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Discussion of the Meaning of Our Lives in a Currently Unraveling Drama, and the Logic of Our Centers

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posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 03:46 PM
First and foremost, let me forewarn you that this will be stream-of-consciousness writing, deliberately mixed and unrefined, as I believe that best reveals the author of the story, if you will. I will also use metaphor, so please try to read between and beyond the lines. I am trying to show you what I perceive, and it is your WILL to accept or reject, all or bits of it. I have a reason for my methods, even if, at first, they seem strange to you. I humbly ask you to try to see the picture(s) I paint with these thousands of words, to see the forest beyond the trees, if you will. I will also do intriguing things with structure, CAPITALIZING certain words and arranging others in what may appear to be an odd way, all in the effort of creating a movie of what I see, in a way in which you too can at least come closer to seeing it as intended. If you are truly curious about the perspective which I now hold, it will certainly take some reflection on what I am authoring. You will maybe have to read this several times. BTW, this intro is much longer than the intro to most threads, but it was the only way to include what I saw as needing to be included. I apologize now if you see it as too long, but I would like you to read. I have this nasty tendency to tie in my views in another’s thread, so I thought it time to make my own, in order to end the hijacking. I think you will find it worth your time, if only for the mental exercise and titillation (I do think you will find much more real value, if you WILL). I WILL also say that this is my view, and I will certainly not judge (or at least shouldn’t) if you disagree, as I am human, and we all err (to forgive is divine). But I will tell you that I try to see a whole, and not a mere angle. The truth I seek is “holy” or “holistic” if you catch my drift. I try not to see a mere angle, but rather a circle. The angle I possess, in my arrogant weakness, would be viewed by me to be an “angel.” This necessitates that another be a “demon” to my angel, and it rotates what I choose to call the master/slave drama-wheel, the essence of the dualistic hell realm, so to speak. I also say that I view the circle as the collection of all angels and demons, that when transcended, is a “sphere of influence.” When this “sphere of influence” is transcended yet again, one becomes, say, the 4th dimensional (a singular view emerging from a Di-mention?) controller, that being that manipulates the entire drama, the entire sphere of influence in the effort to maintain its power. This “being” must be the “authority” behind the story, in all its selfishness. When the self does not want to control another but seeks to reconcile, yet a more transcendent dimensional perspective, if you will, then the sphere of selfish controlling influence, that which recycles wars, domination and manipulation, divide and conquer, master and slave, albeit with sometimes changing roles, this sphere can be exposed for what it is from, say, the 5th dimension. This “being” reconciles the characters in the drama, guiding them back to what they might understand as the essential nature of their human “being.”

I would like to introduce myself. I am in a body which happens to have just turned thirty, is male, and came to some sort of “awakening” maybe a year and a half ago, and it is something I have both been seeking and running from during my whole life on this planet (No, this is not an “I am an alien” thread, although I do believe they are trying to tell a sort of truth with a lie, as language is insufficient). I would also like to apologize for some of my recent posts, as I was certainly harsh. I, like us all, go through phases in our journey, and I see true communication as one of the hardest things to do in this world. In this world of master/slave, self/other duality in which we live, we seem to be constantly trying to put ourselves, our ego’s really, over another. These war games make true communication impossible. It is simply an anal, territorial vying for position. It desires to make the self master and the other slave. The self-identified master ruthlessly dominates in the form of force: logical control (ordered language) and law (force) to keep his or her position of control, because this self arrogantly views its own ego over another. The self-identified master also ruthlessly manipulates to keep his or her role, in the form of trying to hide the sources and associations of his or power, and in the form of causing confusion in the other, all wrapped into one. The self-identified slave creates “spirits”, spirals which are a third thing arising from the intercourse of “circles” and “lines,” dramas and time lines, woven webs and logical projections forward in time within this created circular drama. There is more to this dynamic, but I could go on forever. What eventually happens in a mindless animated meat puppet master and slave relationship, however, is that the master and slave roles reverse, but the same tired circular drama continues, albeit with a role swap. When a tipping point of us beings actually realize our MIND, then we can transcend, we receive grace or epiphany which removes us from this mere repeating program, this infinite loop. We are not robots; we have MINDS, if only we WILL to see it.

