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slave trade in Canada

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posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 11:26 AM
Ottawa's being paid in graft, it is the golden cow idolatry, that makes them daft.

Exterminated at any time, by pious pedophiles, bearing forty year old graffiti exonerating clubfoot's priest, and obfuscating St Ch'atty's real slave owner

springing borat's only birth bond, from the hospital, while still psychotic, back to the drug dealer, from whence she had come

better than that idiot who tried to leverage her denial, six years ago

he is profiting, like a good kapo.

Are you saying that because the slave traders operate under the radar, when officials, know of a kidnapping and/or perjury

or child abandonment and assassination of the child's mother with falsehood they ought to depend on the vigliantism of strangers?

And neglect democratic process as their doctors do Hippocratic oath?

Ceausescu is being coddled in Ottawa, and it's court record, his pathological lying,

his kidnapping, his perjury, his sabotage and his birth bond treasury's epidemic of retardation

which he and his bro, sufffered from themselves in Israel, but because they offer big corporate money psy ops a fake heart miracle and

and epsilon birth bond treasury, i can expect to be exterminated along with my children, by their Ottawa

for being an obstruction to their deception.

Fiscal fears of divorce, disposed of at Doctard Cameron's as a gratuity. Terrifying people really, savages in the colonies, feel very badly for my fellow slaves in Canada

Ceausescu's Securitate C'avlov, fed his only child to the rabid dogs in his Sgro bro's detach, not only as his tabula raza kapo oven

mother was Ceausescu's lawyer, Securitate poor brat, 20's in a Turkish refugee kamp

then 2 as an Israeli idiots

Slummie's corporate flack, as a snack, because we are poor, not only vulnerable

to obfuscate their St Ch'atty mutaween real slavery of child urinal and polygamy

no danger of garnished wage scholarship or dignity.

The child, summa's cousin, borat and his bro, kidnapped 25 years ago, when they called his mother a "child molester". Is no longer a fiscal threat, set up in business, by his estranged mother

after kicked out of the kapo's refrigerator at 16, as a "juvenile delinquent"

Kapos need money to be hospitable to their birth bonds of slave traded piety.

The real slave owner upstairs, his wives, are not in danger from the vicarious sexual sadism Ceausescu's divorce court proffers,

they have money.

Broken LP of homicidal graffiti, or slummie's special brand of profit margin
ten years ago. Misogynist malepractice and its projection of mercantile.

But png is doing it

for the birth bond treasury

and for that, they will nuke America

St Ch'atty's slave owner, not in danger, of vicarious sexual sadism
perhaps, danger of mutilation

Slave owners can also afford pathologically lying amoral fiscal firewall, Hitler's quickest mercenary's

Farsi duplicates for terrorist kamps in every barrio

Embedded, as they were in Fallujah

Cowudder likes them shock trauma bonded and apologizing for his abuse.

[edit on 26-1-2010 by frankenkitty]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 07:30 AM
Why wasn't Clinton's target cleared? Same reason Canada and Sierra Leone

do not crack down on slave trading?

Borat's perjury and kidnapping is court record. The child bride at St Ch'attys, is court record a fact. Obfuscated by dogpile and paranoid schizophrenia. Profiting parties are not going to stop until the truth is neutralized

Kwanada's radio show broken LP graffiti mutilating women, like Hutu and Tutsi

Jessop Crispors, look who is getting airtime. Scolding Leery's hippiecrites on their consumption. Those colonized by MK Ultra

New Osama Bin Laden Tape: Blasts US For Climate Change

Render him to Saudi law, his royalty. People there, he's killed as well. They'd behead him. Send him to Nairobi. Who wanted to gut all those embassies, anyway. David Gubbautz wonders where went the uranium.

Where went the uranium and all those embassies, desolate and already a template of Ceausescu's radioactive epsilon misery

Why wasn't $400,000,000 fellatio man's target cleared, when sighted.

Same reason Sierra Leone can't crack down on child soldier, slavery? Same reason Canada coddles Ceausescu's "retarded" intelligentsia, the perjuring baby kidnappers?

Family fundamentalism, tweedle dum, tweedle dee.

Pro birth, anti life, a power and control bankruptcy. Ceausescu's coat hanger revolutionary fervor came with a double bind, Draconian male reign of terror, streamlined.

Mengele tortures in a bid for popularity, good cop, bad China, vicious, idiotic sycophants. Ufologists are a legion of "congenitally vicious", only the Grays are mirrors. "The paranoid and the congenitally vicious." WS Similar to Mengele's patients.

WS's "Failure of the Left"

Was a lack of stealthy left wing Marxists utilizing the vast wealth, at their disposal to conduct secret economic takeovers, to meet that of the fascists.

Cornered animals are dangerous. You want to leave them a way out.

Sgro bro's Black water mercs, scariest thing on the planet right now. A subliminal pall is more effective at cowing peasants, than mile long crucifixions, following prolonged battles.

Stealth psy ops campaign Far right wing groups complain of a "stealth psy ops" campaign, underlying "The Golden Compass". The whore/madonna complexity does not retard an understanding of psychology.

Authoring mass murders in Uganda. Broken LP's graffiti post script in Kwanada

St Ch'atty's mutaween acid face pious slave parliamentary wing. Freeman, is again, a genius, when Ceausescu's "retarded" intelligentsia is miraculous kardiognoste. Graffiti vandals, retarded to adolescent shock zones, are oracles.

Pol Pot's got his list of got to go, non retardo intelligentsia, and celebrity. Rohm is missing, like Pocahantas, Geronimo's skull, allen, and his lower case corollary "spectacularly crazy rickie mcfee."

Borat is a liar, my son is not retarded, like Borat and his brother are, in Israel.

His only garnished birth bond treasury child, is schizophrenic, like aunts on both sides of the family, and Canada has only one use for that.

Sierra Leone's graft


[edit on 30-1-2010 by frankenkitty]

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 12:51 PM
Ceausescu's Securitate, Faculty of Biology Barrage

Ironic, the pinnacle is nuclear.

"Faculty of History. One of the earliest Securitate forces barrages"

Now the faculty of biology at Pol Pot's university.

