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Israelis are the real terrorists

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posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:50 PM
Israel’s siege of Gaza, largely unseen by the outside world because of Jerusalem’s refusal to allow humanitarian aid workers, reporters and photographers access to Gaza, rivals the most outragous crimes carried out at the height of apartheid by the South African regime.

This is a stain on what is left of Israeli morality.

Washington, of course, is a handmaiden to all this supplying Israel with all the goodies it needs to carry out this genocide.

It is an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe that each day poses the entire 1.5 million Gazans to an unspeakable ordeal, to a struggle to survive in terms of their health.

Gaza now spends 12 hours a day without power, which can be a death sentence to the severely ill in hospitals. There are few drugs and little medicine, including no cancer or cystic fibrosis medication. Hospitals have generators but often lack fuel. Medical equipment, including one of Gaza’s three CT scanners, has been destroyed by power surges and fluctuations. 

The magnitude, the deliberateness, the violations of international humanitarian law, the impact on the health, lives and survival and the overall conditions warrant the characterization of a crime against humanity. This occupation is the direct intention by the Israeli military and civilian authorities. 

They are responsible and should be held accountable. Why aren't they? 

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:14 PM
They indeed are a disgrace to the human race. I wonder how long will the people of this planet tolerate the genocide thats going on at Gaza.

Maybe a nice little quake would do the job and eradicate these zionist terrorists once and for all!

We can always dream...

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:20 PM
America should go to war with Israel, that would be a war they could actually win.

[edit on 14-1-2010 by SuperSlovak]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by SuperSlovak
rivals the most outragous crimes carried out at the height of apartheid by the South African regime.

What a lot of anti jewish rubbish - They have a blockade to stop weapons and rockets from entering gaza, as they know the Hamas terrorists will use them to attack Israel

This is a stain on what is left of Israeli morality.

Not at all, it is a stain on the anti semites that try to blame Israel for everything

Gaza now spends 12 hours a day without power

How about the Palestinian government spend money on generators instead of rockets and weapons to attack Israel? Because they are not at all interested in the fate of the palestinian people, prefering them to live poorly just so that they can blame Israel

the characterization of a crime against humanity.

That crime is committed by the Palestinian government and the Hamas terrorists

They are responsible and should be held accountable. Why aren't they? 

because no one cares for the Palestinians - not Hamas, not their government no the rest of the arab world. They have bought it on themselves

[edit on 14/1/10 by dereks]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:32 PM
Stopping this is all very easy! stop the rockets and attacks and Israel will have no reason to do what they doing. While these Attacks continue i can't take sides as to who's "wrong". I hear your comments about what they doing.NOTED. but i guess you saying then that it is o.k to shoot rockets and set off suicide Bombs for your cause (no matter how valid that cause is) and the other side must just live with it?

Don't get me wrong i'm not standing up for what they doing, by no means.

We have done the same in the wars we've been in. We Bomb a location knowing that there is or might be innocent kids, women and Children. But we still do it and accept Collateral damage. ?? Not too much different than what Israel is doing, just in a slightly different way!

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:32 PM
Wow another hate Israel thread! Hey read up on the 6 day war, where every arab nation around israel positioned an army on its borders and the west bank, Israel won and seized the land they were going to invade from. But i guess were all terrorists, you americans killed the natives and nuked japan killing thousands of innocents, and we british enslaved and killed in loads of countries.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

Call me an anti semite I really don't care it won't hurt my feelings. Are you defending these israelis? Shame on you.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by SuperSlovak

Oh get over yourself. Yes im defending Israel after 9 countries declared war with Israel in 1967, where there soldiers were out numbered more than 6 times, and outnumberd 3 times with tanks. Israel deserve that land, im 100% sure america would do the same today.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by dereks

They have a blockade to stop weapons and rockets from entering gaza

They are stopping more than that moving through into the Gaza Strip, that's why there are so many smuggling tunnels

[edit on 14-1-2010 by Pockets]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 07:11 PM
Another short-sighted anti-Jew thread. Move to the war on stupidity category, or just make that a new category for these threads.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by john124
Another short-sighted anti-Jew thread. Move to the war on stupidity category, or just make that a new category for these threads.

