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SHTF scenario is coming: Israel will attack Iran

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posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 06:23 PM
I would like to share with all ATS members what I see heading our way in the coming months, perhaps weeks, and I wouldn't even rule out days.

In other words, the stage is set and the ground work laid for the long time coming war with Iran... I have been following this nuclear standoff since it first started to emerge in 2005 when Amhadinejad came to be president of Iran, and announced their uranium enrichment plans.

2009 has seen a ten-fold increase in propaganda and tension surrounding this dilemma. Particularly so since Iran's announcement of their nuclear facility at Qom.

Obama's diplomacy has been given it's chance to fail to try and get the Iranians to halt their uranium enrichment, and now, coming to the end of 2009, we are all going to see a DRAMATIC escalation of tensions when the Obama administration will have no choice but to make good on their promise's of laying down "crippling sanctions" against the Islamic regime. However, sanctions are not going to work... Everyone knows this.

This will occur in the coming few weeks leading into the new year.

Sanctions that are an absolute last ditch effort to halt the Iranians nuclear program, before Israel commences their long planned out mass strike against Iran's nuclear facilities and military infrastructure.

I am convinced after doing as much research as I possibly can, that WHEN, not IF, this military strike occurs, it will be the ultimate S.H.T.F scenario a lot of ATS members frequently refer to.

(Oil prices crippling the already extremely fragile world economy, attacks from Iran against U.S interests in the region, closing off the straight of Hormuz, nuclear threats and probable nuclear exchange at some point, middle-east engulfed in flames dragging the rest of the world into involvement...)

TPTB know behind closed doors that Israel are ready to strike, and have plans to strike by the end of 2009 should there be no "crippling sanctions" in place, or should those sanctions obviously fail, which they will.

I believe with every inch of me this is coming, it will be a shi#storm like we will have never seen before. I don't write this stuff to get my kicks or jollies, I am not a fool.
But it is coming and as a conscious being I SEE it coming.

When this rolls around, I will keep my head up, my thoughts clear, and I will not give in to the panic and chaos that will surely follow. I will make do with what I have and try to do my best for my friends and family and fellow man...

Once those bombs drop on Iran it will be on for young and old, Pandora's Box will be opened.

So good luck ATS's, I wish you all the best during the coming dark ages. The time is short.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 07:51 PM
Well then if that is the case let us surrender ourselves to the New World Order. Oh and by the way it is also possible because of this possible second american civil war

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by starwarsisreal

I don't particularly think much about this "NWO", I haven't seen enough evidence. Perhaps hints, but not enough.

Just get ready for extremely turbulent times.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 10:28 PM
This is the moment to remember what Media want's you to forget:

* Iran has no right to nuclear weapons: Yet, there is no international law that says that the US, the UK, Russia, China, Israel, France, Pakistan, and India are entitled to nuclear weapons, but Iran is not. Iran has every reason to feel threatened. In any event, the US intelligence community's National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) of December 2007, "Iran: Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities", makes a point of saying in bold type and italics: “This NIE does not assume that Iran intends to acquire nuclear weapons.” The report goes on to state: "We judge with high confidence that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program ."

* Ahmadinejad is a Holocaust denier: I have yet to read of Ahmadinejad saying simply, clearly, unambiguously, and unequivocally that he thinks that what we know as the Holocaust never happened. He has instead commented about the peculiarity and injustice of a Holocaust which took place in Europe resulting in a state for the Jews in the Middle East instead of in Europe. Why are the Palestinians paying a price for a German crime? he asks. And he has questioned the figure of six million Jews killed by Nazi Germany, as have many other people of all political stripes.

* Ahmadinejad has called for violence against Israel: His 2005 remark re "wiping Israel off the map", besides being a very questionable translation, has been seriously misinterpreted, as evidenced by the fact that the following year he declared: “The Zionist regime will be wiped out soon, the same way the Soviet Union was, and humanity will achieve freedom.”3 Obviously, he was not calling for any kind of violent attack upon Israel, for the dissolution of the Soviet Union took place peacefully.

* Iran has no right to provide arms to Hamas and Hezbollah: However, the United States, we are assured, has every right to do the same for Israel and Egypt.

