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Yawning: An Ironic Way to Beat The Powers That Be??

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posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 05:03 AM

fish yawn

Either the theory needs work, or the writer needs an editor.

Yawning is good. I hadn't considered its subversive potential. From now, I'm gonna be dangerous

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 08:50 AM
Great post. Never realized how contagious yawning is, you can catch it while reading about it. I must have yawned a dozen times reading that

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 08:53 AM

this is a really cool thread

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by skunknuts

I love that post!

Things of this nature always excite me. Cheers for posting!

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by TranscendencyNow

and start a Mexican Yawn

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 10:10 AM
And the 'so called' experts of the scientific community say we evolved from chance? That make sense NOT. We have been designed and facts like this prove that an intelligent designer put us here, agree with me or not ,that is the truth FACT
As a science/ mathematics teacher said to me : "It takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does in creation"

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 10:11 AM
It's an interesting theory.

Yawning is indeed one of our more unusual habits.

And it's news that will delight anyone attending a political speech.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 10:15 AM
Interesting. Something that I have been wondering about yawning is the "phenomenon" of repeatedly yawning while you recite the prayers to heal the evil eye. In Greece the belief in the evil eye is very widespread and it is very common for people to ask from someone who knows such a prayer to heal them from the evil eye when they are not feeling so well. What is interesting is the excessive yawning of the "healer" and those around when he says the prayer.

Here is an example of what I am saying:

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by kee7777
And the 'so called' experts of the scientific community say we evolved from chance? That make sense NOT. We have been designed and facts like this prove that an intelligent designer put us here, agree with me or not ,that is the truth FACT
As a science/ mathematics teacher said to me : "It takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does in creation"

What you say is reasonable (that it is acceptable to logically state there is some evidence of intelligent design). However, when people try to say that intelligent design supports a biblical/koranical and/or new-world creationist perspective, it is utter nonsense. That would be like me saying that because I hear breathing sounds coming from my closet, there must be a one-horned purple monkey residing within it.


posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by skunknuts

Originally posted by kee7777
And the 'so called' experts of the scientific community say we evolved from chance? That make sense NOT. We have been designed and facts like this prove that an intelligent designer put us here, agree with me or not ,that is the truth FACT
As a science/ mathematics teacher said to me : "It takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does in creation"

What you say is reasonable (that it is acceptable to logically state there is some evidence of intelligent design). However, when people try to say that intelligent design supports a biblical/koranical and/or new-world creationist perspective, it is utter nonsense. That would be like me saying that because I hear breathing sounds coming from my closet, there must be a one-horned purple monkey residing within it.


Oh, and to say that it takes more FAITH to believe in evolution than intelligent design is utter tripe, regardless of what some middle school math/ science teacher might say. To make that statement, one must not understand the concepts of evolution and faith whatsoever.


posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by skunknuts

I quote from a blog I read: It is agreed by all that human intelligence is the highest level of intelligence found among the creatures that inhabit the planet. Hence, it naturally follows that anything which is purposeful, ingenious, and complex, which is not capable of having been designed by human intelligence, must have had its source in a much higher level of intelligence. We will call this level of intelligence "Infinite Intelligence."

or as the bible puts it: Every house has a maker and he that has contructed all things is God

For example, physicist H. S. Lipson, realizing the odds against a spontaneous origin for life, said: “The only acceptable explanation is creation. I know that this is anathema to physicists, as indeed it is to me, but we must not reject a theory that we do not like if the experimental evidence supports it.” He further observed that after Darwin’s book, The Origin of Species, “evolution became in a sense a scientific religion; almost all scientists have accepted it and many are prepared to ‘bend’ their observations to fit in with it.”30 A sad but true commentary.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by kee7777

Like I said, there is evidence (specifically, the nature of DNA) of intelligent design. There is no evidence that this has anything to do with Jesus, Mohammad, or any other mainstream religion. There is less than no evidence for new-world creationism. It is absolute fact that evolution occurs and is occurring.


posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by kee7777

Also, the social modulation aspect of the yawning OP is evidence of yawning's evolutionary basis more-so than of intelligent design, although the two are obviously not not mutually exclusive.


posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:15 PM
"Dreaming is the time of the night when you compose the notes of your day into the song of your life"

The yawn is a physical tool used to sync together a family/communities sleeping patterns.

The sleep itself is composed of 3 parts:

The Physical Sleep - Your body regenerates itself

The Spiritual Sleep - The R.E.M dream state which allows your "HIGHER SELF" the ability to sort out the days events and its relationship to past days events.
The abstract nature of the dream is due to our "Conscious Self" interpreting said dream from our current materialistic paradigm.

The Social Sleep - Just as our "Higher self' sorts out our days events, the amalgamated mass of human dreamers plays together in a great song every evening. With our "Higher Selves" not only serving as composers of our own personal song but also as members in the great nightly orchestra known as "Humanity".

Now what makes this all possible ? Well the yawn is definitely one of the physical factors that creates chemical,visible and psychological signals for us to get tired together.. But... That's just the tip of the iceberg.. DNA and the Pineal Gland are the big players in this nightly Jam fest..

