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Supercollider...... or Super cover up ?

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posted on May, 25 2004 @ 11:22 AM
I lived near a town called Waxahachie Texas.

Years back there was a superconducting super collider (SSC)being built there. The project an 11 billion dollar project... it was supposedly scrapped after spending abt 2 billion. From living there I know that a good portion of the tunnels if not all were built.

Also from experience, when a job is government contracted ususally the project is completed no matter what...
Example.. I was in the air force.. I moved to a base that was putting in a multi milion dollar fitness facility up north... the gym was not complete when the order to close the base came in... the gym was finished anyway (including the olympic size indoor pool)What I am wondering is if that was not a cover up so the military/ government could openly build or expand an underground base there?

I havent heard much rumor of one in the area, but this could be a clue that there is one there.

The story is that the tunnels were fillied in with gravel & the equipment sold off... After seeing the trenches they were digging.. that is a lot of gravel!

I propose that they constructed the tunnels or some of them & the gravel story comes from when they covered the tunnels.

Nothing like hiding the building of an underground base by doing it in broad daylight in the open..

I wanna hear what yall think/find abt this

[edit on 24-6-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 09:07 PM
wow nice
mabye we should pay these tunnels a visit
hmm nice idea for a cover up and a great way to hide a base OR something u dont want found

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 10:03 PM
Hey, Brother!

I'm just a ways North of you, up in the D/FW area...had a question.

Where the tunnels are/are supposed to be, is there any evidence of security measures? Fences? Sensors?

Just curious...if there aren't, then I propose a 'fact-finding mission!'

Maybe after Scarborough Faire dies down...take a walk around and see what can be scared up!!

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 02:18 AM
I was very interested in the whole idea behind the supercollider..........for a while before they 'gave' the project to texas it was rumored to possibly be slated for Utah...the salt flats area....near Wendover Nev.
I was sad we didnt get it, and wondered WTF happened to this BIG PLAN.........where is all our NEW free energy from the so called SUPERCOLLIDER????
You Texas folks go out there and find out! I am seconding the 'fact finding mission' idea cuz I want to know!

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 12:08 PM

They spent far more tha 2 Billion there!

It is unlikely that they filled it in with pure gravel because gravel is expensive to make and quarry.

If they filled it in it would be with rock and dirt.

The USA would never do that to such a expensive facility like that!

They always turn it into something else like a place for storing stuff.

I am glad they cancelled it cause I am afraid that these things will create a Mini Black Hole or Singularity and endanger the Earth!

Unfortunatley they built a bigger one at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island NY.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 01:01 PM
Any further update on this? I'd like to know if anything has been detected whether it was fences, sensors, guards anything?

I would love to do a walk through. I'm a huge fan of abandoned anything and everything. Hospitals, houses, warehouses...anything.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 01:39 PM
I've been on the net for a day looking for any trace of the SSC!


I'll ask around!

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 07:55 PM
hey, i found this topic after a quick google search, trying to find pics of the place to show my friend. topic didnt seem to be too old, so i thought id sign up and post.

if anyone would actually like to visit the place, and can show/tell you where it is, id just have to look at a map for the exit name. ive been there a couple times, my friend and i found it after searching a couple nights. i learned about it before i moved to dallas back when i was in the 8th grade, and he said something about it, so we decided to go out for a looksy. there is no security guards, or fences, the doors are locked, but we where able to find a way in. we didnt go in since we didnt have any flash lights or a camera, but we've been planning on going back. theres actual an urban explorer site where someone has done it, i found it the other day. the place is cool, real creepy at night, good place to bring a date

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 06:41 AM
Wetlands Project

I don't think there is anything out there. I've got a lot of family in Ennis and they say there is nothing out there and the project was cut because it cost too much. There is a Railroad Museum in Ennis, and the museum guide there will tell you a lot about it.

Supposedly, they were going to originally build it out here because of our lack of earthquakes.

Are you sure about the two billion? That does seem like a lot to just throw away.

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 05:46 PM
Couple things. I've heard that it is indeed abandoned, and that you can go there and see the buildings and ring all in an obvious state of decay.