* The fact that Obama says he's willing to "talk" to some of the "enemies" like Iran more than the Bush administration did sounds good: But one doesn't have to be too cynical to believe that it will not amount to more than a public relations gimmick. It's only change of policy that counts. Why doesn't Obama just state that he would not attack Iran unless Iran first attacked the US or Israel or anyone else? Besides, the Bush administration met with Iran on several occasions.

The Washington Post, March 5, 2009, reported: "A senior Israeli official in Washington" has asserted that "Iran would be unlikely to use its missiles in an attack [against Israel] because of the certainty of retaliation." This was the very last sentence in the article and, according to an extensive Nexis search, did not appear in any other English-language media in the world.

In 2007, in a closed discussion, Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said that in her opinion "Iranian nuclear weapons do not pose an existential threat to Israel." She "also criticized the exaggerated use that [Israeli] Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is making of the issue of the Iranian bomb, claiming that he is attempting to rally the public around him by playing on its most basic fears." This appeared in, October 25, 2007 (print edition October 26), but not in any US media or in any other English-language world media except the BBC citing the Iranian Mehr English-language news agency, October 27.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by December_Rain

I couldn't agree more with any of that December_Rain.

Just to be clear, I fully support Iran's right to nuclear technology, just the same as anyone else.

This is the same war machine that fed us total LIES leading up to the Iraq/Afghanistan occupation. Unfortunately there are still people out there in numbers that support that war and don't even care about the lies and propaganda told.

And its happening again. Iran has always been in their sights.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 10:56 PM
I can assure you of this... If and when it comes to a war between Israel and Iran, the war will begin and end before you read about it in your morning paper, and Iran will be toast.

How so? Easy. Iran has no nuclear capability yet.

We hear a lot of saber-rattling from Iran, just as we heard it from Iraq and other fanatical Middle Eastern nations over the years. If Iran has any nuclear capability, they developed it in just the last couple of years — which is the fastest nuclear development in the history of nuclear technology.

On top of that, Iran has no advanced targeting or guidance technology. Even if they bought it from China or North Korea, they still don't know how to use it.

How do we know this? Because Iran has tested no advanced missile systems, they have no satellites, and they haven't tested any nuclear weapons.

In other words, Iran is lying. As usual.

What we know about Israel, on the other hand, is that they have fully-functional tactical nuclear weapons, courtesy of the United States of America, and the Israelis know how to use 'em, because they train with us and have trained with us for decades.

As far as the Middle East is concerned, Israel is the 800 lb gorilla with a tactical nuke in each hand, just daring anyone to attack. Which is what has kept the Middle East in check for some 60 years.

No, no need to worry about a war between Israel and Iran. Ain't happening.

If you want to fret over nuclear war, you need to look a bit further east, to Pakistan, India and China... and you can look for it in 2010.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 11:45 PM
It's certainly very interesting that there's is so much chatter, and the code word of "Ticking" could be less obvious.

My thoughts on this are known.
I'm not naive enough to think that Iran developing Nuclear capability is a good or fair thing. The fact is, and this IS fact, Iran is controlled by a highly corrupt and religiously violent regime. The people may well be nice, even-tempered, and deserving of having the advantages of the rest of the world, but their leadership is irresponsible to the highest degree.

Iran should never have such weaponry while they have such a leadership.

That's not to say every other Nuclear Power is any better. But not many are as irresponsible, violent, corrupt and dogmatic as Iran.

Personally, I would prefer to see Obama holding to his promise of diplomacy and engagement (fancy that, Obama honoring something he promised to do!
But, there has been a long plan that not many have considered.
We attacked Afghanistan and Iraq, we secured the Oil for our survival because we couldn't face the truth that peak has been hit and long passed.
Basically, we stole the fuel.
But we also created a stage from which to launch an attack against Iran, allowing for an excuse to pull troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

We've had all the pieces in place to complete several goals over the last eight years.

I have no doubt whatsoever that Israel will attack Iran. They will kill hundreds of thousands of people. They're good at that.
The Israeli government love a bit of blood sport.

I just hope that my country, England, does NOT become involved in this. Not because I don't want us to be involved in preventing Iran from becoming Nuclear, but because we should NEVER be assisting Israel to arbitrarily destroy and commit mass murder.
I am sick to death of seeing Israeli representatives acting as though they are a victim, as though they are fighting terrorists. I am sick of the BS!

