What happens if to sight a UFO is a Pilot? Which Credibilities do have his words?
“It was like a Cilindrical Tank at least eight meters. Perhaps between five hundred years someone will say us Why and How it made to remain stops
there, suspended in sky, to thirteen thousand feet height”.
Italian Air Force Marshal Pilot, Giancarlo Cecconi
The majority of the Ufologics sights are based on the reports of direct witnesses. However the reliability of the testimonies is often put in doubt
from the possibility of errors or bad ones interpretations of known phenomena. An not skilled person that observe the sky can effectively be deceived
from events and situations that simply do not know and that they can assume the connotations of mysteries.
But what to say about the testimonies of PILOTS (Civilian and Military) people who every day for job move in skies on board in military jets, civil
airplane, helicopters…? The training of these people is very very rigorous (and I personally know some Military Pilots). Besides having to be
endowed an excellent physical stationed a pilot must develop also to a remarkable spirit of mental concentration and observation and must know to
recognize all this that flies to high altitude for being able to face the “unexpected”. He cannot do without this skills. It concerne of his life
and also of the life of his passengers. Sometimes happens that also the pilots see something strange in the skies and, due the elevated
professionality that this category characterizes, is logical to understand because the ufologists consider those of the pilots of the very precious
However, often, the witness (pilot) is reticent to speak because she is afraid of the ridicule or because she covers a detail professional position:
he talk with the enquirer on condition that his name and address or the inside informations eventually received are not disclosed, using them only for
study and search.
One of the cases that I want to subject to your attention is the “Cecconi Case” an Italian UFO Cover-Up. And this is only one of thousands…
“It was like a Cilindrical Tank at least eight meters. Perhaps between five hundred years someone will say us Why and How it made to remain stops
there, suspended in sky, to thirteen thousand height feet”.
Italian Air Force Marshal Pilot, Giancarlo Cecconi
The 18 June of 1979 Marshal Giancarlo Cecconi were flying over the airport of Sant'Angelo of Treviso on board of G 91 R airplane, when the Central
Radar Control of Istrana (Treviso, in North-Eastern Italy) order him to intercept a strange object that hovering right over the Airport. The marshal
executed the order and due that his aircraft was equipped whit a camera he began to release a photo series. At that very moment the Control Tower
informed him to approach himself with secures to the object because from the ground this “OBJECT” seemed to emit a brightness blueish. The air
traffic controllers, right in those moments, observed the object with their binoculars. Cecconi in reality did not notice this last detail but he
continued to release photographies (84 photos!) until that after a last maneuver the object disappeared suddenly from the radar and the sight of the
pilot. By the control tower Cecconi marshal was informed that the object had been suddenly vanished heading towards the high.
The Cilindrical UFO above the Airport.
Digital reconstruction
In all, the sight had lasted “five minutes” during which the marshal had the impression that the UFO moved constantly in vertical sense aiming his
airplane. This denoted an “intelligent behavior”. The shape of the object was that of a “large fuel clilindrical tank”. Its length was five to
eight meters and high, approximately, three meters. According to the pilot the object it had a dome on the top like a small white dome.
The interception of the UFO from the Cecconi carried out almost four thousand meters of height. To the age someone pointed out that it could be be a
matter of a UFO-Solar, that is a ball plastic toy very fashionable in those years that, heated and filled up of air, were able to incidentally to
reach a sure height (and right because of its characteristic that could put in danger the air traffic, the UFO-solar Toy was very soon removed by the
However Cecconi asserted that the object seemed Solid and Rigid since it did not suffer in some way of the turbulences caused from the aircraft
pursuer. Moreover the maneuver of escape carried out from the object ulteriorly excludes the hypothesis of the balloon since in order to disappear in
those so short time the UFO it would have to travel like a minimum to 950 kilometers hour…!
The G-91R, as well as for missions of support to the ground forces, it was used for missions of tactical recognition, being equipped of four “Vinten
cameras” (one frontal, two lateral ones left and right in the snout, one ventral) optimized for such scope.
Images from newspaper "Epoca"
What happened in18th June 1979 the, at 11,30 in a limpid day has indeed of the incredible one and it is set as one of first and more mysterious cases
than Italian sights UFO from Military Pilots. To Giancarlo Cecconi, Marshal Pilot of the airport of Sant'Angelo, was ordered, officially from the
radar control, to make an interception of a Unidentified Flying Object, right in the vicinities of the airport of Sant'Angelo. That day the pilot was
with its G91R, equipped with a lot of cameras. But Giancarlo Cecconi is himself shrewed in a hurry that he was something different: it was a Rigid
Object and moved aiming the airplane. From the control tower they said that it left a wake blue and the UFO was moving in vertical towards the high.
While 84 photos were shooted, then gives to the Italian Defense Ministry and desappeared. In the 1984 the Defense Ministry closed the case saying that
“it was be a matter of a plastic balloon”. This debatable behaviour, would not be justified the fear of the Italian Defense Ministry to diffuse
the photos publicly…
The final statement of Italian MOD in 1995.
-No other informations or photos is available.
-No relationship of the Pilot or the Radars recorders or the Meteorological conditions of the day of the sight is available.
-The Defense Ministry is at least interested to start a study on the single phenomenon in consideration of the impact on the national security.
An Italian Cover-up!!
It would be interesting if other ATSers inserts own subjects on this kind of issue: UFOs & Pilots!