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Is it all right to do Chakra meditation every day?

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posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:50 PM
I started listening to these videos every day with headphones on:
Is it too much for every day to do or is it all right to listen and meditate like this every day?

[edit on 17-11-2009 by sphinx551]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:40 PM
I would do it once a week, and be careful where you download stuff and what you listen too. You are in a state when you meditate that may see you take in more than you want from the sounds etc....

You do not know who put those sounds up and what may be in them. But on how often you should do it, just once a week, when you feel you have peace and time too.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by sphinx551

I do not see any danger in 'meditating' daily while watching and listening to vids like this. It depends on HOW long you do it and HOW you feel afterwards I guess.

Generally you can say, for those who are not yet regular meditaters, do not do it longer in min. then your age. F.e. 55 year = 55 min. max.

It can help you to focus although Meditating realy is making the mind EMPTY and focus INWARDS ..... making it empty is NOT feeding the mind by any of the 5 senses

IF however you are trying to relax ...... you should try Holosync® sound, made by the Centerpointe research institute.

You can get a free demo CD

go to


posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:42 PM
I will just keep doing with I am doing. I still think once a week is enough though. I will do it once a week.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:23 PM
Be careful of my opinion because I am a reckless one, but from my experience, whenever I thought I overdid something I learned quite a bit from it. As with all things perceived bad, or suffering etc.. if you shift your perspective to accept it as a learning opportunity then it can be empowering.

I'm sure my chakras have been up and down when I first started, by this process though I really got to learn the effect of each one. Having one chakra very innactive or very ACTIVE can make you realize what it really does for ya, but also likewise, if all your chakras are balanced you realize the great potential waiting for you, and understand how they all operate together.

I used to over-do my brow and crown, and from that it was like I was floating through life. I could dream big, but getting things done materially was a big struggle. It took me a couple years to really even discover my root chakra, which i'm told is common.. and hell.. i can't imagine living without working on it.

You can do these little chakra survey tests to see where you're at. What I found was my heart and throat were very open naturally, and the rest of the upper ones were pretty open, but my solar plexus, sacral and root were pretty innactive.

I also had lower back pains.. as soon as I sorted out things sacral related, the pain shifted up a bit... then i sorted my solar plexus problems etc, then heart, and now my back feels great. All this took a few years though.

But the point is, i was deffinately over-doing some chakras and not enough emphasis on the others, but its part of the learning process.

I balance my chakras every day, as I meditate every day for varying amounts of time, and the first thing I do is make sure everything is functional, starting with the root.

The more you open your pathways the more you may realize that it helps to work your way up as far as chakras go. I used to just go into a deep trance without any chakra emphasis and I'd get a headache from it, but I was fine if I made sure everything was flowing.

You'll eventually get a feel for where the flow is stuck, and yes at first, the sense of flow will probably be subtle for you. Picture it like your a baby learning to use your fingers and hands. You have to develop the pathways.

Anyways, I'll give you some tips. When it comes to this sort of stuff there is no shortcuts only what your subconscious allows, or what you realize.. its sort of a lesson in stubborness, as it seems everything i've learned is incredibly simple and I don't know how I missed it before.. but thats part of this awareness thing.. you get more sharp.

I find Qi Gong really helps for keeping an easy balance. You might want to give that a try. Sinking into a deep trance is awesome though but it can get more dissorienting I find unless you are able to really pull yourself back down, root yourself afterwards.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:25 PM
I got lots to say really but if you have any specific questions i'd be glad to share what I know from experience.

Again, i used to be very reckless and impatient but because of that it caused me a bit of trouble but really highlighted the nature of things.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by CavemanDD
I got lots to say really but if you have any specific questions i'd be glad to share what I know from experience.

I had an interesting experience. When I was listening to the Throat Chakra part of the meditation, I started to sense some energy shifting around my throat area. I could definitely feel the energy. I wonder if this is a good sign?

