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Why doesn't US/China want to lower their emmissions???!!!!

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posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 02:54 PM
Seriously, it's all over the news. The world is getting hotter faster. Stuff is meltting too damn fast, faster than it needs to. And US/China thinks it's ok to say " 4%, and go F OFF? "

Developed countries should do between 25-40% if my memory serves me right. And now they are saying that they will do more, but aren't ready to commit to it?
China is suggesting that they will " slow the process to which the ammissions are exposed ", which is NOTHING!


posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 03:09 PM
simple answer: it's a lot of work and money....

it would be like saying, alrite dude, I need you to stop buying anything that isn't made within a 500 mile radius of where you live. All your food, clothing, and everything else needs to be local and local only. I don't care if it's more expensive or if it's not the stuff you want, or if the stuff you do want is harder to find, it's for the best.....

I mean if everyone was forced to buy local wouldn't deal a huge blow to our countries economic woes, or at least your regions? Doesn't matter if where you live the economy is strong, we've got reports that not buying local COULD have adverse effects.

So why aren't you putting forth the effort? It's your responsibility.

well thats the way I see it....

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 03:10 PM
Probably because the primary "focus" of solution is a BIG MONEY SCAM.

Cap & Trade was a scheme developed by Enron. The idea is to enrich paper traders in the financial sector, fund "green companies" who in turn fill the political coffers of their allies, fund the U.N. dream of becoming a world power and actually DO NOTHING to reduce carbon.

There are low-cost solutions but nobody wants to actually curb CO2 UNLESS they get rich and powerful doing it.

Cap & Trade is the scam that has been waiting for a problem to justify it.

See solutions:

Now, I highly dislike the commies who made this video (same people who made the story of stuff) but this video rings true as hell. Now when you have true lefty enviro-commies saying the same thing as the conservatives about Cap & Scam then YOU should really think about what the hell is going on. Sure they are die-hard global warmist but even THEY know Cap & Trade is a big freeking scam that has actually INCREASED CO2 where it has been implemented.

Watch this video!

[edit on 12-12-2009 by infolurker]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 03:10 PM
Oh no, the sky is falling, the sky is falling.

Come on, do you still believe that you will go blind?

Do you still believe in Santa Claus?

Do you still believe the tax rate on anything will ever go back down?

Well, why do you believe in this?

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 03:12 PM
The agw is rubbish and they know it, also this is about holding onto power and status in the world in the publics eyes.

The world is being screwed by this Copenhagen rubbish, and only the rich will keep getting richer, with no thought for anyone else.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

Actually, if you do not do that, you are contributing to global warming.

And if you do not start, I will tell the eco-nazi's on you.

Anyway, local is the way to go. You will help your local economy and reduce your carbon foot print.

That way people like Al Gore can fly around in his private jet, heat his pool for $400/mo. and get rich off the fools that fall for "Globalization is Good".

That is all its about, globalization and control.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Redneck from Hell
Seriously, it's all over the news. The world is getting hotter faster. Stuff is meltting too damn fast, faster than it needs to. And US/China thinks it's ok to say " 4%, and go F OFF? "

Developed countries should do between 25-40% if my memory serves me right. And now they are saying that they will do more, but aren't ready to commit to it?
China is suggesting that they will " slow the process to which the ammissions are exposed ", which is NOTHING!


The world has not warmed in the past 10 years.

The world should actually cool.

CO2 comes out of our mouths.

Polar caps melted before humans came out of the trees.

You have no clue other then what you want to see.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Redneck from Hell

It's a Sprimp fried Rice - VS - Steak & Potatoes "Mexican Standoff."
They have their air space and we have ours...

It seems it's time for America to outsourse Gas Masks to China for us all to breath..

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
Oh no, the sky is falling, the sky is falling.

Come on, do you still believe that you will go blind?

Do you still believe in Santa Claus?

Do you still believe the tax rate on anything will ever go back down?

Well, why do you believe in this?

I abosultely don't understand your post, but I assume you don't believe the world is getting hotter and ice is melting at a fast rate?

I can't believe people still don't believe in global warming. Perhaps not to the extent that some people have blow it to be, but it definately is a SERIOUS ISSUE AND IS HAPPENING!

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by crmanager

Originally posted by Redneck from Hell
Seriously, it's all over the news. The world is getting hotter faster. Stuff is meltting too damn fast, faster than it needs to. And US/China thinks it's ok to say " 4%, and go F OFF? "

Developed countries should do between 25-40% if my memory serves me right. And now they are saying that they will do more, but aren't ready to commit to it?
China is suggesting that they will " slow the process to which the ammissions are exposed ", which is NOTHING!


The world has not warmed in the past 10 years.

The world should actually cool.

CO2 comes out of our mouths.

Polar caps melted before humans came out of the trees.

You have no clue other then what you want to see.

I also don't get this. Are you suggesting it's a natural cycle and theres nothing we can do about it AND we have done nothing to cause/speed the process?

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Redneck from Hell

Why yes, in fact, I do believe that is what he is saying.

