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Maitreya to destroy New World Order!!

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posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 06:48 PM
Ok so this is how it's going down....

Soon Maitreya will arrive on the scene and he will expose the conspiracy to world.
He will bring to light all the major players in the conspiracy and all the organisations and how they are all working together to impose control over the world.

He will talk of an uprising.

Then he will turn our attention to the InterSteller bortherhood.

Thats when UFO's will emerge and the world will wonder who Maitreya is given that he predicted their arrival.

They will land and declare Maitreya their son or chosen one and he will be the human link between aliens and humans.

between this time (Feb 10 2010) and (Dec 21 2012) many major events will play out and destroy the world as we know it.

By the time 2012 comes people will realise that Maitreya didnt actually come to take down the New World Order but to implement a New Age Movement which is the same thing but metaphorically wrapped in spirituality.

Then the world will be in termoil and kill one another and at the point of no return when all hope is lost chirst will come down from the sky and declare Maitreya the antichrist and destroy him.

Then all the dead will rise and all living will be judged accroding to their deeds...

then rest well i dont know cos im not a prophet.

Thats what i reckon will happen soon...

It involves the new world order, Haarp, Project Bluebeam, the messiah and practically every conspiracy you can think of...

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 06:51 PM
Jeepers, how did you get all that information?

I don't buy this Maitreya bunkum at all.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Icecoldfm

I agree with you [IF the Maitreya will actually show like Share International says] up until this point:

Then the world will be in termoil and kill one another and at the point of no return when all hope is lost chirst will come down from the sky and declare Maitreya the antichrist and destroy him.

Also, I think the UFO/aliens will be faked as well.

I think he will also expound upon occult philosophy which will blow away the minds of the intellectuals and cause them to support his cause, at the same time, false 'miracles' will occur to fool the non-intellectuals. They apparently plan to have Maitreya reign for 1000 years.. [see Maitreya Project, a giant 500ft tall statue of Maitreya, specified to be built to last for 1000 years]

[edit on 26-1-2010 by italkyoulisten]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 07:31 PM
Are you kidding me? Maitreya is the home grown, hand picked king of the NWO.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by HooHaa

Are you kidding me? Maitreya is the home grown, hand picked king of the NWO.


If this weirdo Maitreya junk is true, than he is clearly HAND PICKED BY THE NWO!

This much is obvious, even though I have only briefly glanced at the "maitreya" theories.

I personally think "Maitreya" sucks and I hate everything about it.

I hope its all just bunk...but the money trail points directly to the NWO...

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 07:51 PM
Oh my... this is classic

Second line

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 08:01 PM
Very interesting take on the whole End-of-the-World thing. Thanks for sharing this information with us.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 08:07 PM
That is one of the scenarios that TPTB could support if enough people were to buy in to it. The problem is that there is too many of us awake and so many more waking up every day. It has become harder and harder to keep the illusion going. I for one I'm really tired of following leaders, and the conformity that comes from letting someone else make decisions for me. No matter how beautiful it sounds I am not buying any one size fits all mentality, or a one world government, or ufo's know better or are here to guide us, or christ is coming back in 2012 or that a world cataclysm will shrink the population to 600,000. I am not buying none of it !

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 08:13 PM
Thats one heck of an imagination.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 08:19 PM
While I appreciate the fact that there are more aliens and insiders on ATS than anywhere else on the internet, it sure would be nice to get some sort of a source for these kinds of threads.

I would like to see some source for all the claims made in the initial post. As you have said, you are not a prophet. Therefore, you must have some source that can be referenced aside from your own intellect and awareness.

Or, if you have NO source of what is actually going to occur in the future, and are merely speculating on what you think will occur, or wish to occur, please just say so. I am challenging your source(s) in the pursuit of denying ignorance.

If you need a place to start, try your choice of Feb 10, 2010. Where did that come from originally?

[edit on 26-1-2010 by MKULTRA]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by LoKitoI am not buying none of it !

So you're buying it all?

[edit on 26-1-2010 by aorAki]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 08:40 PM
Well, There you have it. According to IceCold, The world is gonna end. What can I do to get ready?

