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New US Capital location needed

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posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Grayelf2009
With whats comming down the pike I thought this should be discussed. I feel that most Americans are christian or have similiar values. Basically most of us want a better life for our family/kids and don't worship Owls in the woods of California. So why is the nations capital and related buildings laid out on a pentogram??


I don't want it there anymore. Seriously.
We could reclaim the land , put in a big nice park like that one in NewYork I never been too yet...sigh.
I don't think Denver would be good either because of the DIA thing with the thing with the you have Plucky running around on her bike distracting everyone

Anyway back to topic I think maybe a small town to start with. Lots of different aspects to work out....What say you ?

Wasen't sure where to put this one mod...move if nessa....

[edit on 24-10-2009 by Grayelf2009]

If you look it up there are other symbols used in DC as well. They are all masonic.

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