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UFO Occupants ~ Drawings,Sketches and Non-Human Reports.

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posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by DarkCyrus

- Hooded being

- Mantis

- Mantis graphics

- Mantis with humanoids

- Mantis face closeup

I find this find this site really informative. Ty for linking this. The other drawings are not realistic in the least. The ones I linked earlier, Mary Rodwell's clients and this are good. There is another I will edit to add when I find it.

Lest I forget, some of their own artwork:

[edit on 11-12-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by rusethorcain

Very interesting thread showing the vast variety of alien life. Which I think is already "a given"and so somewhat redundant.
We already KNOW they come in many different shapes and sizes. I have in earlier posts here posited a reason why some of theses creatures are here and even who they are. I arrived at this by NOT taking any fantastic leaps of assumption but by keeping inside and following the logical path from what we already know.
I must caution everyone (oh bother -here comes my headmaster with the ruler but I will say it anyway) be careful not to judge these creatures by appearances alone. Because something looks hideous and frightening is no reason to suspect it means you harm. Conversely, if it looks quite humanoid and jolly there is no reason to expect it will not have you for lunch as the main course.
Aliens will come in a variety of temperaments, a far more useful area of investigation. There will be the friendly altruist, the do-gooder, the outgoing the shy, the skittish, the cool, the creepy and the gross. There will be the frightened, the forced, the curious, the indifferent and the malicious. There will be the magnanimous, the kind, the clever, the humorous, the hateful, the diabolical. And as always- there will be the petty and the smug.

I have for about 6 years now, scoured over reported sightings and read a vast amount of taped conversations. I've focused study on credible encounters where some communication with the "alien" (a poor term since I am certain many of these are Earthlings and terrestial) and a human being has occurred. Out of these conversations I have got much information, it's value remains to be seen since all truth is relative.
Most mean us no harm. They are here to help mankind overcome our violent tendency to fight among ourselves and survive...survive what I don't know. This may be to survive better. It may be to survive, period.
It appears there are a few groups who are already working with heads of our planet. Whether they are working together on disclosure or on something more threatening such as an alien attack from a particular species from outside our universe, (since those within our universe are - at least if not friendly..tolerant of humans) I am afraid both scenarios are very likely.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:34 AM
Here is a site with many links to artists depictions and they're very good:

including one of the links to johns alien mugshots as he calls them:

David E. Caywood's gallery is very good including pleiadian/nordics. Note this is lyrean, ie. they could be Sirina, Andromedan, Orion, there are many lyreans in many systems.

and these are good

The other ones seem to me, the crude ones in the beginning a part of a well thought out campaign to discredit ufology from quite a long time ago, because Vrill is quite an old program now, so they have been trying to ridicule the reality of our universe, and by doing so, make people accept pat answers and pseduo science to replace quantum physics, the double slit, the drake formula (conservative estimate at best) along with the experiences of millions, actual evidence, and implants, testimony of those serving national security, militia and astronauts themselves, and to ignore their own eyes even.

Its all apart of a simple NLP, slight of hand. The drawings are like memes designed to trigger laughter.

So they can keep this great divide between their space age technology and our serfdom.

[edit on 11-12-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by DanishATS
Denmark, Europe 1982: Danish Boy 15 years old draws this encounter.

Danish,thanks for the addition -never heard of that one.


[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Bspiracy

Argument is a "stronger" term then I would use. I was mearly observing that the following statement.

fish are the same across all oceans

As it realtes to the humanoid shape issue is not 100% accurate. While internally all fish are pretty similar, a Tuna is in outward appearance very different from a Flounder and that is different then a Eel which is different then a Sea Horse. All fish yes? all very different in outward appearance. Most of the pictures show of these aliens are all bilateral bipeds with a layout that is very much like the Earth creatures. So the question to me becomes...

"Does DNA drive evolution to the Humanoid form regardless of planet of origin?"

To take these drawings as fact we would have to conclude that is a strong possibility, either that our our form has been tampered with to reach the same results. Some other possibilites include...
-Our brains are protecting themselves from their real shapes (i,e. Aliens are so outwardly bizarre as to cause some kind of trauma so we see what we need to)
-Our thoughts are being manipulated to see these shapes by the aliens. Possibly for the same reason as above.

