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E. Research

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posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by RussianScientists

That's a computer program that's worthless; doesn't guarantee to save anyones lives.

I am inclined to agree with you but I wish I could get $1.6 million to create one!

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 07:39 PM
I have to say i get excited when i see a update on this thread.
While i still dont understand a lot of it, i find it very fascinating.

Thank you all who are involved and esp RussianScientist.
I think your discoveries will change the world as we know it in time.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

I'm with you PuterMan, it's unbelievable that someone could get $1.6 million for a computer program to simulate past earthquake strikes in order to "try" to predict where the next "big" earthquake will strike.

It's like giving someone $1.6 million to simulate past lottery winners in order to "try" to predict where the next "big" lottery winning ticket will be sold.

With your knowledge of computers PuterMan, you know that predicting an earthquake with the above logic is very similar to predicting where the next big lottery ticket will be sold; it simply can't be done.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by severdsoul

Thanks severdsoul, I appreciate your confidence in me. Yes, my discoveries will add to the world of science by expanding many sciences.

The world is going to change for the better here very soon. I'd like to disclose all of the knowledge by spring (but we shall see), because by the time summer would arrive the populations of the world would be safe from destructive earthquakes and a new age of prosperity would be taking place for the masses.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 09:35 AM
Atmospheric Angular Light Scattering Effects

Blue light has a "wave length" approximately 1.5 times lower than the wave length of red light, therefore blue light scatters 5 times more than red light; which means that during our day time as the light comes through our atmosphere blue light is predominant 5 times longer in hours and minutes than the time period of red light.

The "angle" of the scattered light coming through our atmosphere gives our sky its color.

During the "middle hours" of our day's light period, as light disperses downward at a lesser angle through our atmosphere, blue light "becomes" predominant giving our atmosphere, or sky, a blue color... with moisture in the sky giving clouds their whiteness.

During the "sunrise" and "sunset" hours of our day as the light disperses outward from the sun through our atmosphere red is predominant giving clouds and the sky its redish tint.

Experiment: Smoke from a cigarette releases particles smaller than a tenth of a micron. So... if you go into a room that is completely dark and you turn on a white light and hold a lit cigarette over the white light, the smoke from the cigarette is seen as blue in color since the smoke is dry. If you sucked in the smoke from the cigarette and held the smoke in your lungs for about 40 seconds and gave the smoke moisture from within your lungs and then you blew the smoke over the white light, the smoke color is not blue, but is white like the clouds in the sky.

IF you relate this area of light science to other areas of science, and look at the relationships, suddenly you will understand.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 03:22 PM

Italian court finds seismologists guilty of manslaughter

Six scientists and one official face six years in prison over L'Aquila earthquake.
Nicola Nosengo

22 October 2012 Corrected: 23 October 2012

L'Aquila, Italy

From the above source:

At the end of a 13-month trial, six scientists and one government official were found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to six prison years.

Those indicted are permanently banned from public service and will pay financial compensation to the families of 29 victims named in the indictment and to the city of L'Aquila.

Local authorities assured the people that minor earthquake shocks don't increase the risk of a major quake striking.

Bernardo De Bernardinis said, “the scientific community tells me there is no danger because there is an ongoing discharge of energy".

Such reassurances were the reason why 29 people who otherwise would have left L'Aquila in the following days, but had changed their minds and decided to stay, and were killed when their homes collapsed. The prosecutor indicted all seven members of the panel for manslaughter because their “inadequate” risk assessment had led to scientifically incorrect messages being given to the public which contributed to the 29 person higher death count.

The Italian seismologists were prosecuted for giving false assurances before the deadly 2009 earthquake.
edit on 11-11-2012 by RussianScientists because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by RussianScientists

Complete nonsense. There was evidence that this would NOT result in a major quake (of course we know in hindsight that this was wrong but...)

I would probably have said the same as them by the way. To my mind the blame for the deaths lies with the town burghers who failed to ensure, that after the previous devastating earthquake where l'Aquila was almost razed, that the town was rebuilt to stronger specifications. Agreed they did not have modern quake proofing methods but they could have made an effort.

