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Why is it so wrong for me to WANT to fight?

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posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 10:21 PM
I have my views. Some people share those views.

I have my beliefs. Some people share those beliefs.

I have my ideologies. Some people share those ideologies.

I have me. Nobody has all the elements that make me... me.

I want to be me. I want to continue to be me. I want to find the truth. I want to seek knowledge that has been suppressed. I want everyone to have a choice in all of their actions. I want people to live off of their own hard work and dedication, and not leech off the system. I want the truth about ETs to surface. I want the economy to stop being manipulated. I want mankind to stop creating diseases. I want mankind to stop destroying plants and animals. I want mankind to stop destroying out planet. I want full transparency. I want to know what the government has been hiding. I want to know the ancient secrets of our planet. I want to taste what REAL freedom is.

I want to fight.

Why is that so wrong?

I want to fight for those things. So many times have people asked nicely. So many times have people said to let our voices speak for us and to become the change we want to see. But even if I become the change, others will not. My change will be futile and time will go on as it always has - the lies will continue, the truth will be shrouded behind red tape, the economies will continue to fail, and we will all continue to be slaves guided only by fear.

Why is it so wrong for me to fight? Why are so many people afraid of the 'fight'?

Why has it become so dirty for me to follow in the footsteps of the most revolutionary human beings in world history, demand my independence, and fight for the liberty and release of truth to mankind as a right - not as some kind of sick, invisible privilege that cannot be earned? I want people to see that I want to fight for myself, for my family, and most of all - for everybody else.

Why am I chastised for this? Why am I deemed crazy for wanting revolution? Why am I called a loon and warmonger, a terrorist hell bent on destroying freedom when all I want to fight for is TRUE LIBERTY? WHY?

I'm tired of being afraid.

I'm tired of waiting for some kind of change to happen, and being told by the docile ones who will sit by and do nothing that "peaceful change will come". They repeat it over and over like a mantra as if by saying it, somehow it will come true. Somehow the peaceful change they desire will cause those in power to suddenly listen, to give up their vice grip on our lives, to take into account the productivity and longevity of human life rather than monetary gain and pointless foreign wars.

I'm tired of living like this.

I'm tired of waking up every morning to face a sad existence at a dead end job, working pay check to pay check just so I can continue to believe that one day that "American Dream" will be fulfilled only to see so many who have had that dream become a nightmare.

I'm tired of just expecting others to make a stand.

I'm tired of realizing at the end of the day that 99% of everything I know, 99% of everything I have been taught, 99% of the history of this world that has been bestowed to me has been nothing but lies. Nothing more than propaganda in the simplest form use to promote agendas; subtle agendas that enslave us today.

So many people have said it, but how many actually mean it? Those symbolic lines from "Network" oh so many years ago...

"I'm mad as hell, and I won't take it anymore."

How mad are people going to get before they really "won't take it anymore"?

How much more enslaved, mentally, physically, and financially are people going to become before they finally reach that breaking point?

Why are so many people out there content with this God forsaken situation we are in that we call LIFE?!?!?

I'm not content. I'm mad as hell. I won't take it anymore.

I'm not afraid of them. I'm not afraid of being put on lists. I'm not afraid of being black bagged. I'm not afraid of disappearing never to be heard from again.

I'll tell you what I am afraid of...

A cage.

I refuse to be caged. I will hold up my arms and FIGHT openly against this government. I will denounce the New World Order openly and to their faces, for I am no longer afraid.

I am no longer afraid to fight.

The best part is that I know this is the right path. So many people are still afraid but I want to tell you now that you don't have to be. People need not fear their governments, it is the governments that need fear the PEOPLE.

I will fight for what I believe in. I will raise arms against those who seek to take liberty from me or any other human being, regardless of political affiliations, social class, what God they believe in, what color their skin is - I FIGHT FOR THE RIGHTS OF NO SINGLE MAN - I FIGHT FOR THE RIGHTS OF HUMANITY.


I smile now, for I am no longer afraid of death. There is no doubt that I will die in my plight. I do not want to but I shall do what needs to be done. There is a chance I might survive to see true freedom but that is a slim chance indeed.

I smile now, for I know my fight will not be in vain. It will be through my perseverance and determination that others too will cease to be afraid. They will rise up for the rights of humanity and they will fight. They will force those who close their ears to their cries to listen.