Also $2billion isn't that much when it come to colliders, and its a lot less if you stopped before spending another $4 billion just to have a collider you can afford to run.

As for the worry over a collider casing some kind of miniblack hole that would endanger earth, well, you are partially right.

CERN's heavy collider (due to come online in 2007) is made with the intent of hammering subatomic particles to study things like spraticles (super heavy versions of normal particles) and to search for free standing gravitons and such. However, even if they make a blackhole it would quickly evaporate according to theory.

The only real risk is that current theories are wrong or incomplete and scientist do something horrible without meaning to. For example, for many decades scientist have messed around with explosives, and yet never split an atom with them. Then once they realized they could, the atom bomb was invented. Now imagine the right situation had come about to split atom BEFORE we knew the kind of energy they had.

When you are smashing particles near the energy levels they were near the big bang, you could unless a big mess of new physics. FOr starters we are starting to understand there are 6 more dimension we don't see everyday, and that some particles move through them. Well what if you accidently unrolled those dimensions....eeek.

However, i think no one understand the risk more than those conducting the experiments, and I feel pretty safe. None the less, a lot of big breakthrough were purchased by accidents and payed for in human life.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 10:53 PM
"Couple things. I've heard that it is indeed abandoned, and that you can go there and see the buildings and ring all in an obvious state of decay."

the buildings are not decaying one bit, there is not a peice of broken glass out there, which i thought was weird if no one takes care of the place. the parking lots have weeds growing in the cracks, but other then that, everything is still in excellent condition. 99% of the signs on the building are left intact, it looks as if very few have been stolen. one of these days i can snag some pics, i live about 15 miles away, have been up on the roofs during the day, and went out there once at night. the only thing unusual i found about the place was that some electricity was still running, and when i left from the area at night, another car pulled in? i didnt stick around to see why someone else would come out to the middle of nowhere from one of the backroads (not the main road), but it wasnt a cop or anything of the sort. peace for now/

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 08:20 AM
hi new here but I read up on this not to long ago seems a company is renting some of the tunnels and is storing styrofome cups. link with picts below.... I enjoy the site!

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 09:13 AM
I know that blind link posting is bad but this could be interesting:

Entitiled, 'Risks and Benefits of Building the Superconducting Super Collider' I'm assuming that the report done for/by the congressional budget office will have some interesting details in it. Download the pdfs one by one at:

or in one big (9.7mb) file at:

of course, this could all just be budget info, I'll let u know as soon as it's down

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 12:46 AM
the only way we could know for sure is to visit these sites

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 01:02 AM
It would seem like there are quite a few of us near the installation. We could setup an excursion at some point. I have 3 cameras we could use to document items with. I used to live in DeSoto and I have an uncle that lives just outside of Waxihachi(sp?). just a thunk...

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 01:04 AM
CERN's particle accelerator (super collider, whatever you want to call it) is known as LHC: Large Hadron Collider. It is 27 km in circumference and will indeed switch on in 2007. It should prove enlightening to see what sort of things come out of this project (if nothing is kept "top secret").

[edit on 6-25-2004 by EmbryonicEssence]

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 06:50 AM
Have you ever heard of the supercollider going up in Victoria, AUSTRALIA?
It was supposed to be 10km wide and 1km high

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 10:02 AM
Check out this link: it is listed with the urban exploation resource

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Quest

However, i think no one understand the risk more than those conducting the experiments, and I feel pretty safe. None the less, a lot of big breakthrough were purchased by accidents and payed for in human life.

Well,if something horrible does explode they won't feel it for long before they're nothing left at all.

If everything does go smoothly (as the John Titor story puts it), we should have time travel in the 20/30s

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by kotart13 the only thing unusual i found about the place was that some electricity was still running, and when i left from the area at night, another car pulled in? i didnt stick around to see why someone else would come out to the middle of nowhere from one of the backroads (not the main road), but it wasnt a cop or anything of the sort. peace for now/

Well, that's quite suspicious. Really someone should post like a minicam there one night and see what happens.

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