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The TRUTH of Freemasonry

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posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:12 PM
I am that dumb. The moderators arent hip to this yet though.

[edit on 12/27/09 by scooterstrats]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by scooterstrats
I smell...rats. Who else does? Persons misrepresenting themselves /wolfs in sheep's clothing? Or did I just blow it ? If so, sorry.

Meaning what?
To whom are you referring to and just what, good sir, are you insinuating?

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by Silver Shadow
You will never discover the truth about Freemasonry, because it is all based on secrecy lies and deception.

It is basically a vast web of corruption.

The highest duty of a mason is to keep secrets, and to protect his brother masons from discovery and justice.

It is the single root cause of all the growing evil in the political system, the justice system, the law enforcement system, organized crime, big business, the financial system, the churches, the media, and every single organization that has been infiltrated and corrupted by masonry.

But then, becoming a mason allows you to PARTICIPATE in all this illegal and immoral activity.
Everyone else is doing it, so why not get your share ?

What masons do not fully understand, is that when they have plundered and corrupted an entire nation, they have destroyed their own future.

......and the level of stupidity just grew 100%

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Matthew Dark

You can choose to believe whatever you want.

The facts are Freemasonry is a vile cult, lacking in simple empathy and decency (wanting to force someone to commit murder is clearly not community oriented).

I do doubt though that many of them are involved in pulling strings behind world affairs, as they are incredibly stupid and too megalomaniacal and self aggrandising to succeed, however that doesn't speak for all Freemasons as I have hardly met them all, only a small selection.

There are plenty involved in nerfarious deeds though, particularly involving drug supply.

It is essentially a protection racket they are running there, you scratch our back we'll scratch yours.

They aren't what they seem and the very fact that they have to look after each other above and beyond the law shows just what kind of organisation they really are.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 12:52 AM
I couldnt agree more. That I've never encountered such an imbecilic group anywhere.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by eloquentlyarticulated

You can choose to believe whatever you want.

The facts are Freemasonry is a vile cult, lacking in simple empathy and decency (wanting to force someone to commit murder is clearly not community oriented).]

THEN PROVE IT!! We have had the decency to provide sources to information supporting our feelings... Yet you have just made bogus claims without any support whatsoever!!! All you are doing is running your mouth in circles! I respect your opinion, but I do not respect the fact that you are inapt to post any evidence as to why you feel that way!!!

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by eloquentlyarticulated

My ability to 'believe' has nothing to do with it.
Prove it.
Don't just make wild accusations.
Give me something tangible to work with.
If you're so smart, and based on the name you've chosen for yourself, you truly think you are, show us something to back up your story.
Y'see, around here, there's a little thing called 'skepticism', which, last I checked, forced us to question what we're told and not to take things on faith.
To me, you (much like everyone else up here) are someone totally random, a few electronic blips on my computer screen, a completely unknown person, so, for you to to make such claims and speak with such unfounded venom and expect me to just swallow it is just plain ridiculous. If you make those posts, be damn sure to provide some kind of factual basis that you can provide some evidence of. Don't just make claims and get ornery because we don't take you at your word. Conduct yourself with some decorum and civility, and be, as your name implies 'eloquently articulated'.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx

Beat me to the punch as it were, again.
Damn, you're quick.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 02:23 AM
I should know better, no Mason cronies here ! Not fair !

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by scooterstrats
I should know better, no Mason cronies here ! Not fair !

Again, slinging insults instead of acting civily.
And who's a 'mason cronie'?
Did I say I was a member?'s 2am and I'm slacking off at work...spelling is not on my list of priorities right now...

[edit on 27-12-2009 by Matthew Dark]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by scooterstrats
I should know better, no Mason cronies here ! Not fair !

Want to bet moron? I have been involved with Masonry for a while. I'm assuming your what? 5 years old? Wait....that's more of a compliment for such an infant.

Freemasonry has taught me so much in life:

1. To be more religious
2. Family, Friends, Job, Personal Life come FIRST. NOT THE FRATERNITY.
3. Promote peace wherever I go. How? Whenever someone is in need of assistance, whether a Mason or not, we should help as much as we can without harm to ourselves and family.
4. You know how much money I have given to people who have needed it? Your mind will be blown. The other day, an older lady was ahead of me at the grocery store and realized she didn't have the money to pay for her medication. The total was somewhere around $30. You know what I did? I gave the cashier the money and wished the lady a Merry Christmas.
5. Doing that on a daily basis proves how much more of a man I am compared to YOU.
6. Time to face the facts buddy, you've lost.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by scooterstrats
I should know better, no Mason cronies here ! Not fair !

I'm pretty sure Scooterstrats is joking, last I remember, he'd joined Masonry himself.

Aside from that, keep in mind folks, you attack the post, not the poster. No calling anyone a moron regardless of whether you feel it's relevant or not.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Matthew Dark

Yes, like those used to build the structures in the name of God. No these Houses of God were places of peace. Often used as early hospitals during times of war. Plus other religions erected Houses of Worship, that is also masonry, and Christians were not the only ones to attack other cultures.

Don't be a pick and chooser of history.

God is not flawed. Religion is flawed, only because man is flawed. God is good and God is great. God's teaching has always been the same, but it was perverted through groups of men. Freemasonry notwithstanding has always stood by its principles: love for your fellow man, relieving the distressed, and spreading truth throughout the world.

reply to post by eloquentlyarticulated

Ah yes, the "C" word. A cult can be any group where the members follow similar beliefs and doctrines. This could apply to many groups not just Freemasons in particular or fraternal groups in general.

