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Norway Spiral? Illuminati Dissapearing? Alien Contact? What is happening??

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posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 09:54 AM
I just find it really interesting that this is all occurring precursor to 2010 (11:30pm NYE here).

Some of you may know this, if you are to believe the illuminati slant, there are 13 families, then the committee of 300.

The Japanese royal family is actually the 14th illuminati family (descendant of lower caste system from eons ago), however they have been pushed aside because the number 13 is valuable to the Illuminati....its like, their magical number, so having a 14th family is laughable...

Now lets mention 13 quickly, the Illuminati know it holds power, there were originally 13 Zodiac Star signs, the 13th being "Ophiuchus", and symbolised by the dragon/serpent.

They removed the 13th star sign as it gave an indication to the illuminatis 'thought' patterns and thus never wanted to be 'caught out' this way.

Just for a heads up..check the link above...

So there's really an internal war, the david wilcock saga mentions 'factions' and 'new kremlin' but the elite of russia, known as the Romanovs, is part of the 13th family, its an internal war.

Its basically a fight for 'chairman' of the board, who' is going to be Pendragon or Pindar now?

What i find interesting, and I have to re-iterate this, is how these stories are now being released, Disclosure imminent? Illuminati being thwarted?....

Now this seems like a wacked out perspective, but could the Norway Spiral, which occured the same day the LHC collider was fired up to its highest capacity...could it have started to merge realities??? Ever since that damn spiral hit the news, everything seems to be going haywire?

It seems as if, reality has altered course, even my own personal life has altered in the positive, i honestly don't understand how, but it is...

Michio Kaku as mentioned on this thread:

states that contact is imminent, this thread here states that the rockerfeller and rothchilds are being thwarted, am I in some sort of time loop? HUGE stories of the friqn decade and its all occuring within 3 weeks.

Now I studied a bit of numerology.... it will be January 1st 2010 in 15 minutes on this side of the world, 1/1/3 (1st of January 2010) or a '5' total. 5 represents 'healing', also represents the pentagram or 'shifting' which is used for 'time manipulation' and distortion'. It also represents 'Christ Consciousness' or when 'god' became aware.. (not jesus christ, although this thread is not to debate this)

1st means 'New Beginning, origin, or source', january also means this is doubled up frequency wise. 2010 has 2 and 1 which is phyiscal spiritual duality, and again new beginnings, 2010 makes a 3 total which is perfection in creation.

So we have new beginnings times 3 fold, perfected in creation, in the physical and spiritual, and 0 times 2 (0 represents space/time).

9 for 2009 is 'end of a cycle'.

Today....the 1st of January 2010, new beginnings will take place in space....

Wow, can't wait what 2010 will bring.

Happy new years!!!!!!

[edit on 31/12/2009 by Im a Marty]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 10:23 AM
For those who are wondering what the image in the above post means, it means "Raising Human Consciousness"...... I thought it was appropriate to post it now

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Im a Marty

Hi Marty,

I also feel very positive about the future....I can sense that GREAT things are on the horizon...

I feel that 2010 will usher in the new paradigm....

Happy New Year friend....


PEACE and LOVE...........and EVOLUTION....

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 11:02 AM
Rainfall, and to you my friend, you have an awesome New year, 2010 numerologically is a '3' vibrationally so its a great year to be in, it will cycle through quite heavily every day through out the year, celebrations are to be held.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Im a Marty

Very interesting view indeed and hopes the year will be a great 1 for all who live in life that welcome the light. S&F also thanks for the image!

[edit on 12/31/09 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Ophiuchus, interesting...did i talk about you in the first post? I love your choice of username

Do you know much about the 13th star sign?

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by Im a Marty
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Ophiuchus, interesting...did i talk about you in the first post? I love your choice of username

Do you know much about the 13th star sign?

No you didnt speak of me in your first post friend but the thread is very well written.

