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Videos of soldiers abusing Iraqi children and Animals

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+42 more 
posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:00 AM
Hey, I apologize if this has been posted before, I checked but couldn't really find it.

There are claims and videos all over coming out of Iraq of Allied soldiers doing horrific things over there, is this how they protect us? Some of these are just downright wrong and yet there is no mention of them anywhere in the news. These "men" are being protected by our governments when clearly these false heroes need to shut down. Their crimes range from Puppy smashing( a game where they throw a puppy as hard as they can on the floor and watch it die) to rape and slavery.

Seriously WTF?!?!?!

Soldier shoots dog with smoke round

US soldier offers boy candy then threatens with grenade

Soldier masturbates as boy gets beaten (fixed)

Soldier shoots dog and laughs

Soldier stomping and torturing dogs

Soldier admits gangrape and selling of 15yr old

More soldiers abusing dogs

US Military rape

This is all disgusting and yet we still call them heroes! I couldn't even watch some of these it is just plain sick and these guys are jumping around and laughing like it no big deal! How can anyone still call these people heroes? And yes I know that a lot of soldiers are fine people and worthy of the title hero but covering this up is almost just as wrong. Now apparently many soldiers and marines have come forward to say this is "Just a dog for f's sake" and to tell dog lovers to "get a life" and to defend the marines that did this.

Why aren't these crimes getting any coverage?

PS: I can't state this enough, All soldiers are not like this, the majority are good men and women who are truly doing an honorable job and deserve our respect. Just the ones in this video are truly appalling.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Occy Anonymous]

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Occy Anonymous]

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Occy Anonymous]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by Occy Anonymous

Funny 2 stars and 2 flags

no responses...

There's too much evidence of US troops abusing their power, and

mistreating the Iraq people.

This thread is gonna die fast.

In the other thread , I heard it was CGI , editing , Stockholme symdrome,

used to defend actions of troops.

I cant s@f this abuse m8, I think its wrong.

But this post will bump it.

The Guy in the RAPE CONFESSION tape, .. no words ..

+10 more 
posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:47 AM
I think pretty soon you're going to get the marine lovers rushing in this thread defending the U.S armed forces, regardless of what the vidoes may show.

We shouldn't imagine that all U.S troops are like this, but horrible things such as this need to be acknowledged rather than just ignored.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:48 AM
how about proof that americans are abusing their military members????

america hates its' military servicemen and women!!!!

guarding freedom?
defending freedom?

only if freedom = no one lives long enough to learn all the rules and laws!

lock up all supreme court justices in one building with all they need and see if they can write down all the rules & laws word for word before they die.

do you think they could they do it?

lock up all the supreme court justices and all the senators and all the congressmen in a building with all they need and see if they can write down all the laws and all the rules word for word before they die.

do you think they could do it?s

how can any child be expected to comply with all the laws when they can't live long enough to know all the laws?

could you honestly say you would play a game by the rules if you can never know all the rules???????????????????????????

americans call this freedom.
americans spread this "freedom" by force around the world .....

americans have so many rules that no one knows them all ...

freedom = anarchy?

anarchy = no rules, right?
so many rules that no one can know them all .... might as well say there are no rules at all .... which i guess may be "freedom" for those who are playing by no rules.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:50 AM
I don’t see the cover up; they don’t tend to make the evening news but then I wouldn’t expect them to; regardless of how horrible and deserving of punishment it is shouting at a puppy isn’t that important. Though I will point out that you actually linked to a news story which somewhat invalidates the claim anyway.

I think most of these are investigated and punished where possible; IIRC the marine who through a puppy off a cliff was found and punished though I can’t remember the specifics. Your own links talk about soldiers being punished for these acts.

Some though I think are being overstated, I wouldn’t say that soldier was threatening the kid with a grenade, it just seemed to be a joke; a bit of in irresponsible joke but I don’t see it as a threat nor do I believe that he would have let the kid take it!

As for heroes; who is calling these particular people heroes?


The Guy in the RAPE CONFESSION tape, .. no words ..

How do you know he isn’t already under investigation? For that matter how do you know he’s even a soldier, it just looks like some bloke in a garage mouthing off. If you’re concerned why not contact US authorities and report the video, see what kind of response you get?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Sean48

Yeah there does seem to bit a fair bit of evidence that members of the allied forces are just plain sick. Yeah don't worry I'm not after no stars and flags I prefer replies so I can talk about the topic. Yeah I found a few individual threads about some of these, I thought I would put up similar ones in one place to people can see how bad it has gotten.

