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Big freeze brings misery and death to Europe

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posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 11:49 PM

Big freeze brings misery and death to Europe

More than 90 people have died across the Continent, 10 of them in a single day in Poland, where the winter death toll now stands at 79.

Fifty people were injured when a train hit a buffer in the Croatian city of Zagreb, while 36 were injured when a passenger train derailed in Paris after a car slipped on ice and knocked concrete on to the tracks.


Most of the 79 people who froze to death in the country since the wintry conditions began were homeless, police said.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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[edit on 12/23/2009 by semperfortis]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 11:49 PM
All night I have been watching BBC News and then, it hit me.

All news channels in UK and Ireland, all radio channels in UK and Ireland, all Newspapers in UK and Ireland are all talking about the weather. Yes right now it is snowing, in December, imagine that.

The problem that I was thinking about while watching these news broadcasts was the fact that the words "Death", "Big Freeze", "Misery", "Died", "Chaos" etc.

They are describing more of the DEATH than they are the weather. Okay, I know that there are a lot of accidents when the snow comes, but they are saying its 20inches here and there, outside my house its only 2cm and I live at the highest peak of Belfast city on the mountain.

To me, they are describing in detail on how slippy the ice was and how much road traffic in the UK was severely disrupted.

It is not just the BBC, its all the MSM here. The words they use, the amount of brainwashing of "how bad the snow is" is an insult to the intelligence of the Irish and UK citizens. Our roads are fine, even right now you can clearly see the tarmac (thanks to the grit trucks). The only disruption of traffic here in Belfast was a false flag operation by the so called Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA) on one single road (which the local news here are brainwashing us all on how bad it is).

My point being, MSM is making the public here in Ireland and the UK have a subconscious opinion to "hate" the weather and that there should be something done about it.

They are basically waging war with the climate, making sure people get the perception that global warming is happening. When in reality, global warming means warming and in December it snows every year! They are making things that happen naturally look like they are abnormal in order to get the general public to possibly back weather modification corporations. So that, when the time comes to call a "vote" for the government to publicly launch weather modification companies to control our climate (Which will more than likely be spray us and not the clouds) in order for the general public to accept this Eco-New World Order that will happen Spring 2010.

Its very hard to explain what I am seeing, its as if they are trying to change people opinion to prepare them for something. I am worried also about a "Climate Change New World Order" coming Spring 2010.
(visit the link for the full news article)

I found various PDFs the other night on a Google spree for documents regarding Climate Change. I found a lot of new stuff regarding 2010 and I will add those PDFs whenever I can find them again. I had to close my laptop down in a hurry, so I will add them tomorrow.

[edit on 23/12/2009 by the_denv]

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by the_denv

"Big freeze brings misery and death to Europe"

So much for global warming, more like a scientific melt down...get it? meltdown.

Bad puns aside, it definitely looks as though we a heading to a new ice age.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by Scooby Doo

Most definitely, it is very funny watching this Global "Warming" scheme they are trying to pull off. I have been reading a lot of military documents, searching for climate related articles and found a very interesting document from 2001. It speaks of a global pandemic, climate change, weather modification, FEMA...everything you can think of. It is a 15 year agenda for the military. I am going to create a different thread for this as the topics are too varied for me to post it in this thread. Its quite shocking.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 01:15 AM
It is cold snowy and icing in that is news. I have seen it before when it is what you could call a slow day for the news and they just stick on a really mundane point with experts, multiple points of view, charts math...etc., and at some point you just say WTF are they doing?

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Scooby Doo
reply to post by the_denv

"Big freeze brings misery and death to Europe"

So much for global warming, more like a scientific melt down...get it? meltdown.

Bad puns aside, it definitely looks as though we a heading to a new ice age.

Yes I agree, snow in winter shows all the signs of humanity seeing its next ice age. This is not even close to the coldest winter we have seen in some time. There is not trending to support this claim that I can find either.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 02:10 AM

As has been mentioned above, so far this current cold snap pales into insignificance when compared with previous winters.

Talking from personal experience and from the perspective of my location within the UK (the midlands), i remember much colder and worse periods of heavy snowfall in the past.

