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Disclosure: Endgame; The REAL discussion thread

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posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 12:42 AM

This thread is for people who actually want to discuss and provide their honest opinions about David Wilcock's recently released article, Disclosure: Endgame, in an atomsphere where they will have the security of not being ridiculed and/or insulted for expressing their honest opinions about the article.

The link to the article can be found here:

Now let me make myself clear:




-you have read at least the majority of, if not the entire article
-you are NOT going to attack anyone, including me, any other posters, or David Wilcock
-you are going to show RESPECT to everyone here, as everyone is entitled to their opinion without fear of being ridiculed
-you are going to discuss the information presented by David Wilcock in THIS ARTICLE ONLY: Disclosure: Endgame (if the subject of other articles does come up, that is ok, but honestly no references to the nov. disclosure date out of spite)
-you are going to STAY ON TOPIC

As you all know, most of these requests are stated in the ATS code of conduct as RULES. Apparently and evidently, many people have forgotten the contract they agreed to abide by when they signed up for membership.

If you have anything against him, me, or anybody else who is only here to discuss information from a respectable, honest, and critical viewpoint, start your own thread.


Peace to all,


[edit on 27/12/0909 by Monts]

[edit on 27/12/0909 by Monts]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 12:47 AM
I'll start by saying that the Peter Beter material in the article is absolutely mindblowing! I had no idea that his source existed, and that he predicted so many events that actually happened!

I also found the Norway Spiral segment to be quite informative as well; I always thought it was some kind of technological experiment... It is so obviously NOT a missle!

I also was amazed at the idea of the 3 Power groups fighting eachother for control, especially the idea that Bilderburg is actually just a neutral ground meeting between all parties. Never even thought of that!

The only part that I am really iffy on is the whole Georgia-South-Ossetia Blu Beam information stealing. Why would the NWO be leaving all this information in the middle of Georgia? Unless they were found on hardrives of NWO agents.... but even this case seems very unlikely.

Thoughts anyone?

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 01:23 AM
I haven't really looked into David Wilcock in depth before and I must say that I found this information very interesting, it just makes a lot of sense.

If you're so deadset against David Wilcock then at least check out his sources, that Beder guy, the CIA whistleblowers etc.

The EISCAT explanation for the Norway spiral just makes so much more sense than a failing rocket, if anyone wants to defend the official explanation then debunk the mathemathical proof by all means.

Generally it does seem like there is a push for disclosure, with the vatican giving the green light and things like that.. who knows, maybe there will be disclosure in a few years after all, the start of a new age, one can hope.
It has to happen eventually right?
One thing is for sure, his message is very uplifting and that's a breath of fresh air in the world of conspiracies.

It was a shame the original thread got derailed, here's hoping for a better discussion this time around, a discussion about the actual material and not just pointless bashing of Wilcock, we know you don't like him.. we read it in every topic about him.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 01:35 AM
I think this is a great ebook and I want to believe that everything he says an accurate account of things. I found the Peter Beter website fascinating! I just cannot believe how prophetic his writings were back in the 1970's. I have always enjoyed the Divine Cosmos website and I heard David on Coast to Coast a while back saying that they were getting more hits on their website than ever. He said that this shows how many more people are "waking up" to what is going on in government and society. I think he is at the top of his game when he post information such as this, it gives me hope that everything is going be better for all of humanity very soon.

[edit on 27-12-2009 by icenine]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 01:40 AM
I've read the article but not in depth.

I'll not give my opinion about the article.
Everybody have to make his own opinion.

I'll say some old stuff mixed with new stuff.
Lot's of new stuff. It takes time.

Why to choose this date of 12/25 ?

Is the agenda speeding up ?

Do you notice something in the mainstream media ?

Disclosure end game is when disclosed info finished on Disn** channel.
No ?

More questions than answers.

Time will tell

[edit on 27-12-2009 by mixmix]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by TheLaughingGod

I agree friend!

I would take the EISCAT theory over the official missle explanation anytime! I mean common; last time I saw a jet the sky, its exhaust trail was visible for maybe 5 minutes before it dissapated, where as the "missle" exhaust in the norway spiral lasted at least 3 times as long as this!

And yes, with the vatican conference on ET life, the discovery of water on the moon, and the finding of hundreds of exo-planets, the atmosphere seems to be definetly appopriate for disclosure. Whether or not these are direct efforts at pushing disclosure, or are efforts at preparing us for them I can't say, but disclosure will happen someday- for sure in my lifetime... but I hope sooner rather than later

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by icenine
I think this is a great ebook and I want to believe that everything he says an accurate account of things. I found the Peter Beter website fascinating! I just cannot believe how prophetic his writings were back in the 1970's. I have always enjoyed the Divine Cosmos website and I heard David on Coast to Coast a while back saying that they were getting more hits on their website than ever. He said that this shows how many more people are "waking up" to what is going on in government and society. I think he is at the top of his game when he post information such as this, it gives me hope that everything is going be better for all of humanity very soon. Thank you for posting this and I wanted to add this Ted Nugent video of the song "Stranglhold" for anyone else who feels these factions have controlled us for far to long. I hope you do not think this is too off topic.