U of PP a global birth bond treasury

with rape and graffiti post scripts justifying the degradation

Pandora's Box for which we are finding more and more institutional child abuse on a massive scale all leading to the top of government. With massive media control,

this scheme becomes invisible to the rational minds of most Americans,

though they are aware of its violation to them at the subconscious level.

from complete strangers, testifying they have heard the securitate's wooden legaleeze, Cornwall graffiti, slummie's Sunday service, happy to subliminally exercise a slave trader's privilege.

Schizophrenia, joins alcoholic females, as Canada's "whored retardation", Ceausescu's "vagabond gypsy."

Borat's securitate obfuscates the child urinal as family embedding at St Ch'atty's, in favor of a witch burning tax burden epithet cruel and unusual execution. Taliban in Ottawa


Make a quick mercenary death logos rich, and worshiped for the heavy handed browbeating


Cowudder's "skinning and mutilating" betrayal for a trail of child women victim, misogyny that enables slave trading

Mengele's quickest death logos, Ceausescu's costa nostra in Ottawa, prefer peasants, shock trauma bonded and apologizing for the abuse.

Broken LP forty year old graffiti exonerating clubfoot's priest, transferred with Ceausescu's paternal incorruptibility.

Misogyny that enables slave trading, and obfuscating St Ch'atty's real slave

for Ceausescu's Kwanadian graffiti "family"

Project paperclip, found making multiples was not easy, so they think inducing psychosis is genius.

"Women are psychotic, men are assholes." Groucho Marx

Kleptocratic theft of democratic nation, Fascist torture tyranny, with communist syringes from Ceausescu's securitate

Dead Peasant Clause

[edit on 2-2-2010 by frankenkitty]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 08:30 AM
Naomi Klein is on a terrorist watch list. Not Ralph Klein the kapo. Pol Pot's list of non "retarded" intelligentsia, Peons who threaten torture profits.

Slave owning embedded duplicated Taliban "purifying" Buddha in Afghanistan, Bruno's anti slave legislation, in Uganda, and broken LP's graffiti in Kwanada

Genocide is abuse addiction, a vicious circle that always ends in madness, institutions and death.

"WLindsayWheeler": I find this all very strange. It looks like an attempt to recreate the wheel. We destroy monarchies, have democracy, see the failures of democracy and so look forward to Dictatorships!
Ceausescu's "family", Canada's birth bond epsilon

Five women to one man fiscal overkill in Ottawa's tax burden epithets

A social malignancy, requires only cognitive dissonance, and puppet masters

Celebrity effect, replaces "knuckle dragging" Inquisitors. Broken LP's Kwanadian graffiti id

The African mountain's white peak — made famous by writer Ernest Hemingway — is rapidly melting, researchers report.

*Just get drunk, it's what made you Earnestine Hemmingway* Canada's alcohol colonization, stealth weaponry

"MonarchSmile":It is called Greed..............there tell a joke a sick english one

"Family" is paying big profits to administer Ceausescu's genocide in Ottawa

Sante Mentale

They know Ashley Smith is not guilty, she annoyed a couple of big pharma's contraband dealers, stood up to St Ch'atty's bullying obfuscation of the real slave owner of a 13 yrs old as urinal, from "family" services.

James Bowery:Amazing what mass media entertainment (back then they had churches rather than movie theaters) backed by armed gangs accomplished given the Roman Legions had failed to dominate the Germanics/Goths/old Norse.

And the end result is this:

Not even Christianity is immune to takeover by more highly adapted group entities like Islam.

Turn the other cheek indeed.

Hicks of Ottawa are not immune to Ceausescu's perverse hyperbole, of draconian gender warfare. Misogyny is $400,000,000 fellatio. Ceausescu is only a war criminal in Romania, twenty years ago they are now apologizing for their ingratiation, to his viscous degradation.

Wherever they go, trampled by Sgro Ch'os.

Ottawa's Securitate, like the t'hugs of Afghanistan. "purifying". Png's kin and the guinea png. "Sub human", the sexual slavery. A dehuamnization that will extend to the kleptocrat's warhead, the family's missing uranium, over NAU's skewed sense of entitlement, never again to trounce Utah with state legislation

Feeling its their rightful place, to *reclaim their nation* from insipid bureaucratic parchment paper

The whore/madonna complex does not retard the far right's understanding of stealth psychological weaponry.

Ceausescu in Kwanada. EU worried about torture, Canada relieved to have Ceausescu bless rape of alcohol allergic nations.

Family purifying Vanier.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 07:46 AM
Canada is the worst slave trade offender in the world, Ceausescu is in sewer migration and fake heart miracles, sales of six farsi duplicates

to St ch'atty's mutaween, real slave owner of a 13 yrs old, biological urinal, as "family"

They are brought in as family. The ones who aren't shipped directly to scattin Tom's pro bono crack house trough in Hull.

In Ottawa, the police rat own a crack house in Hull, where the lawyers have png trough, and the doctors mutilate the

helots they tire of. Ottawa's authority "lure" them with a set up.

Coming into Canada from other countries, these victims are often afraid of police authority because their police may be corrupt. This fear is exploited by captors.

In Ottawa, the police are Ceausescu's slave trade enforcers, ignoring due process, court record, in favor of brutalizing graffiti vandalized vulnerability

their rats sell the crack. The bullying chivalrous pottard from Bolivia only sells pot, unless he is "luring' slaves

to the cops slave trade. Slummie owns a crack house, where scattin Tom has a trough.

In Ottawa, if you place a psychotic paranoid schizophrenic, Ceausescu's has targeted

into turning into a sub farm animal for disposal, the police and doctor release her to her abuser, and back to the drug dealers, where she had been staying.

“I can’t understand why Canada hasn’t successfully prosecuted a single person for human trafficking when you look at other countries like the U.S., Australia, and the U.K.,” says Perrin. “We’ve made the same commitments and been to the same conferences, but Canada has been all talk and no action.

Because Ceausescu, the kidnapping perjuring woman hating child abandoner

works for Sgro and is a fake heart miracle, cutting hospital costs by correcting "paranoid schizophrenia"

as throwaway "conspiracy c'ho" for slave traders.