Of course NO ONE would have died if they had the right equipment. (Some sort of pizza thingy would have been useful

edit on 12/11/2012 by PuterMan because: to add a bit of clarity.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by PuterMan

I doubt that you would have let the outspoken spokesman tell the people of the city that things were okay, that they were safe, especially after lots of small earthquakes had just struck in that region.

You are a very precise person Puterman, I really haven't seen you make any mistakes, and I seriously doubt that if you had been in their position that you would have let that mistake happen, especially if you could have seen concern in their faces.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 03:17 PM
I discovered something about a week ago, that I've been looking forward to finding for years. Unfortunately, it seems to me that I discovered it years ago and just simply over looked the discovery years ago. Discovering it now seems almost a little too late.

Its not related to earthquakes, but to light beams and angles in general. The sky always has 5 times a greater chance at remaining blue instead of red, since the particle size of the blue light particles are 5 times smaller than the red light particles.

The 3D angles of vision is of great importance. Once one can see in what might be assumed to be the third dimension, one can see things that others have thought about, but didn't really believe or comprehend. The 3D angles are somewhat similar as to looking at a gyroscope.

Gyroscope comparison: When using AVI Advanced Vision Imaging there exists outside of your perimeter what could basically be called the gyroscope frame. While inside of this gyroscopic frame there are numerous gimbals or stators with the rotor in the center. The gimbals or stators are seen as arranged in positive, negative, positive, negative sequences outward to the gyroscopic frame. Constantly spinning giving different angles.
edit on 13-11-2012 by RussianScientists because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 03:08 AM
Seismology is a joke when it comes to earthquakes. It can only tell people where to send ambulances and body bags. Seismololgy can never detect an earthquake before it strikes. If seismology could, then they would set up their seismic systems beside Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone Park and tell you exactly when the Geyser is going to erupt; but they can't.

Seismology can only give the general area of the epicenter, and the general area of the hypocenter. Seismology does give exact depths though. Seismology can never let you know when there is pressure building up in the ground.

The piezo unit is 100% correct always. Its like lights in your house, you can see if the lights are on or off; the piezo system can see if the ground pressure is on or off also. It can also give exact measurements on the amount of pressure coming from the ground.

100% accuracy should be expected, because the piezosystem is 100 percent accurate in what is detected.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:30 AM
Discovering Time Travel

Its been my hypothesis for some time that during my investigations of earthquakes that this same technology that is used to easily discover and measure abnormal pressure within the earth from 10s and 100s of miles away, before and after earthquakes strike, that many other discoveries awaits. I've made some of those "other" discoveries, but there are other discoveries that still exist that I'm very sure will be very interesting.

One of those great discoveries will be along the lines of time travel. In order to time travel, some sort of compression will have to take place; discovering and measuring this new, still to be discovered compression will lead to successful time travel into the future, and back into the past.

I suspect that in the near future, when the AVP Altered Vision Process becomes known to the masses, that there will be so many people using AVP, that Time Travel itself will be discovered, or rediscovered, and will become well developed.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 12:12 PM
Colossal Planetary Body Exists Exactly One Light Year Behind the Sun

In doing research on earthquakes over all of these years, I've come to the hypothesis that there exists a colossal planetary body exactly one light year behind our Sun, which sling shots many comets back towards our sun, and that the imaginary hypothesized Oort cloud doesn't exist. I further hypothesize that this colossal planetary body exists exactly one light year behind our Sun giving us our light year and possibly our speed of light. I further hypothesize that this colossal planetary body remains invisible to us because it exists exactly one light year from our Sun, and that this distance could possibly give us our speed of light.

When I write, "behind our Sun", I'm not stating that it exists on the other side of our Sun, but that it exists "behind" our Sun as our Sun plows its way through space. As our Sun plows its way through space, our Sun ignites because of the pressure exerted upon its surface. Our Sun protects and trails behind it our planetary system in a swirling motion.