The will of the people will be paramount.

I realize now that it isn't wrong to fight. To fight for something so strong and pure is only the nature of being. To those who will refuse to accept it, I can only say that you will be awakened and rejuvenated to what true freedom is when one day you experience it. I hope that all of you will live to witness such a day.

The songs of today's counter culture all tease it. They long for it. It is long over due. It is coming.

I Will Not Bow.
This is War.

"This is a call to arms, gather your soldiers, time to go to war. This is a battle song, brothers and sisters, time to go to war.

Ever want to be free?
Do you even remember?
Want to be God, the Devil like me?
Ever want to just stop?
Do you want to surrender?
Or fight for victory?"

- 30 Seconds to Mars - "Call to Arms"

I plan to fight. Mentally. Spiritually. Physically.

For a better tomorrow.

For a better today.

For a better existence.

Why is that so wrong?

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

There is no Humanity. It hasnt happened yet. No one on ATS is Enlightened. No one on ATS is going to become Enlightened. The present version of Man is just a talking beast, entranced, caught in the mechanics of experience.
Perhaps a future evolutionary version of Man may reach that point. But for now it is just the odd individual ,one in a billion who realizes their Oneness with the Divine or Consciousness Itself.

Now it is just Narcissus and His endless suffering.
Nothing can be done about it.
Real freedom is beyond Politics and Religion.
Let go of everything and grasp onto nothing.
"Everything has already died,this is the other world."Adi Da

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 11:02 PM
Spirit is a good thing but I have to wonder why such strong talk. Do you believe in letting the elections play out? Also do you believe that peaceful protest is a good thing and should be used until their is no point to it?

Are things in America bad enough to pick up a gun and start a civil war? I say NO. I love my country and I love the constitution so don't even question it. I just don't see the need for armed rebellion yet. We should use the power given to us under the constitution until they no longer work and we have not reached that point yet.

I have to question the calls for civil war because if you wanted to weed out a segment of population it would be the right way to do it would it not. Revolutions do not start this way they never have times must get alot worse before the people will rise up. I do not agree with anything the current administration is doing but can we not just vote them out?

Education is the best thing we can do to fight TPTB. Information is power and if you win a mind with logic you will never need a gun. I love this country and I will fight the progressive movement every way I can peacefully and only then will I think about the worst case scenario we should not put the cart in front of the horse. It is good to prepare for the worst but if you hoping for it you are--- NO PATRIOT TO ME.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 11:10 PM
Whoah,'re wound up tonight. Nothing wrong in fighting for what you believe in... nothing at all. Just put that gun down and let's talk.
Seems to me, you've got a lot of dissatisfaction in your life.
You feel caged? We all do sometimes, all I can tell you is to make a change. What do you want? What do you want to do...what would make you happy?
If you're tired of the daily grind, then stop, sell everything and move to Idaho or Missouri Ozarks. Set up a homestead... but your still gonna have a daily grind. Nothing sucks like getting in wood on a cold,rainy morning in the muddy dark... takin your boots off, sittin down and realizing you've got to go to the Johnny House. lol Been there-done that...still do.
May I further suggest looking for something to enjoy in everyday? A sunrise and a cup of coffee? The way red oak smells like bacon when you split it? Maybe fireflies at dusk? Or sitting on a sand dune and just watching the pelicans dive into the ocean? .......Too mushy?
When will people fight back? At what...the system?... the govt?... taxes? In 1775, only 30% of the colonists wanted to fight/rebel against the king of England. In the South, only about 1/3-1/2 of all males fought in the Civil War. In the North, it was even less.
Most people will have to actually suffer before they fight... in the worst way. We still don't have it as bad as the people did in the depression, not as a nation anyway.
Both my parents lived during the depression and WWII. they suffered hunger, poverty untold...went to bed hungry, no shoes in the warm months, as a 12 yr old child picked 100 lbs of cotton a day for maybe a dollar. My grandfather traded his kids labor out for money or commodities. My father as a 10 yr old boy along with his siblings, would get up about 4:30 or 5am... get in wood and start a fire, draw water from the well for cooking and drinking and washing, feed the mules and harness them up for plowing, feed the hogs and chickens, milk the cow, and then come in for breakfast. Finish up the chores and then walk to school 5 miles away. Both my garndfathers farmed in the spring/summer and worked the sawmill in winter...when it was running. My mom says as a girl, there were winter mornings that they would awake...2-3 to a bed...and find snow had blown between the walls and dusted the floor.
No sir, as bad as it is, we still don't have it as bad as some do or did. You have a dead end job, thank God you got a job. Many don't have one. Me thinks you're frutrated and sick of some underlying things beyond whats said here...focus on the positive things in your life. Family? Friends? Simple things in life?
When they try to take you away or burn your house down...then fight.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 11:18 PM
Who is telling you that you're wrong? I don't see anyone here saying that. I'm sure there are many more people that feel the way you do but they just don't express it.