The list goes on and on and at this point who can really say.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by rusethorcain
Very interesting thread showing the vast variety of alien life. Which I think is already "a given"and so somewhat redundant.

There is not that much variety not as much as one would expect (and has been discussed at length already). Most of the aliens are humanoid and most are a variation of the standard grey alien. They seem informed by science-fiction movies.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Bspiracy
I agree with the possibility of reptillians, insectoids, winged humanoids etc.. I do not agree with a centaur being plausible because it doesn't seem to follow the Fibonacci sequence.

Could you please explain this?

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by DoomsdayRex

Originally posted by rusethorcain
Very interesting thread showing the vast variety of alien life. Which I think is already "a given"and so somewhat redundant.

There is not that much variety not as much as one would expect (and has been discussed at length already). Most of the aliens are humanoid and most are a variation of the standard grey alien. They seem informed by science-fiction movies.

I agree, most of these forms show very little variety, nothing to indicate that they could not be from Earth. If every world in the universe is stocked with Earth look a likes then count me in the very disappointed club.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 01:09 PM
my apologies if this has already been posted. but its right on topic and extremely interesting not to mention entertaining. its a website of this guy albert rosales, extremely hardworking who has posted in easy to read files every humanoid sighting and report since the beginning of time:
its absolutely Massive.
he is compiling them for a book. but its very gracious of him to share them . they are fun bed time reading.
organised by year except when very old.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 01:20 PM
its interesting to me to note the prevlance of symbols or patches on the suits of these beings that deal with snakes. i saw one from germany and another one that had the X with the snake. if this isnt evidence to back up claims then i dont know what is. probably from the same space organisation or wherever they are from. reminds me of the stories ive read about the annunaki and also pleidians they all often deal with snake symbolism:
yes a lot of those sites are too off the radar for me even and i many not agree with them im just saying the prevalance of reptilian images in reagrd to ufos and other things is very puzzling.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 01:27 PM
I have to say I think people flippantly dismissing these reports (or inferring they're fabricated) just because the UFO occupants 'happen to have arms and legs' does seem to be a bit of a weak position.

Incidents like the Allagash abductions,the Flatwoods monster,the Zanfretta
case,the Yukon encounter,the Varghina incident etc.. are all truly intriguing and other UFO cases which involve physical trace evidence (like the Tuscumbia encounter and the West Lothian incident) do deserve serious attention.

Like with actual UFO incidents, I realise some sceptics prefer to deal in vague generalizations rather than actualy addressing specific cases but I think the reports on this thread (and on the USO Research thread) do show something very interesting is going on.


[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Helmkat
reply to post by Bspiracy

Argument is a "stronger" term then I would use. I was mearly observing that the following statement.

fish are the same across all oceans

As it realtes to the humanoid shape issue is not 100% accurate. While internally all fish are pretty similar, a Tuna is in outward appearance very different from a Flounder and that is different then a Eel which is different then a Sea Horse.

"Does DNA drive evolution to the Humanoid form regardless of planet of origin?"

One day I will learn how to pare down the posts meanwhile I want the last line above.
You can take my word for this or not I am throwing it out there...A reliable source (an alien) told an abductee (sorry I didn't take notes!) that in this solar system and universe all the creatures are humanoid and bi-pedal. They are from different planets (and planets moons) within this solar system. Supposedly all the planets are occupied. Outside this universe seems to be anybody's guess.
There was little elaboration on exactly what but clear indications outside of this universe life was not necessarily bi-pedal. Their DNA was/is different than ours. Got the clear idea alien was trying not to shock this human. I remember thinking, after she asks about life beyond our own solar system...the alien seemed to say without saying, stay focused on us...some of those really don't want to know.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by karl 12
More reports sourced by SoulDrifter:

Antonio La Rubia abduction
September 15, 1977


Finally, at least one that's not bipedal, but what kind of locomotion is that one leg? A pogo stick? It looks very mechanical and reminds me a little bit of the poles that horses are mounted to on merry-go-rounds. And it still looks like a humanoid other than the 2 legs being replaced by a pole.

