posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 10:53 AM
What comes up must come down!
I don’t see this latest provocation and gamble on the part of Israel working out to well for it. Israel is like a child that has managed to cheat
death on more than one occasion despite it’s immature and poor actions.
Tragically for most children they begin to believe in their own invincibility and immortality. A rather risky proposition especially considering
it’s the ideological remnants of a reformed nation once driven into Diaspora by Rome’s armies.
If the Soviet Armed Forces could meet bitter and embarrassing defeat in the rugged mountains of Afghanistan and if the United States could find
humiliating loss in the rainforests and jungles of Vietnam, both against much poorer and less developed nations and peoples where exactly and how
exactly does Israel believe it can always win by the sword?
The deranged G-d’s chosen people ramblings of warmongering sadists who haven’t a spiritually pure bone in their bodies certainly are nothing but
dribble when their nation has been previously conquered and scattered to the winds in the past.
If there is a G-d and the Israelis or their Zionist supporters really are so inclined to imagine said deity is on their side, they might be better
served remembering that deity is a fickle and capricious one that they ought not to take for granted.
Sadly I believe a deep conspiracy exists revolving around Israel to form a one world government, much like Global Warming, and the Economic Crisis are
being manipulated to create events that cause nations to weaken their own sovereign status for the perceived good of a larger collective of nations.
Israel and Iran play formulated predisposed roles that are well known to their leaders but are unimagined and unheard of by the peoples of not just
their nations but the world at large whose individual governments urge them to take sides in what no matter how you attempt to disguise it is a
determined and wanted war between Judean-Christians and Islam.
The reality is no one wins in war, not the vanquished and not the conquerors only the already spiritually vanquished and conquered imagine someone
does for the sake of some insipid illusionary ego and perverted sense of self-worth.
The reality is Israel is playing with fire and it as well as its rabid supporters imagine themselves to be too clever and invincible for their own
What goes up must come down! It’s called the law of averages people, and the reality is people who can wish for and look for and justify war are
those bellow average people who aspire to the lowest possible common denominator.
Such people can only beat the odds for so long.
In the mean time Israel is far more guilty of everything and then some it accuses Iran of.
Personally I think we need to stop following and indulging the hypocrites of the earth.
Nothing good can come from it.
[edit on 15/12/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]