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2010 A Very Bad Year

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posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 07:53 AM
For some reason I keep getting this overwhelming feeling that 2010 is going to be a very bad year, unlike anything I have seen in my lifetime. I've never had this feeling before about any other year. It's coming to me that there could be a lot of scarcity and suffering brought on by war coupled with the devaluation of the dollar. What do counties do when they are desperate, they go to war? But this only makes matters worse because the people will not stand for having nothing and when they become desperate, they take matters into their own hands to get what they want and need for their families. I see riots and looting, destruction and fires in the cities, families dressed in rags and desperate for food. I see martial law and troops in the streets and groups of people fighting these troops with anything they can throw at them. Has anyone else felt this way about 2010? I don't consider myself psychic, but I can see these things just like I am watching a movie. I need to know if other people see these things to so I can confirm that I may be right about these visions.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by prophecywatcher

For some reason I keep getting this overwhelming feeling that 2010 is going to be a very bad year, unlike anything I have seen in my lifetime.

You need to be more positive. Mix with positive people. Read good books. Stop believing the hype. Yes, we’ve been through rough times, but nothing lasts for ever.

I've never had this feeling before about any other year. It's coming to me that there could be a lot of scarcity and suffering brought on by war coupled with the devaluation of the dollar.

What about this year? Didn’t it “come to you” in 2008 that 2009 might have been a downer? Oh well, never mind, the year’s nearly out and we’re still here, bruised and battered, but still standing.

What do counties do when they are desperate, they go to war?

When countries are desperate, they ask for help. When did I miss that – say - Ethiopia arming up and declaring war on Switzerland just to get hold of their food, wealth and material goods?

I see riots and looting, destruction and fires in the cities, families dressed in rags and desperate for food. I see martial law and troops in the streets and groups of people fighting these troops with anything they can throw at them.

Has anyone else felt this way about 2010? I don't consider myself psychic, but I can see these things just like I am watching a movie. I need to know if other people see these things to so I can confirm that I may be right about these visions.

You “see” these events, do you? I thought you said you weren’t psychic?

What you’re doing is projecting all of the negativity and pessimism that has infected your life via conspiracy sites and biased media and are now systematically tearing down the normally confident, optimistic approach to life that balanced, reasonable people have in favour of gloom and a feeling of complete hopelessness.

Or, you want people to question you about your “visions”, so you can mutually grieve over something that hasn’t yet happened.

Or, you are psychic and we’re all screwed.

Just my opinion…

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by prophecywatcher

You probably should get that eerie feeling. Let's see, you've been here for a few months i see. About the right time length for some of the crap that you read on ATS to sink in. Dont worry it will go away when you realize that all the doom and gloom is basically pointless. IF its a bad year then its just a bad year. There is nothing that either you or I can do about that. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Definately dont let the crap that you read on here go to your head tho.


posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:57 AM
I kind of see the opposite happening, I mean more and more people are "waking up" to biased media, and other happenings. You may have been reading too many negative things that could have caused this.

There are many negative things happening, but there are just as many people who want to, or are doing positive things too.

Cheer up.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 10:05 AM
I certainly would not be surprised if we see major war in 2010. World economy in downward spiral coupled with what's going on with Iran does not bode well. But whatever happens, try and make the best of it and approach it in as positive a way as you can.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 10:18 AM
Yes, very common. Celente has predicted all of that and more for next year.

Click Here

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 10:27 AM
It is only my most humble opinion but I see 2010 being a good year.

The formula for making it so is as follows:

You + good attitude + growing your garden + voting in all elections + meditation + positive thinking + staying busy = A Better Year

I have kidney failure, lost much money in the stock market and am old.

But I am going to have one of the best years of my life in 2010.

My garden is growing very well, my animals are healthy and productive, and my daughter is opening a thrift store in January.

Your life is what you make it and how you accept and deal with problems along the way.

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy 2010.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by bargoose
I certainly would not be surprised if we see major war in 2010. World economy in downward spiral coupled with what's going on with Iran does not bode well. But whatever happens, try and make the best of it and approach it in as positive a way as you can.

