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The Day The Sun Stood Still...

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posted on May, 23 2004 @ 09:45 PM
Ancient records from the Middle East and from the Americas offer evidence that at one time the sun stood still in the sky for an extended period of time as related in the tenth chapter of the book of Joshua. (1)

There have been many accounts with the war on Iraq that ancient artifacts have been looted from musems and sacred sites. Some accounts say by US soldiers.

With stories in the news and on the internet describing George W Bush's religious beliefs being rather obsessive reguarding the bible and end times could this war really be about finding the last bits of information necessary to confirn the return of planet X?

There are now stories circulating on this and other forums of strange happenings with the moon and earth wobble. There seems to be every indication that some forces are at work in our solar system which are having a profound effect upon the magnetic field of the earth. The north pole has moved almost 900 km since it was first found in the 1800's and its moving at an excelerated rate. Some scientist are predicting 200 km per year very soon.

In ancient times what could have possibly have caused the sun to stand still in the sky? The passing of an object? The poles of the earth moving?

Everything in space revolves in some way. Our solar system revolves around an axis and every so often earth comes back around to a point that we encounter this earth changing event.

There are also corresponding accounts from the opposit side of this planet that for one day the earth was dark as the sun didn't rise.

In any event hopefully we will find out the truth before it is to late to save ourselves.

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 09:58 PM
So tell me Nancy, have you ever studied physics?

Have you ever heard of Sir Isaac Newton?

How do you apply a force to a rotating, uniform sphere so that the mass stops rotating, then starts up again?

Do your "accounts" also indicate the massive earthquakes and floods that would be unleashed as the oceans "sloshed" across the continents?

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 10:01 PM
very interesting.

just because it seems ubsurd does not mean it is impossible.

nothing is impossible, it is just very improbable.

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 10:14 PM
Since the earth isn't perfectly round and one day it will spin down like a top, a halt is possible. As the earth spins down and comes to a stop it might flip. The Slosh of the oceans could cause it to kick back up again(spinning). Also as the weight of the polar caps melts and spreads the balast will be lost.
This is an interesting theory and unfortunately we haven't been able to see it on other planets first, due to our infancy in space observation.
There are fossil records of polar and/or magnetic shifts on earth in the past.
I cant remember but it might happen in our lifetime.

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 10:32 PM
Wow. Ashley, I am sorry, but I am going to have to place you under citizens arrest for violating Mr. Newton's laws.

The first law. I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.

Why does a top slow down? Friction. the friction of the point of the top on the floor.

Actually you get time off for being partially right. The Earth is slowing down gradually due to the friction of ocean tides caused by the sun and moon. However, the Earth will never "flip" nor will the oceans cause it start spinning again. This process has been happening for 4.5 billion years.

And yes you are right, the Earth is not perfectly round, but it is symmetrical in relation to its rotation and that is what counts.

There is a huge difference between a polar shift and a magnetic shift. I'll let you figure it out for yourself.

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 11:00 PM
There's theory called "polar shift" which says that at certain times, the earths entire crust may slip around the core/mantle of the earth.. so even though the "sphere" of the earth continues to propel in a line around the Sun, etc, the "skin" of the earth can shift radically from time to time.

Among the more famous subscribers to this theory were no less a personality than Albert Einstein.

Some people believe that polar shifts may have been responsible for cataclymics floods that are none known to have ravaged the earth at about 10,000 BC. (due to the "sloshing" of the oceans).. It can also explain why Siberia was covered w/ trees and vegetation found only in warm climates until about 10,000 BC (i.e., there was permafrost or tundra in Siberia until very very recently, which is extremely unusual).

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 11:05 PM
Are you talking about the ice age floods?

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
Wow. Ashley, I am sorry, but I am going to have to place you under citizens arrest for violating Mr. Newton's laws.

The first law. I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.

Why does a top slow down? Friction. the friction of the point of the top on the floor.

Actually you get time off for being partially right. The Earth is slowing down gradually due to the friction of ocean tides caused by the sun and moon. However, the Earth will never "flip" nor will the oceans cause it start spinning again. This process has been happening for 4.5 billion years.

And yes you are right, the Earth is not perfectly round, but it is symmetrical in relation to its rotation and that is what counts.

There is a huge difference between a polar shift and a magnetic shift. I'll let you figure it out for yourself.

The external force on the top could well be gravity, the external force on the earth could be the same. I dont think a perpetual motion machine has been discovered yet and I dont think the earth is an exception. Everything slows down.
Friction is gravity,quit quoting Newton and think for yourself. Is there friction in zero gravity.
The Earth may flip. I know this process has been happening for billions of years but the flip could be part of the process. There are some interesting things that have been found,like magnetic grain fossils with their magnetic ends pointing opposite directions over the years. Wher is true north and why does it change.
The polar shift is due to balance, similar to our "procession of the equinoxes'.
Eventually it will slow down to the point of a flip or"fall over".

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 12:22 AM
The magnetic field of earth changes gradually. This has happened before and will likely happen again. As for the earth stopping altogether, this seems unlikely to happen all of a sudden. The earth is slowing down, but i doubt it would just suddenly stop. I also know the poles change too due to shifts in the earths crust and the techtonic plates floating around under the crust.

Also how would earth stopping be related to the fabled 'planet X'?

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 08:17 AM
The changes in magnetic orientation of magnetic grains is caused by Magnetic Reversals, not by the entire crust of the earth moving around.

