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Your thoughts on Global warming needed.

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posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 12:34 PM
So, what do you all think?
Is it real? Do you have evidence?

Is it a money-power-grab?
opinions start now.............

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 12:36 PM
As I stated in another thread:

This is why I believe that we are in no danger at the moment.

IF, IF, IF we were at a point in time where our actions, such as driving, factory emissions etc are causing global warming, then why are we not switching to alternate energy?

I see the go-green commercials, cars are hybrids etc, but I get the feeling that this is to make it seem like they(government) are doing their part. Our part is to be taxed. It really makes no sense.

Why would the oil guys not want to be part of wind or solar power? Bottom line is: we the consumer would have to use it, so they still stand to get rich either way.

My feeling is making the switch will cause more economic turmoil. The fake money is still holding up their empire. Car companies, banks all fell victim to a phony economy. Is the oil industry at risk?

What makes more sense?
1) "Ohh my god, Global Warming is real, bad and man made!!! Quick, lets figure out a way to tax the people for living in the box we force them to live in. This transition should be quick to alleviate any sense of resistance."

2) Ohh my god, Global Warming is real, bad and man made!!! Quick, lets figure out a way to lower emissions, use more sensible energy and keep our environment safe. This transition should be quick to avoid any further damage."

It's our leaders reactions that reek of pure BS.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 12:38 PM
I think its just a way to make sure they keep there control. The poor countries are being screwed, and i am all for globalisation, as long as the poeple in other countres are not screwed over.

GW does not exist, i am writing this in gloves in london, where it is cold as normal.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 01:00 PM
Of course its real! its just not our fault.

Or something like that, truth is, we dont have the raw data, and were to big of skeptics to believe what we hear sometimes, unless we like it.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 01:15 PM
My thoughts

1. Climate Change and Global Warming exist, and the 6 billion humans on this planet have an effect on this climate.

2. There are other factors that influence the climate, such as sun activity, volcanic eruptions, etc.

3. Saying these other factors have a much greater impact than humans so why do anything is like driving on the highway and hitting someone crossing the street because you figured the semi behind you would do it anyway.

4. Big oil already has the developed world addicted to the substance and have pulled off a massively successful energy scam of their own. They are screwing us and our future generations over right now by fighting tooth and nail to keep us addicted to dirty energy. They suppress new energy technologies, destroy any competition that brings an alternative, fund the US congress far more than any other industry, and manipulate governments into war in order to gain access to oil resources.

They are literally the "PTB" of the system, anyone who looks at where the money is going knows this.

5. Cap and Trade is a scam, but not near the order of magnitude that we're currently getting scammed by big oil.

6. It is completely possible right now to free yourself 90-100% from dirty energy and move to clean energy, thus avoiding any effects cap and trade might have on you.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 01:22 PM
If you can get enough people believing that there is such a problem as global

warming you have a cause and people get behind certain causes. If they

make it look real enough they can keep the cause alive even if the numbers

are skewed. Tax and spend, tax and spend is Their motto.

Next you might see a Sun tax imposed in the future because the Sun causes

millions to become Sun burned, destroys crops in drought stricken areas,

and if you are capturing the Sun to generate electricity in anyway you should

be taxed. Tax and control. ^Y^

[edit on 13-12-2009 by amari]

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 01:29 PM
Considering 2 major volcanoes can put enough junk in the atmosphere to screw us for years, natural human activity is just so insignificant.

If Global Warming was actually happening, what would be so bad about that? Humans thrive in warmer temperatures.

Humans prosper more during warmer swings than colder ones. Look at "The Little Ice Age", this led directly to the Dark Ages.

Since the actual global temperature has not risen since 1998, and has actually cooled off a bit since then, it is time for us to embrace Global Warming, and actually increase whatever human activity these junk scientists say will stop it.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 02:01 PM

I will give you a very logical reason why:

The SUN drives the climate on earth. (and the occasional volcano) The global warming pseudo-scientists did NOT even take any variations in the Sun into account when they did their infamous climate calculations and came up with the stupid "hockey stick" graph.

If you look back at the variations of global temperature they are in direct correlation to the suns activity. CO2 is GOOD, plants grow better with increased levels of CO2.

The Sun (at the extreme frustration of Gore and the people who plan on enriching themselves on the backs of the working poor) since the beginning of 2008 has entered a quiet period. Sunspot activity has virtually come to a complete halt. We have had long stretches with a totally spotless sun.

Why does this matter? Sunspots are magnetic storms on the surface of the Sun. The magnetic fields and solar wind of a Sun with lots of active sunspots shield the Earth from Cosmic rays.

What do cosmic rays have to do with anything? The increased cosmic rays hitting the Earth as a result of the lack of sunspots, interact with water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere to form CLOUDS. Increased cloud cover reflects more of the Sun's energy back into space. Ever wonder where the energy comes from for lightening? Cosmic rays, which is actually gamma radiation are the source of the energy for lightening, and the increased level of cosmic rays hitting the Earth also are thought to affect DNA causing mutations and evolutionary changes.

In summary, the Earth is getting cooler, not warmer. The current decrease in Solar activity will come to be known as the "Gore Minimum".

It is going to get VERY COLD if the Sun continues in its present state. There is no sign the Sun is going get more active and on the contrary, what I have seen indicates a continued long period of solar INACTIVITY.

Global Warming is NOT what we need to worry about..

What we need to worry about is HUGE icecubes in our backyard and figuring out how grow enough food for everyone and keep from freezing our butts in the coming ice age.

The "warmists" are doing a HUGE disservice to humanity diverting attention from the real problem in order to line their pockets with their "carbon trading" snake oil scheme!