Good prediction. But this war only goes right along with the 7 phase plan of reformation of the caliphate.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 10:45 AM
Feelings of future ill omen are pretty common around here:

I've got a bad feeling about Mardi Gras this year

Ever get a feeling something bad is going to happen like Déjà vu

2006: A Very Dangerous Year!

You can find confirmation or denial from just about anywhere.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Toromos
Feelings of future ill omen are pretty common around here:

I've got a bad feeling about Mardi Gras this year

Ever get a feeling something bad is going to happen like Déjà vu

2006: A Very Dangerous Year!

You can find confirmation or denial from just about anywhere.

Heh. All this negative energy, no wonder why it's going to be a bad year. Why 2010 will be bad, nuclear activity between Iran and Israel. Afghanistan fard ayn. Economic games that affect the middle class that causes more crime. Food additives and other incidents. More biologicals...

[edit on 3-12-2009 by JJay55]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 11:08 AM
Funny you mention this... Last night I was just sitting on my couch when all the sudden 2010 popped in my head, and I had a overwhelming feeling of dread. I was even dizzy for a moment. I said out loud to my husband, " Something really bad is coming" and no, I was not having a cardiac episode nor am I in ill health. This just came out of the blue, and the very first thing that came to mind was 2010. So... We'll see. I hope to God I'm wrong, because I'm sick of bad news.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 11:14 AM
It doesn't take visions to know that Spokane aren't going to sweep the world series.

Simple mathematics shows that the world is one hellava mess.

This is why the world will sink like a cinderblock in liquid jello in 2010:-

- The Credit Default Swap debt is so large that if every human on the planet gave up their paychecks and every company gave up all their corporate profits as a gift for the rest of erternity o help service a to help out, the debt would be almost but not quite serviced. In short, the CDS debt is now greater than the asset value of the planet. The obvious thing to do is to jettison it by cauterising, allow the debtors to go spectacularly bankrupt to t protect the rest of us, but what has Obama and Brown done? Convince us all the world leaders to hardwire it into the tax system with the bank bailouts.

- Obama seems to be some guy in a trance. He is still fighting the battles of the 1960's and 1970's regarding health care. With a determined "head-in-the-sand" policy, he has abdicated control of the USA economy, defence etc to a small clique so he can just continue to peddle his trivial rubbish.

- Obama is no new FDR. ALthough FDR massively boost public spending in major works programmes, he also passed the Economy Acts, one of which summarily slashed government worker pay by one third overnight whilst Obama is just running up an unlimited tab. One dollar in every 60 that the world makes is given as an EXTRA loan each day in effect, to the USA just to allow them to keep on spending out of control.

- The UK is only abour 6% of the world economy, but its collaapse would be devastating. Gordonj Brown has spent more cash in 15 months than in the entire rest of history. ANd what t=do the Brits have to show for it? A great road system like Hitler did? Major Hydroelectric plants like FDR? Nope, just a bunch of sports centres.

- The situation between Israel and Iran is becoming utterly explosive. I have always concluded that wars happen not bwecause their have causes to occur but a lack of causes to stop them. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was reported on page 19 of Le Figaro, yet after am inevitable domino effect, the First World War dragged most of Europe into an unparalleled event at the time. The same is true now. There is no reason why Israel will not attack Iran as we turn a blind eye to her own ignoring of nuclear proliferation. There is no reason why Syria and Russia will not honour their treaties with Iran. Russia has certainly had enough of having sand kicked in her face. There is no reason why Obama would not come to Israel's aid. There is no reason why this would not become a thermonuclear war when all are threatened.

- Protecting a handful of institutions that are "too big to fold" has created a deep arrogance in the Police, banks and government institutions. It is a recipe for a headlong collision, civil war abd rthe mass destruction of civil liberties in many places.

- Pumping people full of vaccines has resulted in the increasing development of superbugs. Devastating diseases will be the norms of tomorrow.

