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Living Out Of The Box

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posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 02:31 PM
I think we all know what it means when someone says to you,"you are living in a box." Well, this post is about the proverbial box, and all that it entails.

The "Box" has been called many names, Matrix quickly comes to mind. It is like living in a reality created by other people, designed to make you think you have to act, speak, and live in order to please those other people who created your reality. You play with the toys provide to you, and stay "in touch" with all of your friends who live in the Box, and often meet new people who also live in the box. I know what you are thinking...I don't live in a Box, do I? What is the Box anyway, and who created it in the first place?

A very long time ago, there happened a Great Calamity here on Terra Firma. There were those men of old, wise men they were, and they took to keeping the secrets of the Earth. These were the beginning of the Secret Societies we see in the world even today. I will not name one, you all know whom I speak of here.These people thought it best if these secrets were kept from humanity, for reasons unknown to me. But keep them they did. There were several conspirators here, first and foremost is the Holy Roman Church, which, in their infinite wisdom, ordered the burning of many ancient scrolls and texts, labeling them all "pagan" and "satanistic," so the people, mind controlled by religion, would not care, or make any sort of fuss about this.

What was burned up was the History of the World as recorded by scribes of the time. How many of you have heard of the Mayan Codex? One small part of a once vast library left, and right now, at the brink of the end times, we could use some of this wisdom. And how about the Library at Alexandria?

Destruction of the Great Library

One of the reasons so little is known about the Library is that it was lost centuries after its creation. All that is left of many of the volumes are tantalizing titles that hint at all the history lost from the building's destruction. Few events in ancient history are as controversial as the destruction of the Library, as the historical record is both contradictory and incomplete. Not surprisingly, the Great Library became a symbol for knowledge itself, and its destruction was attributed to those who were portrayed as ignorant barbarians, often for purely political reasons.

The Church, fat with the money of peasants and parishioners realized what power they had over people, for at the time I am talking about, very few people could even read, and only Church priests knew how to speak Latin. After the destruction of the Templars, the Church had it made, now there was no one that knew the truth but the very few at the top.

In the beginning of the modern age politics came to bear on men's minds. this too began in Rome, I wonder sometimes just how many mortal sins can be laid at the feet of Rome? The ancient Romans invented a great many things, some we use today, such as toilets, sewers, bridges built with an arch design, dams, baths, and politics all came from Rome.

The Box was talking shape now, we had religion on the one hand, worship in this way, worship this God only, give money for tithes, fear Satan who is out to get you, hate anyone not of your faith. And we had politics telling us that this man is best, that one is not, this one is good, that one is evil, this party is best, that party sucks. I am not really clear where race became a factor, but it did come to a head during the Civil War, and is is now clear that the bankers conspired to fund both sides and stir up trouble between the people over it. This little plan worked so well for the bankers they danced in the street. Here is how we can become rich! We start a conflict by some manner of other. We loan money to both sides. then we wait it pout, and collect our money, plus interest, of course. What a plan!

The Federal Reserve Bank took this to the extreme. money from debt was, and still is, the order of the day for bankers. We owe, we owe, so off to work we go! Even the word "worship" originally meant "work."

With the modern age came the electronic discoveries that rule over us today. The Box became even smaller with this, now everyone can be watched, and even controlled to a point, but the clever use of adds, signs, commercials and so on. So easy it is to make people who live in a Box believe anything....just keep repeating it over and over. Al Quada. Weapons of Mass Destruction. Terrorists. The media is all fed by the same news machine, the taking heads just read a prompter, they do not report anything at all. I think we can agree now that some do live in a Box, and some will never come out, unless dragged kicking and screaming. Don't you all think it's time for us to come out of the Box? Just asking.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 03:49 PM
I agree, but it is mostly a choice if you get boxed in.

I am in the situation that I am gonna break out of the one I am in now.

wish me luck.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 01:45 PM
Im a firm believer that the box you live in is created by you alone and not externaly. Its designed to help you make sense of the world if you like.

Most people opt to live within the same limitations as those around them because its easier than challenging the status quo.

The strange thing is that, when you live outside one box. You end up in another one. As theres not many people there with you it can get real lonely. If you value your friendships and have no problem with how things are run. Then it would be easier to just stay there.