"Most people who have been trafficked are too scared to go to the authorities because they’ve been told they, or members of their family, will be injured or killed if they do."

The become trapped in the sex trade, after Ottawa's police and doctors have lured them.

Threatened them, mutilated them, and terrorized them.

"Dissonant_Dreamer": I would just hate to see another hamster head get twisted off just because Tigger was too selfish to post at the new forum, that's all.

Putting Ceausescu's psychotic paranoid schizophrenic in the hospital

has her released to drug dealers, cops respect more than

tax burdens. Drug dealers, less degraded than "sub farm animals" Ottawa's "stew pot fluffy town idiot", shock disorders, "Savage Injuns" who can't get sober and slavery imported as

hostile hostage to their own degradation.

"The women are terrified to leave their captors"

. “I can understand why a girl might be hesitant to call the police, but I hope we’re getting the message out that it’s the right thing to do,”

Telling Ottawa, they have hired Ceausescu's retarded refugee intelligentsia. The runaway securitate, has set up shop with kidnapping, perjuries and falsified PhD's

and they lure, saying, shut up, that court record is subjective, Slummie owns a crack house, for people like you. Doctors mutilate and they threaten your children, while releasing borat's only birth bond back to the cop's drug dealer.

Scattin Tom's png trough disposal, slummie's crack house, Lepine's tacit pro pedophilia median age criteria.

Borat's perjury and kidnapping genocidal misogyny, worse than Turkey, Canada is Ceausescu's Turkish refugee kamp toilet.

[edit on 6-2-2010 by frankenkitty]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:56 AM
Ceausescu and broken LP, have teamed up to mulch her tween resentment, into compost, and make Sierra Leone's slave trader full grown, a gladiator. He is colonizing Blood Diamond, with her jet set tween jeers, from thirty five years ago. Court record of kidnapping perjury, and the child slave at St Georges is a fact, married to a Saud polygamist.

Ottawa is going with, sucker punch the drunk, into an easily degraded urinal. I don't personally know the psy ops agents, who dogpiled me when I mentioned Ceausescu, tried to compel me to suicide, with a Thinking XXX deception, so they could continue to make money with Ceausescu, without a litany of his crimes, exposed from the slave barrens.

Dogpiled, surgically assaulted, and sabotaged borat's schizophrenic daughter, to obfuscate St Georges real slave, and continue to administer Ceausescu's slave traded genocide in Canada. Canada won't stand up to Ceausescu's new "family" with Ceausescu's court record of perjury, they could vanquish half of the slavery problem

Cops are misogynist and job attracts women beaters. When turkey was slave trade capital, cops also did the slave trading there. Brownshirts, but it's not new, securitate also molested people, and projected it - like Sgro bro's first perjury and kidnapping court performance.

Canada is sheltering the securitate's retarded intelligentsia, because it appears ottawa's golden cow of misplaced aggressors and rapist on Mount Olympus, is highly paid by the "family". To puppet master their agenda, Lida's swan is not a rapist, he is a celebrity. Ottawa are going to neutralize me for broken LP and png, and Ceausescu, for propaganda from dead beat fathers, or a raped woman, whose been after, degraded. A slave called every vile name in the book, by a respected slave trader, who masquerades as a crusader.

No one abused my children, until i put summa in the hospital, and borat obfuscated her schizophrenia, with deception, death decree dogpiles, until borat responded to parental, until borat's garnished wage death decrees, until borat's luring into slavery

Ceausescu must be paying Ottawa well, Family's securitate detach, of slave traders. Family is fleeing their Ugandan mass murder controversy. Bruce Doherty, the diamond mine owner, i met thirty five years ago, as a jeered jet setting tween, arduous had wanted a replacement daughter

who wasn't graffiti by 11 yrs old, he probably does not remember me, he tries to legislate anti slave legislation. That is not conducive to the "family". Sierra Leone would like to throw scat in his mansion, 35 years later.

Ceausescu's genocide is blacked out in the news, the thing they are interested in is the banality, for which its evil is still excused, the banality of female slavery. Ceausescu is blacked out, his bastardized divorcee sold into slavery with his only child, so their lies can continue on unhindered,

and family's puppetmasters free to administer his genocide, and slave trade profits. U of incontinent pee pee a global birth bond treasury on a terrorist watch list. Ottawa's Secuitate

Cops sell the crack, at their drug dealer's whore house, and lure targets with terrorized and browbeating bullying. Celestial scapegoat had wanted a replacement cribbage buddie. Perjury is parchment, treasury plip plop has money. Hate Crime from broken LP for 35 years, extolling the virtues of arduous' denial for clubfoot's aggressors.

Who finally did get a replacement daughter. Now transferred to Ceausescu's Olympian Slave traders, the kidnapping perjurers. Broken LP's graffiti id, molesting tweens in Vanier, "purifying" for Ceausesu's new family of "Cornwall graffiti parchment" in search of post scripts to her spate of "retarded graffiti vandalism", exacting her revenge in childhood.

Real slave owner of child urinal as family, not in danger of being dogpiled, mutilated, lured, terrorized, he did not accidentally insult broken LP as an 11 yrs old.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:07 AM
I think I have a good idea where the OP was during his absence from ATS.

Appears that it was an early exit.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:22 AM
In Canada, slaves are punished for reporting sexual assault. Securitate appears to believe that Ceausescu's perjury, proves he is a smart Israeli retard.

Alcoholics in Ottawa, are "retards" in a Brazillian jail cell

Drunk or not, "Just get drunk, so celestial can have a replacement." Her father is a treasury plip plop, not a tax burden epithet, the IMF does not call embedded duplicates.

Misogynist genocide is like all mass murders, preceded by graffiti. Hitler's "Big Lie" with Romania as its quickest mercenary. Stealth psy ops, knows, Ceausescu's kardiognoste is miraculous, they covet his birth bond treasury graffiti. Graffiti for misogynist genocide. They know his heart miracle is a lie, and it is fuels their contempt for the hicks covered in transparent parchment.

