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Third Secret of Fatima: behind the curtains.

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posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:44 PM
I am going to shed some considerable light on the release of the 3rd secret of Fatima in June 2000.

I'll start by presenting here the juicy and verifiable comments of Pope John Paul II.
Pope JPII's exact words, revealed in 1995 in his own Book "Crossing the Threshold of Hope", on page 221 he says: "And thus we come to May 13, 1981, when I was wounded by gunshots fired in St. Peter's Square. At first I did not pay attention to the fact that the assassination attempt had occurred on the exact anniversary of the day Mary appeared to the three children at Fatima in Portugal and spoke to them the words that now, at the END OF THIS CENTURY, SEEM TO BE CLOSE TO THEIR FULFILLMENT"

So here we see some substantial information, that:
a) Pope JPII believed the Fatima prophecies dealt with the future of 1995 and not the past.
b) that the Pope not only believed that the Fatima prophecy dealt with the Future, but that the Pope believed the prophecy seemed "close to fulfillment."
c) that the Pope places the Fatima prophecy in the context of the "end of the 20th century"/year 2000.
d) that the Pope uses the word "seems"(seems to be close to fulfillment)...but we can be almost certain that even if the 3rd secret itself predicted that the beginning of events definitely *WILL/WOULD* start before the year 2000 that the Pope would
be prudent and smart enough to state in public comments that the Fatima vision "SEEMS close" rather than use the phrase "IS close to fulfillment at the end of the 20th century", just in case the end of the 20th century transpires and their seems to be no beginning of fulfillment of the Fatima vision by then.

The above comment by Pope John Paul II begs the critical question "why on earth would the Pope state that the Fatima secret seems to be close to fulfillment at the end of the 20th century?"

There are only two good reasons the Pope would say such a thing: A) the 3rd secret itself contains a mention of a deadline of the 20th century/year 2000 for either the very START or the FULL COMPLETION of the unfolding of the Fatima prophecies. Or B)world events in 1994 such as the genocide in Rwanda, war in Yugoslavia, comet fragments hitting Jupiter were significantly apocalyptic in nature and possibly matching certain elements contained within the 3rd secret that this same Pope who suffered an assassination attempt on the Fatima anniversary date was simply caught up in the end times mania when he made the comment as the 2000th anniversary of Christ approached.

Fr. Malachi Martin claimed to have seen and read the the "third Secret" when he was Private Secretary for Cardinal Augustin Bea and a member of the Vatican Advisory council which was privileged to secretive information pertaining to Vatican issues (see Wikipedia: Malachi Martin). If indeed it is true that he had read the secret, through his comment on the Coast to Coast radio show with Art Bell, we can again discern that the third secret contained a reference to a point in time such as the year 2000/end of the 20th century, which would allow Fr. Malachi to suggest that the Fatima fulfillment is not as far off as humanity would hope...sooner than 20 years from 1997.
youtube audio of the Malachi Martin comment on the 3rd secret =>
Art Bell: Can you tell us, in a way that we can read between the lines, with regard to the third prophecy, is there a timetable you are aware of, that you cannot speak of but we can read between the lines.
Father Malachi Martin: Yes and No, there is a--( thinking pause here)--it is not 200 years away, it is not 50 years away, it is not 20 years away. (interview date: 12-3-1997)


posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 11:02 PM
Now let's jump to five years after the aforementioned Pope JPII's comment, to the year 2000. At the start of 2000, seemingly nothing of any significance was occurring in the world which would indicate that at least the VERY START of the events which would EVENTUALLY lead to global catastrophe and a time of mass religious persecution/martyrdom, had happened. What follows is quite telling. In the year 2000 the Pope/Vatican does a 180 degree turn and states the fulfillment of the 3rd secret had climaxed with the 1981 assassination attempt against Pope John Paul II which occurred on the MAY 13TH anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions. And they decide the time has finally come to officially release the 3rd secret to the world.

With this 180 degree reversal it became crystal clear to me, that a NON-OCCURRENCE/NON-BEGINNING through 1995 and 2000 was responsible for that 180 degree reversal of opinion between 1995 and the reversed 2000 opinion.

