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Democrats launch counterattack to save Harry Reid's Career

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posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 07:03 PM
Wow, so since Obama and Sharpton have accepted his apology it's all o.k. What does that professional victim (Al) have to do with anything? I guess the dems really can do no wrong, or be held to the same standard By posting his record does it prove how he really feels, or how he has to vote?

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

He apoligised , Obama accepted , end of story.

No need to pursue your usual agenda

[edit on 11-1-2010 by Sean48]

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 07:11 PM
Apologizing for "You lie" wasn't enough for some.......only censure was enough. So is saying someone is a liar worse than a racist comment? So even though Obama accepts your apology, if the Dems want you censured??????? You really don't see a bias here? And again, who cares whether Al accepted it, he he Obama's new spiritual advisor? Maybe he's just there to make sure the apology happened. al is a joke and having him there does raise other questions.

[edit on 11-1-2010 by adifferentbreed]

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 07:17 PM
This is the kind of crap they push onto the public to get another pointless,
non-important matter up for debate while they screw us over from the backside.
Why are they making such a big deal out of this?
I dont even like Harry Reid, but damn, I DONT CARE!
By bringing out issues like this, it only makes me dis-trust my government even more.
Seriously, WHO CARES?!?!
And they wonder why our country is getting worse and worse with each day, because all they have time to talk about is that someone said the word Negro.GROW UP !!! RUN THE DAMN cOUNTRY!
This is NOT General Hospital..We Dont Want to hear about your POINTLESS DRAMA.
Do your job, or GTFO!

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

You need to understand one important fact:
When the Republicans or Conservatives say anything the Democrats wish to construe as racist, apologies are not enough. The Republican must be quartered, they must resign from whatever job they have, and be labeled forever more a racist.
HOWEVER, when a Democrat says something racist, it it merely a remark that was not intended to be racist. It was misunderstood. There is no need for any apology, and if the Dem does apologize, he is hailed a hero. In any case, you CANNOT make a big deal about Dem racists because they aren't racist.
Even Robert Byrd, the famous Senate KKK member wasn't really racist. He just liked barbecues.

Hopefully, you now know the facts. Anyone that accuses a Democrat of racism is wrong, a diversionary, etc.

The fact that it has been the Democrats that have kept African Americans down, by increasing their presence on welfare rolls, and teaching them that it is good to "get everything you can" from Uncle Sam, helped destroy the fabric of the family, must be ignored.

A government dependent citizen is a docile citizen that will cry for more and more government aid.
Therefore, you must stop criticizing Harry Reid. He is really "helping" both light-skinned and dark skinned blacks. Spread the wealth. Give up your hard earned dollars to help those that do not wish to help themselves.

Starred and Flagged.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 07:55 PM
This is another well orchestrated distraction.

Good job Obama! You are safe for another week. We may never get to talk about issues at this rate.

Wait! crap...

They already passed the bills and are having private discussions on molding the two bills (house bull, and senate bull, no typo).I was going to Tivo those debates on C-Span. There goes my weekend plans.

Opposition of Obama needs to focus on issues before its too late. Then again, it already may be.

I guess its time to move on to debating Cap and Trade, seeing as health care debate in futile.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Post of the week........I've never heard it summed up quite so well. I also find anytime Al is arround to be profoundly suspect, if you'd have mentioned that you'd of had the post of the month, on this topic.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
Wow, so since Obama and Sharpton have accepted his apology it's all o.k. What does that professional victim (Al) have to do with anything? I guess the dems really can do no wrong, or be held to the same standard By posting his record does it prove how he really feels, or how he has to vote?

Harry Reid should resign immediately. Clearly, he is a racist.
Everybody knows people would be more up in arms about this if
Reid was a Republican.
Janet Napolitano should resign also.
She is incompetent. white house sure is busy circling all these wagons around all
these losers.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 09:28 PM
What, exactly, was racist or incorrect about what Harry Reid said?

I've yet to find that out. People just say it is and repeat it ad nauseum.

While I think Harry Reid is a tool, one which I would love to see unused and rusting in the yard, but I see no reason to ask him to resign.