I'm sorry IceColdFm, I don't believe a word of it. How do you know that Maitreya actually exists? I've heard all this Bunkum before. The worlds gonna end on this date in 1999 and this date in 2005 as it goes, guess what, we're still here.

I do hope that the world has a HUGE change in 2012 and people wake up in a big way. I hope that half or more of the Population is destroyed because the Planet Earth can't sustain the Rape and Pillaging of it's resources any longer. The Planet Earth is way, way overpopulated.

Planet Earth is Not our Planet, The Planet Earth doesn't and shouldn't belong to any one species of Life Form. It is a Rock in Space that is capable of sustaining life and there is a lot of life on this planet. That doesn't mean we should kill and wipe out any other Lifeform for our own gain. Aliens/Extraterestials should be welcome and they have a right to be able to come to this Planet and Visit, Even stay if they want.

Why is it the right of a few Human Beings to Destory this Planet?

So, Let's say Aliens did come here to live and they Systematically started Killing Humans for food. How is that any different to what we are doing and have been doing since the beginning of time? Will it be time we got what's coming to us?

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 08:56 PM
I am not supporting theories without evidences or backed up without any credible sources.

As civilised humans, we know what is right and what is wrong. Harming another human is a starting point of wrong. Responsibility to ourself and to others is another point towards doing the right thing. That's how humans came out of the jungles and formed societies.

All one needs to do is just open up your eyes to what is happening in a country and the world.

While i fully agree that the OP started this thread based upon unsubstantiated theories derived non-scientifically, he at the same time had not been blind to what is going on around the world. You don't need the scientist to tell what's worng.

Furthermore, those who attempt to do wrong will not be so stupid as to leave evidences lying around to be picked up. They have the funds and support of the corrupted intelligentsia to cover up their tracks.

If Watergate had not happened, Nixon would have been thought a great president.

I doubt if anyone is asked to believed anyone, any dates, or any theory with regards to world teacher. You only need to open your own eyes and seek within your hearts, critically analyse and discuss situations for the truth and reality you see before you, and do what needs to be done to keep our humanity, begining with ourselves, our families, relatives, friends and elected representatives.

Political leaders and scientific community had been known to fail before. But you and I will certainly have no wish to fail or live in delusion of another's word. You and I are the ones who will and must change the present undeniable destructive course of our world, not only for ourselves but for the next generations due to inherit it.

[edit on 26-1-2010 by SeekerofTruth101]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 09:05 PM
I think a true Maitreya is a human like anyone else.., just one who is in tune with the prayers of the voiceless, downtrodden.., dying and dead, his abilities gained.. whether through genuine or artificial suffering in his own time, i do not know.. how one such being could fulfill such high expectations, creation is weird, so no doubt anything's possible, i guess.

...and the reason for waiting until it seems there is no hope from above, is akin to having to wait for flood gates to bust open to release the healing waters, but the pool inside the levees and the gates (metaphorical maitreya) cannot do anything on its own, but gather so much rain, prayers and hopes, in the darkness and the back of mankind's mind, listening. His physical isolation- is his mental connection to our hopes we have to ourselves during the bustle of daily grind, warfare and what have you. Our fretfulness, worries and warring- his fuel during the finale. One could say that is the reason for the NWO, to set the stage, and yes i believe in causality, that we might as well do what we want to do, even if that means using logic to go against your own nature, or to indulge in it and stay under the radar at the same time, the day of reckoning will fall upon us anyway and the veil of political-correctness, forced respect through fear and sheepish reverence like Stockholm syndrome, will disappear giving way to utter hatred and survival ism underneath the shallow wants for universal peace and sh*t-shooting, when all hell breaks loose in a form of cleansing, to see who's ideologies, principals and bodies survive. Battle Royal, except everyone will be involved, no one can escape to shelter, for the eye of horus, and the eye of God is everywhere.

yes, my imagination runs in the gutter as veins, and is more important to me than knowledge-- (i have none regarding this nwo, or nwo + maitreya matter. ) to me they cannot exist without each other, but that don't mean they're for or against each other.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 09:09 PM

here is what the last omniscient buddha said...

