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True Event: Alien Interaction Nobody has Ever Heard Before Today

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posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by sperical123
My friend, your story is a reality, i understand it and believe it 100%. I know the feeling of being different, know one to speak to, know one will would have believed it, till just recently. Either way, your brave and highly enlightened
Though i don't recall the details, i do remember the sleeplessness and activity
late at night, i could here something in my room, i could feel something looking at me, another face close to mine, then "Nothing" no memory after that, it happened many times and no recollection after! Since then Ive been addicted to
the paranormal field, mostly the UFO side of the paranormal. As of this time,
I've been communicating with the "Andromedan Tall Greys" almost every clear night in La Selva Beach Ca. I'm currently working on a documentary, of all my communications and recordings, i hoping that entire documentary will be ready for The: "International UFO Congress" in March. Thank you for your insight and truthfulness. [email protected]

I appreciated your post on ATS forum. It is true that everyone who has experienced an "encounter' KNOWS IT"S REAL.

Perhaps some make it up.

Most who have had such experiences show their fear when they tell the stories. What ever it is, it's often scary, and always memorable.

It's like a woman getting raped; you are scared and if you talk about it, chances are. those you talk to will think badly of you.

25 years ago, I was visited by extraterrestrial presence -- that presence has stayed with me every day for 25 years.

I was told that there was a hidden language in the English language (something I, as a graduate engineer, knew was impossible).

I was told to shut up and decyfer the language, document it and tell it to the world.

Impossible is the specialty of God (UFO/ET). The fact that there are no "physical" items of evidence are further proof that it is of "God".
In my case, I was also given the gift of healing terminal illnesses --- I have healed about 20 people -- walking around today when their doctors said they wouldn't make it.

Also my case is different in that there are about 16,000 translations of English language words, revealing the hidden meanings.


Out there = "UFO Act Here".
Other Side = "One".
Above Top Secret = "Love to PS RE of ET" = "Rove to PS RE of ET" = "Rove to Think/Talk i.e. Tree" = "Rove to Think/Talk i.e. Again".

The translations cover a broad range of topics: Sex, Today's People, Religion, Death, ET/UFO, Gulf War, White House, etc. -- the hidden language is so brilliant that you would think "God" made it -- He Did!!

We are being used.

George R. Simpson


Removed link to personal blog

[edit on 16/1/10 by masqua]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by sperical123
My friend, your story is a reality, i understand it and believe it 100%. I know the feeling of being different, know one to speak to, know one will would have believed it, till just recently. Either way, your brave and highly enlightened
Though i don't recall the details, i do remember the sleeplessness and activity
late at night, i could here something in my room, i could feel something looking at me, another face close to mine, then "Nothing" no memory after that, it happened many times and no recollection after! Since then Ive been addicted to
the paranormal field, mostly the UFO side of the paranormal. As of this time,
I've been communicating with the "Andromedan Tall Greys" almost every clear night in La Selva Beach Ca. I'm currently working on a documentary, of all my communications and recordings, i hoping that entire documentary will be ready for The: "International UFO Congress" in March. Thank you for your insight and truthfulness. [email protected]

Thank you sperical123 , I also have experienced the same . No bad experiences though only good or nothing negative I can remember that is . Mine also started at a very young age but not until my early 40s was it they slowly clued me in with tib bits and brought their selves out in clear view . Only two clear memories have come back to me on their on and one of them with thoughts conveyed nothing bad in it either just an simple short explanation of why they had me and many others at a place . No other exchange of thoughts was made just them to me . As for craft over head I've seen so many over the last ten years I've lost count with my wife , brother in law my son and daughter not all at the same time and many times by myself . Not saying all where Alien in nature but some where pretty strange looking and did some flight characteristics that I don't think we yet process . Yes some was triangle , some Orb or sphere one two spheres hooked together in the center by a tube . a huge V very thick and coming to sharp pints at the ends . It was lite very brightly and I could not tell if the light was coming from large windows along the trailing edge
( which is what I believe ) or large bright whitish lights along the leading edge . These are true words I put here and from experience of talking about this before I will not come back to debate it , I find no one will believe you but will be quick to step up and ridicule bad mouth and call you a nut so they can take what they want from it I have no more to add .
Thanks John

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 10:56 AM
We, Unleashed68, are near-symbiots... Your story is nearly a mirror image of mine. I was told the unfertilized egg my mother carried, which was ultimately to become me, 4 years later, was also an investment in human society for the Earth, and for deeper understanding of this particular physical experience.