The Kuiper Belt as we know it exists behind our sun, basically the same as a sonic boom does behind a plane, except the Kuiper Belt is of a much, much greater magnitude in size than a sonic boom.

Kuiper Belt:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=38625945&biw=1366&bih=589&wrapid=tlif135343108946810&um=1&ie=UTF-8&t bm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=OLirUJ2BO-es2wWziYCwBw

Sonic Booms:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=38625945&biw=1366&bih=589&wrapid=tlj p1353431178710012&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=kLirUJqHJaLD2QXbvYCIBQ

When studying earthquakes days, weeks and sometimes over a month before they strike, and upto 1.5 days after they strike, one has the opportunity to take exact measurements of the energy coming from the abnormal pressure existing within the earth that later may or may not rupture into a common earthquake.

While studing earthquakes on a 24/7 basis, usually before they strike, for days and weeks at a time; one has to go and locate the epicenter in order to write down the exact amount the energy or radiation given off at the epicenter by the slow earthquake process that takes place before a rupture can occur with in the Earth's substrata.

During this period of time, since one knows that there is always a detectable nodal zone somewhere outward from the epicenter, one then sets off in search of it. When small magnitude earthquakes are detected in this same manner, let's say earthquakes that range from 1.0 in magnitude to 3.0 in magnitude; there is a very rapid drop off in easy to measure, easy to detect pressure as one takes the piezoseismic system further and further from the epicenter in the first half mile to mile distance. When the larger magnitude earthquakes are detected in this same manner, there is no drop off in easy to measure, easy to detect pressure as one takes the piezoseismic system further and further from the epicenter in the first half mile to mile distance.

But...., and I do say "but", as one takes the piezoseismic system further and further away from the epicenter, one suddenly notices that there is an extremely rapid drop in energy or radiation. When one reaches the peak or zone of minimum energy or radiation, one is then at the nodal point. The nodal point exists at the shells edge. The distance from the edge of this invisible shell to the epicenter, is the exact distance from the epicenter to the hypocenter or foci where the energy is being transmitted from.

Therefore, my hypothesis is that a colossal planetary body exists exactly one light year behind our Sun, and is invisible to us. This invisible colossal planetary body is invisible to us because it exists exactly in the energy/radiation band/shell emitted from our Sun.

Furthermore, this invisible colossal planetary body could possibly be more like a Sun that isn't lit because it doesn't experience the amount of pressure exerted upon it that our Sun has, as it plows through space.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 01:16 PM
Article by NASA Science: "Anticipating Earthquakes"; August 2003

Quote from article: "earthquakes are synonymous with unpredictability. They strike suddenly on otherwise normal days, and despite all the achievements of seismology, scientists still can't provide warning of an impending quake in the way that weathermen warn of approaching storms."

The above is False. Scientists can provide warning with piezoseismology.

Quote from Article: "Although earthquakes seem to strike out of the blue, the furious energy that a quake releases builds up for months and years beforehand in the form of stresses within Earth's crust. At the moment, forecasters have no direct way of seeing these stresses or detecting when they reach critically high levels."

The above is False. The energy that a quake builds up in hours to sometimes over a month beforehand is detectable 24 hours a day during that period using piezseismology. Quakes don't take years to build up pressure, because the subsurface cracks usually within days to weeks because of the pressure exerted; extremely rare over a month.

Quote from Article: "Interferometric-Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR). Basically, InSAR is when two radar images of a given tectonic area are combined in a process called data fusion, and any changes in ground motion at the surface may be detected."

The above method will be used to back up piezoseismology forecasts.

Quote from article: "This technique, InSAR, is sensitive enough to detect slow ground motions as tiny as 1 mm per year. That kind of sensitivity, combined with the landscape-wide view that satellites can offer, lets scientists see the tiny motions and contortions of land around a fault line in more detail than ever before. By watching these motions, they can figure out where points of high strain are building up."

The above is false, 1 mm movements aren't detectable by InSAR, but InSAR will be used to back up piezoseismic detection. The InSAR European Space Agency ERS-2 satellite shows 10cm displacement. Forecasting earthquakes from space will only be a back-up to piezoseismology.