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by expat2368

I will give you a very logical reason why:

The SUN drives the climate on earth. (and the occasional volcano) The global warming pseudo-scientists did NOT even take any variations in the Sun into account when they did their infamous climate calculations and came up with the stupid "hockey stick" graph.

If you look back at the variations of global temperature they are in direct correlation to the suns activity. CO2 is GOOD, plants grow better with increased levels of CO2.

The Sun (at the extreme frustration of Gore and the people who plan on enriching themselves on the backs of the working poor) since the beginning of 2008 has entered a quiet period. Sunspot activity has virtually come to a complete halt. We have had long stretches with a totally spotless sun.

Why does this matter? Sunspots are magnetic storms on the surface of the Sun. The magnetic fields and solar wind of a Sun with lots of active sunspots shield the Earth from Cosmic rays.

What do cosmic rays have to do with anything? The increased cosmic rays hitting the Earth as a result of the lack of sunspots, interact with water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere to form CLOUDS. Increased cloud cover reflects more of the Sun's energy back into space. Ever wonder where the energy comes from for lightening? Cosmic rays, which is actually gamma radiation are the source of the energy for lightening, and the increased level of cosmic rays hitting the Earth also are thought to affect DNA causing mutations and evolutionary changes.

In summary, the Earth is getting cooler, not warmer. The current decrease in Solar activity will come to be known as the "Gore Minimum".

It is going to get VERY COLD if the Sun continues in its present state. There is no sign the Sun is going get more active and on the contrary, what I have seen indicates a continued long period of solar INACTIVITY.

Global Warming is NOT what we need to worry about..

What we need to worry about is HUGE icecubes in our backyard and figuring out how grow enough food for everyone and keep from freezing our butts in the coming ice age.

The "warmists" are doing a HUGE disservice to humanity diverting attention from the real problem in order to line their pockets with their "carbon trading" snake oil scheme!

Great post and spot on. It's another way to tax us and help usher in a world government. Mainly a diversionary tactic.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 08:38 PM
So, IS ANYONE in concordance with the GW proponents?
I mean you believe it, why?

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 09:28 PM
i believe in climate change, BUT I believe it is constantly changing with little impact from man. There were 3 ice ages we can verify, and what caused them to end?... all those cave man fires? Neanderthal SUVs?
There are periods of cooling followed by periods of heating. What's going on now, someone...rhymes with Al Gore , has figured out how to exploit it. The 1800s mantra was "Go west, young man, go west." now it is "Go green, young person, go green."

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 07:09 PM
Thank you all SO much for responding!

Anyone else?

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 07:14 PM
I really feel that anyone who has done his or her own research on the topic would probably conclude that AGW is a bunch of BS. An ample amount of reasoning has already and readily been provided. On one hand, I have a bunch of legitimate data and information and reasoning and explanation. On the other hand, I have the media, Al Gore, the government, and so on, telling me I'm going to kill the earth and just straight up die more or less unless I pay some more taxes. I mean, is it really that hard to "figure out"?

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 09:03 PM
Where are all the European global warming believers?
I need data and persuasion!

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 09:17 PM
Of Course is real..

Don't Believe me? .. go and see it for yourself .. Ice (Poles, Arctic, Argentina, etc..) is melting at a very scary speed ..

Do i think is MANKIND'S fault .. .. not really .. we contribute a bit of course .. but not enough to name ourselfs earthkillers ..

[edit on 15-12-2009 by Polynomial C]

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 09:29 PM
stop chopping down the rainforest??

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 07:17 AM
How about we ask the scientists who study the hard evidence of global warming.

We can also look at the number of peer-reviewed studies that contradict man-made global warming.

On the first count- a whopping 97% of climate-scientists know that global warming is REAL, man-made, and presents a serious environmental problem.

On the second count- there are ZERO peer-reviewed studies which contradict or disagree with the basic tenets of anthropogenic global warming.

If you'd like more on my thoughts on AGW, please see my important thread on the matter:

You'll find a GREAT youtube series there debunking many denier myths. And this isn't to attack deniers, but to educate them on what's actually behind it. Like I say, no matter where you stand, it's always better to seek and adopt the utmost truth, even if it contradicts what you currently believe...

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 07:29 AM
Also, I think it's very important to keep in mind that, when you look at the issue of global warming, you realize that it's a very very complex GRAY AREA much like the rest of the world is. So, it's not a matter of whether it's real or a hoax, whether it's valid or a power grab.

The reality is, global warming is occurring. Amongst the populace there is much debate about what's causing it. Amongst the scientific community there is relatively very little debate about what's causing it (human emissions). Also, regardless of whether AGW is a hoax or not, there WILL be power grabs and there WILL be wealth grabs. This happens in ANY mass situation whether it's manufactured or genuine.

My view is, after researching the science of AGW as well as the arguments of deniers, is that global warming is real, man-made, and a real problem for ecosystems. On top of that, I believe that some people/organizations will purposely put out disinfo about AGW, as well as profiteer off of the disaster of it. We must work to solve the problem of AGW while simultaneously stamping out any disinformation or unethical profiteering.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 07:59 AM
I'm European and I think it's mostly BS, as expat2368 said the Sun drives the weather on the earth. The whole solar system is getting warmer from what I've read.

But for that matter it wouldn't hurt us to stop using fossil fuels, that's just common sense. I also think overpopulation is total BS Jim Marrs said in an interview he had talked with a scientist who said the total amount of people on the earth could fit into Texas and live quite comfortably.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 08:06 AM
The main cause of temperature and weather is...


not earthly/human/tiny/small.

Analogy: The main cause of Beachsand is the Ocean, not the sunbather.

Simple physics and logic dictates that the larger forces determine the smaller forces.

What more is there to say on it? Nothing. But in order to cover up the simplicity of the truth, thousands of stats, graphs and persuasive rhetoric will be employed.

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