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Are other countries follow suit, in US collapse?

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posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 12:50 AM
I've read a post on this site that I found interesting.

"In peaceful law abiding countries like Japan and Australia, people will help each other and wait patiently in long lines for food and other necessities. "

Now the part I don't understand is why would other countries, specifically advanced, or developing ones such as India, China, Japan, Brazil. Why would they be at rock bottom like the US will?
The post that followed the above says that as US citizens wait in line for food,like a depression, and so will other citizens of such countries mentioned in my last paragraph.

Aren't they already preparing for this to happen with secret aliences, and meetings? Brazil, for example felt the crisis, and feels it still. However the country is prospering, and jobs are ample. It's like the crisis never really happened.

Will, other countries be in the same shape as the US in an American Depression? My personal opinion is that their way of life will not change much at all, not affected at all, they'll continue to prosper. Let me know what you think.

[edit on 28-10-2009 by Redneck from Hell]

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 01:19 PM
Hey Red

I agree somewhat with your conclusion. There will be many places on the globe that a true global meltdown will not affect. Places where people live and work on their land, who survive without electricity, running water, mechanisation, and pay no land or personal taxes will come through this crisis in better shape than those in the developed world.

One of the reasons that countries outside Europe and North America will suffer as badly as us is that the most advanced economies are in a deficit situation and those debts are owned by countries such as China. When the US either defaults on its debts or brings the dollar down so low that the debts by comparison become insignificant, then all those surpluses these other countries thought they had (dollar loans) will become worthless and they will be dragged down with the US and Europe.

Currently there are very good odds that this will happen within the next 5 years. Many predict this will happen within 2 years, but as the future is not yet written we may be able to put so many spanners in the works that their plans don not happen at all or are significantly delayed.

Although the stock markets appear to be doing very well in comparison to recent performance this is only temporary. These stock markets have a good chance of continuing their rise for sometime, and this will enable the elites to make yet another killing because when they decide to get out of the market there will be another even greater crash and you better hope your also out of the market by then. It's worth mentioning that there will be significant inflation and anything you can do to protect your finances against this will serve you in good stead. Don't trust paper investments, gold and silver are king. The euro will not suffer as bad as the dollar and pound but even this currency cannot be relied upon in the long term. There are some little island states around the world that have traditionally been so poor that they have not been involved in the bankster fraud of the last few years. Today these economies are strong and many are finding their currencies rocketing against the dollar and pound. If you don't want physical precious metals these are a reasonable alternative, however if it were my money I'd be buying gold and silver.

Another matter of note is the coming war in the Middle East, this will spread across national boundaries and in these places people will deliberately become so impoverished by the elites that the only way they can feed themselves and their families will be to sign up for the military and/or mercenary armies.

If you still wanted that info from a while back let me know.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 02:39 AM

And YES, a million times YES, I still would like that info. The thing is that by your last U2U I was so confused as to the mechanics of the matter, even communication between us, that I was just overwhelmed.

If there is a way we can work out a concrete method of communication that would make things alot more clear. Thank you again man.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 02:47 AM
Seems to me some of the smaller countries have already "fallen/collapsed". Iceland, for instance. I don't think we are getting all the news about what has happened in smaller countries.

Maybe the US will be the last to go, rather than lead the fall.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 02:57 AM
If you look at the hard stats, Japan has fared worse in the current downturn than America or the other "G8" developed nations. Japan has a rapidly ageing population that will need healthcare, and a dwindling number of young workers in the pipeline to support them. They import 40%-60% of their food, depending on whose stats you trust. (Compare that to the US, which is still the world's largest food EXPORTER). Japan's government debt is almost twice its GNP...a level far above that of the US or any other developed nation. A lot of the manufacturing there is moving offshore to cheaper places, like China -- the same process that started in the US in the 80s. It's not a question of "will happen." Its already happening there. The only thing that might cushion the blow is a higher level of social harmony and a high personal savings rate. But the numbers look grim.

As for China and India, well, that's a more controversial kettle of fish. There are positives and negatives to be weighed. But both countries have VERY opaque financial systems, and there is a lot of fabrication of statistics going on, so its hard to see the "real situation." Remember, too, that each of these countries has a billion-plus people, most of whom are desperately poor. Although they do have large and growing middle classes, these represent a very small portion of their total populations. These nations also lack the material resources to extend these benefits to their whole populations, which could cause grave social problems a few years down the line as the 90% mired in desperate, stone-age-level poverty gets increasingly angry at the small elites. The poor in the developed world live much better than the poor in India or China. China, in particular, has a long history of peasant revolts. I doubt its a history that has had its final chapter written. On the plus side, these countries are scrambling to snap up resources around the globe. Can they do so ahead of the collapsing US/Eurozone economies? Stay tuned, campers...

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by Redneck from Hell

I think we've already seen that nations who have maintained their independence in agriculture and industry are fairing better. Those who refused to give up their ability to provide for their people by "going global" are not feeling this as much as us.
Any financial institution will advise you to diversify your investments to safeguard your money, and our nations haven't diversified. We didn't maintain enough business within our countries to provide for the working, we didn't maintain agriculture to provide enough food for the people, we didn't limit our financial interactions and instead allowed them to become so global and complex that the problems in one country becomes a crisis for every nation they deal with.

Every government that has supported globalisation, while abolishing financial regulatory systems, has failed their nation and their people.

But, the people are to blame too. We should have all been a little more patriotic and bought products and services produced by our nation.

And that is the way I think it will go in the future. People are going to start to boycott the big business names in favour of smaller, local business. We need to destroy the corporations who are running the show, the ones funnelling wealth to a minority.

In the meantime, things are going to continue to get worse as the dollar and the pound struggle. And even if they do announce that the crisis is over, it isn't, all that debt has to be paid eventually, and it has to be paid by the public. Even when they say it's over, we'll all be paying off this debt through higher taxes and suffering the lower standards of living for decades to come.

Countries who continued to work the farm will barely feel anything.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Alethea
Seems to me some of the smaller countries have already "fallen/collapsed". Iceland, for instance. I don't think we are getting all the news about what has happened in smaller countries.

Maybe the US will be the last to go, rather than lead the fall.

Agreed, but Iceland is still part of the modern, western, European pack. I was referring more to little island states that no one has ever heard of.

It is possible that the US will be last to go, however if that happened I believe it would be down entirely to behind the scenes manipulations.

I also agree that Japan has fared worse than the US and Europe, this is emphatically shown by the decline in their stock market. However I believe the Japanese state of mind, or national personality, will help them greatly.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 01:25 PM
Will other nations follow the USA collapse?

No.... the USA in it's present stance will become an even greater Parriah
to the world community.

greed, manipulations, fiscal unrestraint...
a redux of the French Revolution is a very possible event in the FED-USA...
with the rest of the world looking anxiously at what unfolds so they might excape that similar fate !

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