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The reality of our existence here on Earth - The real truth..?

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posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:13 AM
Many millennia ago, life began to evolve on two planets orbiting a small star in the milky way. This star was known as Sol. The two planets, Mars and Earth lived side by side but without any knowledge of what existed sometimes as close as just 35 million miles away. Earth, a bright blue planet broken up by lush green forests and plains, was inhabited by many types of life, large reptiles known as dinosaurs being the dominant species There were also colonies of white skinned neanderthals dotted around the planet and they relied on their tool making and hunting skills for survival. Mars, a colder planet made of rusty coloured mountains and desert broken up by shiny red rivers pumped to the surface from deep inside the planets interior and red leaved plants was much colder and had less diversity but a much more advanced civilization... the dark skinned homo-sapien. The dark skin absorbing as much of the weak suns energy as possible. The homo-sapien had evolved on the planet over millions of years and lived largely underground and in caves within mountains. They also built structures on the surface which allowed cultivation of plants and mammal life to be possible. The harsh climate of Mars meant that outdoor farming was not possible all year round.

The Homo-sapiens over time, developed technologies allowing their curiosity of the stars above to become reality. They had evolved to a stage where they had the tools and technology to seek out nearby planets and what else lurked in the dark beyond. They manufactured a vehicle capable of travelling to their nearest neighbour and soon would be able to discover what they could only previously have dreamt.

The name of this vehicle would later be known as 'The Ark'. The Ark was ready, preperations to travel to Earth were underway and soon, Earth and Mars would come together close enough for the Ark to make the distance.

The journey would be delayed - A cluster of asteroids emerged from behind the sun and impacted both planets. One asteroid hit Earth with magnificent force and wiped out much of the life existing on it. Mars was also hit, not only by a large asteroid but was also peppered with fragments from the Earth impact. Much of life on mars was destroyed including much of the plant life as red dust clouded the skies blocking out light from the sun for many years to come.

The Ark was ready and so were a few remaining homo-sapiens who now needed to get off the planet in order to survive. There were already food supplies including animals and plants on the ark designed originally for tests on Earth to see if Homo-sapien may be able to inhabit the blue planet. They gathered together many hundreds of survivors and animals. The long slow journey on the gigantic Ark began...

... The ark landed in the continent of what is now Africa. The desert looked similar to home so should be a perfect testing ground. Infact, it was more than perfect - the homo-sapiens thrived on earth and started to explore the diverse landscapes and started to reproduce at a fantastic rate. Travelling homosapiens eventually encountered the neanderthals and both fought wars to try and eliminate the new threat. Meanwhile in Africa - The homosapiens built a number of enourmous pyramid shaped structures designed to monitor the skies and look out for the threat which had once nearly rendered them extinct. They were rebuilt many times over, the last time they were rebuilt was during the period of 'ancient Egypt' which we are now familiar with. It was tradition to bury the owner of the buildings who were direct descendants of the original Martian Homo-Sapien within the structure on their death.

Eventually, the Neanderthal was eliminated, since the destruction of the dinosoars, mammal and bird life on earth was allowed to expand and evolve, homosapien (human) intelligence grew and humans which had travelled to and colonised other parts of the planet also evolved. With temperatures on earth warmer than mars even in some of the coldest regions, skin pigmentation varied in different parts of the planet and individual civilisations emerged.

Today, humanity has evolved and destroyed it's own kind many times over and the real history of our ancestry is forgotten and left open to speculation and so-called science. Much of the truth has been preserved in religious text but over the years has been misinterpreted and this in itself is now unreliable.

Soon, we will rediscover our history and embrace who we really are and what we have really achieved.

The truth is out there!.



[edit on 18-12-2009 by fiftyfifty]

[edit on 18-12-2009 by fiftyfifty]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:42 AM
Thank you for this thread, this wraps it all together very nicely.

Do you think those in the know already are aware of this but refuse to release the evidence?

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

Got any proof to what your saying here? To me it sounds like that Nation of Islam crap about a a man name Yacob who created white people to protect blacks....

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by fiftyfifty

Or maybe the creative writing forum....

So I have to ask, what "proof" or "evidence" do you have to support this so-called "truth"? I mean, it'a a nice story and all, but calling it "truth" is quite a leap.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:48 AM
This is a nice fantasy but seems highly inconsistent with known science.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:53 AM
I prefer the theory that planet earth is what the bible calls hell. We are all on this planet which is hell, that was described in teh bible, and we do not even know it.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

Yeah. . . but you missed the cro-magnon man. where's he in your story, what about Homo erectus, or Homo sapiens, which IS different than today's Homo sapiens sapiens??

