and free us from this state of enslavement we're in. Why? Why?? Why can we not free ourselves from this enslavement? Why can we not wait until scientists discover this technology themselves? You are mad at Greer and Wilcock as if it's up to THEM when disclosure will happen. I think it's up to the ET's, and they feel, IMO (and I don't blame them), that we are not a responsible and mature race yet. When will they come? When it does not matter that they are here... right now, the impact would be too great. Everyone would expect them to save us from whatever. Judging by the collective consciousness of ATS, I'd say years before it's obvious. Or, go and make the necessary changes for your life, for your freedom, and your peace, and what YOU know is right. See how much you're waiting for ET's then. See how much peace and independence you have. ET's might, at that point, come to visit YOU, for you would be ready/willing to take what they have to offer. Of course, this is all opinion and based off what I've read and what I personally beleive.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:53 AM
Disclosure happened for me personally in 1999.

I saw a UFO up close with my own eyes. It was nuts. (Flying Saucers are REAL!)

If your interested in learning more about what I saw, I will link you my story. It was my first thread ever posted on ATS back in 2004. The day I registered on ATS.

So you cannot "Disclose" UFO truth to me, I already Know it as a Fact of Reality!

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by enca78

Originally posted by enca78
Im just posting this regarding the current position of the disclosure. So are they any current followers of David Wilcock or Dr Steven Greer?
:lo:I can safely say that any remaining followers of these 2 nuggets are beyond any help from anyone. I basically followed these for a short while, thank god!! but i cant understand how they can get away with it.

I still listen and read their stuff but I would never say I was a follower of them or anyone else for that matter. Some of the things they say finds resonance within me and I respect them for that but the angle of disclosure and “briefing government” has me hoping they are being truthful but at the end of the day I require actions rather than words so when nothing comes of it I am by default still interested in what they say but as I have never been a follower and never put them on pedestals in the first place I have lost nothing. They are not the only people I have my eyes and ears tuned to.

Originally posted by enca78
They are both pretty convincing by what they say and how they say it and making everything they say sound more plausable. Everything they do say, we all already know or have seen it before somewhere. Everything they do say they know, that we dont, always seems to be what they either cant prove or they cant say due to either secrecy or it`ll put someone at risk.

Everyone who has been in the field of ufology for as long as these guys have are going to be plausible and when they bring up risks and secrecy I just shrug not because it negates their argument but because if they cannot spill the beans or if they choose to find excuses in that manner then who am I to do anything but move on to the next speaker in my own search.

I do get frustrated with these excuses of course but I feel time is of the essence and with such a wealth of material – some good some bad we tend to be spoiled for choice so let them hide behind their excuses, it is at the very least an annoyance and at most a waste of time.

Originally posted by enca78Its people like these that make any plausable person look just as crazy or foolish. Dr Steven Greer said that there was a G8 country willing to back him and that he gave Obama 6 months

I know many dislike Greer but I personally find him to be a likable type of guy and his eyes and his body language tell me he is a decent fellow so I cannot in good heart castigate the man and if he says a G8 country is willing to back him I am willing to take him at his word – for now.

Originally posted by enca78
Basically i wanted your opinions on the whereabouts of disclosure, your views on these 2 tatties and possibly, other people wanting disclosure who dont talk crap? Any plausable realistic people who are genuinely trying to get disclosure i meant

Disclosure will come one day I am certain but it seems to have been derailed or postponed at the moment for reasons I have no idea of which is why disclosure when it comes will not be something to come from our leaders but from the extraterrestrials that watch us every single day.

I have a feeling that disclosure is happening every hour of every day somewhere in the world on a personal level in a field, in a car park in a person’s home. When enough people know then critical mass in terms of education to an extraterrestrial presence will force the whole subject onto the mainstream and there will be no keeping a lid on it.

Essentially I do not need disclosure for myself because I have had my proof shown to me but I hope for disclosure in the wider world because the majority go about their lives looking down and letting the savages of this world grind them down.

I probably should not care about my fellow human because they have shown me much contempt, ridicule and even violence but still I want them to perceive what I know to be true because I still care that they are being deceived and exploited. I am still a human who wishes this to end even if those being exploited cast me out just for telling them I saw a UFO and ruined their night of soaps and reality TV.

The UFO phenomenon has at least shown me the shallow depths of human friendship so I cannot really complain other than to nod when asked if I feel lonely sometimes.

Regardless, I have few worries now that I had my own encounters and the result of this is no fear of death, no fear of big brother, no fear of paying bills and crime and what happens will happen because I can see the lie and in seeing that lie I feel advantaged every time I see a mainstream piece of news.

In summery I want disclosure so that those around me can feel as I do – liberated, given new hope and at the same time awed by something that is much bigger then themselves, something that has no basis in faith or religion, as it should always have been.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by SmokeJaguar67]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:05 PM
How can you have a UFO disclosure? It would be an IFO disclosure if they knew what it was. Do you mean they are having a spaceship disclosure?

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:15 PM
Dr. Steven who, Wilcox who?? I don't care about these guys, all I care about are the guys like Karl Wolfe optics specialist, John Callahan, FAA Investigations, Michael Smith, Air Force Radar controller, Enrique Kolbec, Senior Radar Controller, Commander Graham Bethune retired Navy, captain Robert Salas, and all the other hard nosed straight faced guys who avoid the spot light and give very convincing insider testimony.

You just know the CIA, FBI, NSA, Air Force, and all the other agencies in the know are cringing when these guys get up and give their rank and specific security clearance, the project they worked for, the senior officer in charge and spill their beans on what they saw and know.