Quote from article: "Scientists eventually should be able to use the InSAR data to infer when stresses in the Earth's crust have reached a dangerous level, issuing a monthly "hazard assessment" for a given fault. Forecasters might report that the likelihood of having a major quake on, say, the San Andreas fault during the coming month is 2%, or 10%, or 50%."

The above is false, a "monthly hazard assessment" would be a joke when daily reports will be broadcast worldwide using piezoseismology. The daily hazard assessments will rely mainly on piezoseimology, and the back up of InSAR, but the data from links rupturing will pinpoint the exact date that larger earthquakes will strike with 100% accuracy. Computer modeling of 30 years guestimates are currently a joke, similar to predicting the next lottery winner.

Quote from article: "One of these ideas is to look for surges in infrared (IR) radiation. Satellites equipped with IR cameras could be used to detect these hot spots from space.

What causes rocks under pressure to emit infrared radiation? No one is certain. The frequency spectrum of the emissions shows that internal heat from friction--e.g., rocks rubbing together--is not responsible for the radiation.

Red granite blocks under a 1,500 ton press--mimicking in some ways what happens miles below Earth's surface developed detected infrared emissions. Furthermore, a voltage built up on the rock's surface, the cause might be electrical.

Electrical currents in rock might explain another curious observation: Scientists doing research with magnetometers just before major earthquakes have serendipitously recorded tiny, slow fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field. One example happened during the Loma-Prieta earthquake that devastated San Francisco in 1989. Almost 2 weeks before the quake, readings of low-frequency magnetic signals (0.01-0.02 Hz) jumped up to 20 times above normal levels, and then spiked even higher the day of the quake.

The cause of these signals is unknown; a piezo-magnetic effect triggered by pressure applied to certain kinds of rocks. Both the infrared and magnetic methods of quake detection are controversial."

The last quote is interesting.
edit on 27-11-2012 by RussianScientists because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 11:46 AM
"East Coast Earthquake Shakes Up NASA" Article dated August 24, 2011, by Mike Wall

According to the article, a M5.8 earthquake struck the east coast of the USA in Virginia on August 23, 2011 which affected NASA.

The 5.8-magnitude earthquake struck near Mineral, Virgina and then radiated outward, shaking the ground in dozens of states.

Quote from article:

"Several nearby NASA research and administration centers felt the jolt. NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C., for example, was evacuated briefly yesterday, agency officials said.

"Wow! An earthquake at NASA HQ in DC, and I thought technology was exciting..." NASA chief technologist Bobby Braun tweeted yesterday. Goddard declared a "Code Red" at about 3 p.m and did a thorough assessment of Goddard's buildings, making sure none sustained any serious damage. That work was finished by about 4 a.m. today. The quake does not appear to have caused any lasting damage to NASA's centers, assets or infrastructure, officials said. The main impact may have been shock or surprise. Goddard personnel, for example, are trained to deal with blizzards and hurricanes — typical East Coast scenarios. "I can tell you, we don't exercise often to prepare for an earthquake," said Ray Rubilotta, deputy director for management operations at Goddard. But that will probably change."

As you can see from the post I made yesterday, that NASA's supposed 1mm technology InSAR has to be bogus, or NASA would have predicted this earthquake and ten's of thousands more. How could they have missed the detection of this earthquake?

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
Colossal Planetary Body Exists Exactly One Light Year Behind the Sun

In doing research on earthquakes over all of these years, I've come to the hypothesis that there exists a colossal planetary body exactly one light year behind our Sun, which sling shots many comets back towards our sun, and that the imaginary hypothesized Oort cloud doesn't exist. I further hypothesize that this colossal planetary body exists exactly one light year behind our Sun giving us our light year and possibly our speed of light. I further hypothesize that this colossal planetary body remains invisible to us because it exists exactly one light year from our Sun, and that this distance could possibly give us our speed of light.