You wont find much support for ideas and philosophys that are out there beyond most peoples comprehension. Although theres always someone out there who's with you.

Theres nothing you can do that cant be done.

Theres nothing you can sing that cant be sung.

Theres nothing you can say, but you can learn how to be you inside.

Its easy.

All you need are guns.

(all together now)

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by autowrench

S & F autowrench, good thread. However it is still a personal choice of free will to live within or outside the box. Whether that decision is a conscious one in some people Im not so sure of, but it is still a decision. Recently I tryed desperatly to get a friend to just look slightly above the lid of the box, just to even slightly question their reality...but no they would matter what I said to them. So this is why I say people will venture beyond the box only when they are ready.

Much love,light and peace to you at this time autowrench.


posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Algebra

Im a firm believer that the box you live in is created by you alone and not externaly. Its designed to help you make sense of the world if you like.

The box consists of dimensions/realities 1, 2 and 3. To see the 4th dimension you MUST step out of the box so no I disagree with you on the point that the box is created by you alone. It is not designed to help you make sense of the world, it is designed to prevent you from making sense of your true self. The box/matrix is in reality a prison, and with all prisons it has its Guards. Who are these guards? Re read the OP.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

I disagree with how you describe the box that your in. You cant see beyond the 3 dimentions and reality that you describe you can only speculate as to what, if anything, may be beyond it.

mines more based on the perception of the reality and 3 dimensions that were in. Im not trying to change all thats around me but choosing how i wish to see and relate to it. Seperating myself from those who just accept the way it is.

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Algebra
reply to post by Mr Green

I disagree with how you describe the box that your in. You cant see beyond the 3 dimentions and reality that you describe you can only speculate as to what, if anything, may be beyond it.

This sentence explains wonderfully WHY it is we MUST look out of the box quote..." You cant see beyond the 3rd dimension" is so closed minded I cant even see how or why you would say such a thing. It is NOT speculation IT actually IS. Try looking with with an open mind and intent, it is there believe me.

[edit on 22-1-2010 by Mr Green]

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 03:01 PM
Great thread and great thoughts.
In my humble opinion our collective consciousness created the 'box' that we all live in. It is possible however, to step outside of that box into one of your own making, but, a box it still is. At least it is one created by you.

This is why it can be frusterating for people who are ready for a different understanding of reality. People who KNOW there is more to reality than what we were taught are banging their heads against the wall wishing everyone else could catch up and get on the same page so we could all co-create a reality that is more pleasing and in harmony with our true nature.

The more I open myself up to understanding my true nature the more I feel like an Alien visitor sent to observe humanity. With each passing day I become more and more alienated from the human race.Then again, what is the human race but another illusion meant to keep us in a box?

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:11 PM
I enjoyed reading your post. And I agree with it.
It's almost scary to think that everything that we know, is only what we have been taught. So how do we know who to trust? and where did they hear it?

All information has been passed down a line of some sort, and by the time it reaches us, who knows what alterations has been made.
for example, does the Bible still say what it use to? some say yes, some say no.

For years now I have been interested in alternative news, conspiracies and all sorts of research like the known cure of cancer, and the water fuel car, and even the truth behind 911. The list is long.

Unfortunately, the more I learned, the more of an outcast I became. Knowing these things changes the way you act, it changes who you are.
Now I find myself the one outside that box, and others are to busy watching the world go by to accept a different point of view.

sometimes I feel like climbing back in. forgetting everything that I've found just to become a sheep just like everybody else. maybe then I'll stop worrying so much. maybe I can fit in.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by chazltd

Unfortunately, the more I learned, the more of an outcast I became. Knowing these things changes the way you act, it changes who you are.
Now I find myself the one outside that box, and others are to busy watching the world go by to accept a different point of view.

I bet there are a lot of people here who can relate to that.

For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increases knowledge increases sorrow. Ecclesiastes 1:18

As far as turning back, you can't. Because with knowledge comes a responsibility. What has been seen cannot be unseen.

From the Gospel of Thomas:
(Jesus said )
"Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all.
[and after they have reigned, they will rest]

[edit on 22-2-2010 by Alethea]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by autowrench

Truer words have never been spoken! Preach on my brother and hope with the rest of us that people wake up. Stop bickering with one another over silly things and realize who truly is the enemy of peace and happiness!


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