Nevertheless, I would again like to apologize for some of my recent posts, as I should strive to neither be too soft nor too hard, but flow and sync in being. It is not excuse, but I will honestly say that it is hard to avoid “being a mirror” to someone I perceive as acting as a “mirroring” agent, and not simply being. That is what I try to expose, but it is very difficult to show a “center” to someone who is routinely behaving (at least according to my perceptions, and I have been known to be wrong) as if a mere mirror.


[edit on 30-11-2009 by orwellianunenlightenment]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 03:47 PM
I will continue to share my view with you, if you permit it. Again, this will be stream of consciousness, a dance of words trying to reveal what I believe to be the logic of our centers. The transcendent logic, the UNIVERSAL (One verse) LOGOS that reconciles all the multiversal (many verses which compete) logos (as for logo, think of the will and mind set behind corporate logo, ya know, the spreading of some self-conceived image as if it is the end all be all, projecting itself in order to exploit others. It is a ruthless usurper of free will. It only wants your power, er, I mean money). The logo seeks to masquerade as the UNIVERSAL (one verse, one word, THE WORD) LOGOS, because it seeks to control, as it is trying to benefit from the master/slave hell realm in which we live. You see, I do believe in a singular God of sorts, but this God is magnitudes more wonderful than the God in the God/Satan dynamic. Don’t worry, the God I see does not need fawning sycophants and fearful followers. This God currently plays the character that resolves all dialogues, but is an infinity of magnitudes greater. God can choose to play a character, but is not the character. God merely assumes the roles of guiding characters. Dialogues create a monologue. When we forgive and try to resolve our differences, a singularity is birthed beyond the two. Eventually, there is but one monologue. I believe God becomes something else at this point, as something else is guiding things, and the force of God drives us. The “great I AM.” THE singularity of all singularities, ad infinitum. And I lovingly and in jest challenge an A-THEist to understand what I say. The atheist ironically has a THEistic principle behind his or her self. The atheist, at least the atheist who believes in free will, believes that he or she is the singular creator behind all of the characters who he or she chooses to role play. The atheist, or anybody else for that matter, who does not realize the essential free will, this being is stuck in the same loops, the same rituals (dancing in circles) and religions (which I suspect is sort of repeating the same drama or words, as in re (again) and ligion (which I suspect is either related to, say, ligament, or a CONNECTION, or to ling or lang, which is related to the tongue, or the spoken word)). So, I see ritual and religion as repeating the same drama, the same story, yet seeking a different outcome. A wise being once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results. I would further clarify by magnifying the word “insanity,” as being IN SANE, sane on the inside, even though that is not its official definition. You see, language is interwoven and quite connected, and it functions in multiple layers. Please humor me on this one. When one is IN SANE, one is sane on the inside, but one, say does not see the outside, or the “other.” Therefore, this being views all others as mere worthless characters in his or her drama, as meat puppets to be animated by his so called mind, but what we can rather call ego. Since many, perhaps most in this world are IN SANE according to my definition, then we all see ourselves as a god of sorts, forgetting that others have the right to a mind, as the response is naturally a resistance and reflection of this sort of original error, this desire to usurp another’s free will. When one claims a right, there is always a response in relation to the exercise of that right. Rights and responsibilities exist hand in hand. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The only way to reconcile war and hate is to view them as a singularity, a simultaneous occurrence. Men are at fault. Women are at fault. No, we are singularly at fault, (continued)..........................