When I write, "behind our Sun", I'm not stating that it exists on the other side of our Sun, but that it exists "behind" our Sun as our Sun plows its way through space. As our Sun plows its way through space, our Sun ignites because of the pressure exerted upon its surface. Our Sun protects and trails behind it our planetary system in a swirling motion.

The Kuiper Belt as we know it exists behind our sun, basically the same as a sonic boom does behind a plane, except the Kuiper Belt is of a much, much greater magnitude in size than a sonic boom.

Kuiper Belt:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=38625945&biw=1366&bih=589&wrapid=tlif135343108946810&um=1&ie=UTF-8&t bm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=OLirUJ2BO-es2wWziYCwBw

Sonic Booms:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=38625945&biw=1366&bih=589&wrapid=tlj p1353431178710012&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=kLirUJqHJaLD2QXbvYCIBQ

When studying earthquakes days, weeks and sometimes over a month before they strike, and upto 1.5 days after they strike, one has the opportunity to take exact measurements of the energy coming from the abnormal pressure existing within the earth that later may or may not rupture into a common earthquake.

While studing earthquakes on a 24/7 basis, usually before they strike, for days and weeks at a time; one has to go and locate the epicenter in order to write down the exact amount the energy or radiation given off at the epicenter by the slow earthquake process that takes place before a rupture can occur with in the Earth's substrata.

During this period of time, since one knows that there is always a detectable nodal zone somewhere outward from the epicenter, one then sets off in search of it. When small magnitude earthquakes are detected in this same manner, let's say earthquakes that range from 1.0 in magnitude to 3.0 in magnitude; there is a very rapid drop off in easy to measure, easy to detect pressure as one takes the piezoseismic system further and further from the epicenter in the first half mile to mile distance. When the larger magnitude earthquakes are detected in this same manner, there is no drop off in easy to measure, easy to detect pressure as one takes the piezoseismic system further and further from the epicenter in the first half mile to mile distance.

But...., and I do say "but", as one takes the piezoseismic system further and further away from the epicenter, one suddenly notices that there is an extremely rapid drop in energy or radiation. When one reaches the peak or zone of minimum energy or radiation, one is then at the nodal point. The nodal point exists at the shells edge. The distance from the edge of this invisible shell to the epicenter, is the exact distance from the epicenter to the hypocenter or foci where the energy is being transmitted from.

Therefore, my hypothesis is that a colossal planetary body exists exactly one light year behind our Sun, and is invisible to us. This invisible colossal planetary body is invisible to us because it exists exactly in the energy/radiation band/shell emitted from our Sun.

Furthermore, this invisible colossal planetary body could possibly be more like a Sun that isn't lit because it doesn't experience the amount of pressure exerted upon it that our Sun has, as it plows through space.

Gotta say....I love reading your posts. At least you are out there trying to prove what you say with some type of scientific method rather than trying to convince people with regurgitated youtube videos and plagiarizing ignorant fearmongering posts across the web.

Thanks for all the interesting info and posts!

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by Vasa Croe

Thanks Vasa Croe for the good words. The work that I've done, I've done all on my own. Hopefully all of you will get to experience all the different experiences starting in 2013 and beyond that I've put forth in this thread.

There is a great more discoveries that I haven't put forth in this thread yet, and I keep thinking about putting them in, but as of yet I haven't. The AVP Altered Visual Process is what I consider the most important thing I've discovered. Even though what a person can do with AVP is fantastic and unusual in its whole concept, it still can be done just as easily with a tripod and lenses pointed at a focused field to discover everything that AVP can discover, except AVP is much fast.

And... even though AVP, the tripod and lenses both work the same, so does a directional dish pointed at the same targets. So... in fact, there are four different ways of getting the same detection; by (1) AVP-fastest, (2) tripod and lenses, (3) a directional dish, and last but not least (4) basic piezoseismology - where a piezo chart shows the exact numerical pressure/radiation anywhere in the WORLD at any point in time.