Our Oaths appertain to Freemasonry alone. It doesn't interfere with any other duty we owe, whether its to God, country, or family. We are even charged to be good citizens and obey the laws of the land. And no, we don't give all to the society, our annual dues is the only thing that is required to stay in good standing. Our Oaths do not break any laws.

Now I'm not saying all Freemasons are good. Every group has bad apples and it is the duty of every Brother to weed them out for the good of the Craft. Evidence of this is shown by your supposed sources because if they were Brothers and they broke their obligation then I would hazard a guess that they held mercenary motives in their heart and therefore anything they say cannot be trusted. I would also ask if they were real Masons or clandestine ones.

1. I have never heard the word "savant" or any conjugation of it used in the Craft nor by any member. You guys give us way too much credit. Hypnosis? Multiple personalities? Sub-conscience imprisonment?

My question to you: do you hold any degrees in psychology? And do you hold any evidence that this is practiced within the Craft?

2. Talk about far fetched and conjuring up wild things. Plus, Freemasonry has existed long before the creation of Television so what did they do before? And even when Television and the cinema first came into being there were no "reality shows". Or are you telling me that reality shows has such an impact that the Craft changed their entire ritual around. I really hope your being facetious.

3. Bach is not God, he was a member of the Craft. Music is just one of the seven liberal arts and sciences. Nothing more.

Again, do you have a degree or any experience in this field of psychology?

4. So wait, he was originally led to be a reality show star, now he's led to believe he's a James Bond wanna-be? That doesn't make sense nor does it follow any logical pathway. Kill off your family? That is absurd. There is no evidence or truth that Masons are told to kill their family.

You keep jumping around. Each paragraph you claim some different reaction and conclusion to some hypnosis.

5. I can't even respond to this. *facepalm*

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by KSigMason

Fair enough.
However, christianity is responsible for more genocide than any other group in history, and, correct me if I'm wrong, but the Templar insurrection of, I believe it was 1308 (I may be incorrect in the date) was planned by the king of France and the pope in the bowels of one of the many opulent churches, if not the vatican itself. So, in essence, your brethren were betrayed, accosted, jailed within, tortured within and burned alive on the steps of some of these wonderful 'houses of god' that their brethren helped fabricate. I am not so forgiving of such acts, and yes, perhaps I do pick and choose aspects of history to focus on, but I go where my heart takes me.
You post quite well, and I respect both your words and the manner with which you speak them.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by Matthew Dark

I don't agree with how the Roman Catholic Church started nor how it took power. Nor do I agree with all the wars that have been committed in Christ's name.

The arrests of the Knights Templar occurred on Friday, October 13th, 1307. IMO, you are correct that the King of France, Phillip the Fair, fabricated the charges and some even say had a new Pope put in place that would be the King's puppet.

The problem was that orders for the arrest were supposedly sent out quite a bit before October so the Sheriffs probably opened them and the friends of the Templars warned them. Before the arrests occurred the entire Templar fleet disappeared from the docks in Southern France.

Also, the King of England really didn't follow the orders and went pretty lenient on the Templars and the inquisition didn't happen until after the a Inquisitor Committee was sent to England. Also, in Spain, the Templars disbanded in name only and became the Knights of Christ. Scotland was also not in favor of the Catholic community and many agree that Scotland would have been a safe-haven for the outlawed Templars.

Again though, religion is flawed only because man is flawed. The intent of the Houses of God is still pure. DeMolay, the current Grand Master of the Templars, was burnt alive on an island near Notre Dame. As he was being burned he cursed the Pope and King that they would join him within a years time, and they did. Plus, as much as I would like to say the Templars were the predecessors of Freemasons, there is no evidence to it. It's all a romantics idea.

I do thank you for your etiquette on the forum. You may disagree with me, but you have been respectful. Thanks.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by RuneSpider

Originally posted by scooterstrats
I should know better, no Mason cronies here ! Not fair !

I'm pretty sure Scooterstrats is joking, last I remember, he'd joined Masonry himself.

Aside from that, keep in mind folks, you attack the post, not the poster. No calling anyone a moron regardless of whether you feel it's relevant or not.

Well.....crap. I'm really sorry if he was joking.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by ShadowKingpin

He is from PA. that should explain everything.

(Ohio native here)
But he is a brother none the less.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

Of course.
But I'm fairly sure it hasn't been recognized that I'm actually quite fond of the Craft and find a bit of joy in bringing to their knees the detractors who are so willfully's just fun.
I am, however, openly anti-christian and tend to lash out at the first sign of christian elitism.
I long for the days when christian influence was impotent beyond the front doors of Templar strongholds and church officials nearly soiled themselves at the mere mention of, what can only be described as Europe's first philanthropic, warrior-priest caste.
Ah, those were the days.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by ShadowKingpin

He is from PA. that should explain everything.

(Ohio native here)
But he is a brother none the less.

Ohio native here as well ^_^ I am assuming that you are a brother as well? Brother ScooterStrats, I am terribly sorry for the verbal attack. I didn't know you were joking/being sarcastic.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 05:05 PM
I gotta say all the myth around free mason sdoes make me chuckle some what.
My boss is a free mason and so are 2 colleagues of mine and they dont worship satan or any of that stuff iv even been invited along to some of their meetings and didnt notice anything remotely demonic going on.
The society isnt as close guarded as it used to be but that doesnt mean they freely give info out.
Why should they when sites like this have all the answers??

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