[edit on 11-1-2010 by KrazyJethro]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 02:54 AM
I don't personally know Harry Reid so I can't speak to his personal views but I don't believe this issue, or at least the "furor" over it is about racism. It's more a matter of hypocrisy, or at the very least a double standard. I have almost no doubt that if a republican(No, I am not one) was found to have said such a thing, the left and some individuals would be howling for his/her resignation.

I personally don't think it's a big deal. It's political correctness yet again only this time it's focused towards the left, which isn't generally the case.

As an aside, negro is an anthropological term used to describe someone descended from a particular part of the world and at least in the past, wasn't considered nearly as offensive as its well known derivative. Times change and as it does, things that were once acceptable longer are. When you get right down to it, it all comes down to semantics, which seems to be more and more prevalent these days as words, statements and laws are micro-analyzed.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
reply to post by adifferentbreed

You need to understand one important fact:
When the Republicans or Conservatives say anything the Democrats wish to construe as racist, apologies are not enough. The Republican must be quartered, they must resign from whatever job they have, and be labeled forever more a racist.
HOWEVER, when a Democrat says something racist, it it merely a remark that was not intended to be racist. It was misunderstood. There is no need for any apology, and if the Dem does apologize, he is hailed a hero. In any case, you CANNOT make a big deal about Dem racists because they aren't racist.
Even Robert Byrd, the famous Senate KKK member wasn't really racist. He just liked barbecues.

Hopefully, you now know the facts. Anyone that accuses a Democrat of racism is wrong, a diversionary, etc.

The fact that it has been the Democrats that have kept African Americans down, by increasing their presence on welfare rolls, and teaching them that it is good to "get everything you can" from Uncle Sam, helped destroy the fabric of the family, must be ignored.

A government dependent citizen is a docile citizen that will cry for more and more government aid.
Therefore, you must stop criticizing Harry Reid. He is really "helping" both light-skinned and dark skinned blacks. Spread the wealth. Give up your hard earned dollars to help those that do not wish to help themselves.

Starred and Flagged.

Just a few points I would like you to consider:
The "Right" has been touting signs portraying Obama as an African Witchdoctor.
The "Right" has said repeatedly that the only reason Obama was elected was a twist on the 'white mans burden' aka: Because he was black and not on Merit.
Etc. Etc.
Course, nobody calls that what it is it seems.

The fact that it has been the Democrats that have kept African Americans down, by increasing their presence on welfare rolls, and teaching them that it is good to "get everything you can" from Uncle Sam, helped destroy the fabric of the family, must be ignored.

Is in itself a fairly racist statement implying bees to a honey pot, without any sense of self control.
But here is something you need to realize: The largest ethnic group in the US on wellfare are Whites in the Bible Belt. Or to rephrase: Said areas that whine and squeal the most about handouts, get the most of them, majority are White.

Seems the more "Right" leaning the state, the higher the incidence of wellfare, hate crimes, lower graduation rates, higher prison populations.

Compare those "Freedom loving" states to the "Left wing ran fascist states" in areas like wellfare and crime.. I dare you

I am kind of curious though; who was the last republican forced to resign over a racist comment?

His own party couldn't even get rid of Larry "Naughty, Naughty Clinton" Craig after the humiliation on the whole "Family Values" front. I can't think of any on either side that were forced to quit over a racist or hateful statement of any sort.

I did think it funny you cited Robert Byrd, who was of course succeeded by
Strom Thurmond

[edit on 12-1-2010 by lordtyp0]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 03:34 AM
Actually on a separate note..

I have no idea why he apologized to Sharpton, he had nothing to do with anything. His apology to Obama was because his comment basically said "Well, he doesn't act black". ie: The patronizing form of racism born from ignorance and old man stupidity, as opposed to the KKK type born from hate. He apologized to the person he commented about; that person accepted. This is why it's 'case closed'.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by lordtyp0

Just a few points I would like you to consider: The "Right" has been touting signs portraying Obama as an African Witchdoctor. The "Right" has said repeatedly that the only reason Obama was elected was a twist on the 'white mans burden' aka: Because he was black and not on Merit. Etc. Etc. Course, nobody calls that what it is it seems.

