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Were the Anasazi visited by E.T's? (pics)

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posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 08:04 AM
you guys might want to visit a new thread I started for another slant on this
Research: Anasazi at Chaco Canyon knew how to open portals to parallel dimensions

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by DaddyBare
I just don't see them getting far over land.

the vikings probably wouldn't have traveled overland, although they were pretty adept at surviving and thriving in rugged landscapes and not shy of a fight with a hostile tribe or two.

if they did travel, i'm fairly sure they'ld have used waterways. are there any rivers in the area that drain to the east coast?

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

they have rather large pointy ears...must be from this solar system

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 09:33 AM
If these ancient cave paintings are simply depictions of normal people,why dont they have the faces and bodies of normal people?
Even a very small child can draw a crude smiley face and body,and you would imagine that whoever did these paintings was probably seen as the most artistic and creative in the tribe?
If so,then why the difficulty in drawing an accurate representation of the human face?

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by scobro
If these ancient cave paintings are simply depictions of normal people,why dont they have the faces and bodies of normal people?

If so,then why the difficulty in drawing an accurate representation of the human face?

Well, first, they aren't normal people. They represent Kachinas, see my above post.

Second, even in depictions of normal animals and people, the art is not an accurate depiction but rather symbolic and abstract.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

That is pure speculation on your part!
The fact remains,that no matter how "abstract" these drawings are,all over the world you will barely see an authentic representation of the human face!
Not all of these paintings are depictions of ceremony,many are scenes from everyday life,so why be so vague in their depiction,just for the sake of it!

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by pieman
the vikings probably wouldn't have traveled overland, although they were pretty adept at surviving and thriving in rugged landscapes and not shy of a fight with a hostile tribe or two.

if they did travel, i'm fairly sure they'ld have used waterways. are there any rivers in the area that drain to the east coast?

100%! They did things the old fashion way, go to random area, and live off the land. They do not need cities to thrive, even camps work for them, and they live for a good fight! Even better, gokstadt ships were made for any water way, the reason they were so awesome at raiding europe is because they can sail into the shallowest rivers and fjords.
Check this map:


I think it more than enough that they could have got to the gulf of mexico. Look at the Mississippi alone! Norse artifacts have been found around Hudsons Bay, so I see no reason they could not have gone from there faaaar south!

Originally posted by scobro
That is pure speculation on your part!
The fact remains,that no matter how "abstract" these drawings are,all over the world you will barely see an authentic representation of the human face!

And aliens visiting is just speculation on your part! You answered your own question, barely see human face represented world wide? Does that mean a) all these faces are alien b) all these faces are human? Id put money on b. It is hard to draw on rock, good luck making realistic pic. If you had paint maybe but I think they mostly use chalk.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by scobro
That is pure speculation on your part!

None of it is speculation at all. The Anasazi were the ancestors of the modern Pueblo people and share a common culture with them. "Pure speculation" is claims the rock art represents aliens or Norsemen.

Your description of rock art furthers my point. You don't see not just humans, but anything depicted with 100% accuracy. Even animals are abstract and symbolic.

[edit on 28-10-2009 by DoomsdayRex]

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by DoomsdayRex
"Pure speculation" is claims the rock art represents aliens or Norsemen.

in fairness, saying they represent anything is pure speculation, including kachinas, we don't have a clue what they actually represent.

kachinas is a good explanation but it think that the other explanations have validity.

[edit on 28/10/09 by pieman]

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by scobro
That is pure speculation on your part!
The fact remains,that no matter how "abstract" these drawings are,all over the world you will barely see an authentic representation of the human face!

And aliens visiting is just speculation on your part! You answered your own question, barely see human face represented world wide? Does that mean a) all these faces are alien b) all these faces are human? Id put money on b. It is hard to draw on rock, good luck making realistic pic. If you had paint maybe but I think they mostly use chalk.

I am sorry,but i don't remember ever claiming these were aliens!
I merely wondered why there were not more examples of basic human features,two eyes,a nose and a mouth!
Are you seriously telling me that this image was easier to paint than a basic human face?
I beg to differ!

(sorry about the strange link.The site is not fully represntative of my beliefs)

( on 28-10-2009 by scobro]

[edit on 28-10-2009 by scobro]

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 06:47 AM
You're right, you didnt say that, I assumed because of what you said and what thread its in... my bad.

Remember art is art. Remember expressionist and all those crazies? Example I made about the Simpsons? What about stick figures? There is a circle for a head, lines for limbs, no fingers, but we still know!

I personally dont think that is a strange picture, look there are 2 eyes and a nose, absence of mouth usually represents calmness or not talking, or thinking to oneself (think Dilbert comics).

The only thing that might be strange is around the head, which could be hair-style, or a head wrap, helmet..?

Who knows, as has been said they are crude, on cave walls which lasts, but rough surface. What I find more interesting is some pics of Jesus have some dice behind his head, and I know I have seen cave paintings of other people like that. Weird stuff, thats all we can conclude!