[edit on 30-11-2009 by orwellianunenlightenment]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 03:49 PM
....., but the fault or fissure at least creates a crack in the ego, allowing for the possibility of an outer light entering, but only if we WILL. And we will only if we believe in free will itself. I become impatient by many’s reluctance to accept the concept of faith. I am certainly not talking about any specific religion or ideology or what have you, as these tend to have faith in you, to pull your puppet strings, rather than you having faith in them. No, I am speaking of faith as the reconciliation of hope and fear. Nevertheless, even the most logical and precise has its axioms, its foundations. It is in these things it believes. It has faith in these foundations, at least until they are shown to not fit with, to not reconcile with, to not mesh with the current picture the artist paints. At this point, it is necessary for the artist to develop another faith, as faith in nothing renders the artist irrelevant. With no faith, no foundation, the artist has no SOURCE material from which to create.

I see this current order as merely the master/slave order, ya know, domination and manipulation, divide and conquer, hope and fear, master and slave. People dominate because they want to NOT be manipulated out of their position, and because their ego’s desire to be greater than another, which screws it all up, as we are interconnected. ILLiterate IDiots and our egos. Where an id was, there shall an ego be. The problem is our ego developed out of our ill ids, and it thinks it is divine, like a sort of superego, but it is an egocentric devil. The FALSE CENTER of ego. We are all guilty, so we must all forgive each other. People manipulate because, YES, they want to ASSume the position of master, and because they do NOT want to be dominated. People hope for something because they fear something else, and they fear something because they hope for something else. Problem is nobody wants to be dominated or manipulated by another, but we are trying to dominate and manipulate our way out of the domination/manipulation dynamic . What mindless animated meat puppets we have been, for we have all been afraid of the most obvious of truths, love. Beyond the hope/fear wheel, one in which hope turns to fear turns to hope ad infinitum, ad nauseum, is a central loving faith. It is THE reconciling principle that gets us out of this "hell" realm.

When people view any higher authority through the lens of their ego, they always split it into two. This is a beast masquerading as divine. In order to create a heaven for oneself, one creates a hell for other, and so on and so forth.

Satan becomes God and God becomes Satan. They are both the same being. I will state that I see both God and Satan as disgusting, REACTionary beasts that keep us running in circles. They both seek total control. One is the right hand and one is the left hand of THE BEAST who, in all its folly, thinks it is the end all be all of all that ever was, is, and will be. Neither are the ONE true God, THE common thread which somehow is in us all, guiding us all. We cannot explain it with mere words, but we can guide ourselves and others to sync up, if you will. We can use words to lead ourselves and others to this singularity, as it is truly the ONE thing which is certain. All else springs from this one thing, and it must develop a mind to return. Beyond that, I am not sure, as that is a whole different realm, but it is, of course, far more “heavenly.”
On a related note, although it might be tangential on this circle, with women less capable of being viewed as second class citizens by society today, there is much integration taking place, as integration has been deemed "feminine." BTW, I believe we have always lived in a dualarchy, half patriarch and half matriarch. I see the patriarch aspect as external focused power and the hero or villain in a drama. I see the matriarch aspect as the drama creator in this matrix, seeking resolution to her circular drama. Both women and religion are given acceptable authority in this aspect, although men can be drama queens as well, although less are, as it is socially reprimanded. Both men and women can do it, but men tend to be not selected by women if they behave in such a way, as women project their animus onto the men they seek. That thing they perceive as NOT them. We split ourselves in two, per reptilian cord in our brain, and we define ourselves by what we are NOT. Men self-identify as NOT women. Women self-identify as NOT men. That ever-present mirror existing in duality. When singularity occurs, either miracles or plagues manifest. As woman has been a selfish manipulator (selfish as in denying any of the "other" "manly" aspects) and man has been a selfish dominator (selfish as in denying any of the "other" "womanly" aspects), when they unite they create a warring devil, both God and Satan in this current cycle. The wheel revolves in revolution after revolution, the revolutionaries overthrowing the reactionaries so that they can be the new reactionaries. The devil's drama, so to speak, continues, albeit with role-swapping. Mindless animated meat puppets running around in circles in this order of division, war, and exploitation, all thinking if the roles swap that the story will somehow magically change. How foolish this is. It is the essential folly of humanity. It just repeats. Most are chasing the lying rabbit, the false center, the ego masquerading as the end all be all, the devil-like beast. The character seeking and eventually aligning with the spiritual center, loving others as oneself and seeking spiritual reconciliation, this is the only "character" we can play that has authority over this nasty BEAST. When men approach this center, they become, say, more like Christ. BTW, remember that Christ is attributed as saying, “We judge others to the extent that we are judged.” In other words, judge some other wonderful soul as going to “hell,” then we create the downward spiral in ourselves that leads us into this “hell” realm of pure hate and separation. When women approach this center, they become, say, more like Sophia. Christ and Sophia are madly in love with each other, truly unite as one in ecstasy, and they become a sort of flourishing, boundlessly life-giving principle that naturally spreads to those in their glowing presence, as it such a wonderful thing. (continued)........