There is no defense for the actions of these individuals, I wish I could swear on ATS sometimes coz that's the only to express how I feel about these people, especially as you said the last one.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:54 AM
Yeah, it's pretty sickening how some of the soldiers apparently get their kicks, such shameful actions do nothing but shine a negative light on the rest of the troops in the eyes of the locals. I'm sure it also makes the locals less willing to become involved with them in any way.

The only thing I remember making the news was the soldier who was filmed throwing a puppy off a cliff. Which I think was only news for a couple of days.

Also, The "US soldier offers boy candy then threatens with grenade" and the
"Soldier masturbates as watching boy get beaten " have the same link, the soldier offering the kid a grenade.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:00 AM
Please this is not only american soldiers, it's english and Aussie as well. Ah well I live in Australia and have never heard about any of these stories till earlier. I believe it is a cover up in the sense that these guys deserve to be publicly humiliated, and yet the majority wont be heard of because the government wants support for their war.

Yes the heroes thing was a bad generalization on my part, I do apologize I was just a little angry writing this. As for them being punished perhaps, but the fact remains that if this many are doing this theres bound to be more and more following.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:04 AM
Please watch ALL the videos. It seems this video's name, looks like it was to get a response.

Show me the abuse.

Hell for this kind of abuse they should be put to DEATH. As for the one on candy vs handgrenade. What are the age of soldiers? Maybe we should implement a draft so that the older in the world can teach the younger? Or maybe just maybe we let other countries settle their own frelling problems.

[edit on 1/10/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by Forest

Ah thank you for letting me know, I believe the link is fixed now.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Occy Anonymous

I believe it is a cover up in the sense that these guys deserve to be publicly humiliated, and yet the majority wont be heard of because the government wants support for their war.

I think it’s more to do with the relative minor nature of most of these incidents and the fact that there’s not enough time to give them all attention. Do you really expect the nine O’clock news to carry a story about a soldier slightly frightening a puppy? Personally I’d much rather hear about my government’s latest plan on how to get us out of recession.

The problem I have with threads like this is that the same argument can be made of any profession. I am pretty confident that a similar number of doctors, for example, are involved with animal cruelty, child abuse and other distasteful crimes but I’m not going to accuse anyone of a cover-up because these aren’t given national attention.

The fact is that national/international coverage is always going to be reserved for the big stories.

+4 more 
posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by Mike_A

Raping a girl 10 times , then the shame of it causes her to hang herself??

And the sick POS laughs about it??

Your right , no story there.


posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by Mike_A

Only one of the videos is as light as that, the rest are downright sickening. Yes unfortunately there are always people in power who will abuse others, but I do believe many of these videos should be shown on primetime, how can you posibbly condone stomping and throwing of dogs? or gangrape? As for news being reserved only for big stories....yesterday there was a story of a dog who came back home after 5 years, the day before; about how children sometimes hyperventilate for a cheap high. Yes the news has some major stories at the start but the rest is just crap. How can you say that's more important then soldiers making a sport out of throwing puppies, or of gangraping minors??

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Occy Anonymous]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Occy Anonymous

They may be sickening but in the grand scheme of things the majority don’t stand out, the first one is a run of the mill animal cruelty case except with a smoke round instead of a baseball bat or what have you; the second is a bit of a badly judged joke; the third was all over the news for several weeks I have no idea how you missed that; the fourth and fifth are, again, just standard animal cruelty cases as can be found on civvy street; the sixth is just a random person in a garage who could very well be making up stories (you can’t report on something so unsubstantiated); the seventh is again standard animal cruelty fare and the eighth I can’t open so I can’t comment on.

Of all of those links (except the last) just one is newsworthy and was reported on extensively with, IIRC, the soldiers being brought to justice.

how can you posibbly condone stomping and throwing of dogs? or gangrape?

Show me where I condoned it and I’ll tell you.

As for news being reserved only for big stories....yesterday there was a story of a dog who came back home after 5 years, the day before; about how children sometimes hyperventilate for a cheap high.

And that’s your national news?

Of course there are often “and finally” news stories but these are generally put in for a feel good factor. Naturally the media don’t put “soldier smashes puppy's skull in” in this slot.

The sad fact of the matter is that most of what you have posted happens all the time outside of the military and war zones and generally goes unreported there as well.

The serious cases usually do get quite good coverage, at least in the media I see.

reply to post by Sean48

Raping a girl 10 times , then the shame of it causes her to hang herself??

And the sick POS laughs about it??

Your right , no story there.