Your remarks are laughable. When have you heard anyone call Obama an African Witchdoctor? Furthermore, I don't know anyone of any importance on the Conservative side that believes Obama was elected because he was black. I do believe he was elected, despite any merit...not because he was black, but because his experience was extremely limited, in Illinois, to responding to most of the votes with "present", and in his two years as a US Senator running as a candidate, and of course, his time as a "community organizer"
Of course, his experience as a lawyer for ACORN DID give him experience in being a crook, and learning how to lie very well. If this last year was his idea of an "open and transparent" administration, with no lobbyists, then he truly is delusional at best, and an experienced liar at worst.

Is in itself a fairly racist statement implying bees to a honey pot, without any sense of self control.

Typical Democratic, left-wing socialist cry- racism.
Whenever you can't respond to the TRUTH, you pull out the race card. My remark was not racist, it was the TRUTH. Ask Bill Cosby, or is he a racist also.

Cosby challenged poor blacks by charging, “The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids—$500 for sneakers for what? And won’t spend $200 for ‘Hooked on Phonics.’” He ridiculed the poor English of the black ghetto: “They’re standing on the corner and they can’t speak English. I can’t even talk the way these people talk: ‘Why you ain’t,’ ‘Where you is.’ . . . And I blamed the kids until I heard the mother talk. And then I heard the father talk. . . . Everybody knows it’s important to speak English except these knuckleheads. . . . You can’t be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth!” He suggested that African American criminals were being incarcerated not because of racism but because of crimes: “These are not political criminals. These are people going around stealing Coca-Cola. People getting shot in the back of the head over a piece of pound cake and then we run out and we are outraged, [saying] ‘The cops shouldn’t have shot him.’ What the hell was he doing with the pound cake in his hand?”

But here is something you need to realize: The largest ethnic group in the US on wellfare are Whites in the Bible Belt. Or to rephrase: Said areas that whine and squeal the most about handouts, get the most of them, majority are White.

Again, like your hero, you twist the truth. In reality, blacks BY FAR, have the highest percentage of their race on welfare, as opposed to any other group:

Blacks comprise only 12 percent of the nation, but, according to the above figures, they comprise 37 percent of the welfare rolls.

Then again, liberals never let the truth get in their way. They just keep pushing their own agenda, regardless of the facts.

Compare those "Freedom loving" states to the "Left wing ran fascist states" in areas like wellfare and crime.. I dare you

I guess you never heard of DETROIT.

I am kind of curious though; who was the last republican forced to resign over a racist comment?

I guess you must have lived on Mars for the last 8 years:

On December 20, 2002, after significant controversy following what were viewed by some as racially insensitive comments regarding Strom Thurmond's presidential candidacy, Lott resigned as Senate Minority Leader in the Senate.

It is amazing- with all of the statements you made, NOT ONE OF THEM was true. Then again, when you can't quote any legitimate source, you do what most liberals do-make up your version of the "facts".
Let me let you go now that I have attempted to educate you. I wouldn't want to have you be late for your nightly Vespers to Obama.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 11:34 PM


posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

WOOT! Way to go with the straw men! Kudos there. Taking a response calling into question someones statements and turn it all around by claiming I was making things up and 'not citing credible sources'! Ingenious, specially since I didn't cite any sources, so your leap of logic was spectacular, since I could have been talking about all sorts of studies and not just common sense and readily available information just a google click away.

Still quite a gamble and display of testicular fortitude! Extra special applause for you kind (and obviously profoundly educated) sir!

Excellent smoke screans: I mean, I did not say politicians called Obama a witch doctor, I mentioned the signs being held up at tea-party events. All the talk about said signs on the forum here, and coverage on the big MSM obviously don't count as anyone 'calling him a witch-doctor' no, no, no.

Bill Cosby telling people to take personal responsibility, involvement with families and accountability in a country where 35% of said minority is under the poverty line, yet on your own cited evidence 37% of welfare recipients are of black decent. It is now obvious to me that Bill REALLY meant that those darn dirty liberals are trying to keep them addicted to welfare. Whew! I sure am glad you spotted that little gem!