I've never felt Earth is my true home; I've always known (since BEFORE I was three!) that I had another family "Out There" in space, and that spending a human lifetime here is an assigned task. IF I chose it freely before I was born to this human existence, it's because (1) the other family did NOT allow me to see the true scope of being human, or, (2) I was an egotistical alien who thought I could be invincible.... and needed a dose of another culture's reality.

I am humbled by your account; I am humbled by my own existence and life-long experiences.

And now I am just tired... I yearn to go Home.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 12:07 PM
Unleashed, I am so relieved and thrilled to hear your story. I think I may have been closer to aliens than I ever knew before I started seeing these strange "things" the last 2 or 3 years. Who are they? What are they doing? I was taking pixs of a foggy spooky looking night in my neighborhood in Oct. Thought it would be cool for Halloween. Shocked with things I found that I couldn't see with my naked eyes on some of the photos I downloaded later. I've downloaded one here and will download the others later. Tell me, are they similar to any u have seen? Even more shocking and accepting the knowledge is that some of their pixs were taken when I was in my bedroom and took a pix of my screen, they were IN my room! I have seen and heard strange things in this place and could not find a reason for them. Baffling. This pix place in here is astounding! They are seen more detailed than any other pix site I have downloaded them on. Please go see this one and tell me if they look like urs. Please? Have a great day. Here's the link:

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by Unleashed68

hi, i am one of the probable few that completely understands what you are saying, and no im not saying this ti be smart, i may not be able to see it, but i do feel it, i used to talok to the dark when i was younger 8-10 thinking something was there listening but not approaching, nevertheless i was comfortable with what i was doing. trust me,the mians knew this, albeit spiritually i think, but back to you and me. sometimes i think i am ready and others i dont. i agree with the government keeping a lid on this, mass hysteria is not good. i feel that when the time is ready the truth will come out, but as for now in this present time, we aint ready, alot think they are but they arent. it warms me to hear you talk like this honestly it does. thank you for sharing this with us, and me. i am a believer always have been always will be. i do feel like humans are an experiment, like you said they come back checking on us. as for technology, ie the microchip, i know where this comes from.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by ZenaV

my friend your picture looks awfully familiar, it looks like dewlets. from the mist we call fog. many pepole experience this wearing glasses. lol good picture though.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:07 PM
i think you and i have similar views on humanity and earth. ...but there are a few (if not rare) amount of genuinely good hearted people, open-minded, spiritual, compassionate, rule abiding people; sometimes they're even people that have suffered the most but still have a empathy for all forms of life. will they have to face the same fate as the rest of humanity?

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by needarolly

lol i still talk to nothingness too
then i think the nothingness thinks i talk too much.. but i feel the same way about being watched over. some people call it paranoia, i call it guardians... or whatever o_0

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by heyo

@heyo We can't be the spirits of the earlier evil people, as the currently living outnumber the total dead.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:49 PM
im going to post the same reply here as to the other thread, because this is leading down a dangerous path.

Anyone else notice that what he is preaching is scientology?

for such a smart board i thought that you would have realised.

They have targeted the largest online alien/ufo forum as part of their recruitment. They want to start the year with lots of new members.

Just take a look at what is taught to them, and what the religion is based on:

dont get suckered into this cult. be smart.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:59 PM
I have had experiences which I also can not explain. It involved mind reading, My mind being read... Future events being revealed to me as far ahead as 30 years and I have someone who experienced it with me so there are two of us who experienced this. I wont tell the story here and now but can tell you that if it were not for the other person also knowing the story first hand I would have figured I was a lune and sought help for sure.

I later in life have experienced something that one other person with me also experienced (not the same person as before) where for the two of us all time stopped for what I could perceive as 3 or 4 seconds. The radio stopped the people and vehicles stopped and yet I was aware it was all stopped... I thought I was having a stroke or something and when every thing came off of pause the radio played a word or two prior repeating what I had already just heard... I said nothing when this happen.... but the person I was with turned to me and say What the F*** was that.... and then proceeded to tell me what I already experienced.