Do these governments seriously think we're buying it? Do they really think we can just forget Israel killing innocent kids, burying them alive, dropping white phosphorous over their homes?

Mark my words, If Israel attacks Iran, the UK and US had better stay out of it. Not because they will be attacked or because we have other things to worry about, but because if they do get involved, they'll have the wrath of their people to defend themselves from.

If MY government even suggests assisting Israel in an attack against any nation, we will be marching on London, and we will not leave until they are removed from office.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

If Israel attacks first, and then nukes when Iran and its allies respond, then Israel is going to literally be wiped off the face of the map. We won't have to worry about the Palestinian question anymore, either. And there might even be a free-flowing (if rather Plutonium-rich) sea channel connecting the Mediterranean and Red seas.

Let's just say that Russia, China, Pakistan, India, and the United States aren't going to be too happy about illegal nukes poisoning their land and people.

On the other hand, if Israel sticks to conventional warfare, America and Western Europe will conveniently forget who fired first (just as they did when they were supplying chemical weapons to Iraq for use against Iran) and join in blindly swinging for Israel.

[edit on 15-12-2009 by TheWalkingFox]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Israel is going to literally be wiped off the face of the map. We won't have to worry about the Palestinian question anymore, either.

I don't think so. The Middle Eastern nations may be rich, but they aren't technologically savvy. They may own advanced weaponry, but they don't know how to use it.

That's why Israel stands above them all, that's why they hate Israel — it's because Israel is a violent nation with a history of terrorism, and they possess the most advanced weaponry on the face of the planet, and they know how to use it, and some of the most powerful nations on Earth have promised to defend Israel regardless of what happens.

Israel is a platform for controlling the Muslim fanaticism of the Middle East. Make no mistake, anytime the USA and its allies plow into the Middle East, it's to establish a platform from which we can eliminate Muslim fanaticism.

Yes, the USA and Israel are engaged in a holy war to wipe Islam off the map. I wish they'd get it over with, rather than playing this tit-for-tat game of terrorism/counter-terrorism.

Just call it what it is — Judaism versus Islam — let's wage the Last War, and let's move on.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity
I don't think so. The Middle Eastern nations may be rich, but they aren't technologically savvy. They may own advanced weaponry, but they don't know how to use it.

Did you miss the list of nations I posted? Trust me man, the US will not be happy if Israel were to toss a nuke into Iran while the US is hanging out in Iraq and building up in Afghanistan. The middle east sdoesn't figure into the response - Unless you count Pakistan as "the middle east" (which it's not, it's south Asia. So there)

That's why Israel stands above them all, that's why they hate Israel — it's because Israel is a violent nation with a history of terrorism, and they possess the most advanced weaponry on the face of the planet, and they know how to use it, and some of the most powerful nations on Earth have promised to defend Israel regardless of what happens.

And what have Vietnam, Iraq, and Lebanon taught us about the usefulness of all that awesome high-tech gear when facing people who don't really want to be conquered? A bullet from a 1937 winchester deer rifle will rupture your skull like a rotten melon just as well as a bullet from a state-of-the-art military assault rifle. So will a rock flung from a sling.

Israel is a platform for controlling the Muslim fanaticism of the Middle East. Make no mistake, anytime the USA and its allies plow into the Middle East, it's to establish a platform from which we can eliminate Muslim fanaticism.

Yes, the USA and Israel are engaged in a holy war to wipe Islam off the map. I wish they'd get it over with, rather than playing this tit-for-tat game of terrorism/counter-terrorism.

Just call it what it is — Judaism versus Islam — let's wage the Last War, and let's move on.

— Doc Velocity

If by "muslim fanaticism" you mean "opposing white european control of the region's resources" then I suppose so.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Did you miss the list of nations I posted? Trust me man, the US will not be happy if Israel were to toss a nuke into Iran while the US is hanging out in Iraq and building up in Afghanistan. The middle east sdoesn't figure into the response - Unless you count Pakistan as "the middle east" (which it's not, it's south Asia. So there)

No need to freak out, dude, we're basically in agreement here. The only thing is, you're not aware of the forces at work. There are forces behind all this that are not going to allow anything to happen to Israel, and that are going to muzzle Israel from attacking Iran.

These are the forces that run the world.