Ceausescu's misogynist rape genocide is abuse, and abuse is an addictive cycle. It is always a corollary to alcoholism, and especially where alcohol was used in colonization of allergic Geronimos, and missing Pocahantas. Nixon's profits on missing allen's railroad. Cops regulary freeze and beat drunk Indians to half dead, deliver them to cowudder so he can plasticize the head.

Happened to broken LP's mother, and she misdirected her anger at the aggressors, or appreciated their killing her mother, and set to finding them replacement cadaver.

Kapos don't need treatment, when their graffiti vengeance on an 11 yrs old, makes png snort. Cornwall graffiti, that became slummie's once a year, easily browbeaten sabotage. Addicted to bullying brothers, el libra does not need treatment for snorting at Reena Virk

Abuse addiction, like all the others, ends in death, or institutions, or madness. A whole lot of dead people, survived by crazy kapos. Some of who, not only survived, but thrived on the dysfunction. Vlad the Impaler, or Ceausescu's lawyer, suddenly the "retard" bearing survivor of her own sewers, designed for misogynist social genocide.

Morgentaler is correct, every holocaust is a snorting pinnacle of untreated abuse addiction. Due largely to the shock zone catastrophia of biological slavery as a basis of procreation for sentience. A climactic epiphany of Martin Canon's peculiar fixation.

Do they post the subliminal canon connex to intimidate their slavery?

Perjury is a serious crime, unless it is in pursuit of Ceausescu's slave trading misogynist privilege in Ottawa. Slaves are punished for reporting sexual assault. Slaves are punished for garnishing Ceausescu's birth bond treasury. Slaves are punished for putting a psychotic in the hospital.

She is released back to the drug dealers, from whence she'd come.

"Perjury is a serious crime" unless it's Ceausescu lying to cover up his kidnapping, assassinating the witness with torture by perjuring and calling the kidnapped mother a "child molester". Then abandoning the wreckage for fiscal profit. Spinning years and years of viscous hatemonger to justify neglecting his only child, with sympathy.

Kapos don't need treatment for their homicidal urges, someone else is infected, that is not their slush fund, of poorly negotiated instinct.

Ceausescu's graffiti genocide requires only graffiti, Securitate is expert at entrapping and intimidating the slavery.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:32 AM
OP of this thread is female. Taliban is traveling into NAU, with duplicates, and slavery.

I have not traveled overseas, since being 13, and almost sold in Morocco.

Nothing to do with *Blood Diamond*, who was then a child himself. I doubt he would remember me

No difference, Ottawa mutilates monarch and peasant, all that is required is Securitate offers of money.

Originally posted by expat2368I think I have a good idea where the OP was during his absence from ATS.Appears that it was an early exit.

Ottawa is Ceausescu's Turkish refugee kamp toilet, with a side of Taliban, from Afghanistan embedded. Turkey more fit for the EU

Why wasn't Clinton's target cleared? Same reason Canada and Sierra Leone, do not crack down on slave trading?

Borat's perjury and kidnapping is court record. The child bride at St Ch'attys, is court record a fact. Obfuscated by dogpile and paranoid schizophrenia. Profiting parties are not going to stop until the truth is neutralized

Kwanada's radio show broken LP graffiti mutilating women, like Hutu and Tutsi. Pol Pot's got his list of got to go, non retardo intelligentsia, and celebrity.


Sierra Leone's child soldier full grown, and trans national. Paid well, to co opt Ceausescu's genocide, post scripts from molested tweens to broken LP's Corwall graffiti. Ceausescu's bastardized schizophrenics to pass around, securitate, like slummie and his Quasi Moto

Graffiti vandalizing saami elf curios, 35 yrs ago made broken LP popular, made png snort, why not another fake retardo for Ceausescu's gutter of victimized legaleeze graffiti. Obfuscating St Ch'atty's polygamist child bride.

Snorted at batman 35 yrs ago,

Sierra Leone is colonizing blood diamond. Lepine is braying for fellatio, Bruno is in Uganda. Torture doctards have Munchausen's, scientific bastardization of butchery

justifying Ceausescu's projections of bankruptcy and predation.

A power and control bankruptcy. Genocide is abuse addiction and, expressions of power and control bankruptcy are its currency.

Torture doctor has Munchausens it is nothing more than that. A power and control bankruptcy, seeking leverage with dysfunctional dynamic.

Arduous' broken LP's are still mutilating for a jet set tween sabotage, 35 yrs later. Graffiti surgery, tabula raza shock zones of gender kapo and scapegoat dynamic from Cowudder's costa nostra of over-rated.

Cruel and Unusual Execution

Flurry of Cowudder is such a happy Neo Fascist devoted to his cause

of administering Ceausescu's pro pedophilia slave traded birth bond treasury,

That he is climaxing on killamanjaro, while conducting his genocidal inquiry

for the kleptocrat's mass media mind control interest. Cowudder's malepractice costa nostra are profiting.

Flurry of malepractice climaxing on killing some of Ceausescu's fiscal fatwa, is

catapulting Cowudder's"Hicks in Hoboken" costa nostra of surgical rape and murder to

Ceausescu's Romania.

[edit on 6-2-2010 by frankenkitty]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:51 AM
Ottawa's securitate only respects dealers, not *stew pot fluffy town idiot* shock disorders who don't profit.

Borat is also the *Fat Bastard* who ate the baby on Austin Powers.

Island Girl:Tigger,

Is that gut in the black sweater with
the beard your ex husband?

Ontology replicates phylogeny

Hobbits are more evolved.

Death worm is a dinosaur, shot itself in the head.

Master's millstone.

Broken LP loves walking in and overhearing half of a remark

and devoting her life to feeding the death worm

replacement cadaver

Made png snort, slummie post scripts for jet set tween Cornwall graffiti.

"Throughout this inquiry I have heard evidence that suggested that there were cases of joint abuse, passing of alleged victims, and possibly passive knowledge of abuse," Glaude wrote.
dismiss the victims without any compassion or justice as if they were subhuman farm animals...

Broken LP likes Ceausescu's misogynist mass murder's divorce court graffiti.

