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Nebra Sky Disk--- Depicts Nibiru?

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posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 05:59 PM
ah star my freind thank you i will try to gather a post together im so sick of arguing with these 9-11 government NWO freaks.
Time for some real learning and research.
Be Well

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by RetroFire7
Jeesh hasn't anyone here read any of Zacharia Sitchens books?

Yes, and rejected them as nonsense. He is either deluded, insane or a hoaxer.

What perpetuates these myths is the idea that a new age will dawn and all that is wrong with the world will suddenly be fixed or that the evil world we live on will be destroyed. This attracts a relative handful of people who are depressed or delusional and it attracts their money.

It is a religion in fact based on no evidence and wild speculation. The heads of wheat chaffs become the eyes of Grey Aliens and so on. A few stars on a relief become a prediction of some sort. The fact those pushing this still present evidence based on intentionally bad photographs of real artifacts should make everyone see this is the product of Snake Oil Salesman.

It's the same story throughout mankind's history, reaching back to the first Witch Doctor (Confidence Man) to discover he could throw certain types of dirt onto a fire and get sparkles to amaze the illiterate masses. They would then shower him with gifts and he would never have to do menial labor again.

The fact there is NO evidence to support any of this nonsense is buried under layer after layer of bad websites, books written by charlatans and bands of people who bounce from AM Station to AM Station hawking their wares. Tell the same lie often enough, to enough people searching for a truth that does not exist and you get Niburu, Planet X and the 2012 Myth.

To the OP, no a chip missing from the finish on an ancient artifact is not Niburu which was correctly pointed out never was a planet to begin with.

I have at my home, many things like planters, vases and art peices that have all manner of decorations on them. None of them have any real meaning other than they are aesthetically appealing. Fast forward a few thousand years and somebody stubles over one of them in a field. They pick up a vase with pretty stars on it in a pattern and start this whole nonsense all over again.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Tgautier13
reply to post by FeralMonkeyMagic

Interesting... what are your sources?

My source is an anthropological archaeologist.

Some one who learned to read the language, or at least part of it.

All the sources pointing out that niburu is a planet, were based on a science fiction writers ideas of their own interpretation - never, not once did the author of that book say it was fact.

Then you find people akin to Zacharia Sitchin spewing nonsense about any number of writings they have interpreted - without having actually learned the language or doing any legitemate scientific studies on it.

In fact, to support the idea that niburu is a planet, they blatantly deisregard other pieces of information on the same tablets which point to it being related as a "god" not a planet at all.

As i am not an Archaeologist, nor an anthropologist, ill just listen to what some one who has studied in this field for years has to say - they aren't interested in making money, just learning the truth of the matter.

This is no different to the Mayan predictions of Doomsday. Nowhere in any of the Mayan prophecies do they say that the end of their calendar would be the end of times. They used mathematics to accurately predict when a certain cycle would end and start again.

All this 2012 stuff is just to make money by building fear and hype.

I suppose the fact that if Niburu was actually coming, everyone in the southern hemisphere would be able to view it, it would be one of the brighteste objects in our night sky and would also be apparent during the day. However, since this is not the case - the "prophecy" changes.

Apparently now, because theres no proof of Niburu coming by viewing the stars with normal instruments, they have said that it is now a "dark" matter object that can only be viewed with technology we don't have.

Yeah - what a good way to say "it's there" but we just cannot see it!


moneh moneh moneh..

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by xynephadyn

The Planet Nibiru is also known to some as Pleiadian Federation Flagship.

Nibiru was originally a planet that was thrown out of orbit with the implosion/explosion of Sirius B. It wound up in the Pleiades and therefore is known to some as a Pleiadian planet. the sun?

Wow! Makes my head swim! Can you please supply us with some data of how/when/why a Sirius B body exploded, where Nibiru was at that point, and how it achieved enough velocity to travel to the Pleiades and eventually swing by Earth every once in awhile? If true, this would be fascinating. If not, well, I guess nobody got any frequent flyer miles.

[edit on 20-1-2010 by Aliensun]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by autowrench

What you said about a dark star just made my hair stand on end. Star Wars, and the death star???? I know that the nukis have ruled this planet through the bloodlines since Sumeria, and that they were the old empire in the old war, but I also find one of the moons of Saturn a little reminsiscent of SOMETHING!


posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 07:26 PM
I think what they have found here is one of the very first ever emoticons.