Seeing radiation and its exact EDGES is something that everyone should be interested in seeing. I suspect that some company in the future will put an application in all cell phones in the future that will let people all over the world see the exact numerical pressure/radiation that exists anywhere in the world.

I'll tell you something that's strange. Even after all of these years seeing and doing all of this kind of stuff, AVP is still a shock to my mental thinking.

edit on 28-11-2012 by RussianScientists because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 01:29 PM
Black-Body Radiation or Cavity Radiation
(AVP) Altered Visual Process for Detection of Differential Radiation and/or Temperature

While I've been out using piezoseismology to detect and explore earthquakes days and weeks before they strike using the (AVP) Altered Visual Process I also made other discoveries, and one of those discoveries was that "Cavities" give off radiation and can be seen from quite a distance; even though they're underground and aren't visually seen by others that aren't using AVP. This may seem absurd, and impossible to the rest of you out there, but it is in fact very, very easy to do using AVP.

From Wiki: "The study of the laws of black bodies and the failure of classical physics to describe them helped establish the foundations of quantum mechanics.

All matter emits electromagnetic radiation when it has a temperature above absolute zero. The radiation represents a conversion of a body's thermal energy into electromagnetic energy, and is therefore called thermal radiation. It is a spontaneous process of radiative distribution of entropy.

Conversely all matter absorbs electromagnetic radiation to some degree. An object that absorbs all radiation falling on it, at all wavelengths, is called a black body. When a black body is at a uniform temperature, its emission has a characteristic frequency distribution that depends on the temperature. Its emission is called black-body radiation. "

I don't agree entirely with Wiki's statements, mainly because all matter emits eletromagnetic radiation and a temperature of zero or below doesn't stop radiation being emitted from matter.

Even though others state that black-body radiation is basically detectable by a temperature difference between the cavity and its surroundings, and that there should be a hole for it to work, my finding partially agree with this but not totally.

By using AVP, which enables a person to see into other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum in order to discover things that otherwise can't be discovered. I found out that black-body and/or cavity radiation is also detectable by a difference in the background radiation of the material surrounding the void compared to the radiation coming from within the void, and that there doesn't need to be a hole since the difference in radiation outlines the invisible body independent of a hole.

This doesn't mean that you can see the void within a house from the outside while using AVP, simply because a common house doesn't give off much of a differential compared to its surroundings. It means that if you are out exploring and you have your piezoseismic system operating properly in the background radiation mode and there is a caved-in tunnel or sealed mine that can't be found by other means, then people using AVP properly will be able to see the outline of the caved-in mine or tunnel in the ground, and that they can see the ouline of the caved-in mine or tunnels whether or not they have openings.

In otherwords, if your looking for a long lost mine out in some particular area, or if your looking for hidden tunnels within the pyramids or below them, then with your piezoseismic system operating properly in the background radiation mode, the AVP can be used to see any and all tunnels that exist within a mountain, hill, pyramid or the subsurface below your feet as long as you are close enough to them.

By this, I mean that you won't be able to see a tunnel or void that is too far away beyond your normal vision. In other words, I doubt that you can see a wild coyote's tunnel hole entrance at the surface from a hundred yards away with your normal vision. But at 20 yards away you will be able to see the coyote hole entrance easily because its large enough to see with your normal sight.

So... from 20 yards away or so, from all different directions and angles you will be able to see the entire den of the coyote that exists in the ground, even if part of it is caved-in. You will also be able to tell if a coyote exists within its den because of the radiation that it gives off. If the coyote is in the den, then you won't be able to see the outline of the den, because the radiation coming from the coyote will be more than what is coming from the den tunnel.

edit on 2-12-2012 by RussianScientists because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 02:19 PM
AVP Altered Visual Process to See Faults That Exhibit Abnormal Pressure

AVP is excellent for "seeing" faults deep in the ground that are known or unknown that suddenly come under massive abnormal pressure. These faults are extremely long and fairly deep that suddenly come under immense abnormal pressure.