Such a *REVERSAL* would only happen if indeed the 3rd secret contained a specific time frame attached to the END of the 20th century for the VERY START of the events prophesized by the 3rd Secret *OR* if the 3rd secret mentioned that the COMPLETION of the Fatima events would occur within the entirety of the 20th century. Either way, the END OF THE 20TH CENTURY/year 2000 was the cut-off date. Otherwise, if there was *no* "cut-off" date mentioned in the Fatima prophecy this particular Pope that believed in Fatima so strongly and warned in 1995 that the prophecy seems close to fulfillment would have kept on believing in 2001, 2002, and 2003 that the 3rd secret fulfillment was still getting "closer to fulfillment" instead of suddenly regulating the fulfillment to the past and getting involved in a mild cover-up (or maybe not so mild) regarding the release of the 3rd secret. From that information we can discern that the cut-off date would have been the year 2000/end of the 20th century at the latest.

I BELIEVE THAT THE BIGGEST MILITARY CONFLICT AT THE END OF THE 20th century, THE NEARLY 3-MONTH BOMBING OF RUSSIA'S CLOSE ALLY... SERBIA, BY AMERICAN and NATO FORCES, OVER THE SERBIAN TERRITORY OF KOSOVO...WAS THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE EVENTS THAT WILL LEAD TO THE FULFILLMENT OF THE FATIMA PROPHECIES. But by January 2000, peace reigned in Serbia/Kosovo, and it did NOT seem at the time that the Kosovo conflict would flare up again and threaten to provoke a transformation of Russia into a provoker of wars and persecutions of the church.

Once that cut-off date of the year 2000/end of the 20th century had passed the Vatican had to make a judgement on:

A) whether the fulfillment of the Fatima prophecy was successfully completed by the year 2000. Yes or No?

B) whether the world had witnessed the "beginning" of events by the year 2000 that would lead to the Fatima fulfillment. Yes or No?

So the Vatican made it's judgement and released a part of the 3rd secret in June of 2000. Included with the official release to the world of the "Third Secret of Fatima" was a commentary/interpretation that kept hammering home the idea that the fulfillment of the vision of the 3rd secret of Fatima was rooted in the recently past "20th century."

Thus even within the Vatican's commentary/interpretation provided with the release of the 3rd secret of Fatima we are indirectly being informed that the 3rd secret of Fatima itself designated a time frame of 20th century/which implies the end of the 20th century as the cut-off point for the prophecies *starting point* or *end points.*
Look at how the Vatican repeatedly places the 3rd secret in context of staying within the confines of the time frame of the 20th century. (from the Vatican's website regarding the June 2000 release) :

((Vatican's 3rd Secret of Fatima page => )


posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 11:06 PM
the Vatican repeatedly placing the 3rd secret within the boundaries of the 20th century:

"A careful reading of the text of the so-called third “secret” of Fatima, published here in its entirety long after the fact and by decision of the Holy Father, will probably prove disappointing or surprising after all the speculation it has stirred. No great mystery is revealed; nor is the future unveiled. We see the Church of the martyrs of the CENTURY WHICH HAS JUST PASSED represented in a scene described in a language which is symbolic and not easy to decipher."
"In the (3rd Fatima) vision we can recognize the LAST CENTURY as a CENTURY of martyrs, a CENTURY of suffering and persecution for the Church, a CENTURY of World Wars and the many local wars which filled the last fifty years and have inflicted unprecedented forms of cruelty"
"In the Via Crucis of an ENTIRE CENTURY, the figure of the Pope has a special role. In his arduous ascent of the mountain we can undoubtedly see a convergence of different Popes. Beginning from Pius X up to the present Pope, they all shared the sufferings of THE CENTURY and strove to go forward through all the anguish along the path which leads to the Cross. In the vision, the Pope too is killed along with the martyrs. When, after the attempted assassination on 13 May 1981, the Holy Father had the text of the third part of the “secret” brought to him, was it not inevitable that he should see in it his own fate? He had been very close to death."
"The TWENTIETH CENTURY was one of the most crucial in human history, with its tragic and cruel events culminating in the assassination attempt on the “sweet Christ on earth” "
"Sister Lucia agreed with the interpretation that the third part of the “secret” was a prophetic vision, similar to those in sacred history. She repeated her conviction that the vision of Fatima concerns above all the struggle of atheistic Communism against the Church and against Christians, and describes the terrible sufferings of the victims of the faith in the TWENTIETH CENTURY."
"The vision of Fatima concerns above all the war waged by atheistic systems against the Church and Christians, and it describes the immense suffering endured by the witnesses of the faith in the LAST CENTURY of the second millennium. It is an interminable Way of the Cross led by the Popes of the TWENTIETH CENTURY."
"The Church's path is thus described as a Via Crucis, as a journey through a time of violence, destruction and persecution. The history of an ENTIRE CENTURY can be seen represented in this image."


posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 11:27 PM
It should be mentioned that after I've read about the public disputes between mainstream Italian personality Antonio Socci and Cardinal Bertone regarding the release of the 3rd secret, and after reading the book "The Secret Still Hidden" by Christopher A. Ferrara (you can read the book at the following webpage, scroll down to reach the table of contents ==> ) is clear that there is a mountain of evidence that demonstrates the Vatican withheld a significant portion of the 3rd secret of Fatima during it's June 2000 release. The evidence indicates that the Vatican did release the real "vision" part of the 3rd secret but choose to withhold a 23 to 25 line "explanation of the vision" that was provided to the Fatima children by the Virgin Mary apparition, directly after they were given the vision. Whatever is contained in those 23 to 25 lines is everything.

At this point, I believe it has been fairly well established that within the contents of the full 3rd secret of Fatima, their is provided a specific deadline or a time frame of the end of the 20th century or the full 20th century for either the BEGINNING or for the COMPLETION of the Fatima prophecies to unfold. What I wish to establish next is that the 3rd secret of Fatima is actually the "extension of the 2nd secret" and they are really one and the same, with the full 3rd secret of Fatima merely elaborating in more detail about the events predicted in the 2nd secret.

1) It has been a 60 year span between the "release" of the 2nd secret and the 3rd secret. But as the Fatima children would have received it, the 3rd secret was told to them immediately after the 2nd secret. So if you read both secrets together seamlessly one after the other as the children received them, you would notice a certain continuation between the two. And you might see that the core part of the third secret is a DIRECT CONTINUATION of the second secret....Examine here a part of the second secret => in which failing to obey the message would result in Russia "spread(ing) her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated."--and--"know that this is the great sign given you by God that he will be about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father."
And in the 3rd secret, we see the continuation and elaboration of: the persecution and martyrdom of Christians, the suffering of the Pope, and the destruction from war that was originally predicted in the 2nd secret, (from the official Vatican release of the 3rd Secret): "...the Holy Father passed through a big city HALF IN RUINS and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions..."


posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 11:29 PM
So do you think the secret (disaster) was averted and all is well?

Do you think they've covered up the secret and just got their time frame wrong?

What do you think the secret is?

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 11:43 PM
2)In fact, Cardinal Ratzinger(now the Current Pope) made it crystal clear that: the 3rd secret IS the definite ELABORATION of the 2nd secret. He provided this revelation buried deep within the supplied interpretation-commentary that was released alongside the 3rd secret of Fatima in 2000. Ratzinger stated in one paragraph(you can find it on the Vatican website): "Here it would be appropriate to mention a phrase from the letter which Sister Lucia wrote to the Holy Father on 12 May 1982: “The THIRD PART of the ‘secret' refers to Our Lady's words: ‘If not, [Russia] will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated'”--
And there you have the true gist of the Third secret of Fatima. Whatever is contained in the 23-25 line explanation by the Virgin Mary, of which the Vatican has withhold, makes it clear to those in the Vatican that have read the unreleased text, that the 3rd secret is the CLEAR elaboration of the 2nd secret. And Cardinal Ratzinger is letting it be known in a concealed fashion.

3) I also remember reading a decade ago, in my high school library, an old book about the 3rd secret, published in the 1950's or 60's, a quote from the seer(Sister Lucia) in which she commented(or wrote in a letter?) something to the effect of: "what you want to know (the 3rd secret), was in a way already revealed." -- which confirms again that the 3rd secret is an elaboration of "what was already revealed" in the second secret.