Those potential revolutionaries are around and probably slowly putting their plans together, but no one wants to be first as that is certain death or prison.

They wait for the spark, that one moment, that one incident that unleashes the collective angst. We saw it in South Central LA after the Rodney King verdicts.

Hell, if you just disabled Cable/Sat TV in a neighborhood for more than a few weeks, all hell would break loose

My guess is that the spark will come when some LEOs show up to evict someone who is well armed, has a few friends, plenty of supplies, and a well thought out strategy.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 11:21 PM
Let me ask everybody a question what if you where a government agent and you wanted to find out who really was aiming at you. What would be the best way to find out? Would they act like they where on your side? We have seen it over and over my friends be very careful they are among us. And if you think they would not do this guess again they are smarter than you or me this is why we are not even sure who they are.

I am not saying this OP is a dis info agent but this is also not the first post of this kind from this OP either. Keep you friends close and your enemies closer this has been used in history over and over. Trust in your own hearts and minds you know the truth that speaks to you and if something does not seem right something may very well indeed be wrong. We live in interesting times and as long as we stay true to ourselves I fear not for the fate of this country or this world.


posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 11:30 PM
It is a script my friend and it was originally written by Julius Caesar. Later Shakespear came along and cointinued his work. Many of the plays are based off of masonic tradition.

"The Whole World is a Stage"

There may be some sort of conspiracy here but mainly, what I think he is trying to say is that we all have free will!!!!

We all have free will but it is manipulated by our government!!!!!!

The whole point of this excercise is to make you see death and react in a calm manner, you can see chaos and react in a way that is orderly and saves lives but....It is all a stage so the second we start acting emotionally is the second that we die and a short breathe to realize what life is about.....freedom!!!!

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:12 AM
Being a tad melodramatic aren't we? Geez.

Yeah, some things suck. You want to fight. What exactly are you going to DO?

As opposed to sitting on your ass cheeks and typing like a maniac on ATS?

What is your real gameplan? your strategy? What are you going to physically do to fight?

The answer is nothing. And you know it. Because 90% of that you have typed is just banter anyway, but even if it wasn't I highly doubt you will really trully FIGHT to do anything about your sad situation except for a few more posts on ATS to vent your anger...

Spare me.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:12 AM
I have this same sort of feeling, but I understand that I will only engage in that form if my livelihood is questioned in a severe way (IE, military takeover, etc.)

At the same time, loss of life is always significant to someone and I would rather us go the peace route...but I see destruction coming, and soon based on recent events.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:56 AM
Well first of, Fight for what you believe in but go about it the right way. Violence is the downfall of society and would defeat the purpose of fighting.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 05:36 AM

I want to be me. I want to continue to be me. I want to find the truth. I want to seek knowledge that has been suppressed. I want everyone to have a choice in all of their actions. I want people to live off of their own hard work and dedication, and not leech off the system. I want the truth about ETs to surface. I want the economy to stop being manipulated. I want mankind to stop creating diseases. I want mankind to stop destroying plants and animals. I want mankind to stop destroying out planet. I want full transparency. I want to know what the government has been hiding. I want to know the ancient secrets of our planet. I want to taste what REAL freedom is.

Wow, I can sure tell what you're all about,I I I I I I I I I I I I I You used
the word I, 67 times.

I want, I want, I want, This is the only thing I found out by reading your thread.
I found out that it's all about you, and what you want.

