posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 07:51 AM
A surprisingly accurate time-line of events is described in a disclosed secret CIA report before the partition of Palestine was initiated and Israel
created. Anyone who reads the report will be baffled and ask why if Govt. was aware of consequences they allowed i.e, supported such a thing?
The first page accurately tells what would happen in case of partition of Palestine. Armed riots etc
This second page accurately defines the status of Palestine in Arab world.
This page define what action the Arab nations will take. Read the last line of the document as it is very important.
The most important part of the report:
Territorial ambition it reflects the current Israeli policy of land grabbing and building of illegal
Soliciting of Foreign Aid: The propaganda campaign by Israel since last 60 years by Zionist. It is interesting in the report the word injustice
is stated as
The top lines accurately define the "exaggerated" propaganda by Israel for demanding and taking more territory. This page says the propaganda will
be widely publicised and and exaggerated. Also interesting to note is the role of U.S.S.R.
The Conclusion of Report
It is an interesting 19 page report and I recommend everyone to read it.
Instructions to find the report
Goto and select Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room under Library section and search for -
[edit on 15-1-2010 by December_Rain]