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This World Is A Mental Asylum

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posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:19 AM
The world we live in is a mental asylum. The majority of the people on this planet are insane.

We are almost emerging into the year 2010, but if you ask me, we might as well still be in the 1600's where they burn you at the stake for thinking the world is round.

Some examples:

New York's Gov. Paterson declares H1N1 state of emergency

New York Gov. David Paterson issued a sweeping executive order Thursday officially declaring a state of emergency due to the increase in H1N1 cases, including 75 H1N1-related deaths in New York state.

Oh my! 75 deaths! Wow, let's declare a state of emergency.

Court hearing held for six tied to group seeking Islamic state in U.S.

Six men appeared in federal court Thursday, a day after they were arrested in raids targeting an African-American Muslim group that the FBI said sought to establish an Islamic state in the United States.

Yes good idea. A country with over 300 million people should turn into an Islamic state!

Somali women beaten for violating Islamic law, officials say

Militants who control parts of Somalia's capital city are beating women in broad daylight for violating their radical brand of Islamic law, according to local officials and witnesses in Mogadishu.

Let's beat up women for not wearing socks!

A 15 year old girl kills a 9 year old.

Girl gangraped for 2 and a half hours as about 20 males watched.

Mother cuts her 7 year old son's throat.

Poll finds U.S. anti-Semitic views at historic low

"At the same time there continues to be violence targeting Jews and an increasing use of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories," Foxman said in a statement. "We can't dismiss that 12 percent of the American people means that there are still over 30 million Americans that hold anti-Semitic views."

Oh wow, 30 million Americans just hate Jewish people. Obama passes hate bill, anything fishy? Seems to me like the hate bill is there to only protect Jews.

Israel demolishes more Palestinian homes

Suleiman: Tel Aviv behind Katyusha attack on Israel

US senators attack Goldstone Report


In the wake of the Goldstone Report and amid the nuclear threat from Iran, 10 state senators, through the American-Israel Friendship League and the National Conference of State Legislatures, are on a study tour of Israel.

There are about 1.2 Billion Muslims in the world (22% of entire population)

There are about 2.1 Billion Christians in the world (33% of entire population)

Madoff $50 Billion Ponzi Scheme

Obama signs $680 BILLION dollar Military Defense Bill:

Mafia hitman kills a guy in broad daylight, and people just watch him die, and don't care.

The list can go on and on.

Religious fanatics, brainwashed dumbed down kids, murderers, rapists, terrorists, psychos, etc.

The entire world is crazy.

The world WILL NOT continue to exist if these psychotic people of this world keep doing what they are doing.

We are almost in the year 2010 and OVER half the world's population is religious? When were the religions founded? Thousands of years ago!

We just have a bunch of Neanderthals wearing modern day man clothes. Their brains have not evolved.

Do you think with the general population being dumbed down and stupid that the disclosure project will ever happen? Do you think people want peace? There's no money in peace making.

Most people want Religion, Money, and Power.

Religion, Money, Power = EVIL INSANE WORLD.

The world is going to have to undergo a major event in order for people to wake up and stop being crazy.

What that major event is? Only time can tell...

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Emerald The Paradigm

The entire world is crazy.

The world WILL NOT continue to exist if these psychotic people of this world keep doing what they are doing.

Religion, Money, Power = EVIL INSANE WORLD.

The world is going to have to undergo a major event in order for people to wake up and stop being crazy.

What that major event is? Only time can tell...

Question is...will they wake up and stop being crazy, as you say, or are they too far gone? Will they kill each other off? Or will they direct their energies to those who expose them and who they cannot control?

Take a look at this:

[edit on 30-10-2009 by Alethea]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:32 AM
You expressed all this so well...S%F

We are not worthy of the air we breathe. WE (as a society), are the dregs of humanity...And the lies... they go on and on also.

The propaganda for the flu
is going to bring this country down completely,

"COME GET YOUR FLU SHOTS HERE"..... people lining in line demanding the shot so that they may live
.....FOX news and others reassuring the public that there's no need to get nervous...
...that there will be enough to go around....( enough live flu shots and nose spray to KILL you or at least make you retarded or at the very least, make you drool......)
And people are lining up, like zombies....... "I WANT MY SHOT"........:shk:

And the rest of it, cops on steroids, those satan worshipers in Washington, Crazy people doing the most horrific things..... Missing people...Kids....

This all has to have an ending and i hope its sooner rather than later.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:55 AM
I posted the following in a similar thread the other day...forgive me for re-stating it, those who've already seen it, but I think it applies here as well:

Ever been to a zoo and seen animals acting weird, doing strange repetitive behaviors? Pacing, digging, scratching compulsively, etc?

Some call this "Zoochosis." It happens because the animals' nervous systems are geared towards a certain environment, which is usually not a steel box with a plastic window and a few plants.

Beavers in captivity will even begin to build "phantom dams," fetching imaginary sticks from nowhere and piling them up to make an invisible dam.

