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Cool Science Experiment - Boyd Bushman Idea !

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posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 10:53 PM
What will happen?
Buy 2 Neodymium Magnets at United Supermagnet #33 looks
pretty good.
First drill a hole through it.
Then cut it in half.
Flip the magnets North-North so they oppose each other.
Pass a bronze bolt through the hole and force them together.
Forget putting the 2 Neodymium magents in a rock or a bowling ball.
Just drop the original and the modified magnet with the bolt at the same time
from 5 floors up. have a sand pit on the ground. Video in HQ camera.
Post the result on youtube or Mythbusters?

Got the idea here:

Google Video Link

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 11:56 PM
Drilling (or sawing) of neodymium magnets is absolutely not recommended. First of all, the material is brittle and fragile like glass. Secondly, drilling causes combustible dust and, thirdly, the heat caused by the drill can possibly demagnetize the material.

Drill at your own risk. The powder from drilling burns like magnesium and is toxic

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by ANNED

I took another look at United
I looks like 2 #31 magnets and just 1 #32 magnet should do the trick.
You won't have to cut it in half.
All you have to do it is drill a 1/4 inch hole through the 31s.
Slow down the drill speed and use titanium drill bits.
Don't be such a chicken.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 12:11 AM
One or both of these two are up to something. Boyd seem to lead the interviewer to jumping to precipitous and nonsensical conclusions. Sometimes he laughs at it but lets it ride. Perhaps it was mutually planned.

I especially like the magnet through a tube trick that has nothing to do with antigravity, which is the direction in which the suggestions are running. It's simply an electrical generator that generates EMF in the copper which produces an opposing magnetic force to slow the fall of the magnet.

Magnets like that can be pulled from old hard drive servos though they're arc shaped. Stack 'em up for greater pull.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I checked United Nuclear again.
No drilling or cutting required.
Bob sells magnets with the hole already there.
It looks like 4 #310s Supermagnets.
2 north/south - no problem - go ahead and use a big brass bolt/nut.
2 north pole/north pole - you may have a fight getting them bolted
together. ---> Drop from 5 floors up. Land in a sand box.
BTW - find a jar of iron filings and check both for field strength
before dropping.
It looks like we won't have to spend $5000 for the magnets!

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Honestly, I wonder if Boyd left out that he was performing the experiments inside plastic and copper tubes just like he demonstrated towards the end, but ones nine stories high. He might just be telling it straight but scrambling up the order of things to confuse the issue. Yes, it would oppose the Earth's gravity.

And he gave the interviewer the Lazar tapes? He means ol' Bobby?

And yes, the nuclear plane has an energy source. Who'da thought?

Why would a true antigravity saucer have an altitude ceiling?

Then again, I'm thinking he might be saying something but trying not to say much of anything. Boyd is obviously very smart and just appears to be intellectually pwning the interviewer with sleight of mind.


posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 01:57 AM
Why not just clamp/glue the magnets together?

IMO the mythbusters failed when they made the personal flight/jet pack. They used the wrong gearing to the props.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by XL5
Why not just clamp/glue the magnets together?

Why not get some of those magnets and give it a go!

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by XL5

These are very powerful magnets.
Bob even has a warning on his magnet page.
A 1/2 " thick brass nut and bolt with large brass washers would
work best.
Assuming it does work, how could you make the field even larger?
What could you use as a magnetic wave guide? Iron/nickel/aluminum?
Lets say it works. How do you explain it?
North- to-North forced together causes???
How about this? Positive and negative force react in an annihilation
process creating an energy field sphere about 3 feet in diameter.
With the wave guide installed you could increase the diameter of
the sphere.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
reply to post by XL5

What could you use as a magnetic wave guide? Iron/nickel/aluminum?

Soft iron or wrought iron is good for magnetic fields.

You might also want to check out this related patent of Boyd's PatentStorm

I want to get around to trying this myself.

[edit on 26/11/2009 by LightFantastic]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by LightFantastic

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
reply to post by XL5

What could you use as a magnetic wave guide? Iron/nickel/aluminum?

Soft iron or wrought iron is good for magnetic fields.

You might also want to check out this related patent of Boyd's PatentStorm

I want to get around to trying this myself.

[edit on 26/11/2009 by LightFantastic]

If the energy field effects gravity, what else does it affect?
Say we are successful at increasing the sphere to 14 feet in
diameter with a wave guide.
Is time also affected?
Experiment 2: 2 Atomic clocks - rackmount design.
Synchronize the clocks. Place 1 outside the energy field sphere
on a desk. Place the other inside the energy sphere.
Does time slow down inside???


posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:32 PM
If it worked, I would use Mu/permalloy metal to lengthen the field, but I would imagine that as you lengthen the field, you also decrease the strength. That type of metal is supposedly what harddrive magnets are glued to.