- Out of control GMO poses an extreme risk for the future. If we have helped plants to fight off predators, what is to stop them from evolving further to become toxic to their greatest predator, man?


posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by aristocrat2

- The situation between Israel and Iran is becoming utterly explosive. I have always concluded that wars happen not bwecause their have causes to occur but a lack of causes to stop them. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was reported on page 19 of Le Figaro, yet after am inevitable domino effect, the First World War dragged most of Europe into an unparalleled event at the time. The same is true now. There is no reason why Israel will not attack Iran as we turn a blind eye to her own ignoring of nuclear proliferation. There is no reason why Syria and Russia will not honour their treaties with Iran. Russia has certainly had enough of having sand kicked in her face. There is no reason why Obama would not come to Israel's aid. There is no reason why this would not become a thermonuclear war when all are threatened.


And more Middle Eastern countries will be drawn into the mix. Saudi oil fields will burn, Egypt will have problems and especially Syria will have high profile incidents.
Africa will also become an Islamic hotbed of activity as Solmalia, Kenya, and Libya become more involved in terrorist incidents.
Yes, Obama will leave Israel to fend for themselves.
Christmas this year should kick off this activity. Also Chaunaka as Jews and Christians will be targeted.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by JJay55]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 12:44 PM
Change the way you think about things and the things you think about change. It REALLY IS that simple.

Anyone who believes 2010 (or any given year for that matter) is going to be a great year or a bad year will create that for themselves.

Those who create a great year are awake or waking and opening up.

Those who create a bad year are manifesting what TPTB want you to create. After all, they can't do it on their own. They just plant the seeds and the worker ants for that mission will create that reality.

Example: I work 1 or 2 days a week (a year ago I was working 5), but I am STILL able to pay all my bills and keep food on the table.

It's up to you.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Nivcharah


Be the change you want to be! Don't swallow the hype and climate of fear rhetoric that those higher up would have you believe.
In the end, it's your mind, not anyone else's, so create positivity and flowers will bloom for you!

I have fantastic feelings about next year, there's going be massive changes for me, I know it, and I'm looking forward to it immensely!

Go in peace everybody!

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 01:26 PM
Have you noticed yet that those saying "you're right to feel this way" are backing it up with actual facts about what's going on in the world and those that are saying "Just become positive" have nothing concrete as a light that points to the direction of happiness?

The thing is, they are both right.

The path to happiness is not found with your head in the sand. At the same time, there is little point in writing off an entire year based around possible events that realistically you have no control over.

I personally find that when I get so disgusted about what's going on, and I can't do much to change it (what can I really do if Israel attacks Iran?), I find things that I can do.

Upset about the rising costs of food? Start a garden. Raise a few chickens.

Upset by the children going hungry in Africa? Volunteer at a food bank or hospital.

Worried about the United States collapsing? Plan to get off-grid as much as possible. Sometimes planning what you are going to do is more soothing than even doing it. Start a "survival plan". Anything that will make you feel more in control IF TSHTF.

You get the idea.

Lastly, when you are on ATS and feeling as if you are facing an enormous amount of doom and gloom -- do a search on "predictions".

Once you start flipping through the huge number of threads revolved around false prediction dates you will realize that not even ATS knows everything.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by purehughness

Ahhh the eternal optimists. I used to smoke dope too. (just kidding)
Unfortunately there are those on the planet who plan to rain on your parade. They want to kill you and they are serious.
I hope for the best too but post 911 and the fact that the Awakening is 10 years away from the traditional Islamic warning make it likely that 2010 won't be a safe year for Homeland Security.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by prophecywatcher
I need to know if other people see these things to so I can confirm that I may be right about these visions.

Technically yes......

I see threads about them every week on ATS....yet they never occur

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 05:52 PM
2010 is going to be an incredible year for mankind, the grasp that the ruling elites have on the average persons reality is slipping so fast and they know their time is limited.

Climategate can be the catalyst for the mass awakening of humanity and show people that you can't keep shouting down debate by linking it with being a quack or nutjob.

Its our time in the Sun and Conspiracy Theorist's ( truther's ) have been handed a gift which will be used to stop global government this week in Copenhagen or at very least put it back a 100 years.

2010 is not going to be bad so stop being negative.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 10:37 PM
I'm actually feeling the opposite. I'm feeling a bubbling excitement for 2010 more then anything. I think it's going to be the beginning of people realising that family, friends, health are more important than material possessions. I'm looking forward to it!

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