Who gives a crap?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 05:53 AM
I have never read such a self obsessed rant. Will you quit moaning for a moment and just look around at all the people in the world a lot worse off than you?
I'm deeply sorry that you feel you have a mundane existence going from pay cheque to pay cheque.
I start a new job (part time) next week. During my 6 months of unemployment, I would have welcomed the chance to go from pay cheque to pay cheque!
The reality is, a fortunate few do get to live their dream. The rest of us do what it takes to bring in money. This is not an invention of some NWO. This is reality. This is the way it always has been.
What do you mean by The American Dream? If it's material goods, the world does not owe you a plasma TV or a foreign holiday twice a year.
But feel free to go and start a little revolution. Just bear in mind it's not just about you. Others will be affected by your little fantasy.
Finally - self fulfillment is within your power and yours alone. It is nobody's responsibility to make it happen.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 06:02 AM
I find it troubling that after taking the time to write this you dont even post one reply to the many WTF's you recieved. It makes me think I may have hit the nail on the head with my 2nd post.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 07:07 AM
Mostly I agree the OP, I'm mad as hell about the way things are - we should be in much better shape economically than we are. We'er still involved in wars we shouldn't have even started. I too, am tired of the lies and propaganda, the putting value of money over people.
The governments should fear the people and they do, That's why we have the NSA and FBI. Guess what? they are watching you and me and pretty much everyone else on the web.
All that aside, if things are still messed up it is my fault. I have failed to initiate the changes I wanted to see in my lifetime. I even have grandchildren now and I desperately would love to see them enjoy the same sense of freedom I felt as a kid.
I fear a cage as much or more than you as I have had to live in one for some time. I will NEVER go back into one I guarantee you that. I didn't understand as a youth that you CAN be incarcerated for what you write. I foolishly thought we actually had real freedom of the press. FAIL
That's all I will say about that. Your apparent eagerness to fight is somethhing most people today feel squeamish about as they have no cajones to start with. Just make sure your fight is against the right thing at the right time. Too often I have seen great passion wasted in futility.
Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 07:53 AM
Like begets like.

If you want more positive experiences from the world you have to give more positives to the world and those in it. If you want more love and peace; then you should be spending your time making love; not war.

Get off the treadmill. Live frugally with less. Spend more time working with people instead of for people or against them.

You cannot change the whole world, but you can change your own experience in it.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 09:54 AM
I appologize for my lack of replies but I live on the east coast, I sleep a normal schedule, and I wake in the morning. Now, I shall do all in my power to reply to everybody.

reply to post by RRokkyy

I couldn't disagree more. Humanity has proven its existence by the countless individuals who fight for a reality more than themselves. The people who stop at nothing to find advancements for the greater good, the people the defend minorities, the people that heal the sick.

Humanity is here, it has just become so convoluted and controlled that it is difficult to tell it apart from the rest of society.

reply to post by Subjective Truth

Do not worry. I am waiting for the elections. However, I already know the outcome. People will vote Democrats back in. People will vote Republicans back in. At best we are going to have things in Congress back the way they were without a super majority. I need only to look in my local papers to see all the "coverage" of independent runners compared to Democrats and Repubs to already see the outcome. Come November, Americans will continue the same trend they have for the past century and most of them will be none the wiser.

Let me guess, I should continue to wait. Maybe until 2012. Maybe things will change then huh? Yeah. I have very little hope in this election system and the will of change for the masses. Once again, it all stems back to the fear that they all have.

reply to post by AlreadyGone

I appreciate the sentiment but I assure you, my personal demons are behind me. I no longer care about myself as much as I do about this planet and the humanity on it. If I could have moved away and started life over, I would have done it by now. Sadly funds, the will to remain with family, and the simple fact that I shouldn't be forced to move in order to live my live, have prevented me from doing such.

I do enjoy the simple things in life you mentioned. As much hard work as it may be, I am not opposed to manual labor for my well being and I am prepared to do more of it in my future. As far as a job is concerned - I lost my REAL job last July and was denied unemployment. I have been "self-employed" for the past 7 months. I wouldn't necessarily consider it a job, I consider it a means to fund myself to prevent bankruptcy, something that has lingered for many months now.

I can agree with your sentiments however. I KNOW I don't have it as bad as others, and neither do most people in our country. However, you look at the books and you realize the signs that history has a funny way of repeating itself. Why should we wait until we are all suffering or enslaved to finally find out voice and be heard?

When they try to burn down my house, it will already be too late.

reply to post by amance

Judging by the replies, many people are telling me I am wrong in one way or another. On the same coin, many have told me that I am right, maybe not here but in some fashion.