This is the fabled "Wink Wink" version ...

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 07:50 PM

[edit on 20-1-2010 by Paradox.]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 10:21 PM
For there to be any sort of ancient representation of Niburu, (as an astronomic body) wouldn't we first need another ancient account of Niburu in the first place? How can Niburu be represented on the Star Disk if Niburu as a star is a modern day creation?

Sumerian Cuneiform rarely used the word Niburu to begin with. When the word was used, it wasn't used in reference to a celestial body. The whole Niburu (planetx) theory is modern hype and interpretation from Sitchen. I believe only the Mesopotamian's ised a form of the word Niburu to describe a celestial deity (sun god or whatever they believed in)

This link explains things fairly well even if one doesn't know how to read Cuneiform or Akkadian

Personally, I think the arc in the Sun is just there naturally from age. There are arcs on the entire disk if you look hard enough. I also think the missing chunk of the Sun is age also.

The link does mention the word Niburu being used in terms of a "crossing" or ferry. That seems fairly interesting when considering that the Sun Disk has an ark on it.

It does seems strange that this disk was found in Germany though. Doesn't present science lead us to believe that the people living in that area at that time would have no advanced ideas about astronomy? It is fascinating stuff however you look at it, and I think it definitely lends itself to the idea that we really do not know 1/10th about actual history of civilization.

[edit on 20-1-2010 by spinalremain]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 10:37 PM
Its a very nice artifact. Very interesting. But as to the transparent cirlcle that supposedly removed im not sure. Heres my observations. If in fact there was a transparent circle on the artifact what was it made out to make it look transparent? I don't think it would fit in with the solid theme of the artifact. And why is there stars and decorations under the place that Nibiru should cover? All that aside, very interesting.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 11:22 PM
Im thrilled most of you find this to be an interesting theory!

And to those who does not believe in Nibiru, I understand that for people with scientific oriented minds it is difficult to grasp something that they cant see or touch- kind of like describing color to a blind person. Especially when beliefs in an alien existence, challenge most religious dogmas.

However, For me personally- I am an alien abductee, psychic/medium and know for a FACT that Nibiru exists- so seeing this disk was an awesome artifact from that time period. Had I lived in 1600 BC and Nibiru was close by or about to come by- I would have created an art object because Nibiru inspired me- as an artist myself, I can relate to this.

Certainly there is no way to prove one way or another whether this disk is in any way related to the passing of Nibiru- but we will know in just a few short years

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by xynephadyn

So Nibiru is going to come close to the Earth in a few years? You seem very certain of this. I am not interested in refuting this or anything, but I want to know what you think or know will happen when it does? Thx

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by xynephadyn

What happened in the 80's and 90's when this planet was meant to come by then? Why are you saying it is 2012 now?

So you are saying a planet will pass us, but it's not a physical planet?

Ethereal planet?

Please explain.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by FeralMonkeyMagic

Would you care to elaborate on who this anthropologist is, and what his works are that you cite through your opinion?

For your information as well, the Mayans predicted a number of things to occur on (12/21/12). A central belief to this was the return of their god Quetzalcoatl. Perhaps, if Nibiru is a god as you say, the two prophecies might share some common ground?

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by spinalremain

I have this information regarding Nibiru, from my encounters with Angels, and their messages of the future. According to them, Nibiru will come close by and will be the source of the pole shift to come around 2012+.

I didnt hear that it was supposed to come in the 80s or 90s. Certainly alot of people who channel this information, and predicted the earth changes to happen alot sooner than 2012- well it hasnt happened yet. I cant say whether they were wrong or just wrong about the date.

My understanding is that Nibiru is a intergalactic star ship, or a dwarf star. A physical object, not an ethereal object.

My visions of a chaotic planet, with turmoil and widespread distruction, as a result of a major catastrophic event- as well as assistance from intergalatic space ships, and subterranean space ships have me to believe that it is all intertwined.

I would never wish this upon any civilization, and its something im not looking forward to experiencing. But, I feel something big is about to occur in the next several years, and I feel that Nibiru just might be that cause.