For me, that's all that matters in the end. These guys are sober and straight laced as a judge, real risk takers, and I believe them plain and simple.

They are disclosure enough for me. Open Disclosure will just be icing on the cake.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by sparrowstail]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by enca78
Im just posting this regarding the current position of the disclosure. So are they any current followers of David Wilcock or Dr Steven Greer?

I tend to adhere to Greer's outlook on the little green dudes...but I laugh at anyone whom says disclosure will happen soon...and just shake my head when they actually give dates.

His philosophys and reasonings as to the nature of ET are pretty sound, and I appreciate how many people he has gotten interested in the subject matter...but as far as his books on how to call em, I wont buy them, and any dates or movement from offical offices, I will simply believe it when I see it.

So...does that make me a follower, or just someone inspired with his general outlook..

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by sparrowstail
the guys like Karl Wolfe optics specialist, John Callahan, FAA Investigations, Michael Smith, Air Force Radar controller, Enrique Kolbec, Senior Radar Controller, Commander Graham Bethune retired Navy, captain Robert Salas, and all the other hard nosed straight faced guys who avoid the spot light and give very convincing insider testimony.

Thanks for the names, will have to look em up.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

They were all the guys at the official press release when the story first broke.
Its all over youtube


[edit on 29-1-2010 by sparrowstail]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by sparrowstail
reply to post by SaturnFX

They were all the guys at the official press release when the story first broke.
Its all over youtube


[edit on 29-1-2010 by sparrowstail]

Right, I remember many of those names from the disclosure project, however I never chased up anymore info other than their little blurbs they said then...didnt know they kept talking. might be interesting to search more into each one of the more credible names.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

You're right more research would be needed. I am the choir when it came to their preaching. For me their snippets of their short stories were the smoking gun I was looking for. I know for the hard nosed skeptics (not saying you are) they would require much more background searching.


[edit on 29-1-2010 by sparrowstail]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 02:11 PM
When I first saw the Disclosure Project Press Club video the witness statements overwhelmed me. I served in the US Army and had a very high clearance. I have stories that are unbelievable, however, nothing like these guys.... I have been waiting along time for this group to come out and do something. We had 911 and I understand that this knocked out the wind from their sail but come on lets get on with the show. We had a colourful expression but cleaned up it goes like this, "do or get off the pot!". I don't understand what Dr Steven Greer's group is waiting for. I give full marks for these guys to take on TPTB considering their clearances and retirement benefits could be high hurdles to complete the task that they started. A poster in another thread in ATS suggested to me several times that Dr Greer is making in an excess of $30,000 per weekend at his beach house passing on his information to those who can afford his prices for enlightenment, a sort of Ron Hubbard style of making money. I don't really want to believe that posting as the money could be going on to other things called expenses and some of those expenses maybe covering some of those brave witnesses expenses considering that the government could be interfering with their retirement bennies. I am hoping that isn't wishful thinking on my part but the longer we don't hear anything new from Dr. Greer’s group makes me wonder WTF!

What are they waiting for?

The past government has not done any releases and I really don't think Obama knows any more than the rest of us, as those who "know" do not tell elective temporary office dwellers anything at all.

Considering how many lives are being lost on both sides of both wars going on Americans, English and the so-called enemy and IMHO the wars are over energy control. Considering how many people are selling their lives short by working in dead end jobs to pay the bills that are inflated as a result of the high cost of energy, I feel Dr. Steven Greer and his witness need to come forth and do something to save lives, pain and suffering. It would be nice next winter, when the snows hit in all countries that we will never hear of old people deaths in the news because of the high cost of heat.

Dr. Greer owes mankind to do something with his information rather than have another wonderful day at the beach that his accountant would be proud of.

What is Dr Greer waiting for?


posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by IceHappy

Greer makes a TON of money off his books, outings, speeches, events, etc...he will never be wanting for anything.

now, in saying that...he also personally funds or highly contributes to some pet projects dealing closely with this and his energy projects he works on.

He is certainly not going to go poor anytime soon, but to say 100% of his motivation is capitalistic in nature would mean that the large sums of money he shells out to continue his projects are fruitless. He could continue making loads of cash simply by what he is doing now (bookwriting, speaking, doing outings) and simply cut the money drain aspects of his life.

I personally have no qualms about him making a pretty penny for what he started to begin with...and that is bringing into the fold intelligent and articulate people to examine the current state of affairs with the UFO phenomona. Anything else after that event in 2001 simply is a bonus. I would wish for another organization of credible people to do this once again...get some new names in there, etc...but ultimately Greer has done something already that surpasses almost anyone else this field has ever had. He deserves a nice house....because even if you simply dont believe in any of "this stuff", he certainly stimulated the imaginations of people and set goals of uncovering the truth (which may lead to demanding the truth in other areas besides this one). Visionarys are needed in the world and we tend to lack them in this rational modern world.

So...the money thing to me isn't an issue...not because what he says is the truth...but because what he accomplished already is deserved. But I do hope that this gift horse keeps on giving...its been 9 years...ya...if your going to do something, do it and stop simply talking about it.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by enca78


I suggest, don't worry about it. It's all here and above us. Their telling us 'we're here'.
Stupid #s. I feel there are many of'm. Many races, many breads. Some to watch and some to prevent the earth powers from launching nuc destruction.
But always hold your breath.


posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:40 PM
It looks like they are making sure we never go back to the moon to find anything there:

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