Any object with enough gravity to stop the rotation of the earth in a year, will disrupt the orbits of planets and moon all around the solar system. We would have noticed that.

It also seems to me that some here may have a naive view of physics. Why would a planet that no longer rotates flip or fall over?

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 08:57 AM
ANyone here think that it is at all possible that there is a greater being called GOD who created the world and can do what He wants with it when He wants, why He wants??

I know i know this is a pretty radical far out "theory" but does anyone think that this could possibly explain this "standing sun" theory?

Really what if it is just that simple........wouldn't it blow our minds???

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by ashley
Everything slows down.

Yes and No.

In the absence of an external force, an object in motion will remain in motion indefinitely

Yes there is friction involved in the rotation of the Earth. Friction caused by the tidal movement of the air and oceans across the surface of the Earth, even space dust causes friction. If the Earth were a barren sphere with no atmosphere and no oceans, spinning in a perfect vacuum, then it would spin forever.

a good site explaining the slowing of the Earth.

Friction is gravity,quit quoting Newton and think for yourself. Is there friction in zero gravity.

No, friction is not gravity. They are two different things entirely. Are you stating that Newton is wrong?

And the magnetic poles are not the same thing as the rotational poles. Yes the magnetic poles have flipped in the past. When this happens, magnetic north changes, but �true north� never does.

The rotational poles have never �flipped.� Nor is it likely that they ever will as long as the laws of physics remain unchanged.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by energy_wave
...In ancient times what could have possibly have caused the sun to stand still in the sky? The passing of an object? The poles of the earth moving?

There are also corresponding accounts from the opposit side of this planet that for one day the earth was dark as the sun didn't rise.

Why go back to ancient times energy_wave?

The Sun allegedly stopped at Fatima, as revealed in this article, on October 13, 1917:

"At midday the sun suddenly appeared in the cloud-covered sky. It rotated fantastically, shooting off colored rays, its rim a rainbow. It was not too bright to gaze upon. The crowd watched with smiles. It was said that the sun began to roam among the clouds, half disappearing behind cloud puffs. From time to time it would stop and spin fantastically as at first.

Finally it became stationary and pulsated. Without warning it hurtled toward the crowd, growing brighter and hotter. People screamed and cried for pardon from their sins. The children called to the crowd to pray. As quickly as the phenomenon had begun it reversed itself. The sun returned to the clouds. It took on its usual bland noonday brilliance. A great wind arose but the trees did not bend. The soggy ground where the people had stood was now baked mud. Everyone's clothes were dry."

However, faith is a strange thing - other people around the world *didn't* report anything "amiss" with the Sun's ie Earth's behaviour that day, so I leave you to speculate as to the "truth" of the matter - paranormal event, quirky physics, mass hysteria...??

Incidentally, have you any sources, please, for your claim that:

"There are also corresponding accounts from the opposit side of this planet that for one day the earth was dark as the sun didn't rise." ??

I'm intrigued and would appreciate more guidance. Thanx in advance!!

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by HR
Are you stating that Newton is wrong?

Well if you are so smart then you would realize that Newtonian physics don't always apply to celestial bodies. Newton came up with his laws of physics by observing things on earth, not planets. So if you guys want to debate whether the earth will slow down you might want to try Einstien's theory of Relativity or maybe even quantum mechanics and if you really want to get technical try string theory....

So yes, when it comes to celectial physics, newton is sometimes wrong.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:00 AM
In 1908, a Meteorite exploded over Siberia, that lit the sky in Europe bright enough that people could read their newspapers at midnight. If you read the newspapers describing the event, it was the night that the sun never set.

It could also be that what people are desribing the simalar event. If the newspaper accounts in 1908 tell roughly the same story, i would venture that maybe a comet or meteor exploded at the same time.
Miracles can also be desribed as natural events occuring at a specific Time.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:03 AM
For the purposes of this thread, Newtonian physics will suffice.

Nothing in relativity theory, quantum mechanics, string theory, etc. supports the idea that the sun has ever �stood still,� either.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:05 AM
These same people that you base your evidence on wrote of superheroes, and gods that carried chariots across the sky with the sun on it.

Not that I am saying weird things can't happen, I wouldn't base your entire case on these facts.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:08 AM
Interesting topic to read:


"Next time Earth's magnetic field flips, compass needles will point South instead of North. But scientists can't say when it will occur, and until now they've disagreed on how long the transitions take.

A new study pins down how long it took for the last four reversals to play out. It also finds that the dramatic turnarounds occur more quickly nearer the equator than at higher latitudes closer to the poles"

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 01:57 PM
Newtonian physics is a very good approximation of general relativity in normal situations like the solar system. Apart from a few minor corrections in the orbit of Mercurius general relativity didn't change much in the solar system.

General relativity and quantum mechanics are theories for extreme situations. In normal situations a physicist will almost always use newtionian physics, because it is much easier. I could prove that low gravity situations in general relativity approximate newtonian physics really well, if you don't believe it.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by toolmaker it was the night that the sun never set.

Hi toolmaker!!

Yes, the Tunguska meteor (or, whatever it was) is an interesting event for sure. A good job that it happened over a relative wilderness rather than a city, for example.

Whilst I'd agree that this *could* be a night where it was as light as if the Sun hadn't set (whereas, in fact, it would have, of course!) I'm still fascinated to know when

"... from the opposit side of this planet that for one day the earth was dark as the sun didn't rise." (as per energy_waves previous post)??

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