I would submit that HUMANS are experiencing something very similar because we live in an environment that is very different than the one our nervous systems were at home in for tens of thousands of years. For almost all of our time as a species, we were hunter-gatherers, living in small packs of no more than 20 individuals, wandering. Agriculture is less than 10,000 years old. The industrial revolution happened a mere 300 years ago. And today's steel-and-concret, halogen-lit world is about 50 years old.

The world we have created is changing too fast for our nervous systems to keep up with. This world may be more "comfortable" than the old hunter-gatherer world, but that doesn't necessarily mean its healthy for us. We are like a two-year-old who has toddled into the kitchen and discovered a sack of raw sugar. The kid will keep stuffing his face with it, his tongue in paradise even as his belly groans in agony. If he keeps it up long enough, serious illness or even death will result. Our "comfort" is like the kid's tongue. Our deeper psychospiritual state is like the rest of the kid's body.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:59 AM
Good thread SF.

I personally, don't like the direction of the world.

And you know OP, that, that list, is extremely small! You really could've filled up the entire internet (lol not net savvy) with this stuff.

People are trusting the gov't, watching people get tortured, and killed, and just unphased, or think it's funny.

And these are the ones breeding

We're screwed.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:14 AM
It's just a game.
Enjoy the ride.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:32 AM
In 1600 99% of the people alive had no legal recourse against injustice perpetrated against them. A group of people you'd never seen could come in with force, murder you and everyone around you. And that was it.
Someone who didn't like you could stick a knife in you, or maybe just spread the word you were a demon. And that wasit.

Only a very small class of people escaped the toil and drudgery of day long hard work and basic survival. No real medicine, no concept of psychological problems, very little room for compassion and sympathy.

These conditions still exist for well over a billion people today. But there are a few billion who do have something resembling a comfortable lifestyle, access to education, travel, modern medicine, protection of their rights.

We only have skimmed highlights of how the vasr majority of people lived in the past. For all the kings and lords, creative people, adventurers, travellers, thinkers, there were ten thousand who lived as virtual slaves to masters, the land, the environment.

We have the luxury of display our craziness now. We don't get ostracized, punished, or killed for it. Often it's even rewarded.

Religion only drives a minority of people now. The clergy is weakened, as are national leaders. There is something resembling participatory government affecting most human beings today. As abused and corrupt as it may be a lot of the time, there are systems in place to protect children, the old, the infirm.

We have a long way to go where all people have enough to eat and some assurance of a decent way to live. Much progress has been made. We're not quite as ignorant, hateful or bloodthirsty as we once were.


posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by Fire Starter

I have myself catapulted from cannons for my fun. I dont need this.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by mmiichael

The ONLY tool that is single handedly changing the world is: Internet.

Let's all by the way say "Happy Bday" to Internet because it just turned 40.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
You expressed all this so well...S%F

We are not worthy of the air we breathe. WE (as a society), are the dregs of humanity...And the lies... they go on and on also.

Speak for yourself. I uphold humanity like the majority of the world. And I deserve, like my wife and kids to breathe air. Out of what, 6 billion people its only a few that are insane or "evil".

People like the OP only every look at the horrors in life and seem to be blinkered by the true beauty of the world and its inhabitants.

If you start going out of your way to look at bad news, its gonna change your view on society for the worse.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 05:00 AM
great post.

It reminded me of something Alex Collier I think said ... down in the science labs in Dulce Base... would play a recording on the intercom every 10 min or so... "Remember, we are here to cure human insanity

if by definition "sane" is total harmony and "insane" is disharmony ..

then what new "Bodies" might they be brewing up there for humans to transform into.... what genetic tools from Dulce would be used for a "slate wiping" before these new bodies would be introduced for us to inhabit..

ala ... book of revelations slate-wiping etc...

possibly the "locusts" and "beasts of the field" are being invented / bred there in order to precisely implement the apocalyptic scenario of the global slate-wiping that is to ensue before the New Age begins....

would we be forced to reach absolute insanity before reaching absolute peace?

hows that go... "only through total war can we achieve total living


posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 05:14 AM
I sure hope you had the DVD player set to record American ideal and Dancing With The Stars while you were making this thread! As for me, I had to spend a whole 15 waiting at the drive through at KFC to be served. Can you believe that? Also, when I was almost home, there were people walking slowly across a pedestrian crossing! The nerve these people have to be outside and exercising and making me wait while they leisurely cross the street and socialise with each other at my expense. It was only 30 seconds, but still. When I got home, my gf didn't feel like relieving my animal urges so I went on my high-speed connection and took matters into my own hand. There is a marathon of old Friends shows on TV tomorrow, so I told her I cannot be bothered going to the mall or walking the dog with her. Can you believe she cares about walking around some building going in and out of shops and talking with other people?