Glue will work as long as the magnets are small enough and the strength of the magnets does not exceed the strenght of the glue. I may try it sometime. I would measure the weight of the magnets both attracting each other, then glue them together with super glue and weigh them again.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by XL5
If it worked, I would use Mu/permalloy metal to lengthen the field, but I would imagine that as you lengthen the field, you also decrease the strength. That type of metal is supposedly what harddrive magnets are glued to.

Glue will work as long as the magnets are small enough and the strength of the magnets does not exceed the strenght of the glue. I may try it sometime. I would measure the weight of the magnets both attracting each other, then glue them together with super glue and weigh them again.

I agree, mu metal has a very high permeability. You can find it in hard drives and shielded speakers.

It's not too hard to glue the small neo magnets but I wouldn't attempt it with the ones the OP is talking about. Boyd talks about $5000 magnets, I probably wouldn't go near them at all

Boyd mentions the field size but I am unsure if it the effect is proportional. Im not sure if you would be able to see an effect with smaller magnets and a weigh scale. Worth a try though.

It should also be possible to duplicate this with electromagnets, timing the fall with power on and power off.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
If the energy field effects gravity, what else does it affect?

Yes if it reduces gravity it should affect time. Hmmmm

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 07:11 PM
I found it very interesting he said, Area 51 was always being encroached, so they moved it to Tooele Utah.

So off I went to Google earth to have a quick look, and to the north is a well messed up image, which looks like the southern part of the salt lake.

I have always loved messing around with magnets, any I could find, my favorite are from old hard drives, I have a few dozen of them hanging around, I may well pull them out again and start messing about, I have a box of old Hardrives hanging around as well, I might start ripping them apart and getting some more.

Magnets are a lot of fun as long as your careful not to take your fingers off, and some of them can be lethal if your not careful, and that's just the attraction part.

Does anyone know what happens to the dust if one of these super magnets is ground up? do they lose all their Magnetic field? and become useless? or do you think enough would remain to mix it with something else?

I know this may sound really stupid, but believe me I am far from it, but I have read many theories about rotating Mercury engines, I was wondering if there was any remnant magnetism in the dust, what effect it would have if used with Mercury? and rotated with an electric field?

I saw a video a while back about Mercury in a container, with a copper plate below and one inside, when the Mercury was stired to create a vortex effect, with the electric field it continued to rotate and speed up, the details are really vague in my head, I will have to find the video again.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp

Why would a true antigravity saucer have an altitude ceiling?

If its ANTI-gravity, maybe it will lose the ability to reverse gravity as gravity is reduced. The further away from the attracting body the less pull. So, less repulsion for anti- gravity.

Maybe it would be like trying to swim in a vacuum.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by badgerprints

Originally posted by EnlightenUp

Why would a true antigravity saucer have an altitude ceiling?

If its ANTI-gravity, maybe it will lose the ability to reverse gravity as gravity is reduced. The further away from the attracting body the less pull. So, less repulsion for anti- gravity.

Maybe it would be like trying to swim in a vacuum.

The saucer inherently possesses a gravitational field anyway as it has mass. Under those rules, it could only hover but not lift as it would only negate earth's acceleration. To accelerate towards space under said system, it needs to more than offset Earth's pull. Also, there's the vertical component of atmospheric drag that adds to the needed force.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by badgerprints

Originally posted by EnlightenUp

Why would a true antigravity saucer have an altitude ceiling?

If its ANTI-gravity, maybe it will lose the ability to reverse gravity as gravity is reduced. The further away from the attracting body the less pull. So, less repulsion for anti- gravity.

Maybe it would be like trying to swim in a vacuum.

Well, that's easy to fix.
When you leave the Earth just fire up the ion drives.
Set a course for the moon or to Mars.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by LightFantastic

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
If the energy field effects gravity, what else does it affect?

Yes if it reduces gravity it should affect time. Hmmmm

They have a great engineer on Mythbusters.
They love to drop things from the top of buildings.
What do you think? Busted or Confirmed

- Spacial Deterioration of Time - ???

[edit on 26-11-2009 by Eurisko2012]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 11:15 PM
1) You better record the experiment very well because dropping neodymium magnets from high places will make them shatter or crack on impact.

2) Forcing two opposing magnets together makes them weaker, and over time they will loose their magnetism.

3) Drilling any holes in magnets is near impossible because the tiny fragments are magnetised and stick to your drill bit.

4) Forcing two opposing magnets together only causes their flux lines to NOT cross, and make sharp turns.

Like this image:

6) The Earth is a magnet, and probably causes the effect Boyd talks about. Depending on your location (North Hemisphere, South Hemisphere) you might get different results depending on which polarity you are opposing the magnets with.

In the North Hemisphere the Earths ground is dominated by South polarity magnetic force. In the South Hemisphere the Earths ground is dominated by North polarity magnetic force.

However, they key might not be to oppose the ground but instead attract the sky. In the North Hemisphere, North polarity magnetic force is coming from the sky. In the South Hemisphere, South polarity magnetic force is coming from the sky.

So I would try both N/N, or S/S in the experiment.

Have Fun.

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