But even though they are almost all humanoid with few exceptions like this which is only "almost" humanoid, I enjoy seeing these depictions, thanks for sharing them!

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Looks like this fellow is in an alien closet. Where are the shoes and hats?
They are funny looking but after reading the information you have here OMG...What odd things. I have to believe some visitors are robots and drones, or even simulations of other creatures.

[edit on 11-12-2009 by rusethorcain]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 04:53 AM
I'm not sure if anyone already posted any of these, but I find these to be an interesting addition.

Channeled drawing of a alien from another dimension.

Black and white picture of grey alien.

Drawing made by a child (age between 6-10), showing her lying on a table surrounded by aliens. Many of their procedures, she claims, made here sick.

edit on 25-6-2012 by SkepticOverlord because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 05:45 AM

Abductee Jim Sparks Comments On Alien Symbol Technology
© 2008 by Linda Moulton Howe

I know that flashing symbols is a method of getting information from E. T. to E. T., or E. T. to human. It’s a fast way of transmitting a tremendous amount of data, in a short time and retaining it.”

- Jim Sparks, Author and Abductee


Jim Sparks, born Jim Sparacino on November 15, 1954,
to Italian parents. Photograph courtesy Jim Sparks.
See More Information below about Jim's work.
February 22, 2008 Las Vegas, Nevada - In 1995, at a conference about the human abduction syndrome, I met one of the participants named Jim Sparks, born Jim Sparacino to his Italian parents on November 15, 1954.


Jim Sparks's depiction of the small, alien android entities monitoring his training in alien “classroom” where Jim was forced to learn a symbol language.

Drawing by Jose Galante © 1996 for Jim Sparks.


Jim Sparks's depiction of the tall, reptilian humanoids, that had gold eyes with black vertical pupils like an alligator's eyes.
Drawing by Josi Galante © 1996 for Jim Sparks.


“Real alien” supervisor that appeared with powerful presence and ordered Jim Sparks to write his question in alien symbols after Sparks argued with small, grey “drones.”
Drawing by Jose Galante © 1996 for Jim Sparks.


One video frame of hundreds, each 3-dimensional “symbol” segmented in colors and intricately structured. January 19, 2008, near Stephenville municipal airport by David Caron.

See Stephenville

[edit on 12/12/09 by spacevisitor]

[edit on 12/12/09 by spacevisitor]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 06:13 AM

The Strange Case of Ken Rose
© 2007 by Linda Moulton Howe

"Are we a former colony that our owners lost all rights to and are trying to make a case against us to prove to a council or world representatives that we as a human race are not fit to govern ourselves?"

- Abductee Ken Rose

March 31, 2007 Central Michigan - On February 2, 1992, I was in Lansing, Michigan to speak before a Michigan-MUFON conference organized by Shirley and George Coyne. My presentation had evolved from my investigations of the worldwide animal mutilation phenomenon linked to extraterrestrial biological entities.

Ranchers and other rural residents where the unusual animal deaths occurred had reported seeing a variety of non-humans, including "standing up lizard or alligator," tall "praying mantis" type creatures, 5-to-6-feet-tall blond humanoids and shorter grey-skinned, large black-eyed entities.

Then there were several people in the human abduction syndrome who told me about encounters with a similar variety of entities. I had been collecting drawings from as many firsthand eyewitnesses as I could over several years. So, I decided for the first time to share the drawings and eyewitness accounts of different non-human types at the 1992 Michigan conference.


First sketch by Kenneth Rose on February 2, 1992, in Lansing, Michigan, for Howe.
Rose said the incomplete female bodies with eyes shut were coated with metallic gold dust like the woman in the Hollywood film, Goldfinger. Drawing © 1998 by Linda Moulton Howe, Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness.


Second drawing of three women in lighted tubes sent to Howe by Ken Rose in March 1992.
Far left tube: "Mayan Indian"; far right tube: Linda; middle tube Kate Bush, 1970s singer (Hounds of Love). Drawing © 1998 by Linda Moulton Howe, Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness.

The Overseer


The hairless "Overseer" described and drawn by Ken Rose based on his abduction experiences
in central Michigan since the 1960s. Drawing by Ken Rose for Howe in February 1992, and © 1998 by Linda Moulton Howe in Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness.