Please don't try to tell me that "the Earth had a stable climate before humans came along and mucked it up" or that "all the ice in the world is melting, and the polar bears are dying!".. I mean, everyone needs something to believe in I suppose, but why not believe in rationality instead of whatever is "all over the news"?

The news is full of nothing but disinfo and propaganda, and everything that comes out of their partisan mouthpieces should be disregarded.

Climate change is influenced almost completely by the Sun. Now, I'm not saying that humans have NO impact, but I have yet to see any concrete, conclusive evidence that we are warming up the planet.

And just so you know, I'm not anti-environment/anti-green/whatever anti-movement label you attempt to put on me, I know for a fact that humans are polluting the Earth substantially, I just don't believe that reducing CO2 emissions will do anything other than hinder our development as a species, all the while putting loads more money in the pocket of the mega-rich, all the while leeching it from us.

But hey, if you want a global government that tells you how many breathes you can take each day, (we all emit CO2 from our lungs!!! maybe we can save the planet by depopulating
),as well as how many drops of gas and water you get, then you can have it. I for one, will not let any global governance tell me what to do. The Copenscamen crooks can all shove their AGW pseudo-science in their proverbial...well you get the picture.

That's my two cents...


posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Redneck from Hell

Do you understand my post above? It seems so many people who are pro-GW are also pro-cap & scam.... why is that?

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 05:20 PM
The corporations and governments benefit more not to be bounded by global warming policies, as opposed to the consensus of anti-global warming theorists over here. Corporations have been making their gold at the expense of the environment for decades, and they aint ganna change that over night.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Indeed they have. So they go about it by hijacking the environment-conscious movement and derailing the entire ideals of the movement from stopping pollution of our everything to limiting the emission of CO2.

Wait...really? Aren't there like...hundreds more gases that are toxic at much, much lower concentrations? Why are we focusing all of our efforts on this one gas that is produced naturally throughout the entire ecosystem, in copious amounts?

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 05:43 PM

What warming?

this clearly shows the warming affect has been faked.

[edit on 12-12-2009 by Bachfin]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Redneck from Hell

We could cut emisions down big time if people would only stopped eating chili.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
The corporations and governments benefit more not to be bounded by global warming policies, as opposed to the consensus of anti-global warming theorists over here. Corporations have been making their gold at the expense of the environment for decades, and they aint ganna change that over night.

Third world countries don't have corporations, they have ghettoes for all the people. I think it would be good for corporation to go away, and then more people would understand the difference. Should happen

[edit on 12-12-2009 by gdeed]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Redneck from Hell
Seriously, it's all over the news. The world is getting hotter faster. Stuff is meltting too damn fast, faster than it needs to. And US/China thinks it's ok to say " 4%, and go F OFF? "

Developed countries should do between 25-40% if my memory serves me right. And now they are saying that they will do more, but aren't ready to commit to it?
China is suggesting that they will " slow the process to which the ammissions are exposed ", which is NOTHING!


Actually the world is getting cooler, and has been for the past 15 years. Find some data that hasn't been altered that supports your theory.

Originally posted by Redneck from Hell

Originally posted by crmanager

Originally posted by Redneck from Hell
Seriously, it's all over the news. The world is getting hotter faster. Stuff is meltting too damn fast, faster than it needs to. And US/China thinks it's ok to say " 4%, and go F OFF? "

Developed countries should do between 25-40% if my memory serves me right. And now they are saying that they will do more, but aren't ready to commit to it?
China is suggesting that they will " slow the process to which the ammissions are exposed ", which is NOTHING!


The world has not warmed in the past 10 years.

The world should actually cool.

CO2 comes out of our mouths.

Polar caps melted before humans came out of the trees.

You have no clue other then what you want to see.

I also don't get this. Are you suggesting it's a natural cycle and theres nothing we can do about it AND we have done nothing to cause/speed the process?

Idk if thats what they're saying, but thats what I am saying and it is precisely what the evidence shows.

[edit on 12-12-2009 by angrysniper]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 07:40 PM
People who still believe global warming is a fact, and that it is the consensus of the worlds scientist, are nothing more that miss informed. there are many scientists that have been saying that global warming is a hoax for many years, long before the leaked emails from East Anglia. most don't even know the science themselves the simply go along with what they are told by the MSM, and people like Al Gore. So here is a set of videos which may help you to understand that global warming is not happening, CO2, is part of the earth's atmosphere, and that the earth cools and warms quite naturally with out the help of us, and has done since the beginning of this planets history.

People really need to look at both sides of the science, but some prefer instead to jump on the band wagon and go with the flow, all that will get you is highly taxed for something that can not be taxed, so it will go in to someone's pocket, and that wont be yours. So please look at the science first.

BTW, there are 9 parts and its worth watching them all to get a full understanding, and these are all well known scientists here not just people of the street, or that used to be in government.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 07:43 PM
the world is not getting hotter, look at july and august of this year 2009, it was really cooler and ever before, I remember wisconsin have 45 in the middle of july, I know, I was there.

Global warming is one big hoax and lied to make money and power

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