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Dr. David Graham murdered for 9/11

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posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 12:11 AM
Sander Hicks posts videos on Dr. David Graham -- plus Sander Hicks confrontation with the FBI about the murder of Dr. David Graham.

Dr. David Graham had foreknowledge of 9/11 and knew the terrorists.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 12:31 AM
Sadly this don't suprise me. Its the reason I carry my Sig with me everywhere. Too many nutjobs who will not accept the fact that 911 is a sham and not what the OS says happened.

Peace be with his family.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 12:52 PM
Why is it in trutherdom that people are assumed to have been murdered by the authorities ?

Same was said of Barry Jennings although he had said anything he had to say about WTC7 years ago.

Very odd when you consider that Lloyde England, taxi driver at the Pentagon, and named by some as a co-conspirator, is still enjoying rude health in his seventies and freedom to speak to anyone. Could spill all any day, could he not ? The supposed perps seem to have very skewed priorities as to who to knock off.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 12:56 PM
Maybe you should ask the FBI about David Graham -- Sander Hicks did:

reply to post by Alfie1

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 01:01 PM
---They cleaned up that mess alright!! Cats really out of the bag and they got what they want--real terrorists and a free road to spying on anything anybody any company any organization. what ever you do, do it loan wolf style or you will be busted. Patience for god is comming soon and he will take care of all who were complicient in these evil acts. They laugh now but they will not be laughing in the near future. remember joining the military and you are idol worshipping

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1
Why is it in trutherdom that people are assumed to have been murdered by the authorities ?

Easy- these people are so much in love with the idea that the 9/11 attack was some secret conspiracy that they actually want it to be true, and they'll grasp at any straw however utterly absurd it sounds in order to keep it alive. They completely overlook that if these mythical conspirators really were as heartless and cruel that they'd want to murder 300 people and all witnesses to keep them quiet, they'd likewise have murdered Dylan Avery, Alex Jones, Morgan Reynolds, ect ect etc a long time ago. I'm sure someone will come up with an explanation how THAT is a sign of a "Secret conspiracy" as well.

I tell you, I swear the con artists running these damned fool conspiracy web sites must be making bets among themselves over just how lunatic a conspiracy theory they can come up with before the truthers start doubting them. If people will seriously believe the towers were destroyed by lasers from outer space, they'll believe anything.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:38 PM
As Noam Chomsky has stated -- he prefers to not be a martyr. Having said that there's a big difference between being a loud mouth and actually changing policy. Consider Paul Wellstone for example. Or just read John Perkin's Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.

Check this out:

[edit on 23-1-2010 by drew hempel]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 11:01 PM
According to his obituary

"Dr. David Graham was born in Shreveport, LA. on May 21, 1939 and passed away September 17, 2006 in Shreveport, following a lengthy illness. He was 67."

A 67 year old man dying of a lengthy illness (usually means cancer) is not unusual or necessarily suspicious.

And we're being lead to believe whoever waited half a decade to silence him.

The 9/11 sub-industry will have a constant source of new shocoking revelations as key participants just start dying of natural causes a decade later.

All circumstances will naturally be mysterious and merit a Youtube video.

[edit on 1-2-2010 by mmiichael]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 11:12 PM
Actually Sander Hicks has posted Dr. David Graham's BOOK freely readable -- but here's an article which gives more details on his death -- attributed to a slow acting poison:

reply to post by mmiichael

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by drew hempel
Actually Sander Hicks has posted Dr. David Graham's BOOK freely readable -- but here's an article which gives more details on his death -- attributed to a slow acting poison:

reply to post by mmiichael

I don't have any answers reliant totally on supplied reports.

There are plenty of people running around loose and uncompromised who have the goods on dirty dealings by govt officials, intelligence agencies, etc.

Dispatching, is most often by car accident, break-in with shooting or something quick and determined. Slow-acting poison - I dunno.

People are rubbed out for having knowledge someone wants to put a lid on. This has none of the hallmarks.

While no disrespect intended for those involved, I'd say it sounds more like paranoid conspiratorial hyper-imagination applied to unfortunate circumstances.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 01:39 AM
I agree unless you consider the attempts on Castro included bacteria in his diving suit and other similar slow death approaches and the same claim is made about the CIA murder of Bob Marley. Other induced cancer deaths have been documented as assassinations --

reply to post by mmiichael

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 11:11 AM
Anything's possible. But my impression is that with all the people with really incriminating knowledge of 9/11 dirty tricks still running around and even blabbing, it's unlikely anyone would see great need to take out this relatively minor player 5 years after the fact.

There is a phenomenon in investigations of any kind, the more thoroughly you check into details the more anomalies and unexpected things you find. That's why murder trials can become so involved.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Anything's possible. But my impression is that with all the people with really incriminating knowledge of 9/11 dirty tricks still running around and even blabbing, it's unlikely anyone would see great need to take out this relatively minor player 5 years after the fact.

Minor Player ...

Why post if you known Nothing.

This Guy met with hijackers ONE YEAR BEFORE 911, Tried to tell A Congressman who turned the information over to The Joint Select Commitee on Intelligence Saxby Chambliss about meeting 3 terrorist , Who were
Saudi Nationals. Same people he saw after 911 attacks.

Graham was writing a Manuscript before he died. This is part of one of the best vids on 911 Coreofcorruption, Fast forward this vid to 4 min part
to see info on Graham.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Sean48

Why post if you known Nothing.

This Guy met with hijackers ONE YEAR BEFORE 911, Tried to tell A Congressman who turned the information over to The Joint Select Commitee on Intelligence Saxby Chambliss about meeting 3 terrorist , Who were
Saudi Nationals. Same people he saw after 911 attacks.

Graham was writing a Manuscript before he died.

Exactly, why post if you know nothing.

The number of Americans, as well as officials and intelligence agents with knowledge of participants in the 9/11 financing by Saudi Prince Abdul Aziz or the Pakistani and Turkish military services reaches into the hundreds. Numerous uspects were questioned and released even though there was a level of culpability in many cases.

Official and off the record intelligence reports were prepared and viewed by Congressman, Senators, etc. Discovered among many things was high level complicity involving the flight training schools and facilitation of immigration documents for hijackers.

5 years after 9/11 an extremely well-documented path of collusion and complicity between highly placed American personnel, Saudi and Pakistani counterparts was available.

That Saudi nationals were involved in 9/11 and sanctioned by factions of the royal family has never been a real secret. In 2006 it had been outlined and detailed in hundred of books and magazines.

Maybe to conspiracy advocates who shun books and articles by investigative journalists it may seem like news.

I can't see the logic of letting hundreds of people go free but half a decade later killing off someone who was providing intelligence already widely known.

[edit on 2-2-2010 by mmiichael]

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