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Would It Be Possible to Sue President Obama for Campaign Contributions obtained under false pretense

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posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 10:09 PM
President Obama as Candidate Obama gave a false impression as to what he intended to do once he got into office. On the basis of outright lies many people were persuaded to contribute money thinking that they were helping their country. Candidate Obama claimed to be a Constitutional scholar and therefore promised to uphold the Constitution and swore an oath on Lincoln's bible to uphold said Constitution, but he has violated it several times. He requested money be sent to him so that he would not be beholding to big business but he has shown himself to clearly be a puppet of big business.
Many legitimate donors sent money to Obama's campaign, it wasn't all big business. I was sold a bill of goods by Obama and would certainly like to get even some of my money back. Obama was required to keep records of the people who sent him more than $200. I think a refund is in order or maybe a class action suit is necessary

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 10:11 PM
I would sure take my vote back if I could.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 10:23 PM
Tough break friend but a good object lesson none the less.

Politicians the world over all have one thing in common regardless of the party they belong to or style of government they work in or serve.

They all lie, they all lie all the time.

Government since the days of the Roman Republic has always been about one thing first and foremost.

Drawing a line between the haves' and have nots'.

Some call this the thin blue line, as in the Police which are but one arm of a government that like all governments exist for one reason.

To protect the Rich from the poor. To insulate the Rich from the poor.

Government governs the poor on behalf of the rich. On one side of the line below the government are the poor, on the other side of the line above the government are the rich.

It's always been that way for thousands of years and the important thing to remember is one single person no matter what they promise can not change that.

It's a system that is bigger than one person, and if one person says they can change it for you, for the people, they are lying to you or lying to them selves or both.

The question you have to ask yourself is did you really not know better or were you lying to yourself thinking one man could change something that only all the people can change together. The people won't change it by electing or appointing a man to a system that has always been designed to seperate the Rich from the poor, the people can only changing it by ending the system that seperates the rich from the poor. They have to do that all together all at once, or it never will happen at all.

Look at it this way, if you didn't know better, for what ever you invested in Obama's campaign you have now learned one of life's most valuable and important lessons.

If you did know better and where lying to yourself...well lets just say that will always cost you one way or another.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 10:23 PM
If Obama wasn't eligible to run for President that is another fraud. I really want my money back.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 11:02 PM
How is this any different from:


or any number of other lies we were told by the men who would later become president? Why pick on just Obama? This is politics man, quit whining.

Seriously, how is this news?

LOL, did you believe the things he said????

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 11:04 PM
Don't you think it's time we changed politics as usual?


posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 11:46 PM
I think we in the U.S.A. have gone so far passed the intentions of the Constitution that we can't sue for anything of value from our government, nor individuals in the central government.

When I listened to a sound bite of Obama speaking about how he likes the two party system, blah blah blah,,,,,,,,,,,,a bell went off in my mind. Two party system. Yep, it's the norm and accepted. But that isn't what was intended. Two party system, and one controls the other for a time and then the pendulum swings back the other way. Right/wrong. Black/white. Left/right. Um,,,,,,,,there are other folks in between and we need a voice, too.
Nobody's going to sue and get anything worthwhile out of it as long as our government is controlled by just 2 parties.

It is a time for revolution concerning politics in this once great nation of the United States. It won't happen though. Not in my lifetime.
We are heading for a one world governence that will control everything that really matters on a global scale, and these little patches of dirt will contain people who squabble amongts themselves, just to be able to place someone at the tables edge of the great feast of the world, and get a few scraps.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 12:21 AM
Nope. A campaign contribution is a gift, not a purchase.

Spend less time on the compouter, more time on the streets. Strike. Clog up the streets of DC with yourself and your friends. Complaining is useless, activism - key word being active - is the proper tool.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by m khan
Candidate Obama claimed to be a Constitutional scholar and therefore promised to uphold the Constitution and swore an oath on Lincoln's bible to uphold said Constitution, but he has violated it several times.
Such as...?

He requested money be sent to him so that he would not be beholding to big business but he has shown himself to clearly be a puppet of big business.
By doing what exactly?

I think a refund is in order or maybe a class action suit is necessary
Even if it were possible (which I doubt that it is) I think you'd actually have to be able to prove damages.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by Enigma Publius

Yes I believed the things that he said. I had no reason not to. He out and out lied. He said he would restore transparency to government. He said he would give us time to read the legislation. He said he wouldn't hire lobbiests for his advisors. He told lie after lie after lie. We have been cheated. We supported his campaign because we wanted our country back. Now he wants to hand it over to the UN. He's going to tax us to death with Cap&Trade and the Healthcare and destroy the middle class. I personally can't afford healthcare. I spent $3700 on his campaign, (not all at once but in response to multiple pleas) that I couldn't afford because I would never have forgiven myself if he had not won. You forget so fast all the things that he promised. He was going to get us out of Iraq.I didn't know at the time of the election that 911 was an inside job. I thought probably that the CIA had killed Kennedy, but that was the extent of my awareness of conspiracy theories.So I didn't realize that he was probably (after the fact) in on 911.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 08:38 AM
link you sue the President. Which judge picked by said President is going to hear your case?