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 03:51 PM
The Christ is coming from pure LOGOS, which is a sort of logic seeking love or reconciliation. The Sophia is coming from pure PATHOS, which is a sort of emotion reconciled, love, seeking the LOGOS which, per free will, chose to align with love. This creates a boundless Agape-style love which is a beautiful creator. These two are aligned with THE creator, with the ONE true god. This is the only way I think we will ever be happy, or it is at least a gateway to the mysterious happiness that follows, sort of like threading the eye of a needle to reemerge on the other side. I also think it is inevitable, but that certainly does not mean that those of us with a mind and will to see must not willfully lead others through the door, but, of course, only per their free will. And that reminds me, yes we are often magnetically drawn to things in this world, we are often addicts, but that does not mean we cannot choose our addiction. The addiction can be seen as a spiritual alignment, and if the addiction is destructive of that which is beautiful, then it reveals itself to be aligned with a warring, destructive of the whole, "unholy" "spirit." Then, the being behind the actor, the self behind the character, the true self, can choose to align with a different "spirit," or a different emergent pattern based one's CHOSEN alignments. We are human beings, and we have the ability to make infinite choices, despite what many of the devils who have so-called AUTHORity over your personal drama might say. I, like I suspect you might be, am quite tired of watching the devil's play over and over and over and over.....................

However, when enough see the impostor behind the curtain, that character controlling all other characters (except one sort, and I will get into that again later), we are disgusted, and we determine we are NOT that monster, we then become our thesis, the antithesis of the impostor. The dramas were created so the hero's could find the logic of our circle, in order that we might give up our angles and see the whole circle, being "holy" or "holistic." We then are something like you might imagine as Christ or Sophia, even though image is nothing in this current realm. This current realm or drama is merely somebody's attempt to play God and get other characters to act in his or her drama, to wipe his or her feces over everything in order to mark his or her territory. This sort of devil is marking his false center over everything, the MARK of the BEAST, if you will. The belief in some foolish other’s IMAGE, this leads to fear, because we instinctively “know,” or intuit, that the other seeks to control us with this BS image, that the other seeks to make us mindless animated meat puppets in its drama. We then develop PRIDE, as we must develop a false “certainty,” because how in this hell realm, how in the hell else are we going to cope with being characters in this devil’s drama. “Whatever, I do what I want.” We do not like at all being bound with these ties, so we develop this pride, this fixed view of self as a character, and not of self as the creator of the character, but foolishly we do not follow to the logical conclusion that we are characters in another’s drama, in the drama of HIS STORY, history. I think it is rather OURSTORY, but “our,” or “we” is the singularity of our many angular egos, and it is not the true self. It is the beast masquerading as divine. Nevertheless, this PRIDE then spirals down into VANITY, because when one has a fixed view of self as character, as if this being is merely this character and could be nothing else, this being looks at itself only in terms of its defined (externally and internally, in a feedback loop) character. This VANITY, or looking at one’s self-definition, this inevitably leads to NARCISSISM, or an attachment, or connection, or “love” of one’s so-called self. This NARCISSISM inevitably leads to LUST, or a reduction of oneself to mere reactionary animal forces. The character which naturally reduces to LUST only responds to authority, and “the BEAST, the Devil” is the author of this stage of the story. The self reduced to LUST becomes a mere 0 and 1, a binary computer, a quite easy thing to program and exploit in the process. It is a victim in the devil’s drama. This whole dynamic, but with “unholy” perspective, naturally repeats, until a sufficient number realize sufficiently the MIND, so to speak. But when many understand how to create (or at least instinctively create) selfish dramas, these dramas cause so many problems that it reinforces the absence of MIND. However, the further reinforcement of the absence of MIND, the fall of humanity if you will, this force eventually is in such control and causes so much pain that a reconciliatory force must rise, as integration and reconciliation is necessary for the continuation of life. The night is darkest before the dawn, so to speak. Yet again, I know I am typing stream of consciousness style, and certainly something will get lost in translation, but I beg everybody, every SOUL really, to love itself and others, forgive itself and others, and try to see the author behind this drama I create. It is truly going to work out wonderfully. Again, that does not mean we should be lazy, as I think we should choose to behave as a character to resolve this drama, but never forgetting that we are something grander, more beautiful, more transcendent than the machinations of the character’s we assume.