And I have gained some knowledge of the 13 star sign, it is commonly represented as a man grasping the snake that is represented by the constellation Serpens. Which kind of represent my way of thinking the EVIL snake NATAS mentioned in GENESIS toying and distracting humanity from fully ADVANCING TO THEIR FULLEST POTENTIALS, FINALLY BEING CAPTURED AND BONDED FOR ETERNIA-DESTROYED IN FIRE LAKE***- FREEING THE WILL IT DISTRACTED AND TAINTED TO ADVANCE TO THE NEXT PHASE OF EXISTANCE (FULLY AWAKENED OF THE EXISTANCE THEY ARE PART OF) ALLOWING THEM TO BECOME WHAT GOD INTENDED THEY BECOME!

[edit on 12/31/09 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13

Originally posted by Im a Marty
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Ophiuchus, interesting...did i talk about you in the first post? I love your choice of username

Do you know much about the 13th star sign?

No you didnt speak of me in your first post friend but the thread is very well written.

And I have gained some knowledge of the 13 star sign, it is commonly represented as a man grasping the snake that is represented by the constellation Serpens. Which kind of represent my way of thinking the EVIL snake NATAS mentioned in GENESIS toying and distracting humanity from fully ADVANCING TO THEIR FULLEST POTENTIALS, FINALLY BEING CAPTURED AND BONDED FOR ETERNIA-DESTROYED IN FIRE LAKE***- FREEING THE WILL IT DISTRACTED AND TAINTED TO ADVANCE TO THE NEXT PHASE OF EXISTANCE (FULLY AWAKENED OF THE EXISTANCE THEY ARE PART OF) ALLOWING THEM TO BECOME WHAT GOD INTENDED THEY BECOME!

[edit on 12/31/09 by Ophiuchus 13]

Interesting, NATAS, or SATAN, or SANTA, celebration on christmas day otherwise known as the Feast of Saturnalia is another illuminati ritual date.

Research 'Military Ritual Babylon', the elite had a ritual at babylon calling the 'Winged serpent of Old' .... Winged Serpent, NATAS himself was called in at a ritual in babylon. 3 military choppers were there, and what do we see in egyptian heiroglyphs? Military choppers.

They were manipulating with time back then, and I believe they are trying to do something similar now, merging realities this time though, they are trying to sway the natural progression of the earth, a raising of human consciousness....

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 12:09 PM
I have to say I have not noticed anything going particularly haywire (not more so than normal anyway). And my life, my reality, is exactly the same as 'pre spiral'.
The night is yet young however!

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 12:16 PM
Unicorn1, perhaps its an area that i'm focusing on, my reality is what i'm currently living, you're reality is what you're currently living, we have not physically crossed each others path, ie, our realities are somewhat different perhaps.

Perhaps I give too much energy/focus on what has happened in the last 3 weeks, rollercoaster ride or no, its still mindblowing the information being released..

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 06:51 PM
Reptilians? A sign of the times...

I love how its becomming a little more blatant each day

Should follow 'Avatars' message, the keys are with the indigenous of the world, they hold all the answers to spirituality imo....

Read my experience with meeting an Australian Indigenous Shaman here:

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 01:48 AM
Hulu and the lizard tounge? Fighting the system that is the norm of paying royalties to the man and taking the side of the people who feel ripped of by the man. Hulu fought a major battle trying to stay up and running when the movies posted to the website had no income from commercials shown during the movie and writers actors and directors so on didn't get there share of the pie which was payed by commercials. So is there something subliminal to the lizard tounge?Just curious!

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 01:58 AM
Also some thing to think about is the blue moon were having now.
2009: December 2; December 31 (combined with a partial lunar eclipse in some parts of the world)

Historically, moons were given folk names, twelve each year, to help people to prepare for different times of the year and the related weather and crop needs. Names varied with locality and culture, often with descriptive names such as harvest moon, growing moon, snow moon, and egg moon. Most years have 12 moons (giving 12 names), but in the years with thirteen full moons the monthly "seasons" would be expected to come too early – for example, hens would not recommence laying their eggs by the fourth full moon since it was still too cold – so the early moon was named a "blue moon". This then re-aligned the rest of the year's moons and "seasons".