Keep in mind, trying to sue the President--any President-- for false promises is about the only issue that will unite ALL POLITICIANS regardless of party affiliation.

Instead of suing Obama for your money back, I should think protesting his policies and legislation would be a better use of time.

At least that will prevent him from getting even more money from you -- which is exactly what's happening now.

Your initial campaign contribution [by the way, Shame on YOU!
] was nothing -- the man is bleeding us dry as we write about it....

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by m khan
reply to post by Enigma Publius

Yes I believed the things that he said. I had no reason not to. He out and out lied. He said he would restore transparency to government. He said he would give us time to read the legislation. He said he wouldn't hire lobbiests for his advisors. He told lie after lie after lie. We have been cheated. We supported his campaign because we wanted our country back. Now he wants to hand it over to the UN. He's going to tax us to death with Cap&Trade and the Healthcare and destroy the middle class. I personally can't afford healthcare. I spent $3700 on his campaign, (not all at once but in response to multiple pleas) that I couldn't afford because I would never have forgiven myself if he had not won. You forget so fast all the things that he promised. He was going to get us out of Iraq.I didn't know at the time of the election that 911 was an inside job. I thought probably that the CIA had killed Kennedy, but that was the extent of my awareness of conspiracy theories.So I didn't realize that he was probably (after the fact) in on 911.

Well I still haven'ty been convinced he had anything to do with 9/11. My point was that even if you are a somewhat democrat like me (who happened to love the things Bill Clinton did for our economy) I still was not naive enough to think he could possibly deliver everything he said in his campaign speeches. Here's two points for you to think about to put this in perspective in my opiniopn:

1. First off, it IS pretty much tradition that a man doesn't deliver all of what he promises us in politics. Can you neame any president in the last 20 years that was able to hold true to even 50% of what he promised to get elecred? And I'm not saying they didn't mean it at the time which brings me to point #2.

2. Did you see how much older Obama looked just minutes after his meeting with the NSA during the transition period? That is the meeting where they bring him up to speed on classified top secret things the public does not know, and the behind the scenes look at the Bush administration and policies. He looked like his dog got run over and I swear he looked ashy and pale right after that meeting. I would imagine it was here that he learned that he wouldn't be as "in control" as he thought and that certain things he wanted to change were not actually his decision to make, he was introduced to the "Oz" behind the curtain and learned that he would have to just "go along" with certain things. I believe Obama really waanted to change some things in his heart, he was afterall one of the only people to oppose the Iraw was vehemently from the start, but he just doesn't have the power to do what he wants.

The system is slanted to the core in this two party-ONE party system, and this is on par with what we get.

Also, he has raised more money to help him out than anyone in history...some 1 billion dollars from people like yourself...that's a lot of favors isn't it??????

I feel for you, but i wonder just why you were surprised. I still don't understand that. But I do feel for you.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by Enigma Publius

I had your point of view up through Jan and Feb of this year. But then I ran into articles showing that he was probably recruited into the CIA and was at least in Columbia a student of Zbigniew Brzezinski who helped train Osama Ben Laden. I believed like you do that Obama was a sincere individual who suddenly found that tackling the powers that be was a bigger job than expected. However, he apparently was working for them from the start and they, rather than he, crafted his personna. His book, that proved how brilliant he was, was actually written by Bill Ayers. He lied and cheated from the beginning. The controlled media helped him. Biden got into all kinds of trouble for plagerism because he messed up his quotes, but the news that Ayers, that he claimed not to know, had crafted Obama's book would have prevented him from getting elected. I gave him the benefit of the doubt all through January until I ran into an article on Fema camps and another on Bush's involvement with the JFK assassination and realized that not just I but America has been had and big time.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 02:04 AM
Organizing for America
name here--

On Thursday, Vice President Biden called out the insurance industry's escalating war on health reform in a special message to OFA, and asked for your help in fighting back.

Sure enough, the insurance industry is already stepping up the attack: Reports just leaked from a closed-door meeting where insurance industry lobbyists frantically warned Republican members of Congress that it was not in their interest to "ever vote for this thing" and said supporting reform is like "giving comfort to the enemy." USA Today is reporting that groups opposing reform are lobbying at "a record pace" -- and the Associated Press notes that they've already spent an astounding $32 million on TV ads this year.

This is what we're up against. President Obama, Vice President Biden, and all of us together through OFA are fighting back -- but success depends on having the resources to win.

Can you chip in $25 or more today to power our campaign?

In this fight, the insurance industry has their war chest and insider lobbyists. We have you. I know who I'm betting on.

Let's win this thing.


Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 02:05 AM
They're asking us to dig our own graves

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