Were you on the edge of your seat during Desert Storm and then later in Operation Iraqi Freedom? Saddam was launching SCUD missiles on Israel, and they were impacting. Yes, Israel was using Patriot interceptors to take out some of the SCUDs, but the fact remained that Iraq was attacking Israel.

Was your heart fluttering? Were you amazed that Israel didn't unleash its godawful nuclear capability?

Iraq could hammer the hell out of Israel because the U.S.-led Coalition had put a muzzle on Israel. Down, boy. Good dog.

No matter what Israel wanted to do, the powers that be brought the hammer down and told Israel to take the hit.

Isn't that interesting? A nuclear-capable mad dog like Israel will stand down and take the conventional hits from Iraq with no retaliation. If the USA hadn't put Israel on a short leash, Israel would have torn Saddam a new anal sphincter.

You know that for a fact. It would be like R. Lee Ermey attacking Elmer Fudd.

So what do you think is different now? Do you think Obama's administration, with its bungled domestic and foreign policies, has alienated Israel and perhaps let Israel off the leash?

Obama is stupid. But he aint that stupid. Beyond that, Obama is as much a puppet to TPTB as is Israel. Both are puppets, both will obey the orders of their masters. And there is nothing profitable in a war between Israel and Iraq.

It won't be permitted.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 12/16/2009 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

Yes because SCUD missiles OBVIOUSLY threaten the existence of israel [/sarcasm]according to you then not only would hezbollah of been wiped from existance so would egypt and lebanon All of wich have harbored terrorists hell bent on destroying israel.If israel attacked every country that tried to destroy it with nukes they'd be the island in a sea of glass not to mention severe criticism and worldwide condemnation.You obviously know little or nothing about iranian technology hell i bet you didn't even know that they have cruise missiles.

It is presicely this kind of attitude that makes me believe you really are that ignorant rule #1 of warfare is NEVER underestimate your opponent. However this is what israel has done time and time again. Remember back in 2006 when hezbollah launched that anti ship missile and nearly sunk her? yeah i mean hezbollah (read IRAN) obviously "has no idea how to use them" same goes for s300.

Get your head out of the sand and wake the # up.

[edit on 16-12-2009 by rationaluser]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 03:34 AM
Israel will not use nukes. Moral questions aside, it will be political suicide. So in case Israeli would strike - it will use conventional weapons. And this is going to start another war in the region,surely involving Syria/Lebanon and probably involving Iraq/Saudi Arabia/Yemen. Oil price would jump up, economy world wide would be hit pretty hard. But this is all. Nothing more serious then 1973 war and oil games then.
So Israel would not turn nothing into glass. But it is not SHTF world-wide,"only" worsening of economic crisis and lot more people loosing their jobs. For the area however it is sadly just another SHTF war.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 03:59 AM
I have my doubts about whether israel will use nukes or not but fall in favour of them using the bunker busting mini nukes talked about in an earlier thread. The tactic must be to remove the installations with the minimum of fuss, loss of civilian life and in the shortest time possible.

It is truly a frightening time in which we live, or is the scare tacics and constant hype by the media and politicians now just a way of life?


posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by rationaluser
Get your head out of the sand and wake the # up.

Um, I think we're on the same side here. I know — well, hell, everybody knows — Israel has a history of militarism, aggression, terrorism; and terrorism is the order of the day out there in the Middle East, isn't it? As terrorism goes, Israel gives as much as it gets.

I mean, Uncle Sam presides over a dogfight that he started in the Middle East back in the 1940s, and Israel is the little referee who will kill those dogs when they get out of hand.

It helps to keep things in perspective

— DOc Velocity

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 05:25 AM
"Israel will attack Iran", or "Iran will attack Israel" threads are nearly a daily occurrence on here. So far none of these predictions of doom have come to pass. Maybe they never will.

Life is beautiful and short. You could get run over by a bus tomorrow.

It's great to take an interest, speculate, be informed - these are interesting times in human history - but there's little point in worrying about things you can't change. Just enjoy the ride

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

Your perspective =/= my perspective and stop using opinions stated as fact it's rediculous.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity

Israel is a platform for controlling the Muslim fanaticism of the Middle East.

— Doc Velocity

It's more like, Israel is the main cause of Muslim fanaticism.


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