So many people are waiting for that "spark" but each time something happens the so called revolutionaries will hold their breath... ready for action... and then they will die down with the same sentiments as before. "Maybe next time. Maybe THAT will be the spark we need."

It becomes a dull repeat of a bad mentality. The mentality to wait until the last second to be heard. Procrastination in its worst form.

reply to post by Subjective Truth

Well this is the first time I have been loosely referred to as a possible disinfo agent. Nonetheless, I'm not telling anyone to tell me about THEIR revolutionary aspirations - I'm telling everybody else ABOUT MINE. It is up to each person what they would life to share. If they show no fear in the matter as I have, let them post. If they would rather keep themselves, that is there prerogative.

I assure you that I am for the people, not against them.

reply to post by thehoneycomb

Interesting take on things. The world is a stage and we are but the actors.

They have their script, but I think it is time the people took over the writing jobs. The ratings are down, the viewers are fed up. It is time for a new direction.

reply to post by thehoneycomb

As fearless as I am in my statements and ranting, I do not consider myself stupid. I can spout off about my antics all I want but I assure you no one will hear my "gameplans" or "strategy" unless I want them to. It isn't much good of a playbook if your enemy is given access to it.

Don't worry though, I will spare you. Spare you from the enslavement you are in.

reply to post by SRHAZE420

You should begin to understand that military takeover is not the FIRST step in a long line of grievances, it is the last. We are already enslaves by the power elite. The moment they decide to finally rally the troops and enact their game plans, it is already going to be too late.

They have us right where they want us. Slaves who don't even realize it.

reply to post by Ghost in the Machine

I tend to disagree. In the realm of the politico, takeover or revolution rarely ever succeeds by the peaceful route. All well known and successful revolutions on the large scale have been violent. It is a means to an end. If those in power would have been regulated, kept in check, and made to follow the Constitution, then we would have no reason for violence. It should have been over with after the Revolutionary War. Sadly, we have dissolved to the same government as then, only the heretical king is on the same shore, able to keep watch of those who would hope for uprising or rebellion.

Violence is human nature, though I too wish it could disappear. However, it has proven a sufficient means for change in the past.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by randyvs

Please, spare me the talk that I am egotistic. This post is about what I want so obviously it is going to use the word I.

But how many people can say they don't want what I want? Merely because I say that I want it, it become less of a fact? Do YOU not want truth as I do? Do YOU not want disclosure? Do YOU not want true freedom?

Please tell me which of my selfish, egotistical ideals are not what the populace wants? What is it that I want that is BAD in any way?

Am I calling for the killing of rain forests? Am I calling for legalized abortions? Am I calling for the death of minorities? Am I speaking of bringing in regulations to limit the peoples right and freedoms?

No. No. No. And NO!

99% of the people on ATS can read that opening paragraph and say "Yeah I want that as well." Do you want to know why that is?

It is because be beliefs and ideals are based solely on those of the people of this planet. I worship no single god, I worship all gods. I favor no certain opinions, I believe all to be equal. I do not hold a class in a higher regard than others, I believe them all to be the same. People. There are people that are good, and there are people that are bad - those who seek to harm other people for PERSONAL GAIN. To me the line is black and white. The bad people need to be taken from their posts in power and they need to be replaced with the good.

I work on the will of the people as a whole.

reply to post by unicorn1

You would do well to read the above replies. I am self employed. I don't even receive a check. I make money off of freelance work, JUST enough to get by. The JOB you speak of is nonexistent, perhaps I should have rephrased my wording.

The American Dream is simply to act of choosing. I should be able to choose what I drink, what I smoke, what I eat, what medicine I take, what kind of health care I have, where I travel to, who I wish to have relations with, who I give my money to, ect ect ect... all the while, not being taxed for each of those rights.

The materialistic bandwagon has passed. I no longer lust for "objects". I can't even remember the last time I bought something for pleasure or entertainment. I purchase things I need to survive and remain with the things I had before I realized the uselessness of materialism.

reply to post by Subjective Truth

Tsk tsk. Assumptions are bad things.

reply to post by Asktheanimals

I truly appreciate the sentiments. I am glad that someone sees things from the same angle as I.