No there isn’t, not when the only evidence of this is a grainy you tube video of someone bragging in a garage. You can’t base a news story on something so unsubstantiated; you would end up swimming in these stories with the amount of bull that people make up. If it is investigated (have you forwarded the link to anyone?) and something happens then I have no doubt that it will be reported.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Mike_A]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Mike_A

No there isn’t, not when the only evidence of this is a grainy you tube video of someone bragging in a garage. You can’t base a news story on something so unsubstantiated; you would end up swimming in these stories with the amount of bull that people make up. If it is investigated (have you forwarded the link to anyone?) and something happens then I have no doubt that it will be reported.

You want to know what was even sicker about the video??

His friend asked him what changed after the story leaked.

His reply:

"No more camera's"

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:01 AM
The videos are nauseating, and I agree those responsible should damn well be held responsible, but I want to thank the Op who clarified that this is not a depiction of the ENTIRE population of the armed forces.

As another poster stated, there are going to be sick people in any profession, and any location; but those who are using specific incidents to tout their position that the entirety of the military are villains and should be stopped at all costs fail here.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by Sean48

Again, this is a man in a garage, you don't even know if he is actually a soldier.

The question in the OP was why aren't these being reported and, once more, in this case it's because it amounts to one unidentified man mouthing off in a garage. If this was clearly a soldier, perhaps in uniform in an identifiable garrison then it would probably be a different matter. But as it is, we have no idea as to the validity of this video therefore no editor in their right mind would report it.

It would be like the BBC or CNN reporting that the government was covering up the existence of aliens because someone claiming to be a CIA agent on ATS said so.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by Sean48

I know it is all pretty bad, but shooting a dog is a bit less of a concern than shooting a person. However, for every video of apparent or actual abuse against Iraqi (or Afghan) civilians by US forces I can show numerous atrocities by Iraqi or Afghan (or others in their name) against civilains.

We can start with the large collection of videos of suicide bombers in markets, mosques, schools et al and end with the odd be-heading, whipping, stoning or just plain old fashioned "mowing them down".

Two wrongs don't make a right and I am not excusing the bad behaviour of the small number of US soldiers who have deviated from the civilised path, but a bit of recognition that on balance the opposition have far bloodier hands.

Oh, not I am not American or necessarily a fan thereof.


edit to correct spelling

[edit on 10/1/2010 by paraphi]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Mike_A
reply to post by Occy Anonymous

They may be sickening but in the grand scheme of things the majority don’t stand out, the first one is a run of the mill animal cruelty case except with a smoke round instead of a baseball bat or what have you; the second is a bit of a badly judged joke; the third was all over the news for several weeks I have no idea how you missed that; the fourth and fifth are, again, just standard animal cruelty cases as can be found on civvy street; the sixth is just a random person in a garage who could very well be making up stories (you can’t report on something so unsubstantiated); the seventh is again standard animal cruelty fare and the eighth I can’t open so I can’t comment on.

Of all of those links (except the last) just one is newsworthy and was reported on extensively with, IIRC, the soldiers being brought to justice.

how can you posibbly condone stomping and throwing of dogs? or gangrape?

Show me where I condoned it and I’ll tell you.

As for news being reserved only for big stories....yesterday there was a story of a dog who came back home after 5 years, the day before; about how children sometimes hyperventilate for a cheap high.

And that’s your national news?

Of course there are often “and finally” news stories but these are generally put in for a feel good factor. Naturally the media don’t put “soldier smashes puppy's skull in” in this slot.

The sad fact of the matter is that most of what you have posted happens all the time outside of the military and war zones and generally goes unreported there as well.

The serious cases usually do get quite good coverage, at least in the media I see.

reply to post by Sean48

Raping a girl 10 times , then the shame of it causes her to hang herself??

And the sick POS laughs about it??

Your right , no story there.

No there isn’t, not when the only evidence of this is a grainy you tube video of someone bragging in a garage. You can’t base a news story on something so unsubstantiated; you would end up swimming in these stories with the amount of bull that people make up. If it is investigated (have you forwarded the link to anyone?) and something happens then I have no doubt that it will be reported.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Mike_A]

how and why do people even bother to justify these kind of cruelty. it's ok to be patriotic, but you have to realize at one point, things have gone too far.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by DOADOA

how and why do people even bother to justify these kind of cruelty. it's ok to be patriotic, but you have to realize at one point, things have gone too far.

Who's justifying any of these acts?

Show me exactly where I've tried to justify anything that has been posted.

Also, I'm from the UK, patriotism does not factor into anything that US soldiers do?

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