The human DNA stores vast amounts of information but it also acts as an antennae. The send/receive nature of the double helix serves as the means for us to "Jack in" together during dreams. We all know that our parents and brothers/sisters have a closer DNA match then myself and anyone reading this. That's not to say that we aren't almost exactly the same but those little differences allow us to jack into family members the easiest. The close sync is displayed in a lot less abstract and more straightforward manner, we can physically see family members helping each other out before others.

Now think of the DNA similiarity as a trickle down effect for the ability for organism to "Jack in" to each other.. We share over 90% of our DNA with chimpanzees and it goes down from there with all the other organisms sharing our planet.. So we in essence not only jam with humanity but we jam with earth.. Suppose DNA isn't a localized phenomenon of Earth, we could be jamming across the stars with anyone that shares our DNA..

Now the part that allows this to happen while we are asleep and supposedly "Dead to the world" is the often misunderstood pineal gland.. This is the gland that allows us to see with our eyes closed, infants have active pineal glands before their eyes operate which prepares them for "seeing" in the real world. The pineal gland has been called the "Water Door" and in essence it is a gateway to our "Higher Self". The pineal gland secretes a substance called '___' (the T is the tryptophan in your turkey.. The sleep juice). Its almost identical to Serotonin/'___'/Psyilocybin and many other "Tryptamines". The common thing about these "Tryptamines" is they make you "Trip". Now '___' with the help of the pineal gland does this nightly and its what causes the "Dream" to take shape.

Hope this helps open minded people better understand the relationship between yawning/dreaming and the universal jam called DNA..

Peace out..

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by LessThan3YearsLeft
"Dreaming is the time of the night when you compose the notes of your day into the song of your life"

I like your analysis/ conjecture, even though much of it is pretty far from being proven definitively. I am well aware of '___', and Terrence McKenna's postulations.

The human DNA stores vast amounts of information but it also acts as an antennae. The send/receive nature of the double helix serves as the means for us to "Jack in" together during dreams.

Freud would probably say that the preposition after 'Jack' could be changed to 'Off.' Sorry, couldn't resist.

I think Freud is a genius, and find it fascinating that as our tools of measurement become more precise, many of his psychoanalytic theories are becoming more evidenced-based notions....


posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Phanthom

it is possible to yawn without yawning, it takes some meditation to find how you would do such a think, and practice.

reply to post by 4stral4pprentice

that's the muscles in your ear, they are attached to your jaw

[edit on 11-1-2010 by theuhstuf]

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by theuhstuf
reply to post by Phanthom

it is possible to yawn without yawning, it takes some meditation to find how you would do such a think, and practice.

That sounds interesting. Could you elaborate at all? I think I can sort of emulate the sensation of the yawn (starting in my chest, and moving up sorta), but it is hard to know whether my brain is responding in accordance


posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by skunknuts

I have been making my own style of meditations and stuff, so I'm not too sure i can help, but what i can do, is focus on visualizing on raising my mind, elevating my brain, I usually don't need to breath any different anymore, i think it has something to do with what I am doing on a daily basis.

I am a walking ritual, all negative energy is taken in and reversed when i send it back out. so i have a mind of compassion, self awareness and interconnectedness. I often notice when i'm surrounded by negative energy, I feel like yawning, I used to yawn often, now I channel that feeling into my constant tantra-like meditation (if you can figure that out).... message me if you need anything.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by skunknuts

Not much scientific analysis but do you know anyone on SSRI's (Prozac, Effexor, Paxil). Ask them or head over to Erowid and you will find that its much harder to "trip" on recreational tryptamines while under the influence of SSRI antidepressants. Some hospitals use Paxil as way to terminate an '___' trip in patients.

What does this mean to dreaming? Well '___' being a tryptamine will also be affected, therefore your ability to sort out or orchestrate the days events will be diminished.

Some psychiatrists even call Paxil a "Dream Suppresant". Now in our materialistic world this is a boon to a depressed patient.. Without the aid of a higher self or composer he will now rely on the therapist to break apart his days events and align them with a trajectory better suited to materialistic gains then the spiritual ones his pineal gland were confusing said patient with..

A sad life..

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:47 PM
honestly this post just changed my life haha
for the past two years i've been out of college because i had no idea what i wanted to do with my life. i love researching things such as consciousness and current + ancient cultures, the truths of our existance etc
but i couldnt think of a conventional job that i could enjoy for the rest of my life and have been avoiding the school since then

well.. i yawned. haha
i yawned alot reading this post actually
and i dont know why i didnt realize it before

i want to be a college professor!
and i want to teach Spirituality and the Nature of Consciousness
professing upon how countless cultures have tried to identify/define themselves including meditation, group mantras, psychedelics, art, quantum mechanics, materialism, deistic idols, etc
while also discussing how the internal realm demands just as much attention as the external realm.

ive realized i am willing to do whatever it takes to make this happen.
thank you for this realization. S & F!

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