Summa's garnished wage scholarship, that would have otherwise been denied

lent Borat tax relief

and he is still trying to cheat his destitute and psychotic paranoid schizophrenic birth bond, and shock disordered bankrupt, child bride fistula broken LP dirty tween jet setting graffiti urinal

into paying some more of his taxes. 25 years of divorcing Borat's royalty, causes PTSD, NDID, DID, and an epidemic of bastardized and orphaned psychotics. I have PTSD, they will lie about that too in which ever way, suits them.

Schizophrenia is genetic. Coathanger abortion retard babies of the vagabond gypsy, replaced in Canada with demonized alcohol colonized.

Louis and Nora become more than pathogenic presences. They reveal the psychological underside of power, its embeddedness in the family, its complicity in the destruction and death of the self, its pathogenesis in delusion, its attachment to the collective will, and its alliance with patriarchal oppression.

Borat is retarded in Israel. I will scan a picture of the grandparents and

systemizing for Mengele's Ceausescu is a war crime, like kidnapping, perjury

or torture industry paid by

Slave trading

Nice of that Flatulent fatso tax fraud, to extend his genocide's stipends to all but his only child.

[edit on 6-2-2010 by frankenkitty]

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 11:20 AM
Ottawa paid to "skin and mutilate", dogpile, us all three, and or criminalize falsely, to bolster slave trade deceptions

slummie's scattin Toms, a fake heart miracle, Borat's work is absolutely worthless.

He owes every single woman, he has lied to for 25 years, money. A twist on the black widow he is projecting, who has never collected an insurance policy.

Borat is repaying them all, when he has another heart attack.

Have not had a boyfriend in ten years, they all cost me money. Graffiti

Slummie only took my life. Cops used me as his Sunday piety, once a year, ten years ago, now they assume, i am one of their slaves, sub farm animals, not a woman who had a buddie.

A possession, to be disposed of, clucking like a chicken of the slave traders in Sgro and fake heart miracle

fake retardation contagions, real misogynist mass murder, Ceausescu's Romania

cowudder's amphitheater. Broken LP's pedophile piety graffiti in Kwanada, vile 12 yrs old.

The report's principal author Benjamin Perrin wrote, "Canada has ignored calls for reform and continues to re-traumatize trafficking victims, with few exceptions, by subjecting them to routine deportation and fails to provide even basic support services." The report criticizes former Liberal Party of Canada cabinet ministers Irwin Cotler, Joe Volpe and Pierre Pettigrew for "passing the buck" on the issue.

It's not that Canada is clean; the Americans have identified it as both a source and destination country for the victims of slave traders. It's more likely because Canada has no national strategy for finding traffickers, no national plan for identifying and helping victims and little understanding of who the victims are. Canada is obviously doing many things wrong.

Neither could Arduous address clubfoot's aggressors

rapists on Mount Olympus.

If you are a slave in Canada, do not go to the police, do not go to a hospital

The authorities are co opting Ceausescu.

Canada even murders innocent women with cruel and unusual dogpiling and mutilation, to obscure their co opting of ceasuescu. Complete arrogant impunity, they murder with a cheering crowd of doctors and policemen.

A taliban stadium in Afghanistan is a misogynist privilege of secrecy in Ceausescu's Canada, a horror of cruel and unusual trauma for the slavery they've victimized and projected that on

Extravagant obfuscation of paranoid schizophrenia and shock disordered internet addiction

To prop up Ceausescu. Co opt Eastern bloc Securitate war crimes

like that of the kidnapping and perjury, already demonstrated by "retarded" Romanian Solomon.

Obfuscate St Ch'atty's real child urinal as family slavery.

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 11:24 AM
TS Eliot must have been referring to Aquinas.

Any officious Israeli idiot

who uses a PhD to call themselves doctard

in order to hatemonger Mengele's nostalgia

with a broken LP

Especially stu's wont to tragedy

Borat was a forty year old Turkish refugee kamp secuitate kapo

completely broke student

when i filed for divorce, from the Securitate

moppet knew better, than slurry's need for cash

absentee joint custody, no obligation to support

showed up two or three times on the expense account

to his only child, a stranger

and finally with a final death decree kapo halo response to parental,

his daughter by then a teen, and vulnerable to his and broken LP's lexicon

Broken LP would have started sooner, but she showed arduous respect and waited

for a picture of the tween jet set, 35 yrs blood diamond

garnished wage epitaph

polyglot forked tongue hostile hostages heroic sabotage

with John Nash.

All of doctarded pathological perjurer's work

is completely worthless

Abuse cycles are a corollary to alcohol colonization

broken LP never needed treatment

for healing her own with graffiti.

St Ch'atty's slave owner, not in danger, of vicarious sexual sadism

perhaps, danger of mutilation, the slurry of idiots embedded the taliban

to snort at broken LP's vile 12 yrs old.

Anonymous Coward 473807":

I love you

Death worm's costa nostra, made Pandora boxy!

"Throughout this inquiry I have heard evidence that suggested that there were cases of joint abuse, passing of alleged victims, and possibly passive knowledge of abuse," Glaude wrote.
dismiss the victims without any compassion or justice as if they were subhuman farm animals...
Pandora's Box for which we are finding more and more institutional child abuse on a massive scale all leading to the top of government. With massive media control,

this scheme becomes invisible to the rational minds of most Americans,

though they are aware of its violation to them at the subconscious level.

Mercurial tarts

Ceausescu outlawed abortion, encouraged rape with coat hanger revolutionary fervor.

If Ceausescu's "family" is telling doctards, to fear for their lives.

broken LP may have had a sub conscious agenda.

Authoring mass murders in Uganda. Broken LP's graffiti post script in Kwanada

St Ch'atty's slave owner, not in danger, of vicarious sexual sadism
perhaps, danger of mutilation

"Faculty of History. One of the earliest Securitate forces barrages"

Now the faculty of biology at Pol Pot's university.

U of PP a global birth bond treasury

with rape and graffiti post scripts justifying the degradation

Misogyny that enables slave trading

Romania's population still apologizing for the ingratiation to their own demoralization.

Securitate is a war criminal, an Eastern Bloc Red Terror.

[edit on 8-2-2010 by frankenkitty]

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 10:56 PM
I felt an ominous foreboding, slurry of idiots sold democracy to slave traders


Kitty, how did you feel when the president received the Nobel Peace Prize?