[edit on 18-11-2009 by sphinx551]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 03:43 PM
Those videos are kinda cool. Thanks for posting them. I don't think it would hurt to listen to them everyday, as there is no proof of them actually do anything.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by SatanChrist]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 03:46 PM
when it comes to chakra stuff i was only told not to do them at night
for you want the chakras to close as you get ready to sleep, not open and get spinning again

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 03:49 PM
You can meditate as long as you want as many times as you want. But, you may want to read up on how to protect yourself from Psychic attacks, energy attacks, etc... That way you know how to protect yourself when you are the most vulnerable.

They usually talk about how to protect yourself... very basically... in books that deal with Astral Projection. Even if you don't want to have an OBE... you can still use the information for regular meditation.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Hermes8
when it comes to chakra stuff i was only told not to do them at night

Oops. That's when I pretty much do chakra meditation, right before I go to sleep. I do tbe meditation in bed.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 04:08 PM

Could some one point me in a direction of where to start.

As in a site?

I would really like to start medating but i would like to read about it first.


posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by sphinx551

Any kind of new experience is good. Its learning, its bombarding your perception with new ideas, new feelings etc.

You feeling that probably shows you that its open. I've read from different sources that the feelings can be strong at first if its your first time really exploring that chakra. For instance, I thought I knew were my sacral and solar plexus was for 2 years until I did some qi gong and felt like a powerful electrical burst in my navel, followed with some bubbling feeling below the navel. And thats when I read it to that thing about feeling strong sensations when the chakras are first really bursting open. They are all very subtle now but.. hmm.. its sublte in a different way, but i deffinately know they are there, and unfortunately know too well when they are off, as it comes with some powerful feelings both physical and energetic, so much that I'm really trying to work on some good shielding techniques. You may have experienced some discomfort around people, well.. next time you feel that you can assess where that discomfort is comming from, and ask yourself why.

I learned that alot of what I thought I was feeling I was just picking up from others. For instance, an emotion like anger is so strong in the air and thick that you could cut it with a knife so to speak.. a discomforting vibe to be around.. but again, if you weren't aware that it was from someone else, you may be picking it up as if it were your own.

It sounds complicated but its not. Think of yourself like a fish, travelling in a school of fish,, they move, you move with them, feeding off each others "vibes" for directions, exchange etc. You'll experience it all soon enough and you can ask someone then, or do some reading, or just go with your intuition as to what you think is happening, what it is your feeling / experiencing.

Another one you may have noticed, I find this one is another profound one.. a big burning, drilling sensation in the top of your head. Opening of the crown.

Anyways, its all very basic stuff but i think its more of a matter of understanding how basic it is, and what affects what. You feel things deeper, and stronger, and your life's experience deepens with it. The more you make a habit of trying to feel these things, work with them, the more you'll be able to feel them. Its confusing though for sure until you start to see the effects of it. Take for example... standing with your hands to your side. Put your attention to your hands, they might begin to tingle. Now with your finger from your other hand, move it slowly up the tingling hand... now remember that feeling of your finger running up your hand... now.. with just your tingling hand, feel the path the other finger made across it... just like imagine your moving a point of feeling / awareness up and down your fingers and hands etc.. and work to make it go up and down your arms and all through your body.

I realized I was actually doing something with these imaginary circuits when the tingling sensations spread and got deeper, as well as it really helped with meditation and unlocked some neat little tricks, nothing huge to me really, but enough to show that i was deffinately moving SOMETHING around my body with this seemingly just imaginary feeling.

So, in the same principle..try and feel your chakras. I found after almost 4 years that there was a very simple way for me feel and regulate them.

I remember when I first started meditating, I would come out of a deep trance with this liquidy feeling in my brow chakra.. it was like my head was swimming, and i just wanted to lay down and float with it. I think that may have been because the energy was blocked because I don't feel it like I did back then. I feel more balanced. The only kind of real head swimming I get now is when I drink coffee and such. You begin to really see how it affects you.