Your response to me stating that the largest group on welfare were white? Pointing out that though blacks were 12% of the population (in 1994, when the 'credible' article you cited was made) obviously somehow reflects directly on the percentage of welfare recipients. I mean, here I was thinking the percentage of welfare recipients only related to poverty. I did not know they reflected on the whole race! Thanks for straightening me up there... er, I mean "Educating" me. ESPECIALLY since your cited article doesn't even mention an actual number of welfare recipients, just the percentage of welfare recpients by racial breakdowns.

White 38.8%
Black 37.2
Hispanic 17.8
Asian 2.8
Other 3.4

The site also says:

Blacks comprise only 12 percent of the nation, but, according to the above figures, they comprise 37 percent of the welfare rolls. This should not be surprising; in 1994, blacks had a poverty rate of 33 percent. We should not, of course, think it unusual to find poor people on welfare. Consequently, discussions of race and welfare must turn on different issues.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Er... Wait a minute, come to think of it everything you stated falls apart under the most rudamentary examination using rational thought.

Ignoring all the logical fallacy arguments and straw men. Lets break it down a bit.

Let see... First paragraph, basic garbage with predictable "ACORN" boogeymandering and distractive drivel with no relation to the actual topic (Topic is of course racism, not Obama.) the rest is oppinuendo and hyperbole. So, lets move on.

Second paragraph. I responded to a comment prefaced by the magic word of "fact", about racism by showing how the statement itself could be construed as indeed, racist. You accuse me of instigating the race card? Stay classy there ProfEmeritus.
Stay classy.

Next section is just more straw men, Cosby of course was talking about the apathy within the AA community. You take it out of context to bolster a poor argument. No point in commenting further on that.

Next section: Me "Twisting the truth on wellfare"


So, what constitutes 'welfare'? Does it include:

Food Stamps?
HEAT Utility payment programs?
Generally "Welfare" means TANF. If you consider all the above the numbers spread out in all sorts of chaotic ways.

However, I have been looking for almost 2 hours now, I have not been able to find any demographics of direct numbers on welfare recipients or even a current percentage breakdown. The only things I have found is one mention of 30 million, another of 37 million total recipients, those numbers do not add up however with census figures of poverty.

People under the 'poverty line'

The US Census declared that in 2007 12.5% of all people,[17] including
- 8.2% white people [21]
- 24.7% black people [20]
- 21.5% all Hispanic people of any race,[23] lived in poverty.

2007 population of the U.S.A: 302.2 Mil.

65.6% white (non hispanic) = 198,112,000
12.8% black = 38,656,000
Same census claims 13% of all americans are below poverty.

Based on a combination of the population break down and poverty line percentages above:

Whites below poverty: 16,245,184
Blacks below poverty: 4,947,968

Four times the firect number of whites under poverty than blacks. Blacks are three times higher in percentage though based on total cenesus and poverty line stats. Yet the 1994 figures say 38.8% are White, 37.2% are black. The numbers don't make much sense.

Any chance you know how this Huppi site is defining "Welfare"?

Next: Detroit.
Wha? What does Detroit have to do with this discussion? I was talking about states accepting welfare based on Red/Blue alignment. The "Crime" part was poorly phrased on my part. I was meaning more: The number of inmates in prisons.

Anyway: Michigan is #13 on the states per capita list for welfare. Alaska by comparrison is #7.

Here is a breakdown by state on welfare recipients:

Which leads to the last paragraph: More innuendo and deflection.
A: On my last post I did not state anything as fact, I stated it as oppinion. You were the one claiming things as fact.
B: Everything I stated in the previous response was "true". You state "NOT ONE OF THEM was true" while at the same time citing percentage figures that show whites recieve more welfare. Very cute of you.
C:... WTF does "..nightly Vespers to Obama" mean?

D: This exchange is a perfect example of the Reid dilemma. A comment made, people blowing it out of proportion. Mud slinging and tit-for-tats. I don't think it would be near as obvious without your contributions. So, from the bottom of my bleeding heart: Thank you.

I forgot the bit about Lott. He of course resigned as leader. He did not resign from his office as an elected official. Lott's comment was:

When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years, either.

Thurmonds Pres campaign was of course based on rather explicit racial segregation, he also actively attempted to repeal the ability of minorities to vote etc. etc.
A tad different of a situation I am thinking.

[edit on 13-1-2010 by lordtyp0]

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