I was a 'child' in the 80's, and i remember the excitement of approaching winter for the sledging, snowball fights and more importantly, time off school since our boiler always packed up every year!

Freezing conditions and snowfall was almost guaranteed from around November through to Febuary. That trend continued well into the 90's.
Then from around the mid 90's upto the present, winter has been generally much milder with some years seeing no snow at all. Sure temperatures have dropped to freezing or lower every year at some point. The last couple of years have seen a slight increase in 'wintery' weather, again from my perspective.

The point i'm making here, is that when people recall previous winters they perhaps remember the mild and generally snow and ice free ones since the mid 90's and forget that what we are experiencing now is still less than the norm 20 to 30 years ago.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by logicalview

The cold snap in the UK may not have been really bad compared to how winter was before, but here in continental Europe, especially around my neck of the woods, it is weird for it to be as cold as it was. Here where I live, we got way more snow that what is average for this area. (This was the case last year, too.) So, maybe they're making a big deal out of it because of Europe as a whole.

I will say though, -20°C was a really cool (no pun intended) thing for me to experience, being from Florida and all.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 02:43 AM
Here in Poland the temperature made a DELTA change from weeks of sub zero temps maxing out at -12 -14 C yesterday to rain and + 2 C TODAY.

That is a HUGE change in temperatures and is set to get bigger.

This year weather here is in CHAOS mode

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by octotom

Post acknowledged.

Thanks for the viewpoint of the situation in mainland europe.

I suppose the problem with giving a localised veiwpoint is that it is just that, localised!

Hope all ok over there.


posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 02:53 AM
I'm not trying to be a dick, here. Lord knows, I don't have to try. So peeps in Europe have died from the cold. Bad crap for sure, Give these folks a heat wave and some will die, too. Life goes on. Well, for some folks. Ain't life a beeyatch!?

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by the_denv

I see what you mean. But, just for the record, global warming means hotter summers, and much colder winters. Not just mass warming. I'd elaborate, but I've just gotten up, so, I trust that you know how to use google :-P.

Anyhow, I'm liking the snow, it makes for a nice change in my area.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 04:18 AM
More death than swine flu.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 04:19 AM
More snow than usual. But snow does'nt means it's colder.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by logicalview
I was a 'child' in the 80's, and i remember the excitement of approaching winter for the sledging, snowball fights and more importantly, time off school since our boiler always packed up every year!

In london we never get the worst weather, and thats where most of the people on tv live.

In the 80's in london it did not snow for ages, until 91.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 05:59 AM
From what I was told about the 1947 winter in the UK, it was a real winter, 10 foot snowdrifts, even fitting jet engines to the front of locomotives to clear the tracks of snow! I don't know if that worked or not, anyway, by all accounts, it was bad. nothing like it since.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 06:37 AM
Air Masses, Jet Streams etc. circulates, thus we all get some extreme weather everywhere. Europe is not a closed system, Thank Goodness .

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by the_denv

Wow that is a good spot! I had started to notice the the papers were still bitching about the weather over here, but that is one thing I hadn't noticed.

I've noted a lot of people you speak to really complaining about the weather too, even though where I live the snow has only been on the ground a week!!

It's always the same in this country, the yanks get out the snow chains, the russians crack the vodka out and what do Brits do.. fall over, complain and slide cars off the road doing 5mph

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 06:43 AM
i was also wondering about the temps here in switzerland. We had a fall of 18°C in one day. Then in the night it was about -15°. Now two days later we have again 5°+. Hats a up and down of 30 Degrees in 2 Days xD

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 06:59 AM
It's a strange one here in Glasgow. We haven't had snow like this in over 5 years. The local councils have said they've got plenty of grit, but no one seems to be gritting the roads or pavements!

They shut down Central Station last night and no one could get home. Motorways were backed up because there was no trains and they weren't gritted, and gritters couldn't get through the traffic to salt the roads.

I'd agree. It's almost like the want us to get p'd off with the weather so we look to them for help.

This country makes me laugh. It's too hot, everything shuts down. It snows, everything shuts down. It rains too much, everything shuts down. There's too many leaves about, everything shuts down.

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