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The phenomenon of Jews spitting on Christians and their symbols

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posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:08 PM
I am truly flabbergasted as I have never heard of such a thing before. I am unsure what is inspiring the small section of Jewish heritage people to spit on Christian heritage people, nonetheless it should be condemned. In no way this represents all Jewish people same like all other religious groups. Here is a recent article trying to find the source of this whole phenomenon:

Father Samuel Aghoyan, a senior Armenian Orthodox cleric in Jerusalem's Old City, told the newspaper “that he's been spat at by young Haredi (God-fearing religious Jews) and national Orthodox Jews “about 15 to 20 times” in the past decade”. Father Aghoyan added: "Every single priest in this church has been spat on. It happens day and night."

Similarly, Father Athanasius, a Texas-born Franciscan monk who heads the Christian Information Centre in Jerusalem’s Old City, said he's been spat at by Orthodox Jews "about 15 times in the last six months".

Jewish spitting is not exactly breaking news. I myself have explored the issue more than once. The Israeli Professor Israel Shahak commented on Jewish hatred towards Christianity and its symbol, suggesting that “dishonouring Christian religious symbols is an old religious duty in Judaism.” According to Shahak, “spitting on the cross, and especially on the Crucifix, and spitting when a Jew passes a church, have been obligatory from around AD 200 for pious Jews”.

Interestingly enough, Jewish spitting has had an impact on the European urban landscape. The following can be read in a Travel guide for Jewish Europe.

“In Prague’s Charles Bridge, the visitor will observe a great crucifix surrounded by huge gilded Hebrew letters that spell the traditional Hebrew sanctification Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh Adonai Tzvaot, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts”. According to various commentators, this piece, degrading to Jews, came about because in 1609 a Jew was accused of desecrating the crucifix. The Jewish community was forced to pay for putting up the Hebrew words in gold letters. Another explanation is that a Jew spat at the cross and for this he was to be put to death as a punishment. When this man begged for his life, the king, seeking to have good relations with the Jews, said the Jewish community had to rectify the offence…” (To read more, click here.)

Shahak maintains that “in the past, when the danger of anti-Semitic hostility was a real one, the pious Jews were commanded by their rabbis either to spit so that the reason for doing so would be unknown, or to spit onto their chests, not actually on a cross or openly before a church.”


I am curious though why Israeli Govt. have not enforced hard laws against this practice or why have any Rabbis/ Priests not condemned it yet as the below Haaretz article suggests. And is it really true Christians locking themselves into their quarters during any holidays/ceremonies being celebrated by Jewish religion people, it's kind of hard to believe such a claim.

A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem's Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window. When the clergyman let the window down, the passerby spat in his face.

The clergyman prefered not to lodge a complaint with the police and told an acquaintance that he was used to being spat at by Jews. Many Jerusalem clergy have been subjected to abuse of this kind. For the most part, they ignore it but sometimes they cannot.

On Sunday, a fracas developed when a yeshiva student spat at the cross being carried by the Armenian Archbishop during a procession near the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City. The archbishop's 17th-century cross was broken during the brawl and he slapped the yeshiva student.

Both were questioned by police and the yeshiva student will be brought to trial. The Jerusalem District Court has meanwhile banned the student from approaching the Old City for 75 days.

But the Armenians are far from satisfied by the police action and say this sort of thing has been going on for years. Archbishop Nourhan Manougian says he expects the education minister to say something.

"When there is an attack against Jews anywhere in the world, the Israeli government is incensed, so why when our religion and pride are hurt, don't they take harsher measures?" he asks.

According to Daniel Rossing, former adviser to the Religious Affairs Ministry on Christian affairs and director of a Jerusalem center for Christian-Jewish dialogue, there has been an increase in the number of such incidents recently, "as part of a general atmosphere of lack of tolerance in the country."

There are an increased number at certain times of year, such as during the Purim holiday."I know Christians who lock themselves indoors during the entire Purim holiday," he says.

Former adviser to the mayor on Christian affairs, Shmuel Evyatar, describes the situation as "a huge disgrace." He says most of the instigators are yeshiva students studying in the Old City who view the Christian religion with disdain.

"I'm sure the phenomenon would end as soon as rabbis and well-known educators denounce it. In practice, rabbis of yeshivas ignore or even encourage it," he says.

Evyatar says he himself was spat at while walking with a Serbian bishop in the Jewish quarter, near his home. "A group of yeshiva students spat at us and their teacher just stood by and watched."

Jerusalem municipal officials said they are aware of the problem but it has to be dealt with by the police. Shmuel Ben-Ruby, the police spokesman, said they had only two complaints from Christians in the past two years. He said that, in both cases, the culprits were caught and punished.