I personally dont have any connection to Nibiru- its inhabitants, nor do I feel a connection to its arrival as alot of psychics and channelers do- and that is fine, because that is not my calling. But I cant deny the knowlege that I Have received- in person, by Angelic visitations, warning me about disasters to come, and my role in helping humanity during its transitional period and aftermath.

I get that sounds like a bunch of BS, there are tons of New Agers who claim this all the time (most of them are not genuine and are infact visions from spirit guides), and I dont expect anyone to believe me, but you asked, and that is the reason

[edit on 21-1-2010 by xynephadyn]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:16 AM
One thing many need to remember; even a span of 500 years in minuscule in the grand scale. We have all been living during the ascension period no matter when we were born. Accordingly a few decades of failed 'this is it' prophecies would actually be normal. They are not wrong, this truly is it. We have our toes dangling off the side of the cliff, so to speak. 2012 seems to be a 'trip point' or, dare I say, a 'deadline' along this process, that many cultures from around the world have noted.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Tgautier13
reply to post by FeralMonkeyMagic

Would you care to elaborate on who this anthropologist is, and what his works are that you cite through your opinion?

For your information as well, the Mayans predicted a number of things to occur on (12/21/12). A central belief to this was the return of their god Quetzalcoatl. Perhaps, if Nibiru is a god as you say, the two prophecies might share some common ground?

Perhaps, but you are making assumptions as to what the mayans are saying without and basis for your thought, just your imagination joining the dots.

He or she, i cannot remember posted, on a scientific journal site. Just google Mayan Anthropology for any legitemate findings from any legitemate scientist. Actually, go out and buy a book on the mayan Culture - when they talk about "predictions" it was for weather events and the such.. their deity is not tied into a return by their calendar..Where the hell did you get that information? As far as i am aware, it was prophecised but not for a specific date and certainly not tied inot their calendar.

Again, if the mayans couldpredict the end of the world - why did they not forsee their own end coming? Hmmm?

Heard it all before, nothing new here. Move along kids, move along.

Post your links and references by which you expect us to base our lives on.


[edit on 21-1-2010 by FeralMonkeyMagic]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Tgautier13
One thing many need to remember; even a span of 500 years in minuscule in the grand scale. We have all been living during the ascension period no matter when we were born. Accordingly a few decades of failed 'this is it' prophecies would actually be normal. They are not wrong, this truly is it. We have our toes dangling off the side of the cliff, so to speak. 2012 seems to be a 'trip point' or, dare I say, a 'deadline' along this process, that many cultures from around the world have noted.

Really? many cultures and what were their prophecies?

Such as who and where is your evidence Mr. Internet Scholar?

Please site legitemate references as i cannot be bothered being directed to another 2012 webiste for "proof" of your findings.

[edit on 21-1-2010 by FeralMonkeyMagic]

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 12:36 AM
Oh wait - i forgot this was a 2012 doomsday thread...

Maybe i should have left common sense and logic at the door.

See ya around!

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by xynephadyn
Im thrilled most of you find this to be an interesting theory!

And to those who does not believe in Nibiru, I understand that for people with scientific oriented minds it is difficult to grasp something that they cant see or touch- kind of like describing color to a blind person. Especially when beliefs in an alien existence, challenge most religious dogmas.

However, For me personally- I am an alien abductee, psychic/medium and know for a FACT that Nibiru exists- so seeing this disk was an awesome artifact from that time period. Had I lived in 1600 BC and Nibiru was close by or about to come by- I would have created an art object because Nibiru inspired me- as an artist myself, I can relate to this.

Certainly there is no way to prove one way or another whether this disk is in any way related to the passing of Nibiru- but we will know in just a few short years

It sounds to me like you're just describing what the demons fear about Apophis. If you are a medium, then you are a conduit through which the fallen can manipulate.

Yes, Apophis they do fear. They fear more that man would wake up to God's revelation and recognize Apophis for what it is.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Yes the "fallen" have and do try to get to me often- Because I fight for good and love- but I KNOW THE DIFFERENCE and I am not a TOOL for the devil, is that what your religion teaches you???

Edit: Aha! I just saw you post something on a thread where a woman was being haunted by a spirit and you said that it was someone playing a hoax on her and that Christ was the only way???
Give me a break-

PS Your now being ignored

[edit on 21-1-2010 by xynephadyn]

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