[edit on 30-11-2009 by orwellianunenlightenment]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 04:12 PM
The duality within the mind stems from the manipulation from the entities of the astral sphere. That manipulation is in part responsible for the unconscious process of thoughts that are channeled throught the human psyche.

The egoic illusion of the propriety of the thinking process creates the division with the psyche. This is why there are masters and slaves, either from visible or invisible spheres. The subjective approach to thoughts keeps humans slaves of the astral plane, and this plane wants to keep their dominion on the human race.

When we are aware of the manipulation and of the influences, we can start to see the cosmic lie that has been imposed on the souls in order to fully experiment the 3rd density and begin the process of setting ourselves free from any and all manipulation.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by lagenese

It is good to see another "head." Frankly, what I wrote was so long and, quite frankly, a little bit hyper, that I was surprised that I saw someone respond so soon. You are right about the astral entities. They are what I refer to as "angles," the source of angels and demons, so to speak. I was just trying to get others to see the grand feedback loop, the drama of all dramas in this "hell" realm. There is a way out of the astral, as you put it, influence. However, I think that one must be keenly aware of the IMAGE sequence which I presented. This helps to unravel and expose the angular influences which repeat this mindless cycle. I was viewing the Christ/Sophia singularity as the reconciliatory force, that which makes us whole again after we see the "angels" and "demons" for what they are. They are yet more of what I would call "beasts masquerading as divine." When one figures things out by removing the IMAGE, then one must integrate and heal, albeit on a higher level, in order to cope with the roles we must play in this realm. If only more could see, but it is very difficult and jarring and troubling to admit what we thought we actually were, we were not. History has a way of unfolding to force more to "see," however.

I am just going to add a little more insight. I think the vast majority of the people in this world are SEVERELY schizophrenic. They can only view themselves as a half, so they automatically (mindlessly) split themselves down the middle. Ironically, I view those diagnosed (so-called unknowing the truth from two dualistic egoic lies, di=2, with agnosed being related to agnostic, or without knowledge. If only they knew the very word for "labeling" revealed their BS, or egoic so-called "knowledge,"), those diagnosed as being schizophrenic are those who tried to heal the split, but miserably failed. A lucky few, however, are able to reemerge whole. Those are the true spiritual leaders, although they are often rejected in this reverse matrix of sorts, one in which the animal alphas stomp on the spiritual alphas, all because not enough have developed a mind.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by lagenese