The Controller


The praying mantis-Controller "studies everything - looking for something?"
Drawing by Ken Rose for Howe in February 1992, and © 1998 by Linda Moulton Howe in Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness.


Ken Rose wrote on his 1992 drawing: "Overseer at some kind of control. I didn't talk - or look - stare at the Overseer. I saw at a glance - a quick look. I looked at the Controller. I didn't talk - no sound - I could hear - in my head - no sound except I did hear a hum from the ship. I felt warm all over from the hum.

The next time I looked at the Overseer, he crossed his arms, real close and looked. I could feel his stare right through me - I was going to live or die at that moment - he had the power over everything. Kind and loving - and kill you without a moment's loss. The Controller was taking measurements, recording. If I made no eye contact - I would be spared!" X-Files

[edit on 12/12/09 by spacevisitor]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 06:43 AM

Part 1: Elk Hunter Meets Non-Human
© 2007 by Linda Moulton Howe

I raised my rifle and fired, but the bullet only went about 50 feet and dropped (straight down). I looked over to my right and there in the shadow was this sort of man standing there.”

- Carl Higdon, Wyoming elk hunter, October 25, 1974

October 8, 2007 Laramie, Wyoming - Thirty-three years ago this month, a highly strange case in the modern history of human and UFO encounters occurred at the northern boundary of the Medicine Bow National Forest south of Rawlins, Wyoming.

Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., was Prof. of Psychology and Director of the Division of Counseling and Testing at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wyoming, on October 29, 1974, when he received phone calls about an elk hunter's UFO encounter four days earlier on Friday, October 25, 1974. The story broke in the Rawlins Daily Times on Tuesday, October 29, 1974, in an article by Sue Taylor.


Rawlins Daily Times, Tuesday, October 29, 1974.


Illustration of odd, android-like entity encountered on October 25, 1974,
by Carl Higdon for Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) investigator Rick Kenyon.


Control panels with levers at lower right. Four "identical" reclining "transparent"
seats in middle of small cubicle room. "Cage with 5 elk" in lower left. Unidentified
symbol in upper right. Drawing by Carl Higdon.


"5 people (humans) on platform" waiting at "tower" where Carl Higdon
described going up in an elevator with the entity Ausso. Drawing by Carl Higdon.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by spacevisitor

Spacevisitor-some great additions there mate.

The Manhattan Abduction,Linda Cortile Napolitano - November 30, 1989


..Napolitano claimed that she was abducted by the so-called "greys," who floated her from a closed bedroom window into a hovering UFO. The craft was waiting for her above a Manhattan apartment building at about 3:00 A.M. November 30, 1989.

Witnessed by the former Secretary General of the United Nations.

The case would take a dramatic turn when Bud Hopkins finally discovered the identity of the United Nations representative, or the "third man," as Javier Perez de Cuellar, the former Secretary General of the United Nations. Naturally, Hopkins' dream would be to get Cuellar to go public with his acknowledgment of the facts of the abduction, which would bring the case and the entire alien abduction question to a sensational level of acceptance within the public's eye, and the scientific community.

The Linda Napolitano affair is without question one of the best documented alien abduction cases in UFO history. Most of these cases are related to authorities and investigators by a single person. It is extremely unusual to have multiple witnesses, especially those totally unknown to the experiencer, to validate the facts of an alien abduction. Hopkins did an exceptional job of holding together the case, despite some unusual twists and turns.
Skeptics, as you would expect, dismiss the case without offering any evidence to support their theories, except the commonly used statement, "it can't happen, so therefore it didn't."

[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by chris_stibrany

I remember in some of Whitley Strieber books he talks about an incident where he was driving along a highway when he seems to have experienced a time slip. He found himself driving along a street lined with roofless houses with a serpent symbol on the front of each of them.

Also the symbol of Imhotep and later Hermes, the snakes features in myth and legend going back to the beginning of time. Someone better read and with more time than I've got may be able to extract a grain of truth from the various myths to deduce why the serpent symbol is seen on apparent aliens today.

Does it symbolize the Tree of Life, our twin strand DNA, the Milky Way, a serpent master race from Orion? It's one of the few symbols in use all through history, and to know of its origins would be fascinating.

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