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We are losing our Freedoms and Obama is the cause

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posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by Subjective Truth
You might very well be right. I think we are actually getting ruled by some sort of oligarchy right now. And they have learned how to manipulate our system.

Arguably, you always have been. It's what makes the 'we kicked King George and the Brits out!!!!1' type rhetoric especially laughable. All you did was swap one accent for another.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by Haiku

2. I assume the majority of people who are so very against Obama were OK with the bar of status quo that was set. I assume this because the very people who are crying revolution are very people who watched FOX for eight years and rooted on the current status quo that Obama maintains.

To Sir, with love.

Assumption is the mother of all foul-ups ......

Sir, there is no third half of the nation to account for and my foul division is not an accident.

Context is the Grand Mother of all truth

[edit on 29-3-2010 by Janky Red]

[edit on 29-3-2010 by Janky Red]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:16 AM
mmmmm k.... why do you not respond to the SECOND half of my reply? You wanted tangible evidence, I have supplied it.

Why reply to the section that has nothing to do with that which you have requested and leave the subject matter out?

In case you didn't see it...

I no longer have the right to decide NOT to buy health insurance without penalty. When you are penalized, the action for which you are penalized is not a right. It is an infraction of some restraint. Is this the proof you wanted? It is tangible, however I will allow you to sift through the 2000+ pages to find the exact portion.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:26 AM
Just to clarify...

I am not trying to engage in a pissing contest, I am just interested in the view on this given the premise of the thread.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by Haiku
mmmmm k.... why do you not respond to the SECOND half of my reply? You wanted tangible evidence, I have supplied it.

Why reply to the section that has nothing to do with that which you have requested and leave the subject matter out?

In case you didn't see it...

I no longer have the right to decide NOT to buy health insurance without penalty. When you are penalized, the action for which you are penalized is not a right. It is an infraction of some restraint. Is this the proof you wanted? It is tangible, however I will allow you to sift through the 2000+ pages to find the exact portion.

Anyhow the point of the thread is not
what you are getting at, apparently there is a subtext you are overlooking or I am
failing in my attempt...

If a possible fine
in four years meets the standards of incandescent indignation then I am sorry that is the case. I still fail to see what the opposition is going to do to remove the status quo Obama has retained since Bush, since the opposition to Obama at large courted the
bricklayer of said status quo. The Rhetorical snow storm have obscured the duplicity
of the "oppositions" past graces. I do not trust either, I would like the truly concerned to leave the noise and see the absurdity of it all. I often post absurd things, to illuminate absurd things that are related

[edit on 29-3-2010 by Janky Red]

[edit on 29-3-2010 by Janky Red]

[edit on 29-3-2010 by Janky Red]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:43 AM
Currently, the losses are being felt by businesses the most. Just take a look at private banking. Every week I see at least 5 banks that have had their doors shuttered by the feds. The majority of these banks never received anything from TARP and are being closed due to the number of now bad unconventional loans that they are stuck with. The same loans that the fed allowed them to issue in the first place. TARP funds were handed out to select banks only. I have yet to see an accurate stress test placed on Fannie and Freddie.

The nationalization of GM should be considered a major loss of freedom for those who work there and were once shareholders of GM. GM is no longer accountable to anyone but our federal govt. and we all know how they like to run things. There is no longer an incentive for GM to thrive and succeed.

Add to this list of lost freedoms with the nationalization of the Student loan program. That should run like a well oiled machine
. SS will soon be bankrupt, Medicare/Medicaid are on the rim of the can, and we now have Obamacare and new revenue stream in the student loan program. Where will that money go??

No worries.... Just a little 3 card monty with your tax dollars and freedoms.

Free enterprise has been in the cross hairs with this administration since Obama was placed into candidacy.

The freedom to earn wealth without paying a penalty for success should also be added to the list.