Yeah, I could die any second from a heart attack, aneurysm or even slipping on a bar of soap in the shower. But, this Friends marathon will probably only be reshown in 3-4 months so no time to waste right now!

Anyone in the mood for a laugh from all this depressing stuff, have a listen to the song "Americana" by The Offspring. It was released in 1998...

[edit on 30/10/2009 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 08:06 AM


The list can go on and on.

You only see what you want to see. If this is all the world you look for then this is the world you shall occupy.

Religion, Money, Power = EVIL INSANE WORLD.
In all the articles you linked, religion, money and power did not commit any of the evil, people did. Religion, Money and Power are human concepts. Saying that only a few human concepts are responsible for all human evil is pathetic and ignorant and the kind of immature excuse making that many of the offenders you list in the OP will probably rely on to rationalize their own actions.

The world is going to have to undergo a major event in order for people to wake up and stop being crazy.

What that major event is? Only time can tell...
Maybe, but if this is what you are relying on to change the world then don't bother. I have seen this rationale before and it is a cheap replacement for not getting of your own ass to do something.

Maybe we will just continue to take small steps, gradually getting better at being Human as we have done for centuries. Perhaps they would not be such small steps if those that are taking them did not carry as a dead weight, those only vocal in criticism about what has not changed but apathetic in action in regards to it.

"Be the change you want to see".

If you want change, revolt against yourself.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:31 PM
Agreed, right now it seems as tho we are at the height of hypocracy, the world is upside down, so to speak.
Soon tho everything will balance itself out and the earth will rid itself of parasites and cancers. We can't know unity without separation and we cannot know true peace without foolish wars.
Like the above poster said if you are going to revolt, revolt against the demons inside of you.

[edit on 30-10-2009 by thereaintnospoon]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:38 PM
Yep op is right, then the thing that gets me is that the police go after innocent people for being the victims. People just make up stuff and the police believe every word, about serious things and they really go after and wreck innocent people who just want to live there life in peace.

But yep this world is insane. People are just a joke, and if your not absolute scum, you cannot just live a life.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by atlasastro

What you said makes absolutely no sense.

Humans don't kill others for no reason.

There's always MONEY, RELIGION, Or POWER behind the intentions which is the ROOT of EVIL.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:38 PM
It does seem like the world is crazy- we are certainly a mixed up bunch that's for sure

We put people who can kick a soccor ball well and people who can pretend to be someone else up on pedestals and throw obscene amounts of money at them while the real hereos of the world don't even get a look in- we don't even pay half our hereos- they volunteer to put their lives on the line- out of the goodness of their hearts

and that is what we have to concentrate on- we have to look for the good otherwise we just won't see it- I agree with Astro- be the change you want to see- buying into the negativity is a depressing trap

I know how disheartening the world can seem, but we really have to believe that things will get better.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by Emerald The Paradigm
The world we live in is a mental asylum. The majority of the people on this planet are insane.

We are almost emerging into the year 2010, but if you ask me, we might as well still be in the 1600's where they burn you at the stake for thinking the world is round.

Some examples:

Poll finds U.S. anti-Semitic views at historic low

"At the same time there continues to be violence targeting Jews and an increasing use of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories," Foxman said in a statement. "We can't dismiss that 12 percent of the American people means that there are still over 30 million Americans that hold anti-Semitic views."

Oh wow, 30 million Americans just hate Jewish people. Obama passes hate bill, anything fishy? Seems to me like the hate bill is there to only protect Jews.

"Semitic" is not exclusively Jewish.

a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs; descendant of these peoples; a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language; a descendant of the biblical Patriarch Shem

Just wanted to interject that. Many people think "Semite" means Jew. It is rather West Asian and Northern African peoples.

Basically the whole Rainbow....



posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by Emerald The Paradigm
reply to post by atlasastro

What you said makes absolutely no sense.

Humans don't kill others for no reason.

There's always MONEY, RELIGION, Or POWER behind the intentions which is the ROOT of EVIL.

People die every day for no other reason than they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time

The root of all evil is ourselves, face it- we just aren't that evolved as a species- but I live in hope that one day we will realise our potential and that we realise it before we wipe ourselves out.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by Emerald The Paradigm
reply to post by atlasastro

What you said makes absolutely no sense.
Well it is not my fault you cannot comprehend the simple fact that Money, religion and the idea of Power are essentially human concepts and come from Humans and from our actions they have come into our everyday reality, we created them by our actions and they did not create us or our actions.
Sometime humans make no sense. You are trying to make sense of humans by blaming religion, money and power. But tell me, where did religion, money and power come from? Humans, so start blaming Humans.

Humans don't kill others for no reason.
I did not say they did. But killing comes from all kinds of HUMAN REASONING, some of that reasoning includes religion, money and power.

There's always MONEY, RELIGION, Or POWER behind the intentions which is the ROOT of EVIL.
Where did money, religion and power come from. Where they here before humans?

Stop looking for excuses and start looking in the mirror.

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