This like expanding awareness thing seems like.. increasing your sense of soberness, and when its a little off, you really notice it.

Working on the chakras feels like getting really sharp senses and finding some peace and function amongst a storm of scattered thoughts, insecurites, limitations and useless things bogging up your state of being.

Liberating to say the least. Happy chakra-ing.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by sphinx551

I do not listen to anything.

May my mind be still. May I think of nothing (otherwise known as everything). May I be not a thinker, but one that is 'BE'ing.

I meditate 3-4 times a day.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by CavemanDD

I have another question.
Is it all right to do the chakra meditations in bed before going to sleep?

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by sphinx551
reply to post by CavemanDD

I have another question.
Is it all right to do the chakra meditations in bed before going to sleep?

There's not a karmatic authority that dictates meditation's effects, it's purely up to the individual. The more the better.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by sphinx551

I meditate whenever I can find a time to do it really. If it just so happens that I need to squeeze one in late before bed then I will, but its like another poster said... actually.. even if I meditate hours before I go to bed it can make it more difficult since i'm so charged, that's where rooting comes in. There's no trick to sleep... how many nights you lay there and think "ok i want to sleep but its not happening" Its simple, your in a state of relaxation.. its like when you go to just crash on the couch after work, and you wonder why you fall asleep so effortlessly. Your in such a state where you just want to sink into restfullness.

It can get confusing as you begin to observe the transitions of consciousness. I know I have had many nights where I observed myself sinking into sleep, and in some rare occassions, it was like for 8 hours I was hovering in the physical, i was just present there while sleeping, sort of like a deep deep trance. Pain in the ass sometimes.. I'd feel myself sinking asleep, and i'd suddenly wake up. What i've learned from that has been interesting, sometimes I think there is something that needs my attention. The higher consciousness is a really interesting thing.

But anyways, this whole now meditation before bed I think is simply concerning that. As long as you can bring yourself back down to a state conducive for rest I see no harm. In fact, if you go about the right way, a little meditation can actually relax you enough without overstimulating you, and it can make the sleep process easier as you are able to quickly let go of your day and anything normally swimming around in the thought pool.

If you want to do some sort of meditation before bed but are concerned about the grounding, might I suggest you stare at a candle flame, and maybe burn something like.. I burn sage because I can get it from the grocery store, and its supposed properties, but other then that is smells good.. but.. I've been told that the root chakra is linked with your sense of smell.. and I get that.. you smell that and everything in your mind just goes quiet and you feel relaxed... mixed in with staring at a flame or something.. no mind.

You get a feel for it, what works, what doesn't. I've had many many many, and still have many nights where I've been too over stimulated. Sometimes I'd have to pretend like i'm meditating just to get to sleep, and afterall, it is a transition of consciousness in itself.. so I might start counting my breathing, getting a rhythm etc... doing anything I can to not think about how much sleep i'm losing.

Become pure relaxation. Let go of everything. Remember the last time you crashed on the couch and the very idea of thinking and doing stuff wasn't even present, all that was there was the need to release and the experience of sinking into that release.

I don't think theres a wrong time to do anything, but I think what they're getting at is you should be aware of how everything affects you and when it comes to meditation, it has the potential to really charge some chakras that work counter to your need to sleep.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by CavemanDD

And I have one more question.
Which one of the two links I posted in my original post do you think is better/more effective in your opinion?

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 11:49 AM
Not only is it OK, but you will benefit from it a great deal. Likely you will have a Kundalini awakening if you took it that seriously. I wish I had the time to do it every day. My chakra meditations are in depth and a bit time consuming, yet absolutely worth it. My only regret is that I did not begin doing this earlier in life. However, my timing is perfected in the end.

My friend, you will answer your own question once you do it!

I wish you a fruitful and happy experience!

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:53 PM
As far as youtube videos go I like these. For my chakra work I use an audio cd since I have the visuals memorized.


Video Part 1

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