New taxes on investment income from a variety of sources for those who earn over the magic $200k mark. I feel sorry for these schmoes who thought they were doing the right thing by investing their previously taxed income into our economy. I have friends who own multiple rental properties and who have created some comfortable wealth in addition to their primary income sources. They will now pay a premium for their success. Shame on them because Obama thinks that this income is unnecessary and that it should be subject to a higher tax rate.

Sadly, this tax hike will just be passed on to the renters in the form of higher rent. So much for affordable, quality rental units.

Freedom is only a notion to an administration with a very clear agenda that aims to equalize a society in a manner that THEY see fit.

[edit on 29-3-2010 by jibeho]

[edit on 29-3-2010 by jibeho]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 10:32 AM
Don't blame Obama for your imaginary losses, blame me and the other liberals that voted for him. We are the majority, we want these changes, sorry conservative, you lose. Stop being a sore loser and get with the program. Love democracy or leave it.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 11:04 AM
Why blame the president for the things ye all do for him.

Americans fallow their presidents orders like sheep.

God bless you Americans. The land of the free. Yeah right puke.

Sorry about that. Just had to tell the truth.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 11:22 AM
If Americans cant tell the difference between a collapsing building and a demolished building by demolition (911). How the hell are they going to know the difference between right and wrong?

And secondly. I just dont know how they got Al Qaeda which is really a computer program to be a terrorists group in Afghanistan. You have to be really dumbed down to fall for that one. This just proves how easy it is to fool Americans.

If anybody needs a reality check it must be the American sheep. The president is nothing but happy about the state you all are inn. It makes the job a lot easier for him.

PS: Obama was just in Afghanistan and looked at his herd of sheep. Obama is a happy farmer
And he was very satisfied with the job you all were doing for him.
He also said: Every leader back home was very proud of your commitment to "their" cause.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:10 PM
After ten years I'm amazed people still have to ask this question.
The Patriot Act and the FISA amendments are a good place to start as far as what freedoms you are losing at an individual level and at the national level.

Are your 4th amendment rights not a good enough example?
How about you right to not incriminate yourself, the 5th amendment?
What about your right to counsel? Obama had the SCOTUS overturned Michigan v. Jackson so now the cops can question you even after you've envoked your right to counsel.

The director of national intelligence testified befor the house intelligence services committee that if they SUSPECT an American citizen is involved in terrorism that they get permission to kill said American without due process. Judge, Jury, Executioner.

But since it doesn't jive with "reality" non of this has actually happened. Is it all Obama's fault? No. But he is helping to enable these dangerous and unAmerican policies.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 02:18 PM
You have been losing your freedom for hundreds of years. Obama is simply the new scapegoat of right-wingers.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by earthdude
Don't blame Obama for your imaginary losses, blame me and the other liberals that voted for him. We are the majority, we want these changes, sorry conservative, you lose. Stop being a sore loser and get with the program. Love democracy or leave it.

Correction, you briefly were the majority and just long enough to elect these fools. This November and November, 2012 will tell quite a different story as more and more people are repulsed by the lies and bribes of obama's "change" agenda.

So after that will you be the one we have to say "Stop being a sore loser and get with the program. Love democracy or leave it." to?

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Snarf
im curious where "freedom of privacy" appears in the constitution?

You going into the street on a public road, in a public park, etc, does not give you the RIGHT TO PRIVACY.

Its funny to see liberal bleedy hearts crying for "lost freedoms" (freedoms we never had to begin with).

It reminds me of a line from the movie SWAT (With Colin Ferall) when LL Cool J busts the black guy in the lakers suit, and the black woman sweeping her porch is screaming at LL Cool J saying "thanks for helping out the problem by arresting the BLACK man!" basically riding his ass for arresting a fellow black human being.

LL Cool J's response was "Yah? We'll see how liberal you are when he's breaking into your home"

The same people screaming " DONt take my picture" will be screaming "What happened? Where was our surveillance" when another 9/11 happens.

Thats exactly what they scream about 9/11 on one hand, then scream "privacy privacy privacy!" on the other.

Its called absolute stupidity.