The origin of the term "blue moon" is steeped in folklore, and its meaning has changed and acquired new nuances over time. Some folktales say that when there is a full blue moon, the moon had a face and talked to those in its light.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Im a Marty
I just find it really interesting that this is all occurring precursor to 2010 (11:30pm NYE here).

Some of you may know this, if you are to believe the illuminati slant, there are 13 families, then the committee of 300.

The Japanese royal family is actually the 14th illuminati family (descendant of lower caste system from eons ago), however they have been pushed aside because the number 13 is valuable to the Illuminati....its like, their magical number, so having a 14th family is laughable...

Now lets mention 13 quickly, the Illuminati know it holds power, there were originally 13 Zodiac Star signs, the 13th being "Ophiuchus", and symbolised by the dragon/serpent.

They removed the 13th star sign as it gave an indication to the illuminatis 'thought' patterns and thus never wanted to be 'caught out' this way.

Just for a heads up..check the link above...

So there's really an internal war, the david wilcock saga mentions 'factions' and 'new kremlin' but the elite of russia, known as the Romanovs, is part of the 13th family, its an internal war.

Its basically a fight for 'chairman' of the board, who' is going to be Pendragon or Pindar now?

What i find interesting, and I have to re-iterate this, is how these stories are now being released, Disclosure imminent? Illuminati being thwarted?....

Now this seems like a wacked out perspective, but could the Norway Spiral, which occured the same day the LHC collider was fired up to its highest capacity...could it have started to merge realities??? Ever since that damn spiral hit the news, everything seems to be going haywire?

It seems as if, reality has altered course, even my own personal life has altered in the positive, i honestly don't understand how, but it is...

Michio Kaku as mentioned on this thread:

states that contact is imminent, this thread here states that the rockerfeller and rothchilds are being thwarted, am I in some sort of time loop? HUGE stories of the friqn decade and its all occuring within 3 weeks.

Now I studied a bit of numerology.... it will be January 1st 2010 in 15 minutes on this side of the world, 1/1/3 (1st of January 2010) or a '5' total. 5 represents 'healing', also represents the pentagram or 'shifting' which is used for 'time manipulation' and distortion'. It also represents 'Christ Consciousness' or when 'god' became aware.. (not jesus christ, although this thread is not to debate this)

1st means 'New Beginning, origin, or source', january also means this is doubled up frequency wise. 2010 has 2 and 1 which is phyiscal spiritual duality, and again new beginnings, 2010 makes a 3 total which is perfection in creation.

So we have new beginnings times 3 fold, perfected in creation, in the physical and spiritual, and 0 times 2 (0 represents space/time).

9 for 2009 is 'end of a cycle'.

Today....the 1st of January 2010, new beginnings will take place in space....

Wow, can't wait what 2010 will bring.

Happy new years!!!!!!

[edit on 31/12/2009 by Im a Marty]

What a silly thread.

None of this stuff is real and added together its a huge unfortunate mess.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 02:30 AM
Stars and Flag.


I was just wondering.......

Who is the master that makes the grass green?

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 04:08 AM

please stop spreading disinformation and rumors.

david wilcock was wrong, get over it.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by Im a Marty

Marty, I read that story in the link to your other thread and it was amazing.......I resonated with it all except one thing....

The part about, if one person kills another, the deceased can walk-in the the killers body....but then their two souls are together for eternity???

I really don't 'get' that? Maybe I am missing something?

Anyway, great read and I will 'bump' that thread if it has not been already..

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Im a Marty

and the first day of the year can be written so:



i wonder what that is, in hexadecimal?
or whatever binary code it might be in


posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 09:38 AM
Anyone ever heard about BLUE STAR KACHINA PROPHECY?
I think it could be related to this subject.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by _SilentAssassin_

i think it is

and also soundwaves

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