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Why do we need to slay the beast.

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posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 05:22 PM
People are wising up for what is going on, and the media is no longer to have the same effect that use to have.

The New World Order has actually used the mainstream media has camouflage. It's kinda like a beast or a chameleon that blends into the background to appear harmless, so people don't notice it, and they give us the impression that nothing is happening to our world.

But off course this beast has some claws, and the claws are the many agents working in networks such has the free masons and all the aggregate associates.
The brain of this beast, seems to be the collective decision making process, that takes place in meeting such has the bilderberg meetings, and the 'heart' of this beast seems to be dedicated, unfortunately, to luciferianism, satanism, occultism...whatever you wanna call it, for purposes of darkness and destruction.

This is a very ugly creature, and it knows that is very ugly, it is very dangerous for us and it knows that it needs to be present itself as harmless, to deceive us in order to capture us, because we are it's pray.

This predator is very adapt at disguise and deceive, to tell lies and put it's victims into a false sense of security, with sophisticated techniques of propaganda and mind control, using media, and most people, or a lot of people still haven't quite notice it.
This beast can be best characterize by it's desire of appetite for more and evermore control and power. These appetites set the goal for power and calculations, and are activated trough moving it's obstacles, towards that goal. The act of removing the obstacles bit by bit, actually gives these people I believe, the feeling that they are alive, they become aware of themselves when they are busy thinking and calculating how they can get more control over us.

This is really a beast that we are dealing with, kinda like the dragon that we used to read on the fairy tales. We now can see it moving towards us with the swine-flu vaccinations, which could become forced vaccinations in the UK and other countries in Europe. We can see it moving towards us with carbon tax, with famine and wars.
It’s been wounded by blows by the independent media, but it’s still coming at us. The problem is, that this beast doesn't know what else to do, it’s existence is based in seeking more and more power over others, and act with unnecessary and violent ways, which is going to result in our deaths basically.

Just like in the fairy tales of old, I think that time has come for us, to go out there and slay that dragon, I don’t think we can wait that much longer, time is running out for us, with the Lisbon treaty coming forward, this month, with the vaccination programs, with the carbon taxes and the Copenhagen treaty, about to destroy our economy, I don’t think we have years, I think we have a very short window of opportunity, or maybe months to stop this.

I think to stop this, we will need to call the old fashion virtues, of the hero in the fairy tale. We just got to get up in our horses, get our swords and go out to the beast, confront it and simply slay it. The act of killing this beast, may not require actual physical weapons, but it will require us to be determined and use our intelligences.

[edit on 6-1-2010 by _SilentAssassin_]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 05:24 PM
This beast lives and breathes of deceit and we have to deprive it from breathing by spreading fast evidence, information and truth. Information is related to knowledge, and this revolution, is in fact a knowledge revolution.
Our understanding of the world is an small proportion because of our consumption of the mainstream media and the collection of reports troughs the mainstream media, that is just there to create artificial public sentences that suits the purposes of the beast.
The alternative media is not necessarily much better, just as the left right political parties in politics like a false paradigm. What we really need to seek is the independent media which offers objective facts and solid information, it's up to us to use our judgment and decide what do we believe in, what do we believe it’s truth, what do we believe that is going on in our world, what is shaping our lives, and what are we going to do about it.

No one can take that responsibility from each one of us. The more knowledge we have, the more skills we have, and that’s the best way to succeed in this information war. We not only need to think about slaying this beast, in the next few weeks, but we need to think about what is coming after this, what kind of a future do we want, what kind of concrete steps are we going to take to make this society a reality.

We all heard about revolutions turning into bloody violent affairs in history, has they have been hijacked by the very forces that we thought we have ejected from power. This must not be allowed to happen again, and the only guaranty that it will not happen again, is if every single person, says from now on I will not going to give my responsibility to elected officials, or even to experts, I’m going to participate in the political process myself, I’m going to make the decisions, about how the money is going to be spend in our community.

We need to be more local and get everybody involved again in figuring out what is going to happen to our communities. I also think that we need connect the people in the USA, Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia, and start a really genuine grass root revolutionary movement in the next few months. We are fighting an international corporate crime syndicate and we can only do this effectively if we join forces across the whole Globe.

We have a great opportunity to find a really peaceful prosperous New Era if we work together. We can’t know what the outcome is going to be of our efforts, we don’t know what is going to happen in a week or two weeks time, and we don’t know if a nuclear bomb is going to go off, or war factors are going to come into play, but I do believe if every single person in this world decides that wants to make a difference, it can make a difference, it will build this better world, and it will happen sooner or latter. It is up to every single person to accept the possibility of the challenge using our particular generation for the sake of the next generation and people in other countries.

get up there
and SLAY that dragon.

[edit on 6-1-2010 by _SilentAssassin_]

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 09:34 PM
I followed a bit of what you're saying, but I was particularly intrigued by the JFK video.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 10:33 PM
JFK the world has never been the same since his was gone!Sure he was a womanizer that just makes me like even more!

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by LaxAndBeer
I followed a bit of what you're saying, but I was particularly intrigued by the JFK video.
Don't be. It was heavily edited to make it say stuff Kennedy never intended. The original speech, in its entirety, is here. It is clear in its original context that Kennedy was talking about press leaks, coming one week after his speech about the Bay of Pigs to the same audience. Considering Kennedy was a member of the Knights of Columbus, there's no way this speech was intended to refer to fraternal organizations like the KoC or the Masons.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by _SilentAssassin_

instead of worrying about fighting the NWO, Illuminati, or the Boogyman, how about you take a little personal responsibility and figure out why you feel there are problems. Just for the record, some Freemasons feel like there are problems too, and want them fixed as bad or worse than you do. There once was a similar group of them back in the late 1700s. They spilled a bit of Tea to start and then rallied enough support for a fix to the problem. History is a wonderful thing if you actually study it and understand it. It can save you countless mistakes and teach valuable lessons. But if you want to continue to blame faceless groups that don't even exist, be my guest. It's much easier than actually doing something about it.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by _SilentAssassin_
the 'heart' of this beast seems to be dedicated, unfortunately, to luciferianism, satanism, occultism...whatever you wanna call it, for purposes of darkness and destruction.

it is very dangerous for us and it knows that it needs to be present itself as harmless, to deceive us in order to capture us, because we are it's pray.

This predator is very adapt at disguise and deceive, to tell lies and put it's victims into a false sense of security, with sophisticated techniques of propaganda and mind control

This beast can be best characterize by it's desire of appetite for more and evermore control and power.

I think that time has come for us, to go out there and slay that dragon

go out to the beast, confront it and simply slay it. The act of killing this beast, may not require actual physical weapons, but it will require us to be determined and use our intelligences.

This beast lives and breathes of deceit and we have to deprive it from breathing by spreading fast evidence, information and truth. Information is related to knowledge, and this revolution, is in fact a knowledge revolution.

Put some of your points into proper context and I think you are on to something. Think about it, what would be the greatest deception of all time.

The jesus of today being the anti of Christ. He fits every characteristic of the anti of Christ and his name also adds up to 616

j=yod=10, e=niquud=n/a, s=shin=300, u=vav=6, s=shin=300 total = 616

and the image of this beast

666 calculated - 6=vav=nail, 60=samech=prop, support, 400=tav=mark, sign, a cross, 200=resh=head of man, leader, beginning. total = the crucifix

2 Corinthians 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we don’t wage war according to the flesh; 10:4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the throwing down of strongholds, 10:5 throwing down imaginations and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Messiah;

The Lord said many would come in "his name" claiming they are him.

You shall not make for yourselves any image of anything that is in the heavens above


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