If you come back to this thread genesis, as I respect your view, do you see the experiment as nearly over? Because that is how I see it, as a series of the same cycles wrapping tighter and tighter, the iterations being more and more rapid, all until we get to that "point." I see that point as end game, but I do not know if all, or merely some, make it through the eye, so to speak. I do not know if some will either be annihilated or devolve or have to repeat the grand cycle, or if the lesson conveyed by the speeding cycles is conveyed in such a way that we all "make it." Maybe we are not supposed to know the details. I am sure you are familiar with the saying, "the devil is in the details." Regardless, "it" is going to happen, whatever details spring forth. Or should I even be discussing "it" in these specific form on a forum. I think I should, as it is always time for those with ears to hear, and especially at this point in history. I will not necessarily agree with you, but, again, I would like to see your view.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 10:51 PM
i think the ego is a necessary part of your being.. a necessary part of infinity.. its the filter which reality is pumped out thru to make your reality truly unique.. its when you deny it that you go into repeat.. you start denying your individuality..ur ego.. yeah its an illusion to the super reality that everything comes from the same infinite source but its still necessary for experience. unique experience. its the only things thats ever inspired change in ur life..its ur mind for #sake... cant stop urself from having original thoughts inspired by the ego.. i think its a huge conspiracy that the ego is something that needs to be rejected.. we just need to use it for change.. the change that our egos keep trying to inspire in us

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by Gangie Doodle

I know what you are saying, but I am distinguishing ego from super-ego. Super-ego could properly be called God, as it is the most perfect singularity of singularities existing at an infinite distance from the self identity. Creating a perfect reconciliatory character in this drama is not only possible, but inevitable. When the ego fully reveals itself as impostor, a dividing, selfish beast, it is rejected as the true self. You see, the ego is necessarily limited to a domination and manipulation dynamic, a master/slave order, with revolution after revolution of the same devil's drama. It is the inevitable personal and societal development. The reconciliator would be the character who brings forth a quantum leap in conscious evolution, which will happen quite soon. The reconciliator is an individual fully in tune with the super-ego, so this character can easily puppet master the fully centered ego, the beast, if you will, and direct it towards the super ego in a beautiful, bountiful, symbiotic society. It is the LOGOS (universal logic seeking reconciliation) which can love and sync up with the PATHOS (emotion reconciled into love). The ego will be seen as a mere tool, and it will have no bearing on self-identity.

I am not talking about truly killing the ego, per se. I am talking about the inevitable reconciliation of duality and ascendancy of self over ego, rather than the beast masquerading as the divine. The ego drew us toward it's center as if it was the end all be all. Once we found the center, it was no longer necessary for self-identification. One might view it as necessary to continue the master/slave wheel. However, this one is in for a huge surprise when the inevitable antithesis to the beast emerges in full force, the final solution to our spiritual problems. The seeds have already been planted, and they continue to be planted. It is already done, in as sense, as it is inevitable on the timeline. It occurs right at the end of this drama, and the beginning of the next

When our LOGOS AND PATHOS merge, then we can inspire others and ourselves, ourselves, as we are aligned with what we might call God. The spirals inspired by the mere ego are all downward, and it is just a master/slave swapping roles infinite loop. Completely MINDLESS.

[edit on 30-11-2009 by orwellianunenlightenment]

[edit on 30-11-2009 by orwellianunenlightenment]

[edit on 1-12-2009 by orwellianunenlightenment]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:06 AM
Hi there,

Not bad at all for your first thread... Flag and 5 stars for you.
Have you read Ego- The false center?

Good work.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:11 AM
i think your completely wacko in your theories.. i think your probably a govt agent trying to trick ppl into thinking that their individuality was something seperate from god... the ego is not an imposter... its always been there and always will be... your theories just use mysterious vocabulary and seemingly intellectual concepts that really in all liklihood hold no value in reality.. its just a bunch of gibbergabber that they try to use to make you think that they know more than you... about superegosssss and logos and pathos merging...???? the trickster is the one trying to get you to reject your ego and become a copy of a copy.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by Gangie Doodle

Trust me, I hear you, and I have thought a lot about exactly what you are saying. The center is naturally frightening to the mirror. I do not think I am subject to the trickster in these thoughts, as I do not seek to trick others. I do create a story to reveal an author, yes. However, I am very open and honest about my goal, the resolution to my drama. I seek peace and reconciliation. I seek both infinite love and free will existing hand in hand.

