posted on May, 23 2004 @ 01:47 AM
I would shoot it in 1 leg, then the other botha s many times as possible as is needed for it to not be able to move anywhere...., and try to
get it not able to hurt me, or anyone, or be able to move anywhere, snap a heap of photo's, Get back to the car. go and get some tranquilisers from
somewhere asap, Also quickly buy a video camera also. and come back with a few people, some rope, etc. Take it to the Nearest zoo for treatment of its
wounds...make sure it's still tranquilized and groggy, not able to hurt anyone...(of course not kill it by over tranquilizing it....oh yeah...and
call the news while i am doing all this and get them to come down and do some video cameraing, for it to be on the news, and i be known as the d00d
who got himself a bigfoot and threw it in a zoo. Of course there will be some angry and sad animal activists out there and one hell of a sad
bigfoot...But aint that a bit too bad.
If people try throw me in jail or say i was doing animal cruelty by shootig it too much so it wouldn't move...i just say it tried to attack me, i got
scared, so i shot it in the legs so it couldn't hurt me...They wont know any better. If it dies via blood lose....well the same story goes.
I sound a bit cruel dont i? lol
[Edited on 23-5-2004 by DaRAGE]
[Edited on 23-5-2004 by DaRAGE]