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My theory on why the Gov isnt forcing us to prevent Climate Change

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posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 06:43 PM
So I have been doing alot of thinking this past week about the forecasted climate change. About where our planet is heading in the next 40-90 years if we as a planet dont do anything to stop it. About how our planet is doomed if we dont make the neccesary changes now to prevent catastrophic disasters like the rise of sea levels due to global warming and the destruction of the ozone layer, due to the increase of population to 9billion on the planet- and the modernization of countries like China and India who are on their brink of their countries Age of Industrialization.

I got to thinking, and got really mad, about why the Government isnt enforcing us all to do things like recycle, rationing electricity, reproduction restrictions, etc and why the government hasnt begun to take a stand.

Most people are under the impression that its not really a big deal unless the government says so. Education is the key to preventing our planet to unreperable climate change. Why isnt there being more mandatory programming (like a White House Briefing as an example) of how serious the upcoming climate changes will effect us. I know most people would make an effort if they REALLY knew how serious everything is.

While most conspiracy theorists would agree that our planets Illuminati would rather people not be informed, we also cannot deny that the rich and elite want this planet to survive and be healthy too.

Which brings me to my shocking realization today of why they arnt enforcing us to change. Because they expect a drastic population reduction. Which would result in a halt to our climate change problems.

So what will it be? Soft Genocide or Hard Genocide? Scary to think about...
What are your thoughts?

[edit on 10-1-2010 by xynephadyn]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 06:49 PM
We can sadly already control the weather. and the climate has been changing for the past 10 million years so its no use sweating about it.

Too put it simple, science now tells us that an extinction happens every 62-64 million years. when was the last one? 65 million years ago.(From a thread by a recent poster). and yes, this gives 2012 a second look to most.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 07:01 PM
I think they are playing games with us for real. I f they are let's play their games our style

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 07:22 PM
People as consumers under the spell of corporate satanism are perversely wasteful maggots that consume the apple of the Earth, and sh*t out the remains for what they view as lesser jackasses on which the rich may ride. I do my part in recycling, but when it comes to large scale products, picking up after others... forget about it. Even if you had a giant Caterpillar truck to push stuff into a safer landfill you're spewing out black soot into the air, not to mention the trucks that it took to build it.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by thaknobodi]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 07:28 PM
I think your supposition is incorrect, at least in regards to the US.

The EPA has passed regulations that has stated that CO2 is a regulatory gas now.

Look for Congress to pass the Cap and Tax bill as soon as they are done finishing tweaks on the Health Care Tax.

Of course the Cap and Tax has nothing to do with Global Warming but that is what it is supposedly being implemented for.

Is everything you have based your THEOREM on, have anything to do with what you have been taught on the MSM and the internet?

I believe you should read through the latest thread by Skyfloating.

Internet & The Information Crisis

[edit on 1/10/2010 by endisnighe]


posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by xynephadyn
I got to thinking, and got really mad, about why the Government isnt enforcing us all to do things like recycle, rationing electricity, reproduction restrictions, etc and why the government hasnt begun to take a stand.

In my opinion the vast majority of the US lawmakers are NOT qualified to create sound legislation regarding topics of science and technology. Come to think of it they aren't really qualified to legislate anything since most have sold out to corporate interests.

As far as the powerful elite sitting around doing nothing...what else do you expect? In a classic problem, reaction, solution scenario the worst has to happen before anything gets done. The solution is always reactive.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by xynephadyn

I think you are missing the big picture.
It is natural for the Earth to have an ice age every 10,000 years.
Think of it as a geological clock.
BTW, the Earth is due for another ice age in about 1,500 years.
There is nothing Al Gore can do to slow it down or stop it.
We had ice ages on Earth when the population was zero.
It's not man made.
I think you have been brainwashed by Al Gore and his minions.
Jesse Ventura discovered the truth on his TV show "Conspiracy Theory".

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Eurisko2012]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by xynephadyn

My theory on why the Gov isnt forcing us to prevent Climate Change

Typical Statist crap.

Instead of doing anything about it yourself you would rather get the government to force people to do things for you.

I wish people would learn that the answer is not government control. The government is the greatest polluter. To give them the sole responsibility of protecting the environment is like giving Nazi's the responsibility to protect Jewish people.

About how our planet is doomed if we dont make the neccesary changes now to prevent catastrophic disasters like the rise of sea levels due to global warming and the destruction of the ozone layer, due to the increase of population to 9billion on the planet- and the modernization of countries like China and India who are on their brink of their countries Age of Industrialization.

The best form of population control is education. Look at the more developed nations in western Europe, North America, and Japan. The higher the level of education, the less children.

To think the government can reasonably control population growth is ridiculous. It will turn out just like when they tried to control the business cycle(see: great depression, current economic issues).

I got to thinking, and got really mad, about why the Government isnt enforcing us all to do things like recycle, rationing electricity, reproduction restrictions, etc and why the government hasnt begun to take a stand.

The only stand the government will take is to regulate the people. They will never regulate themselves.

Most people are under the impression that its not really a big deal unless the government says so.

A sad, sad form of Stockholm Syndrome. We have grown to depend on our oppressors.

Education is the key to preventing our planet to unreperable climate change.

Education is important, but innovation is the most important. If we could unlock the mysteries of nuclear fusion, our energy issues will be solved.

Why isnt there being more mandatory programming (like a White House Briefing as an example) of how serious the upcoming climate changes will effect us.

"Mandatory programming" is a very Orwellian idea.

Which brings me to my shocking realization today of why they arnt enforcing us to change. Because they expect a drastic population reduction. Which would result in a halt to our climate change problems.

They haven't done anything yet because they cannot sell the idea of regulating the people without regulating themselves. When they can sell this idea (near future) they will jump at the opportunity to control yet another aspect of our lives.