I hope that you and your grandchildren will get to see the free world that we all long for. Hopefully that I something that, even in a minuscule way, I might help make a reality.

reply to post by wayno

I have drowned myself in positives. It is those positives that have brought me to where I am today. It was only two years ago that I was wrought with depression and a lack of will to live. It was only after that I stopped, took a look around at the world I lived in that I realized that life was indeed precious and from that moment on I would be the change.

I attempted to volunteer, first for the Peace Corp and then for the Red Cross. The Peace Corp turned me away saying that I didn't have a viable skill they needed. I went to college to fix computers. I guess the will to help just wasn't good enough.

The Red Cross accepted me into their ranks and said they would contact me with more information. Months passed with no contact and after trying to get a hold of them, they told me to stop trying more or less.

In 2008 I saw Barack Obama. I remember supporting the man and his ideals to no end, bashing anyone who spoke against him and his promises. I was not registered to vote before this point and sadly, when the voting time came around, I did not get in in time. I didn't get to vote but I would have voted for Obama. The change he spoke of was the change we needed. In the very least it was a step in the right direction.

After 8 years of Bush, which led be to become very politically active and aware, I sat and watched as Obama was elected President, and I say and watched the year unfold as all of his "promises" came to nothing. It was more of the same. In Congress, it was even more of the same. Power plays and corruption in order to pass laws and bills to benefit companies that senators and lobbyists have a stake in.

Standing on the beach last year, staring out over the Atlantic Ocean, I had an epiphany. 233 years ago, this nation was born from a dream. A dream that very few people supported and a dream that many called out of reach.

A group of men took that dream and they molded it into a document. That document molded the foundation. That foundation created this country. This country created true freedom, a Republic for the people... by the people... if we could keep it.

I realized we couldn't. We couldn't keep it. We lost it with nary a struggle. But it wasn't our faults entirely. Oh no, the elite planted the seeds and told us they were the seeds of compassion and liberty. We just watered them daily. We fertilized them with our words and our split to a two party system. We watched the trees grow as we handed our finances away to a private entity. We were told that outside sources threatened the trees and thus we gave our freedoms for the sake of security.

The Tree of Liberty, told to us to be a great oak, was in reality a weeping willow, its branches drooping down over us, shielding us from the truth, holding us like a prison. We continue to water the tree because it is what we have become accustomed to. Every once in awhile, someone "evil" threatens to chop the tree down but people fear what would happen. Those in power protect from the lumberjacks of freedom, taking them out one by one.

And so, this great lie stands as a beacon of the challenges we face. Do we continue to hide under the tree, or do we see past the thick branches.

My forefathers told me to fight to preserve true liberty... and that is just what I am going to do.

[edit on 27-1-2010 by gwydionblack]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:31 PM
That was quite a stirring reply you made to WayneO Gwydion. You're still young and the moments always feel more intense and the needs more immediate. Hang on to that energy but never let it rule your head, you will want it as you get older and urgency starts to fade. You do indeed have quite a talent for writing sir!

What happened to America I can boil down to one sentence - We traded our PERSONAL rights and liberties for ECONOMIC rights. It's that simple really. When we recongnized corporations as "persons" we were set upon a path which led us to today, where you will be arrested for protesting our policies at the Republican convention and the corporations are allowed UNLIMITED free speech via campaign finance. This was the ne plus ultra of corporate personhood. They have take OUR rights and made them their own. Freedom and liberty do NOT mean a "FREE MARKET", that is the greatest lie being sold today. This must be undone somehow, someway.

Good for you for volunteering! ::APPLAUSE:: the world needs more people like yourself. Keep chipping away at the stone and one day it will be but a pile of dust that blows away in the wind. Don't let them bring you down or go off the edge because either way they win. If we don;t win this at least we will have tried which is all anyone could ever ask of themselves.
In Liberty , ATA

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:06 PM
Hey OP I have a strategy for ya.

Get off your whinging arse and get off the interent, get out there and make it all happen for yourself.

How about that?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

You say that you have no faith in the election system? Exactly what kind of system do you want? You say that I should not jump to conclusions but it is hard to when the lines you are making in the sand have very little wiggle room. I understand you may be young with the fire in your belly to make this world a better place. Or like I said you are fishing for information that could be used in a worst case scenario. I hope it is not the later but like I said this is not your first post on this matter and the language is very strong indeed.

Do you think anyone would follow your lead? What exactly are you fighting for? Is all hope in our current system lost? you need to take a good hard look at what you are asking for some doors once opened can not be closed.

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