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More Canadian UFO govt files

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posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 01:14 PM

Few know that the Canadian government chose to release its UFO files in 2005 and 2007. Over 9500 files were released with no public consultation or notification. Amidst these thousands of highly tedious sighting reports and rambling administrative memoranda, the Canadian government hid sensitive documents that clearly demonstrate officials took the UFO matter very seriously. Measures were discussed to play-down reports of UFOs by using similar tactics employed by the United States Air Force. The ultimate indictment - a Canadian Director of Scientific Intelligence suggested that Canada put in place a plan in the event of a landing of a UFO.

The Library and Archives Canada collection of government records on UFOs was acquired from the following four federal departments and agencies: Department of National Defence Department of Transport National Research Council Royal Canadian Mounted Police These documents were accumulated between 1947 and the early 1980s and represent all records filed with the federal government on UFOs. There are approximately 9,500 digitized documents in a variety of formats, including correspondence, reports, memos and procedures. Some are specifically concerned with particular UFO sightings, while others are more generic in nature; these may consist of reporting forms and procedures for recording events.

Unlike the British Ministry of Defense and the French, Brazilian and Danish governments’ releases of their UFO files in 2007, 2008 and 2009 amidst widespread international press coverage, the Canadian government chose to make their UFO files release a virtual non-event. As demonstrated by the total absence of media coverage or public consultation – Canadian officials were quite successful in concealing its UFO involvement. No one, outside of a handful of UFO research experts, was aware that Canada had even set up the archived UFO data base.

Canadian Joint Intelligence Committee Memorandum - G.S. Austin, Director of Air Intelligence August 4, 1950: “The present USAF policy is to play down the subject, investigating only when considered necessary by the area commander without any special arrangements for reporting or investigation. It seems that a similar policy on our part would be wise and that it would be undesirable to produce a special questionnaire or make any arrangements for investigation since this would tend to give publicity to the matter. It is suggested therefore that sighting reports should not be solicited…”

No other letter, yet uncovered, more pointedly indicts the Canadian government as does the suggestion made by a sitting Director of Scientific Intelligence concerning the development of a plan in the event of a UFO landing on Canadian soil. He states to the Director of Air Intelligence, “You might also consider it advisable to add that should the Flying Saucer actually make a landing on Canadian territory, the nearest RCAF Command should be advised immediately by telegram… Maybe we had better talk over this when you have thought it over.” A.J.G. Langley, Defense Research Board Director of Scientific Intelligence - April 19, 1950. It is worthy of note that Mr. Langley does not use the word “crash” but uses the word “landing” to describe a flying saucer’s controlled descent to alight on Canadian territory. To any trained observer or student of language this statement indicates Canadian officials seriously considered the possibility of a successful landing by a vehicle of unknown origin that might be under some type of intelligent control. One can only conclude that UFOs were of operative and imminent concern to Canadian officials.

Cranbrook, British Columbia A Stainless Steel Saucer Hovering And Jet Fighters HBCC UFO Research Note: I am not exactly sure when this sighting took place, but will see if I can narrow down a time frame for this sighting. The reason why this is an important sighting is due to the fact that many witnessed observed a saucer shaped craft that landed at this airport the eyewitness speaks about some years back. So I will be checking into this and see if I can contact all of the folks who were involved. I read a article on UFO in Kelowna, B.C. It was interesting. I have seen a UFO in the daytime about 150 to 200 feet in the air. It was a long time ago in Cranbrook, B.C.. We had been fishing at a place called Swanzies, a creek south of Cranbrook when my dog was run over and killed by a car. So we loaded the dog into the car and we all left drove back home. We got a shovel and drove to a dirt road that ran parallel to the old Cranbrook airport. The airport was abandoned at the time not used anymore. While we were digging the hole for the dog to be buried, there was something reflecting sunlight back at us from behind. We didn't pay much attention to it until my Uncle said, what is that light ?

Dean is among dozens of Canadians who reported seeing an unidentified flying object last year. His description of the eerie encounter is one of 186 official UFO reports filed with the police, military and federal scientists.

i tried to make a small compilation here...

unlike the USA & UK UFO cases, i think that there are much more less covered UFO cases......

Canada is no exception....

i heard also that part of the Montauk work is done in Canada...

so what do yo think?

There are many countries who start to reveal their official UFO govt cases......

oh, yes, Nikola Tesla condcuted his hi-power electro tests in Canada....

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by deejayiwan

Hi, deejayiwan.

Here is an allusion/reference to the German VRILL,
from a Canadian case:

View letter and report. . . B-)

Blue skies.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 04:54 AM


just read to this letter

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 02:33 PM
Thats actually a nice way of doing loudspeakers on deception...just a quiet release and let the public discover it over time...with the "well, its been there the whole time, nobody bothered to look" attitude.


posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by deejayiwan

The one who wrote this letter is Rudolf Goy. I found that info in a book at page 66. The book can be found online here

M. Goy seems to have been a Luftwafe pilot during the Spanish civil war acording to this site.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:41 PM
Steve Michalak looked inside a landed saucer.

With better results then Bob Lazar.
He saw the central suspension system.
Look at a video re construction and you will see it as well.
ED: The elite Canadian industrial cartels most likely make
the flying machines based on Tesla's design .

[edit on 10/29/2009 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by deejayiwan

The Library and Archives Canada collection of government records on UFOs was acquired from the following four federal departments and agencies: Department of National Defence Department of Transport National Research Council Royal Canadian Mounted Police These documents were accumulated between 1947 and the early 1980s and represent all records filed with the federal government on UFOs. There are approximately 9,500 digitized documents in a variety of formats, including correspondence, reports, memos and procedures. Some are specifically concerned with particular UFO sightings, while others are more generic in nature; these may consist of reporting forms and procedures for recording events.

I have to challenge the veracity of this claim. It is possible the Canadian government has released all the documents if:

1) Documents concerning classified military UFO encounters were destroyed,


2) Documents concerning classified military UFO encounters are simply passed up the NORAD chain of command and are in the possession of US government agencies or non-government agencies.


3) No records are ever made of military UFO encounters in Canada, unless they are easily explainable phenomena or hoaxes (as per the Robertson Panel Report's recommendations).

The Canadian government likes to maintain a facade of openess concerning UFO reports. They even have a civilian, Chris Rutkowski, who is the official recipient of UFO reports from government departments. Note that this is not an "official job" for Chris and to my knowledge, he is not paid for these services he provides to the Canadian government, aside from his real day job in public relations for the University of Manitoba.

Chris will on occasion even produce the odd report from a military source, but it should be emphasized that so far, all of these reports are of easily explainable phenomena. This is to be expected since unidentified 'aircraft' fall under the responsibility of NORAD. The Canadian government does not control policies on reporting unidentified objects originating from military sources in Canada as Canadian airspace is under joint Canadian/US control.

So although you will find files from National Defence in the National Archives, this is mostly just the most mundane correspondence with the public and other government departments.

I don't know if files from other government departments are complete. I am aware of some sightings which were handled by the RCMP which I could not locate in the archives, but it is of course possible that some files were simply misplaced or reports were never entered into national files that are archived.

[edit on 29-10-2009 by bluestreak53]

[edit on 29-10-2009 by bluestreak53]


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