Kind of like absolute zero - only much worse.

omg great post Snarf

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

One main freedom I recently have lost and it is directly linked to Obama is that now I am FORCED to buy health insurance.

I am young and have plenty of cash, if annd when I happen to get sick I go to the doctor and pay for his services.
Now it looks like I will be paying a fine to Obama plus my doctor fees.

Obama 1
freedom 0

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

Sir, I feel bad for you.

If you are trying to reason with people who see Obama as the end of America you will be up all night reading nonsense, If you put GWB in the WH doing the same exact things BHO is doing these fools would be over joyed with the "genius" of the current Commander and Chief.

Good luck!

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by samhouston1886
reply to post by Janky Red

Sir, I feel bad for you.

If you are trying to reason with people who see Obama as the end of America you will be up all night reading nonsense, If you put GWB in the WH doing the same exact things BHO is doing these fools would be over joyed with the "genius" of the current Commander and Chief.

Good luck!

Thank you sir

You are the first who understands the premise of the thread -

BTW last night I did exactly what you warn against and the result was exactly what you have predicted.

Star for you

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 04:13 PM
To be honest, I have not felt like I lost any freedoms recently.

I will however pinpoint the date when I feel like I lost everything!

October 26, 2001


Where was the tea party then?

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
After ten years I'm amazed people still have to ask this question.
The Patriot Act and the FISA amendments are a good place to start as far as what freedoms you are losing at an individual level and at the national level.

Are your 4th amendment rights not a good enough example?
How about you right to not incriminate yourself, the 5th amendment?
What about your right to counsel? Obama had the SCOTUS overturned Michigan v. Jackson so now the cops can question you even after you've envoked your right to counsel.

The director of national intelligence testified befor the house intelligence services committee that if they SUSPECT an American citizen is involved in terrorism that they get permission to kill said American without due process. Judge, Jury, Executioner.

But since it doesn't jive with "reality" non of this has actually happened. Is it all Obama's fault? No. But he is helping to enable these dangerous and unAmerican policies.

My point is Project... Obama is continuing Bush Policies, people who are discontent
with Obama are running headlong back to the very politicians, policies and TV talking heads who sold the very policies Obama continues. People are being used for the simple fact that this fact is easy to obscure with emotional platitudes and patriotic
talk. Others deny this for political jolly getting

I am weary of both, based upon the above, for the manifestation in office will
in fact be along the lines of the policies Obama is maintaining, for they came from this
same voter block with great help from the News outlet that is using this as a partisan lever. The NEWS outlet that fought and defended these policies do NOT turn 180
and genuinely oppose its own work. This is evidence of FOX's propaganda status
as well as other/most Mainstream sources.

So we will be patriotic and get the same people and policies that we/they are protesting.

switch, bait, switch -

[edit on 29-3-2010 by Janky Red]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

Point well made Janky. I too have noticed that people seem to be flocking back to the same ideology that brought us here to begin with. For this reason I am not convinced that people are awake.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:07 PM
omg great post Snarf

Yeah, great post Snarf. Who needs privacy. Government should be given the right to watch us twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hunred and sixty five days a year.

Citizens should be encouraged to spy on their own neighbors.

To make sure we are well behaved citizens, the state should be permitted to place cameras inside private residences.

Our phone calls, and E-mails should be monitored by government agencies in order to prevent acts of terrorism and to ensure our safety.

Why not allow the state to monitor our very move when we are outdoors. After all, if you have nothing to hide, what is there to worry about, eh?

How about cameras that are equipped with facial recognition?

Airport scanners that are capable of seeing through clothing.

And last but certainly not the least, how about technology that can read your mind...

How much longer before technology like this can read every single thought in your brain? I'd say it is probably already here. It just hasn't been made public knowledge as of yet.

Where does one draw the line? How much longer do we continue to ignore this invasion of our privacy? In a truly free society, the privacy of human beings would be respected, not ignored. It is just common sense in my opinion. Sadly, common sense has been thrown out the window. All in the name of safety.

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