I can tell you that other things have happen to me related to the first and second story but I can not explain why or how..

I believe GOD was part of the first story and it is a day that changed my life completely.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:39 PM
You're not the first to claim regular alien experiences. But, you'd be the first if you demonstrated any solid evidence of those experiences that would definitively prove your experiences. Saying that we should just believe all you said without some proof or that you just cannot get proof puts this into the category of psychosis that you claim we'd all fall under if you revealed your secrets. I'm open to life elsewhere visiting here, but if that's happening I don't believe it exists under a veil of secrecy, one that the aliens want to hide behind. Rather, if you offer no proof I'd say the secrecy starts with you.

You have our attention, now prove what you said.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by thepixelpusher]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 10:04 PM
OP - you probably wont. but if you feel like it, send me a message with details of the aliens features, how they look basically. Id like to sketch them up and post them, see if we can try to match what you can remember.

hit me up.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by thepixelpusher
You're not the first to claim regular alien experiences. But, you'd be the first if you demonstrated any solid evidence of those experiences that would definitively prove your experiences. Saying that we should just believe all you said without some proof or that you just cannot get proof puts this into the category of psychosis that you claim we'd all fall under if you revealed your secrets. I'm open to life elsewhere visiting here, but if that's happening I don't believe it exists under a veil of secrecy, one that the aliens want to hide behind. Rather, if you offer no proof I'd say the secrecy starts with you.

You have our attention, now prove what you said.

Want proof of my "UFO/ET" encounters over the last 25 years?

-- see 16,000 word translations of hidden meanings of ordinary words in the English language.

Not only do these hidden meanings prove aliens are here, but it proves that "they" run the world.


It is such a silly demand that to be "true" you have to show physical evidence -- witness in our world is enough to hang someone for murder, but millions of people independently describe sightings -- the same way, and that's not true?

[edit on 4-1-2010 by etcorngods]


Removed link to personal blog

[edit on 16/1/10 by masqua]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by findlesticks
reply to post by amari

Pleased you quoted this, I have read the whole of this story, Its called "Interview with an alien" it can be downloaded as a PDF, a lot to read but I was hooked and really enjoyed the document? It is a must read

Correct, It is a must read and in your heart and soul or IS-BE you know

deep down there is more to life and beyond then what we have always been

told. Here is why I think this alien interview to be true. Do you realize that

Airl, the cyborg, when she left her body that could have been it, over and out

done with, but it was not she communicated with Nurse Macelroy to let her

know she, Airl was alright and continued to help Nurse Macelroy with her lost

memory of past lives. Why bother? Because there was a bond between them

both and if you will read the Alien Interview you will discover why. ^Y^

[edit on 5-1-2010 by amari]

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by Hoping4thebest

"Please, I feel your doing some of us a disservice by not telling us all that you have been told. True it may be too much to handle, but let me be the judge of that. If it is, than I'm sure my mind will shrug it off (just as your daughters did with the triangle UFO over the house). And so will the others who's minds can't handle it, and soon it will be forgotten."

Good point, well said.

[edit on 5-1-2010 by Telesto]

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 10:32 AM

Your story is quite familiar to me, and many share similar experiences but have no idea what to do with them, since our stories about 'what' they are, conflict, and adults will often attack children who attempt to clarify these matters. Other adults will often be attacked more quickly and viciously. Since these attacks come from family, friends, and peers, we eventually cave-in, and become something which is neither really human nor exactly a monster — but a lot more like a ghost driven around by language and ideas that wish to survive, but cannot actually 'grow' the vehicle at all.

Infants have been undergoing nonhuman (possibly nonmaterial) intervention since the beginning of human history. This intervention is critical during their exposure to human language. The reason is rather simple: Earth is an extremely ideologically primitive world. We -cannot- believe in the actual nature of what is happening as, in and around us (our models would explode, along with all traces of human authority, upon which language and identity are based).

Identity, it turns out, has nothing to do with science, or language. It also has nothing to do with what we call Religion (this means it exists entirely without reference to any of these human ideas/models). The primary effect of exposure to our models do (and children know this) is to compromise and take over the 'reaching' capacity of our minds. This capacity, well known to infants, who sometimes -die- of over-reaching (usually driven by unwitting adult character and activity), is the basis of learning itself. Not 'subjects'. Learning.

