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Is cosmetic surgery an answer...... ?

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posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 04:13 PM
There is a good , and bad side to most things in life.
Cosmetic surgery has made a lot of people's lives better ,
giving them hope they didn't have in the past .

But recently , children as young as 12 , have been getting
liposuction to reduce their weight problems .

Is this the right approach .?
Why is the fix , worse than the cure ?

... Surely the simplest solution for an ever enlargening
population , is education about diet and exercise ,
rather than just temporarily fixing their waistlines
and surgeons back pockets.

This should start from a young age , and be re-inforced
with community involvement ,.

The benefits are obvious . A healthier population ,
presenting less of a burden on society .

A longer and happier life , without the need to rely
on a crane to get out of bed....?

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 11:58 PM
i paid good money for teh crane taht hoists my morbidly obese body out of bed every day.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by radarloveguy

Can diet and exercise make you a size zero? At best it could make one look like the kids from the 1960s, and that's not the ideal of beauty anymore. With guys, diet ansd exercise can also not make you as muscular as current imagery demands. You'd probably need steroids.
While we need to discourage obesity with healthy diets and exercise, it's strange how evey trend gives rise to its opposite. Perhaps some Yin-and-Yang force? I think our common idea of "healthy" needs to shift both ways. A bit of realism would be a start, especially in advertisement and media focus.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by radarloveguy
There is a good , and bad side to most things in life.
Cosmetic surgery has made a lot of people's lives better ,
giving them hope they didn't have in the past .

But recently , children as young as 12 , have been getting
liposuction to reduce their weight problems .

Is this the right approach .?
Why is the fix , worse than the cure ?

... Surely the simplest solution for an ever enlargening
population , is education about diet and exercise ,
rather than just temporarily fixing their waistlines
and surgeons back pockets.

Diet and exercise isn't the simplest because doing is far harder than saying. But yes, I do agree it is stupid to get lipo at 12 when the kid will just gain it all back if they don't learn how to keep it off. I guess people will use their money for whatever they want though.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 03:24 PM
Sometimes yes...sometimes no. In the end it's up to the person, we could argue all day as to whether they are doing it for themselves, people around them, social pressure. But in the end it's the person going under the knife that has to make the decision. And i support that. For overweight problems it does seem like a quick fix, i think for the majority a good diet and exercise would be far more beneficial. Then again, i don't like to run another persons life in regards to such things. So it's up to them at the end of the day.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 03:29 PM
I have been obese since 1st grade in elementary school. If I had the option of getting cosmetic surgery then to fix this life long disease I would have said HELL YEAH. Sometimes I feel like my whole youth was a prison sentence.

If I would have known then what I known now, I would have also taken care of myself.

To cure obesity in 2 months.

1. Stop eating.
2. Start running.
3. Cured.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 03:29 PM
I would not use cosmetic surgery, but if you have money then its upto you. I went upto nearly 20 stone in may of 2008. I started doing exercise as i knew if i left it any longer, i could need that crane to get out of bed.

Jogging every morning, and brought of around 4 stone since then,a nd i still have my stomach but its massively down.

For me even though i see ads with cosmetic surgery, i know i just want to get down to a weight thats me, and i do not care about muscles. I just do all cardio exercise no weights at all, i will lose this weight eventually and i reckon it may take another 2 years or so. thats life.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 02:36 PM
Difficult question. I guess a few years ago it was just a must for Hollywood stars to look forever young, but today it seems everyone wants to stay 25 forever and as it's not THAT expensive anymoe, more and more people have plastic surgery. I just get the creeps when I think about people like Jacko, who obviously got adicted to it and in the end looked like a monster... it can really backfire, and if I see all those botoxed party girls in their mid twenties I guess there's something quite wrong in our society...

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