They will nuke America, this time, not its President

and begin their inexorable ascent to the pinnacle of their Puppet Master glame

Walt Disney, MK ULTRA's playground, "cleans".

The theory is not supported by the APA, but due to the lack of ethics, profiteering, and tacit acceptance of pro-pedophilia ideas, the APA has done nothing to help these victimized children.

mind control shock trauma bonding propaganda

he was rude, condescending and arrogant and refused to admit his mistake however, he had always had what I considered to be a poor beside manner .. I feel that he caused a painful issue for me, and that he should have done something to correct the problem as I had paid over 8,000 dollars NOT TO LIVE IN PAIN.

Biggest terrorist wins

Two judges pleaded guilty to accepting $2.6 million in kickbacks to imprison children in private detention centers without legal representation. The court will examine nearly 5,000 cases involving children since 2003.

Slummie's profiteering, scattin Tom's lack of ethics, Lepine tacit median age criteria

Canada is not fit for the EU, it is Ceausescu's slave traded bur in democracy

Pandora's shadow boxing. Subliminal, when *fat bastard* wants to eat another birth bond treasury baby.

Only the slaves are "sub farm animals" with opinions that are, "literary malformations," after being "skinned and mutilated", dogpiled. That was broken LP's graffiti, all it took was lobotomy.

Now that it's not a drunk anymore, but a shock disordered child bride fistula bleeding the genocidal markers.
dismiss the victims without any compassion or justice as if they were subhuman farm animals...

Ceausescu's costa nostra of falsified PhD synonymous doctors, made Pandora boxy.

Pandora's Box for which we are finding more and more institutional child abuse on a massive scale all leading to the top of government. With massive media control, this scheme becomes invisible to the rational minds of most Americans, though they are aware of its violation to them at the subconscious level.

A dehumanization that extends to every man woman and child in the NAU. The real slave at St Ch'atty's co opted Yemeni paradise of misogynist bullying, is even more disenfranchised and less a citizen. First family abandoned, financially.

Perjury is a serious crime, unless it is in pursuit of Ceausescu's slave trading misogynist privilege in Ottawa. Slaves are punished for reporting sexual assault. Slaves are punished for garnishing Ceausescu's birth bond treasury. Slaves are punished for putting a psychotic in the hospital. She is released back to the drug dealers, from whence she'd come.

"Perjury is a serious crime" unless it's Ceausescu lying to cover up his kidnapping, assassinating the witness with torture by perjuring and calling the kidnapped mother a "child molester".

Then abandoning the wreckage for fiscal profit. Spinning years and years of viscous hatemonger to justify neglecting his only child, with sympathy.

Securitate slave trade. Ceausescu's Securitate was expert at *baiting, luring, and terrorizing* the slavery, with perjury and red terror tactics.

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 11:09 PM
Oh, I get it, now. Gone fishing, so to speak, in Borat's orphanage, with Ratchet's thorazine piety

MK ULTRA vineyards extending the drug colonization of rail road baron residential school yards.

Originally posted by expat2368
I think I have a good idea where the OP was during his absence from ATS.

Appears that it was an early exit.

Securitate's Costa Nostra of communist pricks, also used psychiatry as a mind control weapon

arbitrary state exterminations and invalidations, in Communist Romania

not only co opting it today, with his refugee "retarded" intelligentsia,

in Canada.

Sales of six farsi duplicates. A matter of national security, in Uganda.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 01:19 PM
I was once a canadian slave: I was wanted and prized by the mounties government section 2, because my fat allowed me to repel any substance striking me, even if it was at light speed speeds, I was given the code name: Guido, and I was highly praised for my abilities and stealth and ability to hide among the native americans of various canadian forest lands, and blend in with them so that they simply thought of me as one of their own, not even realizing I had just snuck in via my stealth abilities. I even remote viewed down to the smallest details in life, like what these natives would eat for dinner and discovered shocking things which I cannot reveal. Eventually I escaped not wanting to help spy on native americans and went to get sanctuary at an american embassy, where I met ambassor newt gingrich, this was before he was speaker of the house and defeated by nancie paloosy.

I am thankful for my experience as it taught me what it was like to be a Canadian slave and how I could become a better person because of it.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 09:48 AM
Canada's sub farm animal bureaucratic slave extermination. A bunch of strangers, repeating Borat's lies on paper, because he is a sympathetic securitate kapo, is meaningless.


Professor Marvel's psy ops dogpile normalizes Ceausescu's Canadian slave trade, the Western world's worst offender.

Kidnapping perjurers, who abandon children and assassinate their mothers for money, that is Ceausescu's securitate, now embraced by Ottawa and professor marvel.

That is why the psy ops agents went to so much trouble to dogpile me, "skin and mutilate me'. Pay Ceausescu's new securitate of communist red terror doctors, to exterminate me, with cruel and unusual torture

to normalize the real child slave as family disenfranchised further at Canada's co opted Yemeni.

Arduous wanted a replacement daughter, broken LP did not graffiti by 11 reinforcing the incorruptibility of clubfoot's vineyard, she was over every day, for that effect. Had there been abuse, other than obfuscation of a 25 year old paranoid psychotic schizophrenics first hospitalization, springing back to the luring dealers, from whence she'd come, it most certainly would have been used against me, then.

Slurry of idiots sold democracy to slave traders

The real slave owner probably also bought some duplicates from Hitler's quickest death logos, the infant kidnapping, child abandoning perjurers. Borat's bro, when he kidnapped an infant, demonized the source of complaints. Ceausescu's built a palace, demonizing people, from who he extracted a profit. Hitler's quickest death logos, had an encore for his own most vulnerable.

Ceausescu put slaves in their professor marvel neo fascist tax burden epithet grave. A glasses voucher that was found, long after myopia was more able. Summa was almost eighteen and had teenage friends, when Ceausescu responded to parental with kapo halo death decrees. Sent bro to his fathers, to insulate him from Ceausescu's reign of terror in Ottawa.

So absentee reign of pariah hatemonger kapo halo, claims his Turkish refugee kamp still causes him sorrow. Bro's father helped him into the working world, what fathers are good for. Summa's father, a garnished wage scholarship, sold her into torture so the cleptocrats could administer his misogynist genocide.