The ultimate extinction of the Dharma

"Thus have I heard. At one time the Buddha was in the state of Kushinagara. The Tathagata was to enter Nirvana within three months and the bhikshus and Bodhisattvas as well as the great multitude of beings had come to pay homage to the Buddha and to bow in reverence. The World Honored One was tranquil and silent. He spoke not a word and his light did not appear. Worthy Ananda bowed and asked the Buddha,

'O Bhagavan, heretofore whenever you spoke the Dharma, awesome light would naturally appear. Yet today among this great assembly there is no such radiance. There must be a good cause for this and we wish to hear the Bhagavan's explanation.'

The Buddha remained silent and did not answer until the request had been repeated three times. He then told Ananda,

"After I enter Nirvana, when the Dharma is about to perish, during the Evil Age of the Five Turbidities, the way of demons will flourish. Demonic beings will become Shramanas; they will pervert and destroy my teachings. Wearing the garb of laypersons, they will prefer handsome clothes and their precept sashes will be made of multi-colored cloth. They will use intoxicants, eat meat, kill other beings and they will indulge in their desire for flavorful food. They will lack compassion and they will bear hatred and jealousy even among themselves.

"At that time there will be Bodhisattvas, Pratyekabuddhas, and Arhats who will reverently and diligently cultivate immaculate virtue. They will be respected by all people and their teachings will be fair and egalitarian. These cultivators of the Way will take pity on the poor, they will be mindful of the aged, and they will save and give counsel to those people they find in difficult circumstances. They will at all times exhort others to worship and to protect sutras and images of the Buddha. They will do meritorious deeds, be resolute and kind and never harm others. They will forsake their bodies for others' benefit. They will hold no great regard for themselves but will be patient, yielding, humane, and peaceful.

"If such people exist, the hordes of demonic bhikshus will be jealous of them. The demons will harass them, slander and defame them, expel them from their midst and degrade them. They will ostracise the good monks from the monastic community. Thereafter these demons will not cultivate the Way-virtue. Their temples and monastic buildings will be vacant and overgrown with weeds. For want of care and maintenance their Way-places will drift into ruin and oblivion. The demonic bhikshus will only be greedy for wealth and will amass great heaps of goods. They will refuse to distribute any of it or to use it to gain blessings and virtue.

"At this time, the evil monks will buy and sell slaves to till their fields and to slash and burn the mountain forests. They will do harm to living creatures and they will feel not the least bit of compassion. These slaves will themselves become bhikshus and maidservants will become bhikshunis. Totally lacking in Way-virtue, these people will run amok, indulging in licentious behaviour. In their turbid confusion they will fail to separate the men from the women in the monastic communities. From this generation on, the Way will be weakened. Fugitives from the law will seek refuge in my Way, wishing to be Shramanas but failing to observe the moral regulations. The precepts will continue to be recited twice a month, but in name alone. Being lazy and lax, no one will want to listen any longer. These evil Shramanas will be unwilling to recite the sutras in their entirety and they will make abbreviations at the beginning and at the end of the texts as they please. Soon the practice of reciting sutras will stop altogether. Even if there are people who recite texts, they will be unlettered, unqualified people who will insist, nonetheless, that they are correct. Bumptious, arrogant, and vain, these people

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 09:10 PM
will seek fame and glory. They will display elegant airs in the hope of attracting offerings from other people.

"When the lives of these demonic bhikshus come to an end their essential spirits will fall into the avici hells. Having committed the five evil sins, they will suffer successive rebirths as hungry ghosts and as animals. They will know all such states of woe as they pass on through aeons as numerous as sands on the banks of the Ganges River. When their offences are accounted for they will be reborn in a border land where the Triple Jewel is unknown.