4) Father Malachi Martin, someone who has claimed to have read the 3rd secret, confirmed this connection as well, by mentioning that Russia was the explosive trigger of the 3rd secret, just as Russia is revealed as the key trigger of the 2nd secret:
"Russia, according to the text of the 'Third Secret,' was the regulator of the timetable."(The Keys of this Blood, Malachi Martin, 1992, pg 631)
"The actual contents of that "Third Secret" remained by and large a secret until the pontificate of John Paul II. By that time, the contents had been revealed to a sufficient number of people on a private basis, and both John Paul himself and Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger had spoken with sufficient frankness about the contents so that at least the essentials could be reliably outlined. Lucia's single-page written formulation of the "Third Secret" covers three main topics. A Physical chastisement of the nations, involving catastrophes, man-made(war) or natural, on land, on water and in the atmosphere of the globe. A spiritual chastisement(religious persecution), far more frightening and distressing--especially for Roman Catholics--than physical hardship, since it would consist of the disappearance of religious belief, a period of widespread unfaith in many countries. A central function of Russia in the two preceding series of events. In fact, the physical and spiritual chastisements, according to
Lucia's letter, are to be gridded on a fateful timetable in which Russia is the ratchet."(The Keys of this Blood, Malachi Martin, 1992, pg630-631 )


posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 11:51 PM
*The Point of demonstrating that the 3rd secret is in fact the elaboration of the 2nd secret is to reveal that * IF * (BIG "IF") the 3rd secret is about the FUTURE rather than the PAST....THEN: not only is a worldwide mass religious persecution and martyrdom and the death of a pope foretold by the Fatima prophecies for the future, the 2nd secret reveals that this religious persecution will be accompanied by wars throughout the world, famine, and the annihilation of various nations. *AND* that it will be preluded by the rise of a Russian tyrant that will reign terror and persecution against the Church and this Russian tyrant would be a leading initiator and provoker of wars. Also that there would be a future sign that God would send in which the "night...(is) illuminated by an unknown light."

For the Third Secret to be about the future rather than confined to the 20th century events is for the Second Secret of Fatima to be significantly more about some post 2000 era then about world war II. Perhaps the only part of the second secret of Fatima that had fully to do with world war II was the line "if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the Pontificate of Pius XI" and the rest of the second secret was actually a prophesy of a more distant period of war decades after the second world war....Making it a prophesy that partly touched on three periods of global war within a 100 year span.

But in these posts, I have only demonstrated that the 3rd secret itself contains a definite reference to either A)a deadline of the end of the 20th century for the start of key events. or B) a timeline of the 20th century for completion of the foretold Fatima events. ---So even if you believe the Fatima prophecies are divine, your still left with two completely different and opposing possibilities.

[edit on 19-11-2009 by Phantomfire707]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Signals
So do you think the secret (disaster) was averted and all is well?

Do you think they've covered up the secret and just got their time frame wrong?

What do you think the secret is?

I do think we are headed toward the changes that will bring about the fulfillment of the Fatima Prophecies.

I think the answers to your second and third questions are provided in the rest of my "continuation" posts that were submitted after you read the beginning parts.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 12:05 AM
I think the Vatican is hiding the real #.
How come the Virgin Mary was so concern about Russia and forgot about Hitler???
Also...if you swap U.R.S.S for U.S.A it makes a lot more sense in my opinion without disrespecting our fellow A.T.S American friends.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by upnorthtrip

How so. If you move the R you get USSR.

ugh, nevermind.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
reply to post by upnorthtrip

How so. If you move the R you get USSR.

ugh, nevermind.

URSS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
19 Sep 2009 ... URSS is an alternative spelling of USSR, e.g. reads as Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques in French, Unión de Repúblicas ...

It was a nice joke though.


[edit on 19-11-2009 by upnorthtrip]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by upnorthtrip

the jokes on US.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 12:26 AM
I believe that it is likely the fatima prophecies are satanic in origin as are the prophecies of Medjugorje. In fact the 'Mary' visitations at Medjugorje led to doctrines in complete opposition to the Bible and the primary mission of Jesus Christ. This so called Mary made the claim that all religions are of God and all roads lead eventually to God etc.