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

This was a great read and I did enjoy it but there is no proof and without proof this is in the realms of science fiction. Although good science fiction without anything to substantiate your claim then at best this can be filed only as “possible” under the file subsection “unproven.”

I would love to believe this but I do not go on trust regarding such an important matter, I require proof.

Flagged for an enjoyable read though

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by Signals

No, I don't even think they know. I don't know myself, of course this is only a theory. I'm only a layman so yes, there will be a lot of holes in my theory. There will be periods and other versions of human that may have existed that I have missed out.

I do not claim to know this as fact but i feel lucky to be in a position of agnosticism that allows me to look at the theories, beliefs and evidence out there and tie them together into a plausible single theory.

@ poedxsoldiervet, This is not about black or white or Islam or Christian. This is about WHY we are of different colours and beliefs.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by fiftyfifty
I do not claim to know this as fact...

So why then is the thread titled "the real truth"?
So you'd be sure to get these kind of responses?

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by subject x

Originally posted by fiftyfifty
I do not claim to know this as fact...

So why then is the thread titled "the real truth"?
So you'd be sure to get these kind of responses?

Added the question mark to the title so now you can relax. Thanks for reading.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

The truth this isn't, but it is a decent premise for a sci-fi story.

It needs work, but don’t get disheartened as few tales come into the world fully formed.

One plot hole; why, when the Martians (us) landed on Earth, did they abandon their own technology and begin to use, for example, flint tools? Surely “the Ark” would have been stocked with all manner of high tech goodies?

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

So did you just make up the name of the ship, "The Ark" because it sounded fitting?


posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by fiftyfifty
Added the question mark to the title so now you can relax. Thanks for reading.

Thank you.
I am now relaxed.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by Beamish

As I didn't start this with the intention of writing a sci-fi story, I will leave the holes open for you guys to fill in. My theory ISN'T exactly what happened but I would like to think that maybe I am on the right lines. Afterall, the theory of God's existence stands up every day all over the world but there are many holes in the theory that he is real. Many believe that there are aliens visiting earth regularly - why haven't we seen them? Many believe that our governments are plotting against us... there are holes in that theory too.

The most important thing is that the main message of my article on THIS subject has been thought about as it is one possible truth amongst many. Maybe one of these theory's, hopefully this one, could be 'the truth'.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by JacobNH
reply to post by fiftyfifty

So did you just make up the name of the ship, "The Ark" because it sounded fitting?


The Ark - It exists in the bible but in my opinion, my interpretation of the ark is as plausible as the biblical interpretation. The bible in my opinion is bits of the real history translated and misinterpreted over many hundreds of years and made to fit in with the existence of god. Our job is to work out the actual truth from this and other religious texts.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:27 AM
Interesting story, but where are your sources?

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by fiftyfifty
reply to post by Beamish

As I didn't start this with the intention of writing a sci-fi story, I will leave the holes open for you guys to fill in. My theory ISN'T exactly what happened but I would like to think that maybe I am on the right lines. Afterall, the theory of God's existence stands up every day all over the world but there are many holes in the theory that he is real. Many believe that there are aliens visiting earth regularly - why haven't we seen them? Many believe that our governments are plotting against us... there are holes in that theory too.[\quote]

We have seen ETs, it just hasn't been a mass landing and formal "hello, Earthlings, we are here" on Worldwide TV yet. But they've been studying us for a very long time. Some believe they even genetically engineered us, making many different types (Neaderthal, Homo Erectus, Homo Ergaster, etc...) before finally perfecting us as Homo Sapiens. Some how I belive this more than I can the story of coming from Mars. Though, I can't discount that there may have been civilzations on Mars before and some may have come down to live.

[edit on 18-12-2009 by Violet Sky]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

I diddnt say it was I said it remind me of that story from the Nation of Islam... You want to know why we are all different colors? It all goes back to where we came from...

Blacks are are Black because of the hot sun in Africa. Whites are white because of the Harsh cold of Europe.

Have you ever noticed that Black and White Americans are features are softer then those from Europe and Africa? Whites are getting darker and Blacks are getting lighter? Of course this is unproven and may be just my warped theory, but 400 years of us living in North Americas very Temperate weather and Intra breeding is changing the tones of our skin.

Like I said its a theory and cant be proven but its not as wild as your Mars theory.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:36 AM
I stopped reading after Dinosaurs and Neanderthals coexisted

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