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by Ridhya

The Rio Grande has never been a river you could sail up. That's why there are no ports along her banks... during a hot summer it doesn't even make it to the gulf Dries up long before that, and when it does run it is a wild fast flowing river... at least it was before man built dams. Here white water rafting the Rio is the big sport but that's a one way trip by boat, downstream...

No they would have had to walk overland to meet and greet the Anasazi. that would mean up threw old Mexico threw what we call paseo del norte (El Passo) and up the junta del muertos. No water for hundreds of miles through the worse part of the dessert (They would have passed throught what is today called White Sands Missile range)... The Spanish did it, but only with big wagon trains loaded with food and water for the hellish trip, not all of of them made it... hence the name (junta del muertos) You just have to live here to understand how unlikely a trip like that would be, how unlikely Vikings would ever meet the Anasazi

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by DaddyBare
You just have to live here to understand how unlikely a trip like that would be, how unlikely Vikings would ever meet the Anasazi

Not only that, but they would have passed through the territory of other tribes, who would have some sort of record of these strange people.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 07:41 AM
you guys seem very opposed to the viking idea. if it had been vikings, would that bother you? it wasn't so long ago that people said vikings never made it as far as the US at all, that's why i find this interesting.

i understand the rio grande was probably difficult to sail up but on ridhya's map above there looks to me as if there are other options, especially a couple of the tributaries of the mississippi and missouri. any reason to rule them out,
bearing in mind that viking ships had a 3' birth and could make 14 knots? a 5' river channel with a 7 or 8 knot flow would be fairly navigable by viking standards especially where oars could be used.

[edit on 28/10/09 by pieman]

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by DaddyBare

Hey Im not saying *it was* Im just going with what I know, and it is more probable than aliens to me.

You yourself said they (Apache) traded up north and could have escorted. I dont see that as improbable. The Norsemen traded with various tribes and made war with others. Same as different natives relationships with other tribes.

You also said the Hebrew might prove the Hebrews travelled that far? Now THAT I find unlikely, I suppose going through Africa then across the Atlantic or something, but that is a feat and a half. At least with the Norsemen we have more than enough proof they were there, just maybe a stretch they made it down that far.

I also thought egyptian artifacts in America were intriguing, but lots say they were hoaxes. Have you heard of that?

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by Ridhya

Look there's no doubt the old and new wold hand some form of interaction way back into prehistory.... that Hebrew on Inscription rock is thought to be 3,000 years old, if true it predates the Anasazi by almost 1,500 years... I only bring up how unlikely it...

Still to throw another slant there was this researcher from India who speculates the Hopi people have their roots in India... ??? SO you have to wonder how they could have made that trip from India into northern AZ???

There are a lot of questions about the new world... Just how long people have been here? Who those first people really were... Why did the Anasazi build roads wide enough for ten semi-trucks to line up side by side when they never invented the wheel?

I hope someone finds the answers in my life time but I really doubt we'll ever know

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:59 AM
Dont get me wrong Im not trying to change topic into a Norse topic, but I wonder same as pieman, does it bother you if it had been them..?

Gotta be optimistic you gotta be the one finding out before you die! You gotta be the one discovering the truth, dont wait for others til its too late!

What I liked most intriguing other than the egyptian artifacts in America, was the native stories that there were other people there before the Natives came. (now not being a buff on this I do not remember the tribe thats said this)
But it also corroborates with the Spanish saying they say tall white people on the shore.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Ridhya
But it also corroborates with the Spanish saying they say tall white people on the shore.

i've only heard of giants down in patagonia, the southernmost tip of south america. were there giants reported in the nothern part of america?

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by pieman

Originally posted by Ridhya
But it also corroborates with the Spanish saying they say tall white people on the shore.

i've only heard of giants down in patagonia, the southernmost tip of south america. were there giants reported in the nothern part of america?

Giants not so much but there are stories (Hero Twins)
in the southwest Thunderbirds (Monster Birds) are the prevailing myth... there suppose to live at the top of "ship rock"...

Shiprock Peak
(Tsé Bit' A'í - Rock With Wings)

Shiprock Peak has a number of other myths and ceremonies associated with it, these being the Bead Chant, the Naayéé’ee Ceremony, and the Enemy Side ceremony. The Naayéé’ee ceremony has a story of a large bird called, Tsénináhálééh (Picking Up Feathers), a bird that lived on top of Shiprock Peak and flew to Roof Butte (Dzil Dah Neeztínii - Where the Mountain Went Out on Top) to get men, never women. The bird went to Roof Butte every day. He is not at Shiprock Peak any more, but lives in the Sun’s house. He was the child of the Sun and Changing Women. There are also stories told of Shiprock Peak in the Enemy Side ceremony.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by pieman

You know I dont recall... I may just be thinking what you're thinking of but I could swear it was at the southern North America so maybe far down America or even Mexico. But I might just be mixing two things.

Makes me wonder because there was a lot of talk about Greenland 'pygmies' who were supposedly native inhabitants, description seems more like leprachauns to me!

reply to post by DaddyBare

Ive heard a bit about Thunderbird... do you believe they were UFOs?

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