Example: For a larger pending earthquake fault that is being researched before it ruptures from the studied massive abnormal pressure being exerted upon it, one can see it from hundreds of miles away by an atmospheric refraction of the subsurface strata below the refraction. From Wiki: "Atmospheric refraction is the deviation of light or other electromagnetic wave from a straight line as it passes through the atmosphere due to the variation in air density as a function of altitude. Atmospheric refraction near the ground produces mirages and can make distant objects appear to shimmer or ripple, elevated or lowered, stretched or shortened with no mirage involved. The term also applies to the refraction of sound."

The above gives a basic explanation of how I'm able to see the mirage of a fault that truly exists within the ground that is giving off by "radiation" before an earthquake of any magnitude can occur along that fault that is currently under immense pressure who's image is refracted into the atmosphere creating the mirage.

Getting back to the example: it's much easier to see the extent of the fault if you are looking at it from a 90 degree angle. Your able to see the mirage from incredible distances because your normal eye sight is capable of seeing an object 600 miles long and 2 miles in depth from incredible distances.

If you are on level land, think how far away you can see a large hill; the distance it can be seen from. Then think how far away you can see a mountain range from if the land is level between you and it. The large hill compared to a mountain range example is basically the same "distance of sight" for a small earthquake compared to a large earthquake, and for the atmospheric mirage of the comparagle fault below ground.

The fault under pressure can be as small as a large hill, or it can be as large as a mountain range, with the exception that the fault is much narrower than either of the above; that's why its extremely hard to see from the end of the fault and extremely easy to see from a 90 degree angle. The hill can only be seen for maybe 10s of miles, while the huge mountain range can be seen for 100s of miles. A small earthquake fault might only be seen from 10 miles, while a major earthquake fault will be seen from hundreds of miles away, thanks to Atmospheric Refraction.

What is usually seen when looking at this atmospheric refraction mirage is a level top, squared ends, and a fairly level bottom with a tornado shaped attachment connected at the center at the bottom of the refracted mirage. The broadside atmospheric refracted mirage is usually seen as being about 3-6 inches in depth and 3-7 feet in width as the radiation penetrates directly through the walls of your home, or apartment walls, or even outdoors in the open at a distance of 10-20 feet from you. On the other hand, while looking at this atmospheric refraction mirage from the end of the fault, you will usually have trouble seeing it, because its only about the size of a pencil when using the same relationships as above.

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 09:42 PM
Accurate Earthquake Prediction and Forecasting by Accurately Detecting and Measuring Precursor Anomalies That Occur Before Each and Every Earthquake

In order to accurately detect and measure all of the precursor anomalies that precede all magnitudes earthquakes, you must use piezoseismology. You must get this into your head whether or not you think you are an average person or a top noch earthquake scientist..... "ALL MAGNITUDES OF EARTHQUAKES HAVE AN EASILY DETECTABLE AND MEASURABLE PRECURSOR CALLED ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION, OR ENERGY".

Scientists and governments around the world don't realize how accurate earthquake prediction and forecasting are to be put forth to the people of the world. Their other problem is that they simply don't have a clue about how to detect the radiation that is emitted before each earthquake strikes. Piezoseismology is the answer to detecting that radiation and "measuring" that radiation before earthquakes of any magnitude can strike.

The correct process of starting off accurate earthquake prediction starts off by using piezoseismology. With piezoseismology people can accurately measure the amount of radiation coming from out of the ground anywhere in the world, and at any time - day or night. Then by using the AVP Altered Vision Process, people can see the direction from which the radiation comes from.

Piezoseismology detects electromagnetic radiation of strain anomalies that occur within the earth. These strain anomalies that precede all magnitudes of earthquakes can either end up in a slow release of pressure, or they can end up by causing a rupture to occur within the earth, which is known as the common earthquake. This detectable amount of strain within the earth is also measurable before any magnitude of earthquake can strike.

It is the detectable strain within the earth that needs to be reported on news broadcasts. These detectable and measurable strain broadcasts can be computer generated so that the whole world can see that the earth is basically bubbling under its surface, and that under the surface its far more active than other scientists realize.