Yes the Peter Beter aspect of the article is really fascinating, especially how he was able to predict Nixon's resignation and the new vice-president.

I don't know for sure if I would call more hits on his site a "waking up" among people; I would call it more of a "smartening up" or a "lightening up". It shows that more and more people are getting fed up with the doomsday fear-mogerers and are searching for something more positive and up-lifting.

And your video is fine, in fact I listen to music all the time on ATS; it gives me great inspiration.

Music is the language of the soul

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 01:59 AM
The info about Russia and the ousting of the bolsheviks was a real info bomb,
It made so much sense about what was goin on in america, The new Kremlin Party were over two hundred years old ,and that means they were there to repel Napolian ! Hitler and now the two other power factions . My name is named after a russian princess anastacia lol, funny cause im a male !
This info was a real breath of fresh air like the other poster mentioned ,
His sincerity is genuine(David Wilcox) , the good far outweighs any bad mentioned , Benjamin fulford was very insightful and revealed exciting info which even shocked Kerry (Project Camelot) .
I cant wait to see what else these power factions do next cause it looks like theyre under extreme pressure from the international coalition , and i for one are cheering them on, History has proven time and time again Russia has risen against the most formidable opponents , The new Kremlin Party has christian roots which i for one ,do not have a problem with what so ever , Time and actions of TPTB in America have destroyed a long boyhood love affair i had for America , i remain somewhat heartbroken ,and like david said ,KARMA is unstoppable !

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 02:06 AM
I had trouble getting the Stranglehold video to link. Over the last 30 years or so I think you can find a lot of music and film that backs up what has been going on. I like the new Muse song "Uprising", I think it reflects the rejection of the "millitary industrial complex" mentioned in the Wilcock ebook. I just finished watching the movie "district 9" and with the new movie "avatar" recently released, there must be a tremendous amount of pressure coming from somewhere for disclosure.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by StaceyWilson

Agreed friend!

I would be almost hilarious if Russia indeed did come out as being the main opposer/defeater to the evil NWO/Illuminati.

History would indeed be repeating itself!

I would like it though if we ended up saving our own arses however... I think it is time for the people in the west to stand up to opression; the Russians did it twice (3 times if you count the revolution), and although there was much bloodshed, they ended up saving themselves, as well as the world from opression.

Not saying I'm gonna complain if they do end up being the heroes

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by icenine
I had trouble getting the Stranglehold video to link. Over the last 30 years or so I think you can find a lot of music and film that backs up what has been going on. I like the new Muse song "Uprising", I think it reflects the rejection of the "millitary industrial complex" mentioned in the Wilcock ebook. I just finished watching the movie "district 9" and with the new movie "avatar" recently released, there must be a tremendous amount of pressure coming from somewhere for disclosure.

I have noticed this too as well... A plethora of movies seem to be coming out with humans living with ET's as the main theme. Whether or not its purpose is a push for disclosure, or if it even has a push at all, it definetly gets people used to the idea of accepting the fact that we are not alone, and there will come a time when ET's will be among us.

I liked the quote in the article about the story of the lady who talked to the humanoid alien, with him telling her that they were not aloud to contact humans because they were afraid they would be considered a threat. The media push of living ET's is definetly having a positive effect on that notion.

As for music... I like all music... Particulary melodic and melody driven songs... espcecially classical music, and metal music.

Metallica's "...And Justice for All" is about the decay of society as a whole, and how we are basically doing the bidding of our masters without even really thinking about what we are doing or why.

"King Nothing" is the best metallica song lyric wise... All about how greed may seem to make us kings, but really we are become the kings of nothing at all.

I also like Rammstein... I can speak some German... and their songs are an amazing satire about life in the western world... and carry an important message: Love comes in all forms

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by icenine

Yes I found the Peter Beter parts fasinating as well lol. I especialy enjoyed this particular claim of his:
"Several important public figures such as David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and Jimmy Carter are actually dead, and are being impersonated by organic "robotoids"". That's priceless indeed!
I am thinking this David Wilcox guy is really on to something

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by vance

Check these threads out for further information on that:

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 08:50 AM
Hi friends..

I have been a big supporter of David for about 2 years now....The first time I heard him speak was, I think, the 2012 enigma video....