They will regulate us and it will have negative consequences on not only people, but likely the earth itself.

About how our planet is doomed if we dont make the neccesary changes

George Carlin was right when he said that the planet is fine, we are not.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 11:08 PM
AGW is a hoax to steal more money. Cap n Trade won't help the environment, even if it did need help.
Stop asking the gov to fix stuff, if you believe then you stop polluting. Pollution is beat stopped one person at a time anyway.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 02:40 AM
Americans don't want to play the global warming game. If it really is such a big deal then the other countries should all play the global warming game and leave America out of it. But they won't. That would defeat their purpose. That throws a wrench in their game. The reason why is because their only desire is to control America not control climate. Levels of production are highest in America because we are very productive - something the left doesn't like about America. The whole global warming scam is an attack on America.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 02:44 AM
What if the Communists threw a huge global warming party and nobody attended? Would that be a revolution? Not without America. No wonder they keep inviting us to their lame party. They're always broadcasting the propaganda about how great their party idea is. They never learn. We don't want that crap here in America.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 02:51 AM
Alternative 3. Build a space based platform colony and ship all the necessary people and technology off the planet to safety, then send in robotic killers to kill everybody remaining on the planet. The robots mop up and the people return from space to enjoy the depopulated Earth. The robots could be hiding underground now as we speak. The hatch opens.... and a million killer robots pour forth to exterminate all humans!

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 02:57 AM
Global warming is a hoax and a fraud. It's a SCAM.

Gore should be thrown into jail for his fraud, which was clear in his film. Scientists are peer pressuring other scientists to back their opinion and delete data that proves the opposite.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by Chett
AGW is a hoax to steal more money. Cap n Trade won't help the environment, even if it did need help.
Stop asking the gov to fix stuff, if you believe then you stop polluting. Pollution is beat stopped one person at a time anyway.

^^^ This is real sensible talk here.

If the global warming freaks really have some better technology then start up a better technology company. Make some better energy and sell it at a lower price and if people really want it then they'll buy it. Don't go around making your competitors pay for their own demise. That is a retarded strategy. I can't believe the Gore people actually believe they can talk their competition into losing.

The thing is, the big leftist freaks do NOT have any better technology with which to compete. They can't beat big oil and electricity generators. If they could, then they would be concentrating on advertising and selling the product. But there is none. There is no product. They are simply trying to talk the big oil and electricity generator people into quitting. The Left is obviously suffering from a diseased mind. They are schemey little low IQ brats with insufficient talent.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire
THIS explains Enron!!!! The lefty freaks were purposely sucking in tons of money and then trying to upset the marketplace for electricity. They were trying to tweak our knobs and make us feel like we needed some change in our energy system. Those bastards!!

I swear the commies are under the bed. They on the television also. They're trying to beat America into submission.

This whole climate thing is about controlling energy. It is kind of like Stanley Kubrick warning us in Dr. Strangelove that the leftist wants to control our vital fluids.

[edit on 11-1-2010 by Cabaret Voltaire]

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 04:02 AM

Instead of doing anything about it yourself you would rather get the government to force people to do things for you.

I totally agree.

However, you would think they could at least lead by example.

Not so long ago we had TV adverts laying on the guilt to those of us who leave our standby buttons on, then 4 months ago my local council spent thousands lighting up some of the city's water towers........ That is only one example in my city and i'm sure its the same all over......its madness.

i'm not convinced on the depopulation angle, I don't think they have the brains for such a thing.

[edit on 11-1-2010 by cazzy2211]

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 05:23 AM
In the US the law makers will only do something if one it is money making for them and two it does not cause them to lose a election.

Passing cap and trade would make some lawmakers money but cause many more to lose elections.

Its there problem to ponder. Enough have problems now with national health care.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 07:33 AM
I am sorry you are one of the people that ignorantly believe that we can control the Earth's climate and warming/cooling cycles. We can however do a much better job controlling pollution and efficient use of resources. People all have seen stories about the deserts all over the world and heard about some that use to be tropical jungles and others that were seas or oceans. Earth's natural cycles turned those into deserts and that will happen again. NATURALLY. I am sure if people like the OP and Al Gore were alive then, they would have blamed it on humans at that time also.

We can take care of Earth's resources in a better fashion, and we can prevent much of the pollution currently happening. But we cannot control the warming and cooling of the earth. It just simply isn't possible. It is a startling combination of ignorance and arrogance to think otherwise.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 08:15 AM
Since I started implemented EU Environmental directives the flaws are plain to see in any of the legislation set up to save the environment while handing our cash to the corporate world to save us.

All, the action taken thus far has a revenue stream attached to it, and when a bit of legislation starts to impact that, some of the best legal minds are used to find loopholes to circumvent the legislation.

NO matter what scientists say, no matter what governments do, this will not change.

Even when legislation is implemented it usually means the corporates will shift the problem somewhere else, mask the problem and in a number of cases create a whole new set of problems.

Edit to add: as for depopulation there is an old saying that relates to the Black death, "as the poor got fewer, the rest got richer" depopulation works in the favour of the poor, over population works in the favour of the rich.. so if the rich elite are planning depopulation it would be to their own detriment..

[edit on 11/1/10 by thoughtsfull]

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by johnny2127

I agree. Humans have as much influence on climate as ancient farmer virgin sacrifices did on the rain. Humans blaming their own actions and sins for weather change is as old as humans. The new 'priests' of climate are taking advantage of the age-old human tendency to feel power over climate, and they overestimate their influence on their gods. Humans in the modern day such as Gore recognize they can't be a god, but humans seeking power do position themselves as high priests or prophets. Gore is one of those false prophets.

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