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WHO slams swine flu critics as 'irresponsible'

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posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 03:10 AM

WHO slams swine flu critics as 'irresponsible'

The U.N. health agency said the outbreak of a new strain of H1N1 influenza in North America last year had all the scientific characteristics of a pandemic, adding the WHO was never improperly influenced by the pharmaceutical industry that has benefited from huge government orders for vaccines and anti-viral drugs.

"The world is going through a real pandemic. The description of it as a fake is wrong and irresponsible," the WHO said in a strongly worded statement Monday.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 03:10 AM
WHO or World Health Organization has been accused of using misleading tactics to scare citizens about swine flu, bird flu and many other contagious diseases.

Here is how they explain their lack of objectivity:

"A pandemic has nothing to do with severity or number of deaths," he told The Associated Press. "A pandemic literally is a global spread of a disease."

He said WHO was "always very measured and sober in what we said and we always described the virus as causing overwhelmingly mild disease. "We cannot control how people react to this information," he added.

So they can' control how people react to their information. IE. they are the controlling agency, if WHO over states the severity of almost every single epidemic they have ever predicted, they can't be held responsible!

OK, when can WHO be held responsible?
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 26/1/10 by plumranch]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 03:22 AM
Yeah you know WHO? You're full of it.

If you didn't hyped it, and you did, WHY THE HELL did you do daily updates on all news channels, hyping the fear? Also declared Level 6?

The lots of you should be put in jail for being a bunch of scam artists.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 05:22 AM
' A disease that goes all over the world"?

Like Aids, the common cold, lazyitis?

Most of these have cures but that aren't released to the public simply because theres money to be made from preventative measures rather cures. Ok maybe Lazyitis ISN'T a real disease but it can be cured by exercise .
The WHO doesn't classify the common cold as a pandemic but by their words it should be?

The swine flu was bandied around as the doomsday virus, and that we were ALL going to get it? so WHO'S mistake was that to panic the world ? sure the Pharma companies MADE the virus but the WHO sold it to the world. They should be held accountable.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 05:24 AM
Of course they say they are irresponsible, just like conspiracy theorists are mentally ill. They love to call names and accuse people who oppose their garbage of being all sorts of things.

Irresponsible, by asking the tough questions?

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 06:08 AM
Well let me see

They changed the definition of 'pandemic' to remove the requirement for there to be high rates of mortality

Alleged pharmaceutical influence is being investigated as we speak
Pharmaceuticals were given immunity over prosecution in case of side effects
Some areas had put in some fairly draconian legislation for pandemic/civil unrest
There was legitimate concern over the power of WHO to override governments

Is it a wonder that the net was flooded by conspiracy theories, from the moderate to the far out?

[edit on 26-1-2010 by unicorn1]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 06:16 AM
They're probably a little upset that most people knew it was BS and didn't bother with their vaccine.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by KainRich
They're probably a little upset that most people knew it was BS and didn't bother with their vaccine.

Well seeing as the so called Vaccine has probably killed more people that the flu I don't think they should call us irresponsible.

The fact that the WHO is in the pockets of the criminal NWO should make anyone decide not to take the toxic vaccine.

See this aticle on the NWO's next secret meeting that Dr Margaret Chan of the WHO will be attending: and&catid=41%3Ahighlighted-news&Itemid=105&lang=en

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 06:44 AM

WHO said at first there were thousands of swine flu deaths
Then they said oh no, it was only like 30 or something

I slam THEM as irresponsible
How can you make a mistake with that massive margin?

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 07:28 AM
I personally don't even think swine flu is a fact, where i am, most people i know didn't have the shot, and we had a call centre with non qualified people manning it telling anyone and everyone who had the mildest of symptoms that they probably had swine flu. Some of these people had a dry cough or sneezes, pretty much the same as every year really. Then they said there would be millions of deaths from the flu, when in fact there were probably more from the vaccine, not to mention other complications the shot caused some poor people. Culling the population springs to mind, but back fired on them this time. But we must be vigilant, because they will try again.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 09:09 AM
Double talk is powerful in its effectiveness. The WHO are masters at it and I commend there ability to lie straight faced. It takes a special kind of person to work for the WHO. I wonder if they have a coat rack at the front door upon which to hang their humanity?


[edit on 26-1-2010 by thebulldog]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 09:27 AM

WHO’s pandemic chief Dr Keiji Fukuda and pharmaceutical industry chief Dr Luc Hessel faced tough questions on WHO’s controversial decision to declare a pandemic emergency over the mild swine flu during a 2-hour public hearing at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg this morning in a heated session that ran over time.

The hearing chair, Swiss politician Liliane Maury Pasquier, said the hearing would be the start of a more substantial investigation into the false pandemic, starting with the preparation of a report by Labour MP Paul Flynn, and with more hearings on the pandemic scare to be scheduled in the next parliamentary sessions of the Council of Europe.

During the hearing, Fukuda and Hessel faced a grilling from politicians on the influence of pharmaceutical companies on WHO’s decision to declare a pandemic over the mild swine flu as well as on the dangers of the inadequately tested swine flu vaccine.

“Having cried wolf on a number of occasions now, the WHO has destroyed its credibility. Rational, independent scientific advice. There was an imperative behind this which was a financial one. The industry having invested 4 billion dollars had a vested interest in fear, in getting people to buy the vaccine,” said Paul Flynn.