These detectable and measured strains that can easily be reproduced on maps need to be broadcast simply because the measured strains are 100 percent accurate, and the maps will be 100 percent accurate as to the strains that are detected and measured within the earth. These maps will in the beginning represent 100 percent accurate earthquake forecasts, simply because the public can see exactly where the strains are within the earth, and they will be able to take action as to their own safety. If the strain is there, then the strain is "really" there; but the strain can be released slowly or quickly.

Color strain maps will make it easy for the public to realize if they are in danger or not. There are 100s of thousands of strains that occur within the earth each year, but only .01 percent of them are capable of killing humans. Let's say only 10 of these earthquakes per year are capable of killing people, thats 1 in 10,000 strains.

Of 30 or so major strains that will be detectable each year, only about 10 of them will be near populated areas. Do you see what I'm getting at? Reporting all the strains within the earth is important, it shows the relationship of the amount of small strains compared to the larger strains. Also, as time goes on, the all important "LINKED AREAS" will be detected and their relationship to feeding added pressure to larger earthquakes in the distance will be noted, and then deadly earthquakes will be reported as to exactly what day, and to within an hour of when they will actually strike, will occur. Later on, great scientists and others will pinpoint major earthquakes down to within minutes of when they will strike, but days in advance.

Building up repore with the public and keeping them active in the project is what its all about. By keeping the public active in the project, I mean that schools all across any nation should have students that will get out the piezo-equipment, fire it up, and get the readings, and use the AVP system to see the direction that the radiation is coming from. Of course, you could move the piezoseismic equipment from one location to another to find the direction, and then find the location, but AVP is extemely fast compared to seismically locating an epicenter by using one seismic system.

In other words, let the public in on the action. Let them detect and measure all of the strains, and when they suddenly detect a MEGA SIZED STRAIN existing within the earth, that's when the cavalry, I mean earthquake scientists will be sent in, to supposedly save the day. Not only will they be sent in to the area of the MEGA SIZED STRAIN, but many will be sent out to the LINKED AREAS of the Mega Strain. They will constantly monitor the linked area in order to determine exactly when the linked area releases its energy. The count down begins, lives to be saved.

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 03:47 AM
"Strong quake hits off Japan near Fukushima disaster zone"

TOKYO | Fri Dec 7, 2012 2:42pm IST (about 1 hour ago)

"(Reuters) The earthquake hit in the same area as a devastating quake and tsunami in March last year that killed nearly 20,000 people and triggered the world's worst nuclear crisis in 25 years.

a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 by the U.S. Geological Survey

The quake measured a "lower 5" on Japan's scale of one to seven in Miyagi prefecture, meaning there might be some damage to roads and houses that are less quake resistant.

The scale measures the amount of shaking and in that sense gives a better idea of possible damage than the magnitude. The quake registered a 4 in Tokyo."

The reason I quoted the above article excerps is simply to point out that other countries around the world have other ways of measuring earthquakes than what the USGS has. The piezoseismic process is the most accurate. But here is more about the Japanese seismic intensity scale the current Wiki which I find interesting:

"Japan Meteorological Agency JMA seismic intensity scale uses a seismic scale in Japan and Taiwan to measure the intensity of earthquakes by units of shindo (震度?, seismic intensity, lit. "degree of shaking").

Unlike the moment magnitude scale (formerly Richter scale), which measures the energy released by the earthquake, the JMA scale describes the degree of shaking at a point on the Earth's surface, and is analogous to the Mercalli intensity scale. The intensity of an earthquake is not totally determined by its magnitude, and varies from place to place; for example, a quake may be described as "shindo 4 in Tokyo, shindo 3 in Yokohama, shindo 2 in Shizuoka".

JMA operates a network of 180 seismographs and 627 seismic intensity meters and provides real-time earthquake reports to the media and on the internet."

The piezoseismic process can measure the energy build-up days and weeks in advance and provide extremely accurate maps of the energy within the ground from any location.
edit on 7-12-2012 by RussianScientists because: (no reason given)

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