Everything he said in that video was backed up with scientific evidence...and I can't understand how people can say there is no evidence for what he says...

The factions he talks about that are fighting also does make sense...just look at RT, the Russian news does seem to be 'outing' the liars at fox...

Monts, the Georgia-South Osettia thing should not be could have been the 'white hats' that purposely left that info to be found...that's why we shouldn't pass judgment on public never know who will turn out to be a 'white hat.'

The good guys have to make their move when the opportunity presents itself...until then they have to go along with the program...

Anyway just thought I'd add my 2 cents to the thread....My intuition tells me that David is the real deal...I resonate with everything that he says...

Like I said before on the other thread...we will find the truth when we look deep's been there all along....


posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by rainfall

Monts, the Georgia-South Osettia thing should not be could have been the 'white hats' that purposely left that info to be found...that's why we shouldn't pass judgment on public never know who will turn out to be a 'white hat.'

The good guys have to make their move when the opportunity presents itself...until then they have to go along with the program...


Never even thought of that...

But you are indeed right!

There have to be at least some people on the inside with the better good on their minds... and the ossetian war would have been a great time for them to "mess up". Much easier to "mess up" than to try and give the enemy intelligence hand-to-hand and not get caught.

The other thing that surprised me in the article, as it did when it happend, was the nil-coverage of the moscow pyramid. 2 videos, as well as many eyewitnesses reported, yet it received no coverage! Not even on RT.

The artilce also did a great job in pointing out that in the nightime video, it would have been very time-consuming and expensive to make that pyramid look real from a moving car; and as static objects pass in front of it.

If it was a hoax... It was indeed very well funded and very skilled people... but the eyewitness testimonies seem to keep this idea very unlikely

[edit on 27/12/0909 by Monts]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 09:22 AM
the HAARP/ norway spiral explanation makes sense to me, not bad..

but I dont buy this:
"August 16th appears to be the defining day where a vast treasure-trove of highly classified CIA / New World Order documents were seized out of abandoned US/Israeli spy trucks in Georgia.

Insider reports reveal this has created nothing short of a full-blown panic state within the neoconservative ranks of the White House"

together with their ´crop-circles coincidence timeline´

I really like to read/look Wilcocks stories/films, and till today I thougt he is perhaps a step to the real deal.
but how does Wilcock get in contact with this ´inside´,´black-OP tech´ people? why would they give him their top secret information? etc..
Is he really the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce ?


[edit on 27-12-2009 by anti72]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by anti72
the HAARP/ norway spiral explanation makes sense to me, not bad..

but I dont buy this:
"August 16th appears to be the defining day where a vast treasure-trove of highly classified CIA / New World Order documents were seized out of abandoned US/Israeli spy trucks in Georgia.

Insider reports reveal this has created nothing short of a full-blown panic state within the neoconservative ranks of the White House"

together with their ´crop-circles coincidence timeline´


[edit on 27-12-2009 by anti72]

Yes this was the main part that set me off a little...

If there was in deed full blown panic within the newconservative ranks of the White House... I'm sure we would have seen and noticed at least some of the immediate pandemonium expressed through these people, or people who speak for them.

But then again...

Only a month or two after the war, the whole US economy went kaputt.

As for why black op sources would go to Wilcock, I think they would because he has gained a lot of support and following from people who are interested in and believe this sort of thing. Whistleblowers have tried going to other people, but in the end, most of the time they are just ignored. They go someplace like here, people will actually care about what they are saying and will be able to link relevant information.

Just my thoughts though...

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 09:43 AM
I am sorry, but no disclosure will happen. The pyramid over Moscow was a video trick with the only witnesses being those who recorded the video, otherwise there would be thousands of witnesses, just like with Norway lights, which was a missile.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 09:50 AM
I enjoyed looking at history from the point of view of hidden warring factions, true or not it was a fun read. I tend to believe at least some of that part. The base on the moon and stuff like that seems a little over the top.

I completely disagree with what he had to say about Obama, there certainly has been a bit of a 'hate' thing towards him but the real proof is in the actions. I think he is with one of the factions, but which .... the ever shifting motives and alliances make it hard to tell.

I guess the main reason I think at least some of it is true is that I have had the feeling for sometime now, before reading this piece, that hope was coming from Russia fact many parts of what used to be the USSR.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by masterp
I am sorry, but no disclosure will happen. The pyramid over Moscow was a video trick with the only witnesses being those who recorded the video, otherwise there would be thousands of witnesses, just like with Norway lights, which was a missile.

Have you even read the article? You speak like you'd know for sure. "it was just a trick, spiral was a missle" lol This wont work these days, you have to support your claims.

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