Professor Dr Ulrich Keil, Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Epidemiology at the University of Munster, said that WHO’s predictions were wrong “all the time”.

He criticized WHO for not learning from its past mistakes over the SARS and Avian ‘Flu scares.

He said WHO had “completely exaggerated” the threat of the swine flu.

“In Germany, about 10,000 deaths are attributed to seasonal ‘flu, especially among older and frail people. Only a very small number of deaths, namely 187, can be attributed to the H1N1 virus in Germany – and many of those are dubious,” he said.

“We are witnesssing a gigantic misallocation of resources in terms of public health. Governments and public health services are wasting huge amounts of money in investing in pandemic diseases whose evidence base is weak. “

Fukuda came under especially fierce criticism for attempting to lamely defend the WHO’s decision to change the definition of a pandemic.

“The worst thing is that WHO is not evaluating what it has done. The worst thing is that the alarm will go on for two more years, that the pandemic will continue . That frightens me,” said Ulrich Keil.

“A number of scientists and others are questioning the decision of the WHO to declare an international pandemic. The H1N1 virus is not a new virus, but has been known to us for decades,” he said.

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, who initiated the hearing, said that WHO was scare mongering and produced numbers about the number of victims of the pandemic based on estimates that had no basis in scientific fact.

He said that the only explanation for WHO’s decision to declare a swine flu pandemic was the influence of the pharmaceutical industry if “they are not crazy", thereby brushing aside Fukuda’s repeated claim that WHO had adequate safeguards against conflicts of interests and had only declared a pandemic because the swine flu was a dangerous disease.

Wodarg said that the influence of pharmaceutical companies on WHO stemmed from public private partnerships that were initiated in 1998.

He said that an investigation needed to be extended to look at the role of national regulators in the pandemic scare, and emphasized the need for parliamentary investigations in the various countries.

Wodarg also touched on the dangers of the new vaccines, specifically the use of adjuvants such as squalene, noting that there is only limited data on the impact of adjuvants on elderly people and none on their impact in young children even though children have completely different immune systems and adjuvants can cause autoimmune diseases.

He said WHO was “irresponsible” for young people and pregnant women when no data for the vaccine’s safety.

WHO was also heavily criticized by a Swiss journalist for “aloofness and silence”

A journalist said WHO was “the worst in terms of relations with the media. “

“They are constantly derelict. We run after them constantly to get information. We do not have access to the information. Last Friday, Gregory Hartl (WHO spokesperson) lied to us about this whole thing. He declared WHO had never changed the pandemic definition,” the journalist said.

Fukuda said that “communications was the single greatest challenge”, but said WHO was taking the criticism from the media.

Dr Margaret Chan had dismissed rumour, misinformation and disinformation of the scandal mongering media during the executive board session on January 18th.

Fukuda looked beaten at times as the questions flew in his direction at but always managed to recover and repeat ad nauseum the official line in a confident manner.

However, judging from the strength of criticism made against WHO in this hearing, the momentum for a thorough investigation into the swine flu scam looks unstoppable in spite of the fact that an urgent debate was not held this week by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly.

Especially tough criticism of WHO came from Wodarg and Keil who hammered home the points that punctured Fukuda's and Hessel's air of confidence.

But politicians and journalists also fiercely criticised the WHO pandemic chief and the head of the european vaccine maufacturers for apparently making a good business profit over the pandemic scare at the expense of public health. vestigation-into-the-swine-flu-scam&catid=41%3Ahighlighted-news&Itemid=105&lang=en

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by stevcolx

“Having cried wolf on a number of occasions now, the WHO has destroyed its credibility. Rational, independent scientific advice. There was an imperative behind this which was a financial one. The industry having invested 4 billion dollars had a vested interest in fear, in getting people to buy the vaccine,” said Paul Flynn.

Professor Dr Ulrich Keil, Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Epidemiology at the University of Munster, said that WHO’s predictions were wrong “all the time”.

"All the time"! LOL

Here's my experience. I remember the buildup for H5N1 Bird Flu. The usual dire predictions of millions of deaths, it would spread around the world and the vectors/ carriers of the infection would be birds and other wildlife.

So veterinarians and biologists here in Alaska were enlisted to catch and test thousands of animals caught in nets throughout the state. The assumption was that migratory birds from Russia and Asia would be inundating the state. Thousands of animals were tested, millions spent. Contingencies for handling people and wildlife were drawn up and teams were organized for the coming onslaught.

Number of wildlife found infected with the H5N1 bird flu = zero. Number of human infections = zero. H5N1 died out as a pandemic about the spring of '08.

At least 7 Billion dollars were spent worldwide on that nonevent. At the time there had been 150 reported deaths worldwide. Hardly a blip on the radar screen of epidemics.

And no sooner had WHO (and CDC) stopped talking about Bird Flu, they were beginning to talk about Swine Flu and making wild predictions. Predictions for which WHO will not be held accountable. Vast amounts of money will have been spent and then it will be time to "discover" a new devastating flu variety.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 01:12 PM
At least PACE is investigating the World Health Organization's pandemic scandal.

No one in the USA has even bothered to look at the connection between big pharma, money and potential corruption.

We wrote this article at asking why the U.S. Senate is investigating funds spent in Haiti but not the Swine Flu.


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