"When the Dharma is about to disappear, women will become vigorous and will at all times do deeds of virtue. Men will grow lax and will no longer speak the Dharmas. Those genuine Shramanas they see will be looked upon as dung and no one will have faith in them. When the Dharma is about to perish, all the gods will begin to weep. Rivers will dry up and the five grains will not ripen. Epidemic diseases will frequently take the lives of multitudes of people. The masses will toil and suffer while the local officials will plot and scheme. No one will adhere to principles. Instead, all people will be ever more numerous like the sands of the ocean-bed. Good persons will be hard to find; at most there will be one or two. As the aeon comes to a close, the revolution of the sun and the moon will grow short and the lifespan of people will decrease. Their hair will turn white at the age of forty years. Because of excessive licentious behaviour they will quick exhaust their seminal fluids and will die at a young age, usually before sixty years. As the life-span of males decreases, that of females will increase to seventy, eighty, ninety, or one hundred years.

"The great rivers will rise up in disharmony with their natural cycles, yet people will not take notice or feel concern. Extremes of climate will soon be taken for granted. Beings of all races will mix together at random, without regard for the noble and the mean. They will alternately sink and float like feeding creatures.

"Then there will be Bodhisattvas, Pratyekabuddhas, and Arhats who will gather together in an unprecedented assembly because they will all have been harried and pursued by the hordes of demons. They will no longer dwell in the assemblies but the Three Vehicles will retreat to the wilderness. In a tranquil place they will find shelter, happiness, and long life. Gods will protect them and the moon will shine down upon them. The Three Vehicles will have an opportunity to meet together and the Way will flourish. However, within fifty-two years the Shurangama Sutra and the Pratyutpanna Samadhi, the Standing Buddha Samadhi, will be the first to change and then to disappear. The twelve divisions of the canon will gradually follow until they vanish completely, never to appear again. Its words and texts will be totally unknown everafter. The precept sashes of Shramanas will turn white of themselves. When my Dharma disappears it will be just like an oil lamp which flares brightly for an instant just before it goes out. So too, will the Dharma flare and die. After this time it is difficult to speak with certainty of what will follow.

"So it will remain for the next ten million years. When Maitreya is about to appear in the world to become the next Buddha, the planet will be entirely peaceful. Evil vapors will have dissipated, rain will be ample and regular, the crops will grow abundantly. Trees will grow to a great height and people will grow to be eighty feet tall. The average lifespan will extend to 84,000 years. It will be impossible to count all the beings who will be taken across to liberation."

Worthy Ananda addressed the Buddha, 'What should we call this Sutra and how shall we uphold it?'

The Buddha said, "Ananda, this sutra is called The Ultimate Extinction of the Dharma. Tell everyone to propagate it widely; the merit of your actions will be measureless, beyond reckoning."

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 09:10 PM
When the four-fold assembly of disciples heard this sutra they grieved and wept. Each of them resolved to attain the true path of the Supreme Sage. Then bowing to the Buddha, they withdrew.

---The Buddha Speaks the Ultimate Extinction of the Dharma Sutra, from the Shurangama Sutra, Introduction II.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 09:11 PM
Whatever the case may be, you need to go in the opposite direction of the general public/average joe. How it looks right now, the general public is almost ready to recieve a guy like this.

[edit on 26-1-2010 by EMPIRE]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 09:30 PM
who is this guy you are talking about? The government is too dumb to pull off anything, they can't even run the dmv. There is no end of the world, unless it's by nukes or yellowstone going off. People have been saying this since Jesus day, Jesus said it was going to be in their generation and every since then it's always going to be the end of the world. I'm tired of it all. I want some proof this time. I like to be paranoid like everyone else but with all the failed end of the worlds I must see some solid evidence...

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 09:32 PM
The alien spin is pretty good except for one thing, and that is the fact that the gov't has already killed 2 people who were going to expose this and the nwo. Those 2 people were none other than Phil Schneider and Bill Cooper.

As far as Matreyia goes, he's nothing more than some dude running around in a sheet getting attention from the world. Your synopsis here though OP is pretty good though.

The one who destroys the nwo will be somebody we have never heard of, and I personally feel they will come out of the House of Rothschild. The reason I say this is because as secretive as the Rothschilds are, some of their own family don't even know what they are up to half the time!

And the one who has to dupe the jews into signing that 7 year peace treaty will have to be a jew themself, and I don't see Matreyia doing this feat at all.


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