You, however, seem (I have been known to be wrong) reacting quite strongly now. If you are saying a mere reaction is from God, something divine, then I have a bridge in the Sahara to sell you. This, in my view is you worshiping the "snake god," your reptilian cord, your binary center. I had enough faith to bridge the gap and experience a perfect, all-loving God. This damn ego is not god. It is THE BEAST, BAPHOMET, what have you. The god of hell on earth, the devil. I do not bow before the devil; the devil rather bows before me, as it has no authority over me. The spirit of hateful, unforgiving division must always bow to a spirit of loving reconciliation. It is time we forget "Agent Smith." Peace.

Regarding, "its always been there and always will be:" Are you saying that the conceptions of the character you play in the devil's drama will always be. Who is trying to separate oneself from God now. You are saying thay you are absolutely right about a personal whim, no if's and's, or but's. The God many worship is the false self, the devil so to speak. I worship a God beyond me, a God of perfect love and perfect reconciliation. This God enables the most heavenly realm, one in which all live in a symbiotic state of abundance, yet simultaneously have a free will. This will is free to explore and create without everything soon falling into the quicksand from which it came. The selfish trickster has tricked most, and I shall help reconcile its victims.
[edit on 1-12-2009 by orwellianunenlightenment]

[edit on 1-12-2009 by orwellianunenlightenment]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:34 AM
you tell me i worship a "snake god" i worship no such god. you tell me a reaction cannot be from god because it is not "divine" enough.. wake up buddy.. everything is from god... god is infinite.. reactions do not escape infinite.. nor the bridge in the sahara.. all of these things... and you still try to tell me to deny my ego... because you say it is not from god... when god is everything... if its not from god where did it come from.. if its not a part of infinite how does it exist wise guy..

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by Gangie Doodle

It had a time and a place, as it forces us to see all consequences to our actions. It is a loving, but painful matrix placed to enable us to both choose (free will) and love each other.

And yes, the process did come from God, but in our selfish, sadistic, greedy, lustful arrogance (which develops from our CHOICES, I must add), we see the author of our domination and submission rituals, our divide and conquer techniques, our masters and slaves, as God. But God is no such thing. WE continually recreate the master slave dynamic, as we lust to rise above another, to be God and control others (slaves). Don't be that arrogant angel (angle) who thinks he is whole. Vainglory is a destructive spell, and I destroy it.

Listen, I apologize if I came across as harsh, but I am showing what I understand. You are free to agree or disagree or anything across the entire spectrum, whatever you WILL. Your worries of Anti-Christ figures is quite sound. But those, in my view, are the ego-maniacal devils who only seek to spread their IMAGE across society, and they pose as saviors. They will save you by controlling you, pulling your puppet strings. I call BS on the entire concept of that ever-present vainglorious image, and I seek power over no soul. I seek to spread the power all over, killing the master and slave simultaneously. I am just trying to wake up people to the fact that their map is not the territory, and we must take into consideration the other. We must not usurp the other's free will, but show them how they are free to choose beyond their wildest imaginings. I also try to say that the perspective of perfect Agape love allows for free will to be abundant without perpetuating the master/slave wheel.

[edit on 1-12-2009 by orwellianunenlightenment]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by jinx880101

I promise I will read, either tonight or tomorrow.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by orwellianunenlightenment

Your thread is very deep in regard to what you have seen through your awakening experiences. I get that some of the terminology you use, you use just to explain some of your points, as some of what you are talking about is difficult to express. Some people describe belief systems as the Ego you refer to. I think either interpretation is fine as long as we understand the process in which these thought patterns impact.

You mention the meaningless dialogue that occurs to prove each other wrong. I think that is 100% correct. In fact I had been debating writing a thread very similar to yours in that describes how most of us really think we are thinking and critically analyzing things, when in fact it's just regurgitated information designed to feed the ego self, to make us feel like we know what we are talking about. In essence, with only think in 2 dimensions as it's either this way or that way. We rarely ever say if it could be different how would it be? We rarely ever dream about the possibilities of what could happen. We are taught to believe, when you dream something it is a fantasy, when in fact it is more real than the stuff you learned from someone else that now defines how you operate within the world.