Borat owes every woman, he has been with, for the last 25 years money.

None of them will get it back, but to continue to slaver after his falsified PhD title, via they are cowed to ask for it. Liars, exercising a slave traders misogynist privilege, with no courage at all.

Subliminal awareness of Ceausescu's cannibalized epidemic of crippled, widowed orphans. Ceausescu exacerbates the arduously favored codependent sibling rivalry, by encouraging Ottawa to murder broken LP's sinister hobbits. Idi's reverse racism. Ontology replicates phylogeny.

Ceausescu is good at pretending to be the wounded survivor, of his own retardation epidemic in Israel and Canada. Fake and psychotic. That is a war crime, called systemization. Ottawa is systemizing the Uranus district. Everyone who reminds broken LP of her adolescent resentment, must die.

Nursed for profits, broken LP's graffiti id, molesting tweens in Vanier, in search of post scripts to her adolescent graffiti grist. Ceuasescu is the professional graffiti grist hatemonger, he destroyed an entire nation with it.

Ceausescu's misogynist privilege appeals to the alcohol colonized now projecting their internalized shame, colonizing even more allergic nations. Borat will marry again, when he can bastardize the products of his affairs, from a $100,000 dowry. Slurry simply likes png's paternal dispensation, $$$. A matter of National Security in Uganda.

Farsi duplicates with every 13 yrs old, sold in Canada.

Ceausescu's "hicks of Hoboken" don't see the color of their abuse addiction lexicon. Borat's perjury, kidnapping and child abandonment, court record, hicks haven't the will to challenge the priest on celebrity jeopardy.

[edit on 10-2-2010 by frankenkitty]

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 10:12 AM
It is not a laughing matter, that Canada leads the Western World as the worst slave trade offender, nor that Ceausescu is exterminating people with fatwa

Muslim Honor killings are a growing cancer in the West.

Borat's mother, streamlined the social malignancy to project the most viscous insults and securitate human rights atrocities. Borat's socially engineered misogynist genocide is his tabula raza kapo halo profit.

It is not a laughing matter that Farsi duplicates are sold with every child slave, as "family" and otherwise, in Canada

perhaps lured by the bullying chivalrous pot dealer from Bolivia, to scattin Tom's trough. Where, when not disposing of his excess, they embed the Taliban, Ceausescu's logic is mercantile, nothing more.

Like a graffiti dogpile, playing along for intel, or critical mass, cognitive dissonance, hyperbole ad ridiculum

Originally posted by fat_frank
I was once a canadian slave: I was ..I am thankful for my experience as it taught me what it was like to be a Canadian slave and how I could become a better person because of it.

Sounds like Sierra Leone, the not so former child soldier employed by broken LP's untreated kapos. Colonizing Blood Diamond, with snorts, 35 years old.

Impossible to trip up the hicks, that is an easily degraded alcoholic, a "sub farm animal", *just get drunk* so they don't need to stop profiting on Ceausescu. Those are the only ones i know, scattin Tom's trough at slummie's sporadic weekend. Where a party is, ten years later, a death sentence.

“I can’t understand why Canada hasn’t successfully prosecuted a single person for human trafficking when you look at other countries like the U.S., Australia, and the U.K.,” says Perrin. “We’ve made the same commitments and been to the same conferences, but Canada has been all talk and no action.
Two judges pleaded guilty to accepting $2.6 million in kickbacks to imprison children in private detention centers without legal representation. The court will examine nearly 5,000 cases involving children since 2003.

Lepine's tacit median age criteria. His securitate a fake heart miracle, falsified PhD synonymous MD, polyglot kidnapping perjurer in immigration.

It is not a laughing matter, that Ceausescu is exterminating people in Canada with his war crimes, slave trade and systemization propped up by psy ops and celebrity. Slurry simply likes png's paternal dispensation, $$$. A matter of National Security in Uganda.

Farsi duplicates with every slave, sold in Canada. Canada wins gold at the Olympics of slave trading. At least if the child bride at Ceausescu's co opted Yemeni gets drunk, her owner can exterminate her, himself, and save png the trouble.

Ceausescu's "hicks of Hoboken" don't see the color of their abuse addiction lexicon. Borat's perjury, kidnapping and child abandonment, court record, hicks haven't the will to challenge the priest on celebrity jeopardy.

[edit on 10-2-2010 by frankenkitty]

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:45 PM
Pandora is boxy lost her other password, and the old email account was defunct

so the rabid dogs of Ottawa, the Securitate for Sgro's immigration

and broken LP's child slave soldiers, molesting tweens in Vanier and calling it "Purifying" for Ceausescu's "family"

the Munchausen's costa nostra of untreated codependent pricks, exterminating Ceausescu's vile vermin, at Canada's Olympics of slave trading

their Golden Cow of the Aquarian Age, gave them permission,

to enact their own Halloween movie, broken LP, assures, by 11 yrs old, it was snorted at graffiti

slummie in Cornwall, will have their extravagant dogpile of invalidation and compelling nerdy tax burdens

to lured suicide so Ceausescu can wear a misogynist mass murder halo,

must feel vindicated somehow.

They've humiliated a completely powerless sub farm animl, with a thousand internet names

and a dogpile fatwa.

Borat finally managed to abandon his paranoid schizophrenic daughter into a Romanian orphanage

where there is a burgeoning epidemic of psychotic orphans and coat hanger "retardeds'.

Borat himself is retarded in Israel. Canada is the world Olympics of slave trading

and they dogpiled, humiliated and will invalidate to extermination, me, as a sub farm animal

so that they can continue to profit.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 04:21 PM
So we have established that it is slummie, who is Ceausescu's "family" connextion to dogpile fatwa "skinning and mutilating",

luring with the bullying Bolivian, who for 20 years, has been a Rastafarian

and baiting to sub farm animal status with slummie. Slummie's business. The Sarah Palin's he entraps, pay his tax, presumably.

Death worm's snake in the grass bit Eurydice's ass, Orpheus died.