Source: Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them

I also found another article from year 2004 from Telegraph Israel's Christians spitting mad and a more recent article from JPost of Nov 2009 Mouths filled with hatred which suggests the problem is occurring from a long time now but no concrete steps have been taken to address this on a wide scale.

So is this a small section of people from Jewish heritage spitting on Christians due to some old text from a bible/book or is there something more than that? Well whatever, it may be I hope people come in their senses and stop abusing each other in name of religion or some old text.

+3 more 
posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by December_Rain

I think spitting jews are the least of anyone's problems...


posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:22 PM
What is it about the middle east that turns everyone there into a complete douche-bag?

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by Kaytagg

They don't have any marmite.

In any case, i have heard of this before. And you hear alot of stories of it happening in Israel, religious nuts will be nuts no matter which country or religion we are talking about in the end. Im sure it's simple religious elitism.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 04:20 PM
Jews are a very mucousy people, when the need to expectorate arises, you better watch out.

The loogies may land on anyone any where.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 04:54 PM
Now, know that you are not suppose to ridicule or question anything the jews say or do. Remember they ARE Gods' choosen people and are far better then everyone else.

gentiles need no apply

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by Kaytagg
What is it about the middle east that turns everyone there into a complete douche-bag?


Before long that dog-waving tail will have all our countries passing laws to jail anyone who fails to appreciate the honour of being blessed with Jew-spit.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 07:42 PM
Breaking news. There are morons who belong to every religion.

There are Jews who spit at other people's sites. There are Muslims who throw rocks at other people's sites. There are Christians who have leveled other people's sites.

The sooner we start realizing that there are idiots in every group who don't represent the group itself the sooner we will be able to consider ourselves better.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 07:56 PM
Yep, your right.. I played at this Jewish festival once, and it wasn't just the symbols, but the snares and the bass too! Had to clean of the whole drum set!

I don't think all Jews feel that way just as every christian don't believe that all Jews killed Jesus.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 08:04 PM
its so funny when nazis come into these sites and try to spew their anti-semetic propaganda. spitting jews? you're right, there are always a few bad apples in every crowd, but why are you putting the spotlight on jews here? seems like somebody is jealous of chanukkah.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by nihilus
Breaking news. There are morons who belong to every religion.

ITA with Nihilus.

As a Jewish person, I will state that these people are the equivalent of fundamentalists of other religions.

In case you didn't already know this, my people fight and kill each other in Israel simply over the differences in HOW the religion is practiced and holy days observed. And it's usually the extremists who are the instigators.

Therefore, if you think Israeli Jews are singling out Christians, think again.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 08:30 PM
Perhaps the reason why to-day's so-called 'orthodox Jews' ritually-spit on the crucifix because they are not (ahem) supposed to make 'graven images' at least accordin to the so-called 10 Commandments, and we all know what the Talmud says about the goyim ('idolatrous ritually unclean dogs, oxen, with animal natures..') of course that didn't stop 'Mosheh' from making a Midianite Bronze Snake Idol and even having the nerve to stick it up on a pole (read Numbers 21:7 if you don't believe me !) and then there's that golden calf thingy that his so-called 'brother' A'aron made out of spare earrings, but I digress...

Another reason why these Turko-Ukrainian AshkeNAZIm feel the need to moisten the crown of thorns with their spittle might be because they see R. Yehoshua bar Yosef the Galilean Nazir as one of them, i.e. a Daviddic pretender who never successfully overthrew the Romans at Pesach in 36CE during the 'Insurrection' (the 100th anniversary of the invasion of that other 'fiflthy gentile pig-dog' the Roman General Pompey and his Sticky Fingered Cohorts in the Holy of Holies in BCE 63, at the 100th anniversary of the Macabbean Revolt agains the Syrian Greeks in 163BCE...)

These ultra right wing fanatic 'zealotim' feel it their duty to remind the world that R. Yehoshua (far from blasting the Roman Army to kingdom come with the Sword of his Lips Upon the Mount of Olives (Zechariah chapters 9 through 12), was executed as an armed seditionist against Rome, whose blatantly terrorist acts (whips, chains and those pesky money changers in the court of the goyim, I mean really now) cast fuel to the fire which ended up costing Judaeism its Nation AND its Temple in 70CE during the 1st Failed Jewish Revolt against Rome (we recall the Greek words placed into the 'good Rebbe's mouth in the canonical council approved Greek gospels, don't we? ''Behold, the Bar-Enasha (Son of Man) will tear down this Shrine made with Hands (i.e. idolatrous) and will rebuild it in three days, NOT made with hands !).