For those interested, I am composing a vehicle which releases the locks placed upon the learning-organ. This is happening in concert with the nonhuman intelligence(s) who have been my silent teachers throughout my life.

I hope it may be of use to those who wish to explore. It will be of no use at all to those who, like the adults who inadvertwntly destroyed our contact-link, are too busy with critiques and denials to explore anything, nevermind the most amazing thing in all the universe: the network that connects time, space, minds, and locations. Contact with this network is the source of what you call 'awareness'. Trace the connection back, and what you will find will destroy -every- human story ever composed. All of them.

Good luck to you all, and be careful with the toys. Although they appear human, they are not 'from around here'.


[edit on 5-1-2010 by organelle]

[edit on 5-1-2010 by organelle]

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 06:57 PM
According to OP,

posted on 2-1-2010 @ 12:08 PM

"The belief that the US government formed a Star Wars program to deter missiles fired from within Earth was a lie. The pictures of the Moon are lies and so are the pictures of Earth from the Moon a lie. For those who really know, the Earth is a big bright white Moon to viewers from the Moon, not a colorful domain. The Earth, like Mars, Venus, the Moon and all the other planets reflects sunlight that washes out color to the naked eye.
The atmosphere layers of all planets reflect sunlight the same, all seem as stars to the viewers from another planet. Fact that has been lied about for decades, I have seen the real picture!
Those who have been to the Moon and have seen Earth find NASA amusing, and without doubt, the Moon always has been populated and has had lands and seas, don't be fooled by the reflection of sunlight. I am sure at one time, astronomers believed the planets were stars due to their white shine.

So, Is my Telescope being secretly Manipulated when I point it to the Moon and all I see are Craters? I don't see any Lakes or Seas.
I have never seen Anyone Walking around with a Cup of Coffee in their hands or anything else remotely alive on the Moon. That's from my own observations with my very own Telescope.
I once thought I saw an Elephant, and I was going to race inside to post a thread on ATS about there being an Elephant on the Moon, But I soon realised it was just a rock shaped like an Elephant. Phew, Lucky. I could've really made a fool of Myself on ATS.

So, because of what I can see clearly through my own Telescope, I have now come to the Conclusion that you are delusional and full of IT. See, this is where your lies fall down. You ignore the fact that us "Sheeple" have access to Hi Tech gadgets and can see for ourselves without looking at NASA Photo's of the Moon or any other planet. This is exactly where Liars and Fools fall down. They believe their own lies and try to get others to believe them too, except they forget the fact that we have access to tools that do indeed help us find our own truth.

Our Planet, Earth, By The Way, Would look Blue and Green from outerspace from the small distance of the Moon.
Billions or Trillions of miles away, I guess it would look like any other planet in the Solar System, If you could see it. Unfortunately, You wouldn't see it. Only our Sun would be visible.

So, In My Honest Opinion of This Long Winded Post, I find your credibilty Non-Existent and I find the reading this of the Original Post a waste of time without an inch of truth to it in any way, shape or form..

I have read the other threads and other responses that this OP has written. I find all his writings Dubious, However, He does have a certain Flair for Creative Writing.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by Unleashed68

What are you holding back on us also?We can handle anything you have to offer, your going down the same street as the writer of this particular forum, tell it all or don't tell us at all! I am aware of just about anything you probably have to offer, so don't you follow the leader, say it and peace be with you! If your worried about others being freaked, they shouldn't be blogging here to begin with!Any thing you have to say to me my friend, please start your song, and sing out loud, or tell me for the sake of it. Anything you have to say, won't surprise me at all. Once you've had lunch with the reptilians you cant be shocked too easily! Please send me an email if you don't want to upset anyone.
[email protected]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by etcorngods

Please my friend, tell me or describe to me the last extraterrestrial you were talking about? You can't scare or shock anyone that here to find out more,
anything you say can't shock the hungry readers that are here to learn and accept the new and open they're worlds to the unknown, we wouldn't be here if we weren't ready to accept the new and shocking! Please don't torture our imaginations! If you are worried about anyone being shocked by what ever you say, just tell me in an email, at: [email protected]
Thank you!

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