One can compare this to what Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life, no one can come to the father except through me." and "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." It also fits the description of the spirit of antichrist since it denies the need for Jesus Christ's suffering on the cross.

The problem with the Mary visitations is that Mary veneration has degenerated into idolatry, the same idolatry that was found in pagan times in the form of Asteroth or Astarte, Ishtar (from which we get the name Easter) etc. There are hordes of powerful demons associated with this ancient cult whose modern form is Mary worship.

Thus I am extremely suspect with regards to any of the so called Marian prophecies. Demons often fulfill prophecies of disaster by causing the disasters if they can get away with it. Thus I take Fatima as no more than wishful thinking on the part of some denizen of hell.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by upnorthtrip
How come the Virgin Mary was so concern about Russia and forgot about Hitler???

The world that I believe we are approaching will make WWII and Hitler look tame in comparison.

Hitler didn't have nukes to play with. If the events of the Fatima prophecy are of the future they are possibly a part of the final apocalypse. A time of great martyrdom and annihilation.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 12:39 AM
thank u for the time to put this information..
for me is hard to believe anything that the church says..even the popes.
but if is true and u mixed it with everything is supposed to happen in these couples of years, then i would think from christianity that the russian men is to be the antichrist.
but who knows..

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
I believe that it is likely the fatima prophecies are satanic in origin as are the prophecies of Medjugorje. In fact the 'Mary' visitations at Medjugorje led to doctrines in complete opposition to the Bible and the primary mission of Jesus Christ. This so called Mary made the claim that all religions are of God and all roads lead eventually to God etc.

I fully support and welcome your above comments. It is a good position to hold. They very well may be demonic. I can only say though, that if the Fatima prophecies begin to come true in the future as I described....that at such a time it would be proper for doubters of Fatima to seriously reconsider their beliefs about God's non-plans for Jesus's mother.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 12:50 AM
I never understood what gives the church the ability to create the word of god? Besides "thats the way it has been" and because they have a pretty church, why is it taken as truth? What gives those who are in power the "power"? I'll be honest, I am not looking to be convinced of a god or that this particular religion is right. Just why is that this particular "revelation or secret" so important. What qualifications do you need to be a prophet?

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by katnes
thank u for the time to put this information..
for me is hard to believe anything that the church says..even the popes.
but if is true and u mixed it with everything is supposed to happen in these couples of years, then i would think from christianity that the russian men is to be the antichrist.
but who knows..

I think the Antichrist would be a different person. The Antichrist may come after the Russian period, rising out of the disaster that the Russian causes. The Russian may even fulfill the end-times prophecy of the final invasion of Israel, thus opposing the Antichrist in the end.
For various reasons I believe the Russian leader that will rise to power is Vladimir Zhirinovsky(see wikipedia: ). Like Hitler he is considered a joke before gaining major power. He would turn his wrath against the West and anything western by punishing the Catholics among other things. I have even seen a video of Zhirinovsky violently ripping a cross off a priests neck. It would take an economic collapse, conflict over Kosovo, and President Medvedev paving the way for "free and fair elections" in Russia, for Zhirinovsky to become the President.

[edit on 19-11-2009 by Phantomfire707]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 01:05 AM
The secret is that Satan would take over the Catholic church!

That began on June 29,1963,when the church of Rome and a sister church in South Carolina performed the Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer!

The book of Revelation clearly describes the Catholic church coming back into power again in the Ebd-Times,as we are seeing now.(Google
ope,World Political Power)

Look at the past atrocities committed-admittedly-by the Catholic church. It's nothing like what's still to come.

By the way,The Catholic church was involved in the formation of the Islamic religion.(Which would coincide with the end-times statement that believers in Christ would be beheaded for their faith!) That,and you can also Google:Guillotines in America! See,by beheading a person,they are able to save vital organs for harvesting!)

Dont take my word for it. You can research it pretty easily.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 01:07 AM
I swear I did not put that dang smiley-face there !

Is that Satan trying to make fun of what I said?! (Creepy!)

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