Also this crown of thorns wearer went around claiming that 'all these things will have taken place before some of you standing here taste death' in his prophecies about the end of the world (or maybe he was just talking about the destruction of Eretz Yisro'el, hmmmmmmm.....) which well, didn't exactly pan out the way he would have liked it to I guess those 12 LEGIONS of Jewish-Angels on the hill never showed up at Golgoltha on schedule as planned, and well...look how THAT turned out...!) therefore 'if a man claimeth to speak an oracle of YHWH and it DOES NOT come to pass, YOU WILL NOT LISTEN TO HIM, that man is a false prophet, and you will stone him with stones...' as it says in the Torah.

Since his '2nd Coming' never materialised and the end of the stinky wicked goyim also never took place as advertised, perhaps today's ethnically insecure Ultra-Orthodox-Racist-Sexist-Xenophobic-Turko-Ukranian-Khazarian-Jewish-converted gentile descendants have a point on spitting all over the guy -- I mean, all they're saying is...'this guy's a false prophet--nothing he ever said came what do you want us to do..give him a medal ?!!'

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 08:43 PM
Very interesting.
I feel sorry for these victims and am (as usual) awestruck by the Jewish State of Israel. What an amazing place. John Hagee should move there and preach his gospel within spitting range.


posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 01:04 AM
Wow an opportunity for the freaks to bash both christians and jews in one thread. How lovely.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by nihilus
Breaking news. There are morons who belong to every religion.

There are Jews who spit at other people's sites. There are Muslims who throw rocks at other people's sites. There are Christians who have leveled other people's sites.

The sooner we start realizing that there are idiots in every group who don't represent the group itself the sooner we will be able to consider ourselves better.

Agree with you 100% on that. The sooner people stop ridiculing and hating each other because it's mentioned in some book the better the world would be.

Originally posted by Terces_Pot_Evoba
its so funny when nazis come into these sites and try to spew their anti-semitic propaganda. spitting jews? you're right, there are always a few bad apples in every crowd, but why are you putting the spotlight on jews here? seems like somebody is jealous of chanukkah.

I must have missed something, who is nazi here and who is "spewing" anti-semite propaganda except you? Mind explaining your baseless rhetoric? Or is it only Muslim and Christian spotlight threads are "pure" threads on ATS and rest all bad? Why not talk about bad happening being committed by this section of people of Jewish heritage? After all, there are numerous threads (in fact chain mail threads) bashing the whole Muslim an Christian heritage people. Or are we not allowed to speak about any crimes related to Jews? Maybe in your dreams.

If this is your motto:

My motto for you is this:

All people are equal and we have right to discuss about any race/section of people in the "real practical world".

[edit on 10-12-2009 by December_Rain]

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 08:10 AM
Jews don't like Christians because Christians are doing now what the Jews did in 740 A.D, converting to religion thats not theirs and changing the rules so they can pretend to be "Gods chosen people" and eventually claim Israel as theirs.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by buds84

Im a mssianic christian (jewish christian), so I must REALLY hate myself!

I have been to Israel many times, and have myself fell fowl of the Haredi/nazis'. Especially when they wait for us outside after a shabbat service
. They are workshy loosers who believe it isnt their duty to work, but to study Torah, yet forgetting to study that bit in the writings that says "you dont work, you dont eat." They also beat up and threaten their wives, and the ones who leave get beaten or worse. They are paid for by the goverment, and most Isrealis are pissed with them because they work there butts off, pay taxes, and have to suffer abuse from these self righteous hypocrites who DO NOT work, refuse to do military service, but spend the day hurling abuse at those that do, and smacking their noses off the wall whenever a pretty girl comes past
... If you are a woman, and get on the bus, and one of these asswipes is on, they will try forcing you to the back of the bus... I just give them the two fingered salute, then wait for the comming barrage of abuse!! Assholes!!

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by December_Rain
I am truly flabbergasted as I have never heard of such a thing before. I am unsure what is inspiring the small section of Jewish heritage people to spit on Christian heritage people, nonetheless it should be condemned.

Just off the top of my head, in the last few years, a family of Jews were tortured and murdered in the Mumbai attacks, A Jewish boy was tortured and murdered in France, at least two Jews were beheaded. All for being Jews.

Thousands of cases of people all over the world enduring pain and death for their religions.

But you're traumatized by some Jews spitting on some Christians somewhere and need to create a thread to review this horrible crime against humanity.

Pretty self-evident what is inspiring you.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by mmiichael

Yep there are lot of atrocities in the world, if you'd like why not make a separate thread about it? Don't you care about them enough to make a thread and discuss about it? You haven;t yet so it's pretty self evident you dont and jst want to derail other threads.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Selahobed

Why don't you instead report them to the cops? Don't other passengers in the bus object towards it? What do you mean they are paid by Israeli govt.? And why these ppl do not enlist...I thought it was mandatory for every yound person t serve in IDF, is it not correct?

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