Slurry has not yet seen refrigerator

Grandiose psychotic paranoid schizophrenics, favored by a crazy codependent granny, is stressful for anyone, but especially stressful when it is a child, who wants to undermine a parent's authority

"Just get drunk" so she can rule with sabotage as arduous controlled.

Co opted by Mengele's favoritism, to a "hero" role in an antecedent familial dysfunction.

Perjury is a serious crime, unless it is in pursuit of Ceausescu's slave trading misogynist privilege in Ottawa. Slaves are punished for reporting sexual assault. Slaves are punished for garnishing Ceausescu's birth bond treasury. Slaves are punished for putting a psychotic in the hospital.

She is released back to the drug dealers, from whence she'd come. He is better than a tax burden epithet, the entrepreneur, who hates women.

Summa has finally found a use for the misogynist bullying that arduous projected with her internalized shame of her own alcohol and trauma issues

a good family, doesn't speak of those things, after WWII and every one is covering for a shell shocked drunk veteran

Summa knows which insults manipulate which people best, to get out of the hospital and invalidate that "bitch" who put her in there

Ceausescu's kapo, celestial scapegoat, and profiting pottard, have already reinforced arduous' sick dynamic of denial, and pathological gains.

"Perjury is a serious crime" unless it's Ceausescu lying to cover up his kidnapping, assassinating the witness with torture by perjuring and calling the kidnapped mother a "child molester". Then abandoning the wreckage for fiscal profit. Spinning years and years of viscous hatemonger to justify neglecting his only child, with sympathy.

Kapos don't need treatment, they are profiting in their Turkish refugee kamp hell holes. Then they are profiting in Israel, as their genocide's "retarded" survivors. They are profiting in Kwanada as slave traded, piety.

Aggregate like with broken LP's adolescent graffiti id resentment for an accidental remark, marcus maximus serfdom,

his 'family' knows better, than wishy washy perjury parchment.

Summa has finally found a use for the bullying misogynist privilege that is the social malignancy of biological slavery, alcohol colonization, and abuse addiction, its corollary

prolonging her denial at having schizophrenia.

Ottawa's misogynist privilege, exploiting a schizophrenic to matricide at slurry's monster bin, for Ceausescu's kapo

her absentee garnished wage brain tumor heroic saboteur, the dealer with who she had been partying, and a celestial treasury plip plop misogynist privilege

wearing a halo for not using her advantage to go to class, but to take summa as a replacement buddie for cribbage.

A few days after dogpile reena virk allusions prompted me looking up slummie, an old once a year, drinking buddie, from ten years ago.

After ten years, slummie sked me to run his crack house, and "watch over the younger girls", and i said "That is interesting" Slummie assumed i was Mossad and my pellet guns could wipe out the mob that is his sty, any Payola pig in the sky, for slummie's beam in scattin tom's eye, ten years ago.

Slummie offered his cell phone number, for the first time in my life, following the dogpile. Ceausescu's Ottawa Eastern Bloc is Stalked, when cowudder "skin and mutilate" dogpiled women. Must be scattin Tom's dancin kapos, he sets it up, with the 'retarded whores' in his trough that fall for marriage proposals

The "sub farm animals" of Canada's reduced humanity.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 04:24 PM
Noticing the Png's reena Venus jeers. Png must have paid slummie for a long time, to criminalize and vilify broken LP's Cornwall graffiti.

Paranoid schizophrenia, makes an MK ULTRA vineyard obsolete to colonizing Ceausescu's epsilon birth bonds. Paranoid schizophrenia will be disposed of, like manner. Png's family manipulated Ottawa's paranoid schizophrenic securitate brat, while psychotic to undermine a challenge to her denial her first hospitalization obfuscated by fatwa dogpile, last August from her mother.

She no longer has a mother, her mother is dead and frozen at the bottom of a well, full of pennies

Muslim Honor killings are a growing cancer in the West.

Borat's mother, streamlined the social malignancy to project the most viscous insults and securitate human rights atrocities. Borat's socially engineered misogynist genocide is his tabula raza kapo halo profit.

Ottawa adapted it to png's racist railroad baron, freeze a drunk Indian at the edge of town policy.

Celestial got a replacement cribbage buddie, looked like an angel for using her years and years of treasury plip plop, to not go to class, due to two months of cards.

Her voucher under the table, a scapegoat more able, then sitting in the front row of a classroom. Not as much fun as teaching summa computer, in order to humiliate her mother.

Broken lp's graffiti idi, is molesting tweens in Vanier, in search of replaceable cribbage buddies for celestial treasury plip plop.

Kleptocracy's administration of global birth bond treasury in Canada

Ceausescu's infant kidnapping, perjury, assassination, infant abandonment, abuse, and fraud retardation in Israel is court record.

The child bride slave owner at the co opted Yemeni is a fact. He is not in danger of being black listed, "skinned and mutilated" by a quack, he has money.

It is a tax burden epithet, that reflects, the biases being exploited and manipulated, by slave traders, in order to perpetuate their profits

St Ch'atty's slave owner, not in danger of legal reprisal for hospitalizing borat's psychotic securitate brat

perhaps danger of phosphorous

Ceausescu is being coddled for his birth bond treasury

Mexican immigration, embedded Farsi duplicates

and misogynist mass murder graffiti, he whines so sympathetically, of having to abandon his joint custody rape product, it's a garnished wage epitaph for paranoid schizophrenia, making it to 24 before bastardized into a Romanian orphanage.

All of the women of Ceausescu's "retarded" intelligentsia's Romania, abandoned their rape, product coat hanger retards,

as infants.

Canada is co opting Ceausescu's genocide

Slurry can expect an epidemic of refrigerators and real retards

stipend frauds in Israel and Kanada, farsi duplicates embedded

Family fundamentalism, tweedle dee, tweedle dum

Retarded Romanian Solomon, when in Israel, and "Zionist bankers" when perjuring all over a different Rickie, in Canada's Olympia of slave trading urinal.

A matter of National Security in Uganda. If the family tells doctards, their lives are in danger, they are.

Authoring mass murders in Uganda. Broken LP's graffiti post script in Kwanada

St Ch'atty's real slave owner, not in danger of being enslaved in Ottawa.

[edit on 14-2-2010 by Pandora boxy]

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