What I've gotten more recently is that this game is nearing it's completion very soon. I didn't channel this, nobody told me this...but I feel something is changing very deep within the human soul. I see some people that do not get it yet, I'm hoping they do. Maybe one day we will have a word to describe these thoughts where everyone will understand what we are referring to. For now we have to relate "something" to "something else" to convey the point.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:55 AM
infinite wrap your mind around it.... your choices are inspired by god we are awareness we are tools of experience.. i do not think i am whole do not put words in my mouth.. i am change.. i am unique.. growth thru work,struggle..infinite is never whole.. it is always unique and everchanging and we are reflections of it in that we are never whole always just experiencing something new.. but only by accepting our individuality and our thoughts for what we think of them the ego..and allowing it to inspire change in this place.. to get people to wake up to our power and realize coporate power comes through our dependency on them.. the control us because they have all the supply.. but they need us.. or else they wouldnt keep us.. thats why people need to realize their individuality and inspire change and come together and spread the word of our power together as equals to create a society more suitable for our infinite natures.. where we arent slaves to a system the systems the illusion.. not the ego.. dont let them sidetrack you from the heart of the issue and thats the corporate greed. and how they've convinced us that we're powerless and that we should just sit and wait around... what are we waiting for the time is now.. this is the only time spectrum you will ever experience... dont worry about the past or future it all comes to pass in the now.. so focus on the the now and change it..

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 01:03 AM
you see what happens when you reject your ego.. you cant even describe what it is your talking about... why the # is the human language so limited... wtf are you talking about... dialogue expands ideas... it gets us out of our shells.. it allows to heads to expand on a topic. one person talks the other listens, expands and the conv just keeps continue to expand until at the end u have this incredibly unique idea that could have never been come to without it... ppl need to talk to each other... until we do no one will know how to cooperate and create change... and how can you cooperate without language... thats why that exists too ya know.. its nice to see that you called in backup

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by Gangie Doodle

You are calling what automatically pops in your head a choice? By definition, that is a reaction. God gave us choice, even if it seems to be sometimes governed by a mere yes or no. Nevertheless, even on that level, we are free to choose. God gave us free will to overcome the beastly ego, to conquer the flesh, not to worship that androgynous goat.

Are you sure you are not self-identifying as a fixed character, an id? The id worships the ego, or the devil, or that beast of self tricking you into believing it is divine. The reconciled ego worships the perfect God.

Edit: To expostfacto: I believe we will soon be there. The dialogues merge to create a higher-level monologue.

[edit on 1-12-2009 by orwellianunenlightenment]

[edit on 1-12-2009 by orwellianunenlightenment]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by Gangie Doodle

To further elaborate, our first choice was inspired by God. However, all subsequent choices are molded to fit in with our very own previous choices, making us the sum of all of our choices in relation to our perceived environment. We make many choices to avoid pain, without a damn bit of empathy for what pain it might cause the other. This is the fall of man, so to speak. And only one not seeking power over another in the grand scheme of things, one not trying to master a slave and spin that wheel, only this one can transcend and guide the ego, rather than allowing the ego to pull the strings. And until we discover this, the ego is a demon, or our personal devil. The collective singularity of all these misunderstood egos or demons is THE BEAST, THE DEVIL, the creator of this hell realm we call Earth. I would rather serve in heaven than rule in hell.

The system itself is the Devil. And we have all had a hand in creating it, because we sought to create a hell for another in order to create a heaven for ourselves. This mentality, or spirit, always crashes after its rise. It is like a grasshopper in a jar that was once closed. It still only jumps to where the lid once was, but is not longer. That is because this grasshopper is MINDLESS.

[edit on 1-12-2009 by orwellianunenlightenment]

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