Another knee-jerk 'if you call Israel out for anything you hate Jews' response.

It would be great if you could engage the issue here, not spout rhetoric. It's tiresome and shows questionable intelligence.

The fact remains, people are being denied their human rights in Gaza. Do you think this is justified? Do 'they' all 'deserve it'?

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by SharkBait
Stopping this is all very easy! stop the rockets and attacks and Israel will have no reason to do what they doing. While these Attacks continue i can't take sides as to who's "wrong". I hear your comments about what they doing.NOTED. but i guess you saying then that it is o.k to shoot rockets and set off suicide Bombs for your cause (no matter how valid that cause is) and the other side must just live with it?

Don't get me wrong i'm not standing up for what they doing, by no means.

We have done the same in the wars we've been in. We Bomb a location knowing that there is or might be innocent kids, women and Children. But we still do it and accept Collateral damage. ?? Not too much different than what Israel is doing, just in a slightly different way!

So just to be clear, you are defending actions that kill innocent women and children?

Am I understanding you correctly? You are saying that is justified?

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by ImplausibleDeniability
The fact remains, people are being denied their human rights in Gaza

Well, they are trying to kill Israeli's, hamas want Israel destroyrd...

Do you think this is justified? Do 'they' all 'deserve it'?

That decision is up to the Palestinian government to make

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by SuperSlovak
rivals the most outragous crimes carried out at the height of apartheid by the South African regime.

What a lot of anti jewish rubbish - They have a blockade to stop weapons and rockets from entering gaza, as they know the Hamas terrorists will use them to attack Israel

This is a stain on what is left of Israeli morality.

Not at all, it is a stain on the anti semites that try to blame Israel for everything

Gaza now spends 12 hours a day without power

How about the Palestinian government spend money on generators instead of rockets and weapons to attack Israel? Because they are not at all interested in the fate of the palestinian people, prefering them to live poorly just so that they can blame Israel

the characterization of a crime against humanity.

That crime is committed by the Palestinian government and the Hamas terrorists

They are responsible and should be held accountable. Why aren't they? 

because no one cares for the Palestinians - not Hamas, not their government no the rest of the arab world. They have bought it on themselves

[edit on 14/1/10 by dereks]

I care about the Palestinians. Why don't you?

And if you don't care about them, what does that say about you and why should anyone listen to you call someone out for being racist? Where is your brain?

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by ImplausibleDeniability
The fact remains, people are being denied their human rights in Gaza

Well, they are trying to kill Israeli's, hamas want Israel destroyrd...

Do you think this is justified? Do 'they' all 'deserve it'?

That decision is up to the Palestinian government to make

So let me get this straight...according to you....

- When the Palestinians attack Israel it's Palestine's fault.
- When Israel attacks Palestine it's Palestine's fault.

You're a terrible human being if you believe this.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 07:22 PM
All we should do is quit sending military and economic aid to Israel, and remove dual citizenship Israelis from holding any power in America. Israel is not an American state, thus we need to quit babying them like they are and worry about our own country.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by ImplausibleDeniability
I care about the Palestinians.

so you care that they keep attacking Israel? They bring on the Israeli attacks and blockade by their own actions?

Why don't you?

perhaps because I do not care for terrorists, those that refuse to help themselves, always trying to blame Israel for their own problems. Why doesnt the rest of the arab world care about the palestinians?

Where is your brain?

I am not the one supporting the terrorists here, so where is your brain? obviously not being used

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by SuperSlovak
Israelis are the real terrorists

Kind of one-sided, dont you think?

Major Palestinian Terror Attacks since Oslo

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 07:26 PM
Well like my good friend Kinky Friedman says. "They sure ain't making jews like jesus anymore."

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 07:31 PM
it is funny how anytime someone calls out isreal for its many many crimes against humanity the first response is to label that person anti semitic and all that really shows is that they have no real arguement against what is goin on in the gaza strip that or they just dont care im not anti semtic im anti genocide ive seen the pictures women and children dead in the street even new borns dead and isreal thinks it has a right to do this i think most have us have and its makes me sick to my stomach what isreal is doing makes me sick when i know that the usa is ok with it but not only that but gives weapons and rockets to kill innocent children, there are jews who are against the occupation palestine so are they anti semitic

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